Happy Earth Week everyone!! This week’s giveaway is just awesome ~ I WISH I could win it! Have you all ever heard of Organic Valley Co-Op? Are you celebrating Earth Dinner for Earth Day this week? I LOVE Organic Valley and the concept of celebrating Earth Dinner any day of the year!
As so many of you know, I am a pretty big Loca-Vore and I LOVE Farmer’s Markets. I honestly believe some of my best meals are created when I support local Farmer’s and get locally grown organic products that taste just like I made them myself.
This is just one of the many reasons that I LOVE Organic Valley ~ they let me bring products from their Farms to my Table!
They are a farmer-owned cooperative that lets people buy milk from farms close to home, wherever they live. They make all of their delicious foods without the use of antibiotics, synthetic hormones, or pesticides. They require 100% organic feed, outdoor access, pasture, and comfy living quarters for all of our livestock.
They produce all types of ORGANIC PRODUCTS ~ organic milk, organic cheese, organic butter, organic yogurt, organic eggs, organic juice, organic soy milk, organic produce, and organic meats.
The Earth Dinner is a joyful, animated, and inspiring theme dinner party held at least once a year, connecting people to the earth, their food, and each other. It can be as planned or as spontaneous as you like. At its core Earth Dinner is a chance to highlight local, seasonal and organic cuisine—and most importantly, to have meaningful conversation about food, farming and our connection with the Earth.
Explore where each ingredient on your table comes from by asking guests, “Who grew the food? How was it grown? Where is it from? How does it impact the Earth?” Use these fun tools to inspire dinner guests to tell their own food stories, to remember the farmers who lovingly care for the land and grow the food—and of course, to be a little silly and have a lot of fun in the process.
Click HERE to download the FREE Earth Dinner Book to help you get started on planning your Earth Day Dinner this Friday!
If you don’t want to host an Earth Dinner, but, are still interested in participating, then, check out one of these AWESOME Chef’s Collaborative and Organic Valley Sponsored Earth Dinners in your area. Click HERE to find one near you.
Pretty cool, huh?! Ok, now for the FUN STUFF!!
The folks at Organic Valley Co-Op want to help you celebrate your own Earth Dinner EVERY WEEK this year by giving away a year supply of Organic Valley Products!
* One Year’s Worth of Free Organic Valley Products in the form of 52 free-product coupons ($520 value)
* 4 Earth Dinner Books
* And an Organic Valley reusable, packable shopping bag for carrying all those delicious Organic Valley goodies.
1) Simply tell me if you are hosting your own Earth Dinner and/or why you want to win a year supplies of Organic Valley Goodness in your FIRST comment.
2) “Like” Earth Dinner and Organic Valley on Facebook, tell them how you found out about the contest (on Danica’s Daily!) leave your SECOND comment letting me know you did.
3) TWEET about this giveaway. “@danicasdaily is giving away an ENTIRE year of @OrganicValley Goodness ~ enter now! “ Be sure to leave a THIRD comment to let me know you did.
4) FACEBOOK this giveaway. “@danicasdaily is giving away an ENTIRE year of @OrganicValley Goodness ~ enter now! “ Be sure to leave a FOURTH comment to let me know you did
5) If you have a blog, LINK back to this contest and leave a FIFTH comment letting me know you did.
If you don’t have a blog, just leave a comment below telling me someone you told about this giveaway.
6) Head on over to Shannon’s Kitchen Creations and enter her contest to win a YEAR of Organic Valley leave a SIXTH comment letting me know you did.
7) “Like” Shannon’s Kitchen Creations on Facebook and leave a SEVENTH comment letting me know you did.
The Fine Print: Thanks to the folks over at Organic Valley Co-Op for giving me the chance to give one reader an entire year of their products plus more! This contest is open to US-Residents only (sorry my Canadian friends).
The winner will be randomly drawn and announced on Friday, April 22, 2011!
Ready to enter, comment away!!!
I told my friend Erica about this contest!
I also entered Shannon’s Kitchen Creations contest 🙂
To be honest this is the 1st year in my life actually that I can say that I am healthier then I’ve ever been. So winning this would be amazing as it will continue my journey that has changed not only my lifestyle but my families. I love that my kids are eating much healthier and really enjoying it & seeing the benefits have been amazing. Thank you for such an amazing chance at this.
I want to win a year supplies of Organic Valley Goodness because I always try to eat organic, since it is better for my body and the environment. However, it sure can get expensive! This would be an amazing!
Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/PurpleLarkspur/status/60010263897849856
Liked them on FB 🙂
I would like to win so that I can provide my kids with the most healthy option available.
