Happy Tuesday everyone! As you all know from my post last year about the NEW Weight Watchers PointsPlus Plan, I LOVE getting my hands on the new materials as soon as they come out. I think that was one things I missed the most about travelling home on Sunday ~ I had to wait a day to see what the updates were to the new Weight Watchers 2012 Points Plus Plan.
As several of you requested, I have outlined what I feel are the some of the BEST changes to the plan along with my thoughts and answered a few things I figured some people might ask along the way. I do NOT work for Weight Watchers so this is all based on my personal knowledge/experience.
New pamphlets totally make me GEEK OUT ~ I cannot wait to dig in and read each one cover to cover even if I already know what the plan is all about LOL.
Here is what you will receive when you walk in the door to your meeting:
- Super cool Blue Booklet Holder
- Weekly Handout (there is a new one each week)
- A quick 2012 Reference Card with 3 steps to help you get started
- Meet Points Plus 2012 ~ the new “Getting Started” Book that tells you how to work the program
- Living Points Plus 2012 ~ Additional information (more like FAQ’s) to help you work the plan
- Pocket Guide ~ contains A-Z points+ values for foods, tips on portion sizes, activity and weight goal calculators.
- Weekly Paper Tracker (if you have the phone app, I recommend it over paper because it syncs with your online E-tools & it’s honestly AWESOME!)
- Weigh In Book (shows your weight record along with your NEW Daily Points Plus Target
For those worried about CHANGE ~ I can honestly say don’t be!
The changes are a direct result of all the feedback Weight Watchers received from all the members this past year.
You can tell they really put a lot of thought into the new materials to ensure they addressed several of the “grey” areas and questions people were having with the new program.
Plus, they really set Newbies Up for Success with some seriously AWESOME getting started tools!
SIMPLY PUT ~ 6 Steps to be the Weight you want to be!
1. Customize your Daily Points+ Target ~ You now have the flexibility to manually change your points+ target based on learning what works best for your body.
You may have noticed your Daily Points+ Target was changed for you from 29 points+ to 26 points+. NOTHING says you have to reduce your daily Target. I would follow this recommendation in deciding ~ it’s all trial and error because no TWO people will lose weight in the same way.
If you are losing weight and at a rate you are happy with (such as 1/2 – 2 lbs a week), then, do nothing and keep your existing target.
If you are NOT losing weight or losing at a slow rate, such as .2 lbs a week, then consider adjusting your points+ target by +/- 3 points+ a day.
Do NOT go lower than the minimum of 26 points+ a day (on a daily basis unless you are truly not hungry) and make sure you are focusing on using your points plus to meet your Good Health Guidelines FIRST.
2. Take a Break for a Day with Simply Filling!!! I can speak for my LOVE for Simply Filling (aka CORE!) because I lost HALF my weight following CORE.
Simply Filling is all about eating power foods until SATISFIED and using your Weekly Points Allowance for any NON Power Food Items. You would be surprised ~ even though you do not track the points+ for Power Foods, you end up in about the same Daily Target Range.
The BIG Difference is now you can try it out for a DAY versus having to commit to a week! ~ try it ~ you might just like it!
3. Set you ACTIVITY GOAL!!! Probably one of my favorite NEW features is that Weight Watchers now assigns you a weekly activity goal and provides guidance on ideas you can do to meet that goal.
If you have E-Tools, take the “quiz” online ~ it takes less than 1 minute and it’s a fun way to get motivated to MOVE MORE!
It starts off small around 14 activity points a week and goes up from there depending our your individual activity goals and level of fitness.
4. Make it WORK FOR YOU!! I get questions daily from all of you asking me how I work the program, why points+ values are different, how do I allocate my points+ by meal, how to calculate the points+ values of recipes and more.
I do my best to answer them based on what I know, by asking my leader and/or researching them myself. I have to admit that sometimes even I have the same questions!
However, I have to say, it’s AWESOME to see that Weight Watchers has really “LISTENED” to everyone and created several Q & A sections to answer all those things that inquiring minds want to know.
Here are some of the questions you can find answers to in your new Meet Points Plus Book
- How Does the Points Plus formula compare to the old points formula? Can I combine the two plans?
- I am used to the Old Points Values, Do I really have to learn the whole new set of points plus values?
- The Question I get asked almost every other week ~ Why Does the Points Plus Value of Foods with alcohol seem to come out wrong??
- The Question I personally do NOT always agree with and know there is a lot controversy over……I included the reply because it was easier than retyping it….I think it’s a personal preference in how you account for it and if you can lose weight with how you count fruit and veggies in recipes (including or excluding) then go for it!
