Happy Hump Day all! Ok…so I think I officially have FAVORITES on The Biggest Loser. I LOVE The Purple Girls ~ they are hilarious and I totally agree with them….CURTIS STONE is HOT! I don’t know if it’s his looks, his accent or that he made them some delicious food, but, I want to win a challenge to be in the kitchen with him
I do have to admit though, I LOVE how bonded the “Unknowns” are….there is just something to be said about team work and what they did at the “egg toss” was AWESOME!
And how cute is the DAUGHTER….OMG, her little speech got me misty.
Thanks again everyone for all the birthday wishes and comments on yesterday’s post. I kinda like celebrating my “un-birthday” today reading them.
Ok…moving on to today! I couldn’t wait to dig into breakfast this morning.
Sara Lee Whole Grain English muffin (3 Points+) with 1 Tbsp whipped Butter (2 points+)
2 Slice Trader Joe’s Peppered Turkey Bacon (1 points+)
6 points+ and it kept me full until lunch, 5 hours later ~ awesome!
I have been sharing my Chicken Fried Rice and Soyaki Veggies with my Co-Worker so today is the last day you get to see this delicious 4 points+ Mix.
I couldn’t wait to bust into my BIRTHDAY COOKIES from The Husband!
One reason I LOVE these Biscoff cookies is that you get FOUR for only 4 points+ ~ That’s right, they are only 1 POINT+ each!
Honestly though, I think it is their simple ingredient list that gives them such an amazing flavor….brown sugar + cinnamon = LOVE!
I had a mini Biscoff Party with my co-workers….2 cookies & 1 Tbsp Biscoff Spread (which by the way, tastes EXACTLY like the cookies) (4 points+).
Dinner tonight was Leftover Creamy Crockpot Chicken over 1/2 cup Brown Rice (7 points+). I think leftovers ALWAYS taste better the next day. The Husband actually requested to have this for dinner again too
I am pretty sure I am going to have some TJ’s Social Crackers and Cheese with some cuties for snack while I catch up on The Bachelor since I have so many points+ left and need some dairy.
Do you have a celebrity crush or just someone you think is HOT?
Ok…first ~ The Husband!!! I used to ALWAYS LOVE Matthew Mcconaughey after I saw him in A Time To Kill (blond curly hair, southern accent), but, then he “grew up” LOL. Now, hmmm, I think I am digging Chris Daughtry (I am a sucker for his look and how he can sing?!) and ummm, maybe Curtis Stone for his accent and cooking skills
I could probably list more, but, I will stop there
Night all!
Ryan Reynolds tops my list! And Paul Rudd for the cute factor.
Mario Lopez!! Oh that man…*swoon* 🙂 His dimples kill me!
I think Taye Digg’s is VERY VERY sexy!! A fact my husband is aware of! 🙂 Have a great rest of your birthday week!!!
I know this will sound weird, but Anderson Cooper is soo hot to me. Even though he’s about the same age as my mom…
But I loved Curtis Stone in BL! But I was so disappointed by the black team…:(
Good lord Danica!! Do I , I have a list!! LMAO….I have rock star crush….SImon Le Bon and I have met the man have had my pic with him and let me say he smells oooh so good!! LOL…Movie crush Ryan Reynolds…TV crush…well it was Josh Duhmal when he was on Tv and LL Cool J!! Ok thats it for now!! 🙂 I know I am crazy 🙂
hahah curtis stone is amazing lol i love the purple girls too!!! and i like the green d’girl and i kinda like the pink team. o well. haha i loved the egg thing too, i ‘cracked’ up when the purple girl said that she was envisioning curtis stones head as the egg and to not drop it!! LOL
I’m with you…I used to be a Matthew M. fan, but then read somewhere that he didn’t use deodorant. Ruined it for me. Before him there was Bradd Pitt…but then he cheated on his wife. Again, ruined it for me. I watched Curtis Stone on The Biggest Loser and thought…hmmm, I wouldn’t mind him making me my egg white omelets on Sunday mornings!!! Chris Daughtry…yum. Saw Daughtry at the House of Blues in Orlando and was truly amazed by his sexyness…
I’m a Patrick Dempsey fan…way back to the “Can’t Buy me Love” movie.
I’ve always been a sucker for Keanu Reeves. He has just that added little extra “bad boy” look to him. And David Beckham is just about as perfect as you can get .. HOT, HOT, HOT!
I love the new trainers on Biggest Loser! They are both gorgeous and its a great twist to add to the show! They always keep things mixed up. I love Morris Chestnut from “V” – so hot!!
ohh where to start?! of course i love matt mcconaughey, but there’s also jake glynth, josh lucas (think, sweet home alabama), and justin bartha (national treasure sidekick to n. cage) haha <3
What can I say I am a sucker for the Vamps and Vamp slayers, Yes they are Jared Padelecki ( Supernatural) and Ian Somerhalder ( VAmpire Diaries) Too yummy~ Love Ryan Renyolds also~
Bobby Flay all the way for me. A throwdown would be nice tee hee.
Curtis Stone is one sexy chef. I think his current girlfriend, Lindsey Price, is absolutely gorgeous. They make a cute couple.
George Clooney. I got to shake his hand in Toronto a few years ago. Even dreamier in person. Oh and Anderson Cooper.
(btw … I lurk around and read your blog every day. This is my first time posting. Just wanted to say you have inspired me to get back on the band wagon after initially losing 65lbs, then gaining 21 back in 2010. Your recipes are great and easy enough for even a kitchen disaster like myself to make.)
your breakfast looks so delicious I love toast (english muffins) and fruit for lunch yummy 🙂
My crush: I’m in love with Jason Statham! He is a hottie! I mean I have a super hot crush on the fiance, but Jason takes the cake 😉
Love your blog and I love reading about your journey!!! xoxo
totally making the creamy chicken crockpot tonight!!! however, i’m glad i looked at your blog. usually i make it for the family, and i eat very little with a large salad… BECAUSE i use a stick (yes i said stick) of butter with the chicken and spices in the begining in the crockpot. so i totally elimated the butter and used pam and some 0 calorie spray butter. and usually i use sour cream… but i used my reduced fat cream cheese instead. so, maybe tonight i get a little bigger portion 🙂 4 pounds until i hit my goal! although these 4 pounds may take me 4 months! LOL
my celebrity crush is definitely jake gyllenhaal. i can’t get enough!
I missed Biggest Loser because our station ran a ball game instead. I love Hugh Jackman (even as hairy Wolverine). 🙂
it’s all about jake gyllenhaal, ryan reynolds, james franco, topher grace and oh how the list goes on…hehehe.
Patrick Dempsy..totally…but then there is alway ryan reynolds, Zachary Levi (chuck), and I don’t know why but Eminem is my super super crush…oh wait..and bruce willis…yum
I am also a HUGE Daughtry fan!! He lives about and hour away from me in NC. Holy Hotness!! I also think Keith Urban is yummy 😉
He isn’t too much a celebrity but my favorite band is Unwritten Law and Scott Russo the singer is delicious! I sat in his lap once after a concert for a photo..the one and only time i have drank. I don’t think that i would’ve otherwise. I’m a sucker for singers I guess.