Tweeted about it on -Elliesworld Thanks for the chance. WoW..is all I can say.
Posted on my Facebook page -Ellie Augustin 🙂
Loving Shannon on Facebook too! 🙂 ha.. yeah this would rock to win!
I won’t be having one on Friday (we’ll be traveling) BUT I did last night! Local roast, local potatoes. It was delicious 🙂
I love Organic Valley products!
“like” them both on FB!
Perfect timing to win some organic food – I want to win so that I can continue moving my family over to all organic products.
I liked Earth Dinner and OV on FB.
Entered at Shannon’s Kitchen Creations as well.
Liked Shannon Kitchen Creations on FB.
I became a vegetarian when I was 7 years old after reading a book with many horrendous pictures about factory farming. My parents were not too keen on the idea of my becoming a vegetarian since it meant that they would have to change their established methods of cooking. They decided that I could become a vegetarian if I gave them a persuasive presentation about why I wanted to be a vegetarian and learned to cook at least two meals a week for myself. So I gave the presentation, began learning to cook, and became a vegetarian all at the age of seven. I have been madly in love with healthy food and cooking since then.
I am currently a college student majoring in video production with minors in integrated marketing communications and art with a severe passion for all things sustainability and environmentalism, with a HUGE focus on food. In my classes, whenever we talk about brand loyalty, I talk about Organic Valley. I love Organic Valley products, I always have at least 4 of their cheese products in my fridge at a time. I will always choose organic valley products over competitors because I love and support their mission, and I know that I can trust that they are treating the food with the utmost care. I hope to use the skills that I am learning in college to spread the messages of environmentalism and the importance of good food.
It is really difficult being in college and only eating organic foods. I spend 90% of my (very minimal) income on fresh, healthy organic food, especially organic valley products. I have given up eating at restaurants, I don’t go out to bars, and I have made many, many other sacrifices in order to always ensure that I am making the most important choice of all with buying organic food. If were able to win a year supply of groceries from organic valley, I could not begin to describe my jubilation! It would completely change my life. The mere idea of it has gotten me in such a frenzy of delight at the prospect! I can’t imagine a more enticing, wonderful prize than Organic Valley groceries. I would absolutely choose that over any kind of vacation or other prize. If I were to win a year of Organic Valley groceries, I could share my cooking with more people and make them better understand the importance of eating organic and how amazing it tastes. Then all of them would start purchasing Organic Valley products and continue to choose Organic Valley products after college. I have already gotten many of my college friends to choose certain organic products, especially organic valley milk and eggs. I know that I could attract so many more people to the Organic Valley brand right when they are in their prime for developing brand loyalty as they are about to graduate from college and begin making all of their purchasing decisions for themselves. I love sharing my passion and knowledge of good food, and this would be an incredible opportunity to do so. If I were to win a year of groceries, it means I could spend my senior year of college really focusing on my films and on financing my films instead of spending all of my time working for money to spend entirely on food.
Please pick me. I can’t not begin to express how much it would change my life for the better.
Wow! Best giveaway ever. I easily get at least one Organic Valley product very time I go to the grocery store so it would definitely go to good use.
Although I won’t be able to have an earth dinner THIS friday (i’ll be out of town ughh), I think it is such a great idea and definitely want to have one in the near future! I would absolutely LOVE to win this contest because although i love organic food (and organic valley products!), my wallet…doesn’t.
Buying organic can get very pricey, very quickly! ahhh i hope i win! FINGERS CROSSED 🙂
i just linked back to your contest on my blog!
1~ I host organic dinners all the time since our family has eaten primarily organic and local (whenever possible and w/in budget) since 2004. Specifically though, I am having a friend and her two daughters over on Friday morning to learn how to bake organic yeast bread. The lessen is to be followed by a picnic at the park with lots of great “be kind to the earth” discussion. My friend specifically asked me how to help her and her family live healthier… yay!
1b ~ oops left out the why we want to win part = we live and eat organic on a teacher’s salary so free food will help our budget immensely.
Organic valley sounds like a great company to support. I also buy from local farmer’s markets as much as possible. This would be a great way to introduce friends and family to organic.
I do not have a blog, but told my friends about the giveaway.
i just headed over to shannon’s and entered her contest as well!
I told my office mates about this giveaway… We keep the Organic Valley half and half in our office refrigerator!!
2~ Updated the posts I already put on both pages from Shannon’s kitchen ~ hope that counts since I didn’t want to inundate both walls with posts twice… thanks.
3~tweet posted.
I ‘liked’ Earth Dinner and Organic Valley on FB!