- THE FRUIT QUESTION ANSWERED!! I think that one area that needed some verbiage around it was the zero points plus fruit. You should ONLY eat until satisfied & use fruit to replace less healthy options (dare I say all those 100 calorie cookie packs!). You should also think about the types of fruit you are eating.~ do not Definitely focus on a variety of fruits too if you can ~ do not just go for bananas
5. REDUCE IT!! They added reducing your added sugar and sodium versus just saying “limit” sugar with alcohol in the good health guidelines…..all are important factors in being healthy!
You will still find all the great visual references you saw last year, like how to visually measure a portion and how to determine your hunger levels.
There is also great guidance on how to plan out your meals by day.
Find your daily points+ target and use this as a guide for how many points plus to have at each meal and snack.
In addition to providing 3 weeks of pre planned meals for all members, there is a great Kick Start plan with RECIPES to mix and Match for the Week using the Pull Out Meal Planner in your Meet 2012 Points Plus Book.
I personally LOVE using Calorie Count to calculate the nutritional information for my recipes (It’s FREE and you can copy/paste the recipe). I also use Weight Watchers Recipe Builder in E-Tools when I want a find just the points+ value and/or see how it compares to calorie count.
You can always follow this Simple Recipe Math Formula to determine how to calculate the points plus values in recipes.
6. 3 POWER START SESSIONS WITH 3 WEEKLY MEAL PLANS! For the first 3 weeks, you all will have the chance to stay after your regular meeting for a Power Start Session.
3 words ~ JUST DO IT!
It’s a great refresher and you never know….you might just learn something new. (Did I mention weekly meal plans?! )
The 3 Pre-Planned Power Start Trackers will cover:
- Power Spaces ~ Out with the old & In with the GOOD for you foods!
- Power Choices ~ Focusing on the right foods that give you the most bang for your buck!
- Power Plans ~ Tips for dining out, adding in exercise & making the plan part of your daily routine ~ you do it without thinking, just like brushing your teeth (as my favorite leader always reminds us!)
My FAVORITE part of the trackers ~ the meal plans (based on a 26 points+ day) with room to make swaps for things like salmon that I do not like to eat.
There is a whole list of ideas to swap out the foods you do not want to eat and to add on to your daily points+ target to make it higher than 26 points+.
Ohhhh, and you can just head to the store right after your meeting using the shopping list they provide for the entire week’s worth of meals.
For ALL members going to meetings from now through 12/31/11, you will receive the Living Points Plus 2012 Book at the first meeting.
If you go on 01/01/12 or later, you will receive it AFTER you have attended all 3 Power Start Sessions mentioned above.
7. The LAST and FINAL UPDATE ~ FREE E-Tools for Lifetime Members (Finally!!!)
For those wondering ~ SHOULD I BUY ANY OF THE NEW STUFF?
Personally, I would NOT buy the new Deluxe Kit or Essentials Kit if you bought them last year because the points+ values of foods have not changed. If you are an E-Tools and phone app user, you do NOT “need” (you may “want”) them because you have it all right on your phone/computer.
That being said, I know the new kits will include more foods (they are added all the time) and they will include any adjustments that they discovered for items that were misprinted last year.
If you are in the Market for new Books, here are the sales going on that I know of through 12/31/11.
- The Deluxe & Essential Kits are $10 Off
- The Pedometer is $5 Off
- The Scale is $5 off
The NEW CALCULATOR!! It is $5.95 until 12/31/11 and $7.50 after that. The ONLY change in the calculator besides the new Bigger Numbers (I LOVE that!) is the way it calculates your Daily Points Plus Target. It actually will calculate the range down to 26 points plus. Otherwise, NOTHING else changed in how it calculates the points+ values of foods.
WANT AN EXTRA CALCULATOR and do not care about the daily target? Buy the OLD ones because they are on sale for $3.95 until sold out!
If you are a DORK like me and cannot pass up a cookbook if your life counted on it, get the Power Foods Cook Book ~ it’s $14.95 and there are so many delicious things I know I will be making from it soon!
Ok, I think that summarizes all the changes to the Weight Watchers Points Plus Program that I know of……I’d LOVE to know what you all think and if you have any Questions??
LET THE NEW JOURNEY BEGIN ~ I am so pumped!! Oh and My daily journals will resume again tomorrow.
Night all!
Danica you rock! Thanks for this information. I’m an online member & I find the new info to be confusing. You’ve made some things clear to me. I may still try to go to a meeting & pay the extra fee to get the materials. I’ve intrigued by Simply Filling.
