Happy Biggest Loser Day!! I just have to say it’s really COOL that my Birthday also fell on Biggest Loser day ~ it’s like my day was meant to be awesome from the start! The Husband woke up early just so he could be the first to wish me a Happy Birthday before my Sis (who is up early like me texts) and of course, I read all the FANTASTIC messages from you all.
One of my AWESOMEMEST (yes, it’s a word!) friends went to the office early just so she could decorate my desk before I walked in……
Not to mention leave the CUTEST towels ever…unless you are someone like me who thinks they should be converted to placemats LOVE!!!
I think my favorite question of the day was when co-workers came up to me to ask, “Is today your birthday?” I had to resist being a smart @$$ and saying no, I just wanted to put the sign up to celebrate me I know it’s a question everyone asks….but, I think it’s funny ~ just say Happy Birthday!
I actually had been planning out my birthday eats for like a week now. I knew I wanted to keep it low in points+ and high in protein to keep me satisfied.
Another super smart reader told me I NEEDED to try out the Uncured Peppered Turkey Bacon at Trader Joe’s.
I’ve honestly picked it up and set it down a bunch of times unsure I’d like the pepper flavor. But, when she told me you get TWO slices for only ONE POINT+ I was all over it!
Why have 2 when you can have FOUR CRISPY, CRUNCHY, SALT & PEPPER slices of Turkey bacon for only TWO POINTS+. This bacon is thinner than their usual and honestly might just be my favorite new thing.
One GIGANTIC egg white fluffy that The Husband asked if I “whipped my eggs really fast” to make. Of course, I told him yes (1 points+)
ZERO points+ sides….banana and blueberries.
My breakfast clocked in at only 3 points+ ~ AWESOME!
Lunch was more of the same, but, completely delicious the next day.
Island Soyaki Stir Fried Vegetables (0 points+)
Weight Watcher’s Chicken Fried Rice (4 points+)
Topped with my FAVORITE hot sauce, Sriracha ~ My entire FILLING lunch was only 4 points+! I also checked off lean protein, whole grains and a serving+ of vegetables!
My REAL MOTIVATION for saving up my points all day was because I knew my day was going to include a trip to SIFT CUPCAKERY! I <3 my friends because they know that all birthdays should include SIFT
Then again, they also know I sorta have a thing for their cupcakes…..until, I discovered this!
That my friends is one of Sifts NEWEST creations ~ A Snickerdoodle Whoopie Pie!!! 2 Snicker Doodle Cookies filled with cinnamon cream cheese frosting….OMG….honestly, this might be the BEST THING I’ve ever had in my life.
We cut it into 4 squares and I had two…..sweet, cinnamony, chewy, melt in your mouth good! My estimate since I have no clue (16 points+) to be safe.
When I got home The Husband had SURPRISE #2 waiting for me (Surprise #1 being my spa day!) He actually DROVE all over town to the stores that Biscoff listed on their site and then called them to find out they are 2 months out from carrying their spread in the store.
He actually then jumped in his truck and drove all the way to the CITY and back to bring me the BEST spread in the world ~ BISCOFF SPREAD & COOKIES
He had planned on baking me a cake complete with Rainbow Brite Toppers, but, ran out of time….He still managed to find a RAINBOW to give me LOL ~ he is such a clown?!
Scratchers! His card made me all sappy…my friends told me I am getting mushier because I am now a year old….do you think that is true?!
The BIGGEST SURPRISE OF ALL though is that I cannot believe The Husband managed to keep it a secret from me that he planned (FOR DAYS!) to have my parents drive into town to meet us for dinner. My parents were originally going to be in Colorado on vacation, but, stayed here so they could go to dinner with us!
As we were heading to dinner and I was telling him about my fun day and how I never even heard from my mom….they must be busy having fun in Colorado…sad they forgot about me…..yada, yada…..as we walk into HISUI JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE they were there waiting <3!!!
Best Surprise Ever!!! The last time we were at Hisui was for our anniversary. It is one of my favorite places because honestly I LOVE Hibachi and Sushi!
Miso Soup (2 points+)
Salad with their house dressing (4 points+ estimate for the dressing)
I am SO PROUD of The Husband and My Parents for being adventurous ~ I not only got them to eat SUSHI, but, they ate raw spicy tuna with me and liked it!!
I had 2 pieces for 3 points+
I “heart” fried rice
I only ate half of this bowl and gave The Husband the rest 5 points+ (1/2 cup)
My favorite part of the entire meal is their veggies….
And the “flaming volcano”…..
I kinda think it would be cool to have a stove like this at home….imagine how much cooking you could get done LOL….