4 ~ posted on FB
5~ no blog but I actually called my friend Nicole and told her to come check it out
6 ~ Contest entered at Shannon’s
7~ Shannon’s FB page liked ~ thanks again
Oh my gosh, I love this concept. We were just thinking about having a party next month and this would be fantastic. Thanks for the idea and download. You rock.
A year of OV would be awesome too. Thanks for the op.
Such a fun contest! We’re slowly moving over to all organic, we just joined a farm delivery service (kind of like a csa without the committment) and would love to win the organic valley products!
I liked earth dinner and organic valley on facebook!
I’m not sure if I’ll be making the Earth Dinner, I will download the booklet and read more. We have just started trying to eat more ‘clean’ organic food, and we went to the Farmers Market this weekend. Also trying to buy the best meats too, cage free, grass fed, etc. I’d love to try all of the Organic Valley products 🙂
Great Giveaway Danica 🙂
I’ve never heard of an ‘Earth Dinner’ before, but I have talked to my fiance and we will be hosting our first (hopefully annual) Earth Dinner this Saturday! I cannot wait. I would love to win a years supply so I can constantly be conscious of my food sources.
Since I have kids at home, providing them with Organic products gives me peace of mind that I am doing all I can to keep them healthy. Plus, I have found that anything Organic just tastes better!
I just told my aunt and friend Cindy about the Earth Dinner (that I plan on hosting) and the give away!
I would loce to win these products to introduce more fresh, organic products to my family while remaining on a budget!
I also told my friend christina about this giveaway!
I also tweeted about the giveaway from sarag5855!
just “liked” earth dinner and organic valley on facebook!
I ‘liked’ Earth Dinner and Organic Valley on FB!
I told my brother about the contest!!!
I also went over to Shannons website to enter the contest 🙂
I just posted the link to your contest on my Facebook page…..Man I would love to win the organic groceries 🙂
I have never done an “Earthday Dinner” but I will this friday . I am taking the kids to see African Cats friday for Earth day!
I am a college student advocating people to go organic. I have been a vegetarian for the past year and after learning more about eating organic I have been supporting organic farms. I only eat organic meat and most organic produce. Eating organically is not always easy financially and winning would be very beneficial. I would love to do an earth dinner too!
I eat organic as much as I can although it is often difficult living in an area where the stores don’t fully stock organic. I’d love to win free organic products for a year. Unfortunately I won’t be hosting an Earth dinner, although I will definitely be cooking all organic for the next three weeks.
I liked em booth on FB and told them how I found em!
I am hosting my earth dinner on Friday just like I do every night. Grass-fed beef, salad from our garden, raw milk. Why just make it one day?
I liked Shannon’s Kitchen Creations on FB.
I entered the OV giveaway contest on Shannon’s web site, too.
I would like to win because a)I’m still on unemployment, and b)it’s so great knowing that what you put in your body is the best it can’t be.
CAN be! Oy!
I just tweeted too. 🙂
I won’t be having an Earth Dinner this year due to prior commitments, however I think it is a really great idea. I already use a lot of Organic Valley products, and I would love the opportunity to try more of their quality products. It’s good stuff!
I want to win a year’s worth of organic groceries because my family deserves to eat real food.
Liked on FB
entered at Shannon’s Kitchen Creations.
Liked Organic Valley and Earth Dinner on FB
GOO! That is some serious loot. I like the idea of an Earth dinner. I may have to hop on that train.
this is awesome! no~i am not celebrating an ‘earth day’ dinner…..but i am back on the healthy band wagon! i am super excited because i started back at WW over a week ago and i am down 4.6 lbs! whhhewwww whoooooooo! i would love to win this to ‘kick’ start my ‘diet’! thanks so much for hosting! xo
p.s. i also found your new website and love it! you look soooo pretty on your wedding day! i love your dress!
I LOVE Organic Valley and all that they do to provide us with wholesome organic foods — would love to win this!
I simply feel healthier eating organic foods and produce.
I told my roommate about the giveaway (I live in a dorm in college)…needless to say, our dining hall food is NOT organic
I would love to host an Earth Dinner, and a year’s worth of premium and organic foods wouldn’t hurt either!
I really enjoy Organic Valley products. My favorite products of theirs are their organic eggs and 1/2 ‘n 1/2. I buy those two items pretty much every week!
What a generous giveaway Danica 😀 Thank you Organic Valley & Danica!!
i tweeted!
What an amazing giveaway! I had never heard about an Earth Dinner but I plan on researching it now! I would love to win this for myself and my husband since we have made a pact to become healthier not only for ourselves but for our children!