I got my new stuff today too. Wow on your prices though. Our meeting location was selling the old calculators for $5.95 and the new ones were $10. I wonder if she said it wrong but I know she said this because I thought grrrrr I just bought this full price four weeks ago. lol
I’ve heard prices do vary by location although I am with you ~ they should be set across the board 🙂
I went down to 26, but may go back up 🙂 BUT, I have a plan for 2012: when I’m 20 lbs, from my goal, I WILL be joining a meeting…FREE eTools for LT is a BIG plus for me!! Danica, this post really does rock!
Thanks for the new info! I am pumped, free e-tools for lifetime members – woohoo!!
Thank you sooo much for doing this! I’m anxious to get to my meeting tomorrow, but this was a great read! I need some motivation at the moment! Thx!!
Awesome post about the changes! I am looking forward to going to my meeting on Friday to hear all about it in person! 🙂 whoohoo!
Thank you for post this. I had many question and you helped so much! I look forward to losing the rest of my weight!
Thanks for this post – I went to the meeting last night, and the leader should have had you there to explain it – you did such a better job!
I just posted about this last night too, of course you did a WAY better job than me! 🙂 I was going to quit Weight Watchers for financial reasons and the fact that I felt that I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to do well with it anymore, at least at that time, but thank God I decided against it at the last minute and recinded my cancellation. I’ve heard from another WW member that new subscribers will be paying more for the Monthly program but current members will be grandfathered into the same payment they’ve been making. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but you never know!
Shannon ~ I am not sure, but, I wouldn’t be surprised. I do know that they vary prices by location, At-Work Members used to pay more, but, now, even they will be on the Monthly Pass. I am so proud of you for not giving it ~ persistence will get you to your goal! I believe in you.
Danica…thanks for the new info! My meeting day is Saturday and we missed the new materials by one day. We will get everything this coming week, and I can hardly wait. I have been doing WW since Feb 26th, and I think I really need this change to get me excited again. Even though I am always excited over my success with WW and sharing my story, I am at my 1/2 way point and I really want to get past it. I feel like the improved plan will give me the umph I need to continue. This week has been rough…I NEVER go over my weeklies, and rarely my activity pp, but this week I have twice. I am back on track today and will Zumba and walk today and Step/Weight and walk tomorrow in efforts of not seeing too much damage on the scale Saturday. This is the first week I have had like this since I started WW and I am miserable. It is shocking to see how quickly the weight can come back…enough is enough! Best hopes for a great week!
I’m going tomorrow night. I have been off the WW wagon for awhile, but I’m ready to jump back on! Thanks for the great preview Danica!
Me too, I haven’t gone to a meeting since June. I am totally going tomorrow. These new things will hopefully motivate me to get back on track!
Thank you so much for giving us the information about the changes in the new 2012 poins plus plan. Your explanation is so mch clearer than the WW website and meetings. I love your blog.
Thank you so much for giving us the information about the changes in the new WW 2012 Points Plus plan. Your explanation is so much clearer to understand. I love your blog!
I don’t follow WW, nor am I trying to lose weight, but I do think that everything they do is very informative and would be great for everyone to know! It’s not always about losing or maintaining a weight, it’s about living a healthy lifestyle which I think WW presents!
WW made my new DPT 26, but I self adjusted to 29 because after 4 days of doing it I realized that mentally if I go over 26 I get mad at myself and then self-destruct. So I set mine to 29 in e-tools. Now I try to keep lower than 29 but at least I don’t freak if I go a tad over. Maybe once I adjust to trying to eat at a lower # then I will re-adjust it in e-tools.
Thank you Danica. I’m sure WW know what they’re doing. It is an excellent weight loss program…just I have to be more diciplined;-).
Thanks so much for taking the time to outline the new plan! I have meeting tomorrow but I feel like I got more info out of your post than i will tomorrow’s meeting with everyone asking questions!
Thank you!!! I have been throwing around the idea of re-comitting to WW. After letting 2011 get the best of me and I am up about 10-12 pounds.
I think seeing all this has made me want to recommit. Hmmm now the question in…do I do the typical start in the new year or recommit now?? I could make a meeting tomorrow…
Thanks Danica!
Sue ~ there is no time like the present! The BEST part if you sign up now is you will have that “renewed” motivation as you navigate all the holiday challenges. If anything you will be more “aware” of what you are eating even if your goal during December is just to maintain.
That being said, I do know Weight Watchers will actually be open on January 1st (yup New Year’s Day) for those wanting that true fresh start!
Good luck and keep me posted on how it goes!
I am actually a little on the excited side to find out about the changes. My meeting is tonight, so thank-you for the heads up Danica.
Awesome info Danica. We got all the “gear” at my meeting last night, and I too am a geek and poured over the material when I got home. AND…bought the cookbook. Trying a new recipe from it tonight. Have a good Wed.