Since you get FREE Hibachi on your birthday, I was all over the Lobster, Steak and Shrimp. I gave The Husband my steak, but, ate all the lobster (sans 1 bite I gave him) and shrimp. (6 points+)
5 points+ and it’s totally because they add mounds of delicious garlic butter! I think it’s pretty cool that weight watchers online includes hibachi points+ online.
I was actually pretty sweeted out after that cookie today but The Husband made sure I “wore” shared a little of his ice cream.
I LOVE my family ~ they are the BEST!….just one of the many awesome gifts that My Mom gave me…..she scrap booked an entire album of the Half Marathon I ran with my sister (her first half marathon ever) last year. Sister LOVE!
Oh and she found a way to include a RAINBOW in my birthday too! Told ya LOL….
All in all, I think I did GOOD on my birthday considering I could’ve pretended that points+ didn’t count. I feel like I chose what I really wanted, enjoyed it, counted it and stayed 100% on program….WIN!
What is your favorite thing about celebrating your birthday?
For me it isn’t about the presents, it’s about all the fun things that your friends and family do/say to make you feel special. From the texts/emails/messages to the calls, decorations and cookies ~ I am such a little things person….I LOVE that over the BIG presents.
Night all!
You really know how to celebrate! Which I love. I heart birthdays. I wish you the best and most awesome year ahead!!!!!!!!!!!! oxoxo
What an awesome day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Happy Birthday!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! I love the rainbow 🙂 and YUM Biscoff is SO good.. I have one jar left in my pantry, I’m hoarding it.
Nice job!! Sometimes on special occasions it’s so easy to throw in the towel and celebrate by eating; although, we all know that isn’t the right mindset to have – there will always be something you can celebrate so being able to make good choices in these moments make all the difference. What a GREAT husband you have too….sounds like your bday was awesome!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE! What a great day! 🙂 We are going for sushi and habachi tonight and now I’m so excited. 🙂
Glad you enjoyed a wonderful birthday Danica!
Happy Birthday Danica! Wishing you the very best.
What an awesome birthday!!! Glad you enjoyed your day!
I just hit up TJ’s for those chopped veggies yesterday! Now, looks like I have to go back for the bacon!!! YUM!
Happy Birthday Danica!!! You have become my daily inspiration, no one makes Weight Watchers as livable as you do, YOU ARE AWESOME!! I am glad you like the bacon, I knew you would.
Happy Birthday!! Thanks for sharing your special day with us!! You are SO right! It’s the little things that make a BIG difference!
Ah, what a great Birthday Danica!!! I’m so glad you had a great day and what a surprise with your parents showing up for dinner!!! How awesome!
Happy belated birthday!
awe…happy belated birthday to you!!!
First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Sounds like you had a fabulous time & your dinner looks amazing! What a great surprise that you got to see your parents. Great job staying on plan 🙂
Happy Birthday Danica!! Looks like you had an awesome day….Hibachi is one of my favorite meals too! Are the vegetables at a restaurant like that free? I know our’s put’s teriaki sauce on them while there cooking….just wondered.
Thanks for all the information everyday!! I look forward to your email everyday to learn more about tasty meals you can have and still follow your Points + and stay on track.
What a fantastic, wonderful birthday celebration from start to finish!! And you soooooooo deserve every happiness — Happy Birthday from me to you & thanks (as always!) for all you do! xo
Birthdays are an important day, they help you remember all the great things that happened during the year and It seems you have a lot of great memories, Have a Happy Day, and Your always in my prayers and on the heart, you are an Awesome lady and Lucky to have family and Hubby like you do, always remember they love you and talk to you later. Love and respect!
Aww looks like you had a wonderful day! 🙂 You deserved it! 🙂
Happy belated birthday!!! You and the husband look so cute!! You look so happy 😀
Looks like you had a wonderful day! xoxo
SOOO glad you had a great birthday!!! you deserve the bestest 🙂
Happy Birthday!!! WoW that cookie looks so good!!!
happy birthday!!!! what if jillian had appeared on your doorstep to work you out at 6 am as a birthday gift!?! …is it weird that i would have considered that an awesome present?
aww, happy birthday! it looked like a great day. 🙂
happy birthday!!
AWWWW! What a great birthday!! Oh… and happy birthday!! 🙂 What a suprise to have your Mom and Dad be able to be there. SO COOL!!
That whoppie pie looks amazeballs!
Happy belated Birthday!!! Looks like a great day!
I have a twin sister and we basically celebrate the whole month of March – we each have kids with March birthdays too! 😀
what a PERFECT day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!