For all you Bachelorette Fans out there, I just couldn’t resist…..Several of you have asked me if I have seen The Husband on the show. We all have an inside joke about JP calling The Husband JP now.
My JP….
The Bachelorette JP…..kinda funny how both their REAL LIFE initials are JP.
The similarities are hilarious…..They are both in construction…..”LOVE” those boots!
Not to mention ~ he totally “FLIPS A COIN” whenever we have to make a decision to do something!
I might be a little impartial, but, I still think My JP is hotter
And just because it’s fun and because I can…..I know he sometimes takes on the traits of the “Masked Man” on the Bachelorette
Well….mainly because he has a thing for masks ~ Remember Catman!
The Sequel ~ Catman is Back! ~ he got an upgrade …I think Orange is HIS color
Hissing and growling…..he looks scary, huh?! LOL
He is such a NUT!! I LOVE MY JP, but, I have to say I am totally ROOTING for JP to win on The Bachelorette too. The Husband totally cheers on JP whenever he sees him on the show in guy ways (Yeah, boy! waving his fist lol).
Ok….NOT so Wordless….but, whoever said a picture can say 1,000 words never met someone like me who can’t say 1,000 words without a picture
We are off to Vegas!!! Yes, I will be blogging during our trip, it just may be a bit more random.
See you all later!
Wow.. the resemblance is TOTALLY there. Kinda freaky actually.
And yes, I agree.. your JP is cuter! 😉
Ha – love the picture comparisons! I’ve never watched one of the Bachelorette’s, but one of my best friends is totally into it –
Have fun in Vegas!!
Grandma D called and said the same thing when she was watching the other night. Have a great trip and win lots and lots.
HAHA! Love this post! SO funny! 🙂 Have LOTS of fun in vegas!! 🙂
That is crazy!! Have a total blast in Vegas! we love going to this egg place there can’t remeber the name but I can find out if you want. NOT WW friendly though!! LOL OOh it’s the Egg and I. SOOO DANG GOOD you’ll be full till dinner or longer!
Have a great trip! 🙂
The resemblance is amazing!
Have a great time in Vegas!
HOT and such a great husband to boot!
Agree your JP is Better looking!
This is hilarious! I love your JP!