Thank you so much. I do ww’s on my own to save $ and I’m so glad you explained the new info!
Ah man, this is so cool! The nutrition nerd in me is totally fascinated by all those materials. Love their breakfast suggestions!!
Danica, what an awesome summary! Thanks so much!
Wow! I remember your reviews of the new program last year, they were the first of your posts I read…so I’ve been following you for a full year?!?!? Happy Anniversary! Keep the wonderful info and pix coming…I LOVE your blog!
CARE ~ now that IS AWESOME! Thanks so much for reading everyday and for all your great comments. I do read every single one even if I do not always have the time to respond to all of them. You make my day more times than you know 🙂
Fab job on laying out the new changes, Danica. I don’t get my materials until tomorrow’s meeting and it helps me to have a preview going into the meeting; I seem to be able to focus better on the leader’s commentary if I know about the changes up front. This will hopefully boost my dedication to the program since I’ve been slacking off.
I’m an online member only, mainly use the mobile app, so was very glad to read your post with all the new information. Their new online tools are awesome when I’m using the computer, but I’ve not seen a change to the app yet.
I’ve heard the app is remaining the same with the exception of the Bar Code Scanner that is supposed to roll out by the end of 2011.
I heard that there were about 24 foots that changes PPV (wine and steak maybe). Does anyone has a list of these foods? I quick track a lot of my foods and would have to be looking up everything again. Can’t believe WW didn’t distribute a summary of this. Very frustrating.
Hi Andrea,
You are correct ~ some foods changed based on the USDA changes. I posted a link today with the PDF that you can print of all the changes. Here is the link.
Do you know what food items DID change? Some ppl are saying there are about 20, I only heard walnuts and wine…. do you know by any chance? Free llifetime Etools definitely brings smile to my face, I have been wanting etools back!
Hi Kara,
Some of the foods did change ~ Here is a link for my post today with the PDF that you can print of all the changes.
whoops! I should have read the previous post, someone just asked that!! ha
Does anyone know how to cut and paste into the calorie count recipe builder, I can only figure out how to do it by adding each ingredient individually which I never have the patience for. =)
Hi Lea,
You cannot copy/paste into the Weight Watchers Recipe bullder ~ that would be awesome if you could.
You can copy/paste on caloriecount.com and then use that nutritional information to calculate the points+ values.
Hope that helps,
im 26 yrs old and i have to kids i need to loss some weight
I went to my first meeting with the new information and I can’t find where it says that lifetimers get free etools. I am a lifetimer and would love the free etools. Can you tell me where to find that?
I will ask about this at my meeting tomorrow. I imagine you can sign into your account online and if it shows you are at lifetime, there is no charge. You could always ask your leader as well.
I am on the weight watchers plus program and I don’t attend the meetings anymore, I just get weighed at the gym. Do I need the new materials, if I follow the old ones will I still lose weight? and are my points still 29?
Hi Mariam,
No, you do not need the new materials because the program has not really change. They have only made a few updates to it. If you are happy and content with how the program is working for you, then, stick with it. If you want renewed motivation, be sure to stop by the first meeting (you get all the materials mentioned above) in that first meeting with the exception of the Meet PointsPlus 2012 and the 3 Trackers. If you stay for the first 3 weeks, you will get everything you see above.
Good luck,
I stopped going to WW in October and then my target was 29 points. I am 5’3 and 135.2 lbs. Do you think my target changed to 26 points?
Hi Angie,
I would need to know your age as well to calculate your daily points+ target. If you provide that, I will calculate it for you.
Thank you so much! I also suggest to readers a paid app called ultimate weight watchers diary. Available on iphone and android. Worth every penny! Also bootcamp buddies for support; hungry girl for recipes 🙂 AWESOME!
hello i bought a book last year and i have been follwoing the program as of this year, my new years resolution, now im afraid i wont lose weight because they changed the book again, the book with all the food and there points plus value, do i have to get another one now? pls help!
Absolutely not. The points+ values of foods and the formula did not change really. The books you have should work as long as you follow the program and stay within your daily points+ target and weekly points allowance.
Hi, I just went back to following my WW plan figuring out the points I was allowed, has this changed and everyone get 26 daily points?
Hi Jen, no not everyone. If you were at 29, it’s possible you could still be there. Your daily target would not be less than 26.
Hi-Thanks for all the great information.
I did CORE a few years back and I love it! Now I see the simply filling is what CORE became, but I can’t get a straight answer…are all the green pyramid power foods core, and therefore NOT needing to be tracked? For example, I love whole wheat shredded wheat from Trader Joe’s (no sugar or anything else added) It used to be CORE is it still?? Do I need to use points for it? Also what about brown rice or WW pasta? Thanks for any help another CORE love could give me.