I would love to have an Earth Dinner Picnic this weekend, probably involving sandwiches with that delicious Organic Valley cheddar. I hope the weather will cooperate!
I also entered the contest on Shannon’s site! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love Organic Valley products, and I love sourcing foods from close to my house, so this giveaway would be awesome to win!
I shared this giveaway with my sister. 🙂
Since I can’t hold a dinner myself, I would love to attend one. Unfortunately, there is none in GA. I would love to win this because I love Organic Valley!
I “liked” Earth Dinner and Organic Valley on Facebook!
I would love to win organic valley products. I love my family and try to feed them the best food I am able. But being a stay at home mom, I have to really stretch our food budget. This means I have to pick and choose what I buy organic, doing the best I can. So I would LOVE this.
“Liked” Earth Dinner & Organic Valley on FB
Would love to win the organic valley groceries to encourage my family to eat in a way that’s more healthy for them as well as the earth. It would help out our grocery bill as well!!!
I entered Shannon’s Kitchen Creations contest
i would like ot win because I am losing weight and eattng way healthier, whole foods, organic. Just a better way to go.
entered contest on Shannon’s Kitchen creations
I told my BFF about this contest. TKS for the chance to win!!!!!
“Liked” Shannon’s Kitchen creations
shared giveaway on fb . . . doesn’t that count as telling someone else about it too? 😉
well i’m finally living a healthy lifestyle – and I just moved out into my first apartment solo – this would be a great resource and budget friendly 🙂
What an awesome giveaway…I would love to win this …we try to eat as much organic foods as possible but sometimes our budget doesn’t allow it!
I would love to win this because I’m in college and would love to cut down on my expenses to save for grad school// the future and this would DEF. help.
I work on an organic, grass-fed goat dairy. The farmers I work for have observed that aside from small, private farms, Organic Valley farms are treated the best, so I always buy their products. I would love to win this because it would be a great relief to our food budget!
I liked Organic Valley and Earth Dinner on FB!
I am dying to win! It’s so hard to buy organic – especially for milk and meat because of the expense. A year’s supply (or at least 52 coupons!) would be AMAZING!
I tweeted!
I posted on Facebook!
No blog for me, and I’m not telling anyone about this giveaway – I want to win! Just kidding – I told my sister and sister in law – but they had to promise to share with me if they win!
I entered the contest on Shannon’s Kitchen Creations!
I liked shannon’s kitchen creations on Facebook!
I LOVE Organic Valley and am going to grad school next year so getting their stuff for free would be awesome!
I commented on Shannon’s Kitchen Creations!
I liked Shannon’s Kitchen Creations on facebook!
I commented on Shannon’s page!
I liked Earth Dinner and Organic Valley on Facebook!
I would love to win this as I love incorporating organic and fresh foods into my diet whenever I can! That, and it tastes sooooooooooo much better!
I have entered Shannon’s contest!
I like Shannon’s on facebook!
We already buy their milk and eggs so it would be fab to win year supplies of Organic Valley Goodness!!
I aslo liked Earth Dinner and Organic Valley on FB!!
What a cool giveaway…I hadn’t planned on hosting a earthdinner but it sounds fun!
I told my sister about the giveaway and I think she’s on her way to enter even though I told her she should just let me win.
I would love to win because I am trying to eat healthy and more organic, but it’s tough on a budget. This will really help!
No blog, but I did tell my sister about your giveaway. It helps that she’s over right now! She’s as excited about it as I am!
Oh wow a year’s worth of organic groceries!
I love doing my part for caring for the Earth, no matter how little or insignificant it may seem. Providing a year’s worth of organic groceries will hopefully help my family understand how much better organic is for you. This is so amazing
Told my family (or fambly as I like to say) about it!
oh, what an awesome giveaway! i love organic valley and buy their products all the time – so this would be a great one to win!
Real food (fresh, non-processed) changed my life. Yes, I did lose weight, but its more than that. I fell in love for the taste, the smell, the texture of organic foods.
The energy you get, how your body responds…thats what I want for my family and myself. I cant buy organic all the time, so I splurge now and then – but the free supply would help me to save for more of organic! Count me in please! :o)
I’d love to win this giveaway so that I can better afford to eat healthful and kind foods. 🙂
I would LOVE to win this giveaway because I care about the food that goes into my body and this is a company I would choose to eat from 🙂
I liked Organic Valley on FB
I tweeted the giveaway 🙂 🙂
I am adding this to may blog entry tonight!
Oh, i totally want to have an earth dinner! i just got my local organic produce box this weekend so I’ll use that to make an awesome eco-friendly dinner for some friends/family!