HI Bugs,
I LOVED CORE!! Yes, the green pyramids are the power foods/simply filling foods that do NOT need to be tracked if you are following Simply Filling (aka CORE). Shredded wheat, brown rice and whole wheat pastas are still CORE/Simply Filling Foods. I did not see anything that limits them to once a day though as they did on the CORE program.
Hope that helps,
Thank your for the reply and the reinforcement that my favorite things are still an option.
Thanks again!
found your web site by chance….wanted to get started with ww have been doing it on and off for 24yrs…now have 12lbs to goal (again)…I know it works but I have been traveling allot this past year…..need to get to meetings…I heard about the new programs and did not want to spend money on new books…glad to know I don’t need to….thanks for the info …
I know the womens point allowance minimum changed to 26 but what about the mens? Did it also change and if so, what is the minimum allowance?
Hi Elizabeth,
I am not really sure if it applies for men. I would venture to say that if the male daily target was previously 29 points+ then it’s a possibility it could be 29 now. The best way to find out is to recalculate the daily points+ target for him.
I just stumbled on this website while searching for weightwatchers information about the 2012 program. I just purchased a 3 month journal and I am determined to loose weight on my own. I have most of the material but I found this web site very helpful.
How much are the new materials if you purchase them when you go to a meeting? I have never been to WW, but I would like to start. I am the person who has to have hard copy everything so I am worried it is going to be too much for me. Can anyone give me a price range that I can compare to some of the website prices?
Hi Amanda,
If you go during FREE Registration which is going on now through mid March, then, you only pay the weekly meeting fee of $12 +/- (varies by location). You get all the materials to work the entire program over the first 3 weeks. I would recommend buying a points+ calculator if you do not plan on using e-tools and/or an app on your phone.
As far as everything else, the Essentials Kit is great if you want to have the books and is less then $30. The Deluxe Kit includes the calculator for free, plus a cookbook and it runs around $45 or less.
Good luck!
I am a lifetime member and have not been to a meeting this year. I am waiting till i lose the 5 lbs I gained over the holidays, stupid huh?…what are the qualifications as a lifetime member to get the free e tools? There is always a catch.
What my leader has told me is, lifetime members need to weigh in at within 2 lbs of goal weight, and then you receive a voucher for 8 weeks of free e-Tools. Then the next month, if you again weigh in within 2 lbs of goal you receive another voucher, etc.
I too was waiting for the free etools for lifetime members. I currently need to lose 4 lbs. to be within my 2 lb. over goal, then the leader will give me a voucher. I have been lifetime for over two years and attend meetings every week, occasionally will be +.2 over the limit . I would hate for that .2 lbs to cause me to lose etools? Being 68 years I find it a bit more difficult to stay within 2 lbs of that goal weight…and do like tracking, etc. with my phone. I know that WW is the best, healthiest program out there, but also realize they are in business to make money. I have really watched their prices climb… Guess it is time to leave the nest.
Seriously, thanks so much for your time and effort in providing this info. It has helped me decide whether or not to pursue WW in 2012 and about the new points changes.
Thank you so much for this information! I am a lifetimer, but am starting to track and lose before going back to meetings. Im wondering if my daily points have changed to 26? I am 46, female, 5’10”, 180lbs. If you could calculate for me, I would greatly appreciate it!
HI Linda,
Your daily target is 28 points+.
Ive joined weight watchers a couple years ago, but have been doing it from home since.
So how does the new weekly activity points plus values work? How do you earn them?
For example 30 min of working out used to be an extra 2 points or so. How does it work now?
I think what you have done is amazing! It helps so much and motivates all of us!!
Hope you can help!!
Hi Melissa,
The activity points calculation has not changed for the new program. It is still based on the level of exertion, light/moderate/high, weight and time duration. Typically you can earn about 2 activity points+ per 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise. You should be able to find a chart in your materials that shows you what it would be for you individually. It is in the getting started book.
Thank you so much for the info could you tell me if my points have changed i am 42 ,female, 5ft 4ins and weigh 182 pounds
Hi Anne,
Your daily points+ target is 26.
Hi there,
I am also trying to find out my points. Is there a formula. I have been looking every where. My friend attends WW and they told her how many points she would eat. They didnt give her a paper with the formula. She bought me the kit to get started. I really cannot afford to join and pay monthly. I am really needing to lose weight and hoping I can do this with the kit and knowledge I got. I just dont know how many points I am allowed. If you can please help me.
I am 5.5 264pds, 40 years old, female.
Please let me know.
Thanks so much for all of this.