I also entered on Shannon’s Kitchen Creations.
(PS – Thanks for the link to this blog, I am looking forward to reading more of it)
I would love to win this contest so that I can provide more healthy and organic products for my family! I’d love to have an earth dinner!
I love Earth Dinner parties! That’s right up my alley!
I would love to make a clean organic meal for my family to try!
tweeted! @Squigglemefloey
What an amazing giveaway! I would love to win because I love Organic Valley products and try to stock my fridge with their goodies as often as I can. Winning this giveaway would be wonderful!
I tweeted! 🙂
I want to win because I am addicted to their cheese! I’m also a poor college kid!
I tweeted!
Liked on facebook!
Posted on facebook!
Will link back in my next post!
We generally have a earth day, mother’s day, and DS1birthday celebration in early May.
We also generally have plenty of yummy organic food (some of it Organic Valley). I like Organic Valley’s products and the driftless area of WI is one of the prettiest places I have ever been.
I recommended this to my sister in law because we both just had babies and are dedicated to serving them as much organic foods as possible. Thanks!
I liked both Earth Dinner and Organic Valley on FB. There’s one entry.
I think hosting an Earth Dinner sounds like a wonderful idea and I would love to do it. I would also love to win a years worth of Organic Valley Supplies because I fully believe in their values and would be so proud to endorse their products as much as I can.
Liked Earth Dinner and Organic Valley on FB
I am not hosting an Earth dinner this year (unless you count the inevitable dirt my children will choose to eat at some point now that it’s warmer outside), but we are making a conscious effort to get more organic “basics” into the house.
I “liked” Shannon’s Kitchen (in fact, I DO like Shannon’s kitchen, now that I have found her …)
“Liking” away on FB … Organic Valley/Earth Dinner too.
And, I commented on Shannon’s Kitchen site … whoo-hooorganic!
I try to best the best products with my money……this is not always easy so winning would help my whole family!
I entered Shannon’s contest
This is great! I’d like to win this because I really like organic valley’s milk and eggs.
I also entered Shannon’s contest.
I won’t be hosting a dinner this weekend, but I am definitely going to look for a chance to host one in the future. Maybe this summer?
Great giveaway! I’d love to win to sample all of the different products. It’s always fun to try new brands (and find new must-have items)!
I tweeted! (@carrotrunr)
I’ve been a vegetarian for 13 years. Lately I have been trying to make my dairy/eggs from organic, local sources. This would be a big help!
I liked them on facebook and posted on their walls!
I entered Shannon’s giveaway!
I liked Shannon’s page on facebook!
i would love to win this giveaway because being a poor but health (and environmentally) conscious college student im always up for some free good food 🙂
Oh This would be an amazing giveaway to win!! I will not be hosting a dinner on friday as I will be traveling home but I will as soon as I unpack and get resettled! Growing up on a dairy farm, everything we had was organic. We raised jersey cows and would skim the cream (mind you, a 2 qt jar was half cream and half milk) off the milk and whip it for whipped cream. That is what I call whipped cream, not the store bought stuff! LOL I miss the organic meat that we raised and the raw milk – so delicious. I would love to win this!
I do not have a facebook page but I told my sister about it so she can link on her page!
I told my friend about this giveaway so she can check out your amazing site and enter!!
I would like to win the year’s supply of groceries because I am starting my weight loss journey for the final time. This time I am trying to incorporate more organic and locally grown food.
I “liked” Organic Valley on Facebook and told them I heard about their contest on your blog.
I told several of my friends and co-workers about this give away.
I liked Shannon’s Kitchen Creation on Facebook.
I just went over to Shannon’s Kitchen and checked it out! I left a comment there – thank you 🙂
I entered the contest on Shannon’s Kitchen Creation blog.
I would love to win a year of organic products-I am trying very hard to get pregnant, but it’s harder than I expected. I’m hoping that if I could eat organically, maybe that would help!
I would love to win this giveaway in light of my nutrition classes this semester–organic dairy is such a valuable source of protein and calcium…produced in an ethical way!
We host a big dinner for friends and family weekly, and we always serve as much local and organic food as we can.
I would love to win a year’s worth of organic valley so that I can give my little ones the absolute best dairy/produce available 🙂
I would love to win a year’s worth of awesome organic valley so that I can keep my kids healthy with all their amazing dary/produce products!