HI MaryAnn,
If you have the app on your phone and/or own the points+ calculator, you can calculate your daily points+ target as well as the points+ values of your food. If you do not have the calculator, I LOVE the Ultimate Points+ Calculator app.
Your daily target is 38, but, as you lose weight, it will go lower until you reach 26 points+ per day.
Good luck and keep me posted on how it goes,
I am wondering if you can tell me omy points value on this new program. I will be doing the program at home. I am 40, 5″2, 232 lbs and female.
Hi Kim,
Your daily target is 32 points+ and will change as you lose weight.
I was just wondering what the criteria would be for the free e-tools for lifetime members.
I love your site.
Danica your site is awesome. Thank you for sharing the information and not keeping it all to yourself. You truley don’t know how garteful I am to have found your site. Thanks for the help Much Love.
I am very interested in this way to lose weight my question is where do i buy the books and point charts to begin this
Thank you in advance
I just started (again after a year). Should I use 29 points (since I have the calculator – not sure if anything has changed) or should I only consume 26 points a day (points plus 2012)?? I need to loose weight for my wedding. I actually want to see the weight loss. Last time I only did it for a few weeks and only lost 3 pounds. I don’t want to get discouraged if I don’t see any loss.
I used last years point system and used 29 points now people are saying it should be dropped down to 26 especially if weight is going down slow? Any suggestions?
Thank you
Does the book tell you how you calculate your daily points
I’m female , 5’9, 400 lbs age 42 how many whould I get ? Thank you
try this website. you need to put in how much you want to lose and your activity level
this is the one I used. I am only allowed 27 points a day plus an extra 35 for the week. It works. Good luck. Keep in touch and let me know and I will do the same.
tried going under website but not calculating for me..is there another site? im 38years old 5″4 in height weigh 150.7lbs and do moderate exercise and want to lose 13lbs..please help would love to start monday..thanks again
I follow Weight Watcher’s on my own. If you buy the points plus calculator it tells you how to figure up your daily and weekly points.
if im 25, 5’4 and weigh 170 lbs. should i be eating 29 points? ive been on 29 points 20 pounds ago. i just want to make sure.
Wow great site, thanks so much for sharing the information, I will now do 26 points instead of 29, just had my 2nd baby so got a few pounds to shift lol!
Thanks a lot, will keep coming back to visit your site! 🙂
Hi I am just starting the new 26 points , can you tell me if i have to count extra points for my milk . Thanks
Great site but I have a question. If I want to do WW at home, is there any way I can get the little books that people who go to the meetings do?
The WW Center near my home is like a SUPERSTORE. They sell everything WW makes. The let me come in and buy whatever I wanted and I am not a current member but follow the program at home!
Shelia, have you found out how to get them yet??
You are so gracious in taking all the time to be so informative.
Found the site and what info you have provided. Been a WW and got
off track…your site has excited me about the program again. Thank you
…glad you are a WW geek!
I just joined online so I know how many points I need but my husband wants to do it wit me. Is there a way for me to figure out how many points he needs?
do you know where i can get an older calulater for my sister? thanks
ebay has lots of WW materials
First i’d like to say thank you so much for all your time and hard work for creating awesome info. for us!! 🙂 I’m wanting to start ww points plus but would like to but the important tools from Amazon.com or somewhere online…. Times are tough for us and I cant affort to join the classes and or etools so what items would you suggest I buy to do the program?? I do have an Iphone…what app do you suggest for me to get?? I just dont want to buy material that is not really needed.I need to be educated on how the program works… thank you SSSSSOOOO much!!!
Angelina, I did get an answer from someone in a Yahoo group who said basically, join online and go and ask so I may just do that. I don’t think they’d have any way to verify at the place across the street if I’m a member but they may give me some anyway. Someone else said that when she joined online, she got a coupon for a month of meetings and went and collected all the books then quit.
Seems to me that it’d be a great move on WW part if they said, “Join online and we’ll send you all the weekly books” so I was wondering if there was anything like that.
I have followed many of the weight watchers programs and have NEVER been brave enough to follow the SF foods plan. Do you still need to consume the oil each day? Is so, do I have to use my weekly allowance points for the oil? I am not attending meetings right now due to my work schedule, kids and my husbands ever rotating work shifts. Thank you!
I know a person can use the simple easy or simple something. I cannot find that info among my WW material. It is eating power foods with so many points plus. Can you help me?
Thanks for the read! I’m wanting to follow the program but just can’t add yet another monthly cost. I’ve got the new 2012 calculator and the Pocket Guide thanks to a friend who is going to meetings and using online tools. I need to find out what my daily points should be set at. If you can help me on that I would greatly appreciate it!!!!! I’m 5’7 and 200 lbs., and 34 years old. Thank you thank you in advance.