Unfortunately I am unable to host an “Earth dinner” because I live an hour away from my family and the one person I was close to where I live passed away in Feb., so it’s just me and my rescue Beagle Max. My daughter is in college so I rarely see her. I would love to win this contest because in the past 18 months I have lost 70lbs. and I am disabled and I live on a very small amount of money. It would be a true miracle to me if I won!! I have diabetes so eating healthy is very important to me!!
Thank you very much!!
Tammy 🙂
I just left a comment on the facebook pages of Earth’s Dinner and Organic Valley.
I am unable to tweet because I can’t afford the phone and plan to be able to do that. I hope that doesn’t hurt my chances to win.
: )
I just put the contest on my Facebook page which will be seen by alot of my friends that belong to Kim Bensen’s websight. Kim lost 150lbs. and she has her own websight to help others. I’m sure they will want to enter this contest too!!
: )
I also entered over at Shannon’s
I’m sorry, Kim actually lost 200lbs, my mistake.
I no longer have a fb, but have told friends and family about the giveaway
I have told my friend Phyllis about the giveaway and I’m sure she will be entering soon. I don’t have my own blog so I made sure to tell someone about the contest.
I also entered the contest at Shannon’s Kitchen Creations.
: )
It would be great to win this because I had to start buying my own food this year because I finally moved off campus and being a college student I sometimes don’t get to buy as much organic or local as I would like to.
I told my sister about this giveaway!
I went to Shannon’s Kitchen Creations’ Facebook page and I “liked” her. I really hope I win this contest!!
Thank you!!
: )
I’m a dairy fiend. Seriously, I have yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese on my sandwiches, protein shakes made with milk… And that’s all in one day! I could definitely not see myself being vegan, just cause of the dairy. That’s why I’d love to win this!!!
i would love a year supplies of Organic Valley Goodness because they make great food and i would love to try it again.
fan on both erica best
i recently moved in with my boyfriend and we have been working hard to buy much more organic and environmentally conscious groceries every week…this would make it so easy!
i also tweeted about the giveaway
i entered teh giveaway on shannon’s site too!
Memorable food story… I tried the WW lemon pie recipe that was in the weekly last month and it was a flop! The pie looked beautiful but my lemons must have been off because not a single person in my family could finish a piece! Lesson learned – taste as you cook even if means have to take a point of 2 for BLT’s.
And I would love to win a year’s worth of groceries to help us move more toward organic dairy (the biggest cost for us and the wisest move in my opinion)
And I told my sister about this contest
I love Organic Valley, and would love to win a year’s supply of goodness! I’m ready to host an Earth Dinner! 🙂
I’ve told several friends about the give-away (and your web-site).
An Earth Dinner sounds awesome to host. I’d love to. A year of organic food – there’s nothing not to like about that!
I would LOVE to win this – I’ve been watching what not only I eat, but what my family eats as well and this would certainly help us be more conscious about it! 🙂
Liked them on FB!
Tweeted it!
I would love to win a year’s supply of organic valley products. I love their eggs and cottage cheese!
Thanks for the giveaway Danica!
I definitely am planning on hosting my own Earth Dinner and am downloading the Earth Dinner book now! 🙂 A year’s worth of supplies of Organic Valley Goodness would be AMAZING since I already buy their milk and eggs! Great giveaway! 🙂
I am now planning on having an earth day dinner… and I would love to win this prize …both for the same reason… my kids. I think it is so important to teach my kids about nutrition and the importance of a healthy diet and exercise. This prize would help do this! Fingers crossed 🙂
I am hosting an Earthday dinner…
We are working/cleaning in our yard, have “invited” family to join and have promised to cook dinner as payment. We will be planting trees, plants and flowers…
I want to win this because they make the most amazing cheese!!!!
I would love to win this giveaway! I am a soon-to-be-graduating college senior about to have to cook for myself in the city, and it would be amazing to be able to use organic valley products for free for a year!
And I don’t have a blog, but I told my sister about the giveaway! Thanks for hosting it!
Most of our dinners have that sort of theme- we talk a lot about where our food came from, and which items are in season locally and which ones came from far away. My 3.5 year old absolutely loves the farmer’s market and has a little calendar on which he is counting down the days until it opens. 🙂
We only feed organic dairy products to our vegetarian children and love Organic Valley products!
I entered the contest on Shannon’s website.
Liked both Earth Dinner and Organic Valley on FB! 🙂 WHOOHOOO!
Tweet sent! 🙂
I’ve been trying to make the switch to organics for the health and well being of my family and winning this would be wonderful!
Posted on FB! 🙂
I tweeted about the giveaway @mypinkmixerblog
I’m not hosting an earth dinner, but I would love to win the products. I’m a radiography student and groceries can be expensive. This would really help me out.
I Dont have a blog, but I told my mom about your giveaway.
I would like to start incorporating organic foods – told my sister about this!
I would love to win a year supply because I’m trying to only serve my family organic foods. This would be perfect!!!!
I told my friend Cristina about the giveaway!!
I love the idea of an Earth Dinner. While I’m not ready to do it myself this Friday, I would definitely like to do it in the future. And I would love to win a year’s supply of Organic Valley products!
I will definitely host an Earth Dinner. I would love to win because I have been trying to integrate more organic products into my families diet. Unfortunately the supermarkets near me do not provide a great deal and the products are often pricey. I would love to be able to not worry about cost.
I liked Earth Dinner and Organic Valley on FB and told them I entered the contest here.
I tweeted about the contest!
I “Liked” Organic Valley and Earth Dinner on Facebook.
I posted the contest on FB!
I told all of my Weight Watcher buddies about the contest!
I entered Shannon’s contest!
I liked Shannon’s Kitchen Creations on FB!
I would love to win a year’s supply of products… Organic products are so much more expensive, but they truly are what we should be eating. They have become a staple in my diet. I even order organic and local fruits and vegetables delivered to my house every 2 weeks!
I also tweeted about your contest. 🙂
I would love to win this. I try to eat organic, but it can be so expensive, and the store I shop at most does not carry organic items.
I would love that prize! I think organic milk is so important and so much better for your body.
I hadn’t thought about hosting an Earth Day dinner but now I am! It would be great to sit down with friends to appreciate the world around us, and will get me to start shopping at my local farmer’s market again. Having a years worth of organic groceries would be wonderful for not just me and my husband, but hopefully our future children 😉
We go through 3 gallons of Organic Milk a week costing at least $18. I would love to win a year of free Organic Valley to help our family stay organic and on budget.
I’ll probably host an Earth dinner for my family. My 9yo dd is very into saving the planet and will have a blast planning this with me.
I will be hosting an earth dinner for my family. I try to have fairly regular, fairly healthy brunches for my family (parents, siblings, outlaws and inlaws) so we can make time for each other with our busy schedules. But it’s been a while, so I will have one within the next couple of weeks, using fresh local products from our farmer’s market or organic products from the store. As it is spring, I think I will make little herb plants for everyone to take home – perhaps planning a menu around those herbs. Buying organic is important because I want to feed my family real, healthy food made by local farmers (i love to support local business whenever possible, and that includes farmers) not chemicals made in science labs. Winning a year’s supply of Organic Valley would be a blessing on our single income bank account. And although my son is a picky eater, I can always get him to eat cheese and drink milkm so at least he gets his calcium and protein when I can get nothing else in him. lol. We frequently buy Organic Valley, and they are a brand I trust. I’d really love to win a year’s worth of organic goodies for my family to enjoy.
I ‘liked’ Earth dinner and organic valley, and I credited BOTH you and Shannon, since you are both such important parts of the Weight Watchers community and my weight loss journey.
I added your contest link to my facebook page.
I don’t have a blog, but I told my friend Jen about your blog & the contest ( I also shared with her your link to the cheesy chicken stuffed shells and your trader Joes link)
I have never thought of an earth day dinner, but we were planning on making (homemade) pizza for dinner on friday. I should invite some friends over!! 🙂
I already like shannon on fb.
I don’t have a blog, but I told my friend Sophia about your giveaway!!
I have never hosted an earth day dinner! What a great idea… We’re having homemade pizza for dinner on ED, maybe we should invite some friends over o join us!! 🙂
I entered the contest on Shannon’s page.
I’m not specifically having an Earth Day dinner, but we are eating healthier. I started following your bog and another and try now to make my meals at home. We’ve shopped TJ’s and found great healthy items and I’m getting more courageous about trying new things, and DH is LIKING THEM! That’s the shocker. I really want to try and eat more organically and would LOVE to win this Organic Valley prize package. I’ve tried organic milk and thought it even tasted better than regular milk.
I am on the fence about an earth dinner. LOVE the concept. Little late to the party. Meal plan for the week already made and not sure how to fit it in. But you know I may just TRY!
I would love to win a year’s supply because I love their products!
just tweeted 🙂
I told my mom about this giveaway 🙂
I “liked” Earth day on Facebook 🙂
I tweeted this 🙂
I entered Shannon’s Kitchen for 365-
I liked shannon’s Kitchen on Facebook
Not sure about Earth dinner…would love to win this to have healthy food to feed the kiddos.
I also commented on Shannon’s Kitchen Creations, her blog is great. Thanks for showing it to us.