I would like to thank you for the information on the 2012 plan. I have all the information from the 2011plan. I can’t afford to go to the meeting at this time and would like to try the program using the material I all ready have. I am having a problem changing my daily target on the Points Plus Calculator all it keeps saying is that I have my daily target is 29 and I can’t change it because I would like to start with the new daily target of 26. Could you please help me with this problem, I would really appreciate it.
Hi Danica,
Thank you so much for all of the helpful information on your website. I would like to join Weight Watchers, but financial restrictions are not making it possible at this time. I was hoping you could help me determine how many Daily Points I need. I am 26 years old, 200 lbs, and 5’7″. Can you help me out here? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Your starting target is 33 daily points+, however, this will go down as you lose weight.
Good luck,
danica ..please help me ..want to start monday .. i weigh 150.7 lbs 38yrs old and moderate exercise want to lose 13lbs ..thanks
Hi Danica,
I’m 58 years old, 233 lbs and 5ft 7 inches. Can you calculate my daily pointplus target?
Your daily target is 32 and will go down to a low of 26 as you lose weight.
Hi Danica,
I’m a 52 yr. old male who joined WW Points Plus Program about 13 weeks ago. I have not lost any weight to speak of as of yet. Am I doing something wrong?? According to the “Site” I have a daily points plus allowance of 63 points. That just seems to be kind of high to me. I am 5 foot 7 inches and weigh 340 lbs. Most days I am well below my allowance by at least 10 -15 points, but still no results. Am I not doing this right??
I need to calculate daily points. I am 5’4, 180 lbs. and 70. Love this site! Thanks!
Please help calculating daily points. I am 5’4, 180 lbs and 70 years old. Thanks! Love the sight.
I’m so confused on how the power foods work. Do I add these to my points or not?
Also, what about milk? Do I add points for milk? Thanks!
I just happen to find this site.. GREAT!!! Because I am concerned. I just purchased the NEW 2012 Points Plus WW Calculator. I put in my information and my daily points and weekly allowance are the same!!! IS THIS RIGHT. I am 45 year old FEMALE, my height is 5’11” and I want to LOOSE. My current weight is 323.3 and the daily points show up as 49??? ummmm this is way more than the older calculator..and then my weekly allowance is the same….can someone PLEASE HELP ME???/
Danica, I am confused too…I need to find out if I am doing something wrong..someone please help and let me know if I am doing the calculations correctly or if there is something wrong with the calculator because I am putting in the information correctly and hitting enter…and end up with 49 points daily and weekly allowance????hmmmmm
what would my starting points be I’m 5’1 weigh 166 my husband is 5’10 and weighs 220. can you tell me what his starting points should be? I was told when I started with the new points plus everyone was 29 points.
Hello. I was reading your website and I saw someone posted a link to find out how many points you need but I’m trying to figure out if mine is coming up correct. I’m 5’3 220 and 26 years old. I just want to make sure I have the correct points. I know when I started weight watchers I was on the 2011 plan and had 31 or 32 points and then went to the 29 points and when Doing that I didn’t lose weight. :/ so I wanted to again make sure.
Than you
Thanks for all the info, but I have a question. I lost 35 # on the old ww plan. I tried the points plus plan when it first came out (going to meetings), but I never could lose the weight. I am hypothyroid & very hard to lose, so I was thankful to lose on the old plan. Do you have any ideas why the points plus plan was not working for me. This was the first of 2011.
Hi! I am a new joiner to the program. i signed up online. does it really matter if you go to meetings? I record everything online. Not to sure about everything since I’m new, I’m still trying to get in the swing of things!
If I don’t use all of my “daily” points, do I carry them over to the next day? For example:
If I have 9 points left at the end of they day on Monday, do I carry them over to Tuesday?
I don’t mean the 49 “weekly” points. I know if I don’t use these by the end of the week, there done.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for the email. No, your daily points+ do not carry over to the next day like the WPA.
I am a pre diabetic with an A1C of 6.0. I am trying to lose weight and become healthy. I am hoping to reverse my pre diabetic condition. I have been waiting for Weight Watchers to put together a diabetic weight loss program. I am told the points does still work with diabetics but I need a specific plan. I don’t know what to eat in order to stay on program. When I signed up last year, I did not loose much and my doctor told me weight watchers is not the program for pre diabetics. I was told last year that Weight Watchers was working on a diabetic weight loss program, but no one had much to tell me. When do you think the diabetic program will be out? I would like to know asap. Thank you, Geraldine
Hi I am also trying to figure out how many points I am allowed each day. Can you tell me how to calculate it? I am 19 5’3 and 218 lbs
HI Brandi,
Your daily points+ target based on the information provided above is 35.