I’ve made a concious choice to eat more organic foods but as a grad student it can sometimes be hard ($$), so winning this would be a tremendous help!
I liked Organic Valley on Facebook!
I told my boyfriend about this giveaway!
I also entered Shannon’s contest!
We always try to eat organically and local as much as possible. Better for health and for the environment!!!
Liked them both on FB…..
Posted to my facebook
This would definitely help me put more organics into my kitchen. The main deterent is, of course, price. This is an exciting drawing! I will be reading more about the Earth dinner idea. I love the sound of it will probably do something or find one to go to.
Told my sister about the contest
I do try to feed buy organic foods as much as possible. It’s too scary these days with what they are doing to food. Did you see the movie Food inc.? There is another one I saw too, but can’t think of the name…anyways it was down right scary. This would help a lot! Thanks for the chance.
I would love to win this contest because I am a student on a tight budget who loves to eat healthy delicious food! This would really help me out, and allow me to try new recipes and products.
I told my friend Megan about this contest.
I made friends with Organic Valley on facebook!
I also entered this contest on Shannon’s website!
This is my first time hearing about this Earth day dinner business! It sounds lovely. I would love to win this contest so I could eat more organic foods with busting my wallet!
I told my friend Safi about this contest, he wants to eat healthier too!
I entered Shannon’s contest as well!
And I’m friends with Organic Valley on the book.
I would love to win Organic Valley items because more and more I am feeding organic foods to my family and this would really help.
I liked and gave credit to Danica’s Daily on both Earth Dinner and Organic Valley Facebooks.
Won’t be hosting a formal Earth Day Dinner on Friday, but we have been buying organic when we can. The Big stores that have a bigger selection are about 50 miles away.
I entered Shannon’s giveaway also.
Reminded my daughter to jump in and get signed up for this great giveaway.
Just had spinal fusion surgery, so no hosting anything for me for awhile, but this giveaway of organic foods is great.
I entered Shannon’s organic giveaway .
Told my Mom and a friend to sign up here.
I won’t be hosting anything Friday, but the giveaway would be a welcome addition to our trying to eat healthier.
I don’t do the cooking, but this would be a great gift to give to my wife of 50 years.
Signed up for Shannon’s giveaway too.
Told my SIL to visit your site and sign up.
As a young college student I would love to win this and have a cooking party/show with my friends to show them how eating ORGANIC is so healthy!!
I buy organic when possible and i would really love to win this contest!!! I just think it fits into my plan of eating healthy and more cleaner… Thank you for the opportunity to win…
I entered at Shannon’s too!! thank you girls…
I added your site and giveaway to my blog today…thank you for the opportunity…you girls rock!!!
I would love to win because I learn more about the harmful effects of pesticides every day and would like to increase my organic food consumption! 🙂
I wasn’t planning an Earth Dinner but I am now! I would love to win this as I’m trying to get more natural/organic groceries – thanks!
I’m not planning on hosting a dinner, but who doesn’t need free groceries?! It’s also a major plus that it’s healthy.
I told my co-worker about your give away, but I’m secretly hoping she doesn’t enter. (more chances for me )
A year supply of organic food would be a blessing for me and my family.
My children have just turned 2 & 3 years old, and they drink only water & organic milk. I also try only purchasing organic foods but it gets SO expensive.
This would help out a GREAT deal!!!
Thank you!
Entered Shannon’s contest.
Liked Organic Valley & Earth Dinner
Tweeted about your website & this contest
Posted on FB about your website & this contest!
posted on my website/blog about your site/this contest & gave a link!
Like Shannon’s Kitchen Creations on Facebook!
My husband, child and I don’t really eat organic because most of the time its more expensive than the regular stuff; but I would love to win this so we could all give it a try!
I’m not holding an earth dinner yet. We just moved to the cape and am currently trying to figure out where to get local products. As soon as I work it out we will. I love eating local and fresh.
I have no plans to host a dinner primarily because I’m in the final weeks of nursing school, working night shift and my dinner is usually everyone elses’ breakfast 🙂 I’d love to win because, at the moment, I can’t afford organic products, but I know how important organic foods are to sustaining a healthy body.
Would love this!! I could finally get my family to eat organic and healthy.
We are not having an Earth Day dinner and seriously I would love to win this because my husband has been unemployed for 2+ years and we can not afford t by organic anything . I love feeding my kids organic foods but it just isn’t in the budget. Winning this would help our family in more ways than one.
posted on facebook
I liked Earth Dinner and Organic Valley on Facebook
I entered on Shannon’s blog
I liked Shannon’s Kitchen Creations on Facebook