Good luck,
Hello, my daily points was 37 a year ago. I am 49, I weigh 265 and 5’4 could you please tell me my points? Thanks
Loved your site. I am 23 years old. 5’5 and 168 pounds. Can you tell me what my daily points target is?
It seems as though quite a few of you are trying to follow the weight watchers program without the fuss of attending meetings. There are plenty of resources online that can help you, but you need to know some things first:
1.When searching for materials online, make sure that everything belongs to the same program!
Weight Watchers Points Plus is a new program, launched by the company in 2010. Because it is so new, some of the material you find online belongs to the old model. One site that was recommended by another commenter (http://www.healthyweightforum.org/eng/calculators/ww-points-allowed/ ) provides your point values based on the old system’s metrics. The disclaimer at the bottom says so.
2.Mixing programs will not work!
The new system gives you a higher daily allowance, but most foods cost more in points than they did under the old system. If you calculate your daily point values from the old system, and the point cost of items from Points Plus you will end up starving. One cup of avocado under the old system was 6pts, now it will cost you 7. That adds up.
Either system should get you the results you want, but the new program is more in line with the current science on nutrition.
Here are two articles detailing some of the thoughts on the two programs, the merits and problems of the Points Plus system:
3.Must have resources
Calculating your daily point value:
Old system: http://www.healthyweightforum.org/eng/calculators/ww-points-allowed/
Points Plus: http://gnomes22.tripod.com/dailypptarget.html
This website can calculate the point value of food items for both the old Weight Watchers system, and Point Plus: http://www.calculatorcat.com/free_calculators/weight_watchers_calculator.phtml
I use Calorie Count to find nutrition info for my food items. Wonderful tool. It even has an index of many popular brands: http://caloriecount.about.com/
4.Your smart phone can help you diet!
If you own a mobile phone, there are several apps that can provide all of these tools to you for free. Some work better than others. I use two. One that tells me my Daily value, tracks my weight loss, and can tell me the point value of any food item. The other (also FREE) can scan any bar code and tell me the point value of the item by any quantity I want. Both were in the Google play store. Take a look around when you have some time.
Hope this helps!
I have the new points plus calculator and I put my husbands weight etc in and it says he can have 51 points a day, If I do it on the free one online it says 28 which is correct, I am a member but did not want to pay for 2 memberships so he is doing it with me.
Hi there. I have a 16 yr old daughter who is 137 lbs and 5′ 2″. She has been told by her pediatrician that she is over weight and to try to lose 10 – 15 lbs. She plays soccer three days a week and goes to a gym twice a week where she works out for 60 minutes with an athletic trainer but has stayed at the same weight as when she started four months ago. Using the method/formula for calculating points, I have arrived a a daily point number of 25 for her (I am experimenting here and have not tried to start using WW plan for her at this time) and would like your feedback. Do you think this number of points is correct? She is very active as I have said here, but struggles to lose the weight around her middle, and it makes her very unhappy as a teenage girl who is a little self conscious anyway. (Aren’t we all at that age?) Please reply with your thoughts. Thanks very much.
I was wondering if you would be kind enough to calculate the daily points in which I can have if I was to start eating WW prepacked meals. I believe that the points are now change to pro-points.
I am almost 45 Female, 92kg, 172cm and nil exercise.
I thank you so much for your feedback as I’m unable to afford the WW documentation, calculator etc…
So if your points start at 26 and you are not supposed to go lower how will you loose weight? Like if you start loosing weight wouldn’t you start dropping points for your daily intake? I didn’t and only lost 20 pounds
Danica, hi. Do you know how to update your bio info in the points calculator? I entered the wrong height and would like to correct it. Thought it would be simple, but…not so much. Thanks in advance!
I weigh 157.9 as of this morning .I lost 8.1 lbs in WEEK !!! How many points do I drop to this week?
I’m 39 years old. 6’4″ and 295lbs. On the old system I received 31 points daily. The points plus plan calculates me at 61 points. Plus free fruits and veggies. Why is the increase so much? Seems like a lot of food. My wife went up 3 points from old to new. Why such a large jump?
I’m 5’5″, female, 63 years old, an office worker ( not active). Are my points plus still 26 with an added dairy? Thanks 🙂
Hi if anyone still runs this which I came across tonight. The date is January 22nd, 2017. I don’t like this new now weight watchers beyond the scales. I rejoined a week before the new year. I have found many of the pamphlets from points plus, but not the calculator. The new one is different. Can you or anyone help me in this? I’m hearing several new and old members whom feel the same way. Thank you Laurie Blair.