Hi Everyone! Are you all ready for one delicious Breakfast For Dinner Giveaway?! Yep, I know that’s exactly what you all were thinking when I typed BFD lol. February is National Hot Breakfast for Dinner month and as part of that I’ve partnered with the folks at the family owned company, Krusteaz to bring you all a few creative, Weight Watcher SmartPoints Friendly BFD ideas to help you all get dinner on the table in no time at all. To make things even more fun, I get to give you all a bunch of fun products to work with for your breakfast night.
Did you know Krusteaz has so many fun products for you to enjoy?
So, I have to ask, how do you BFD? As so many of you know, I love eggs, but, I also love anything I can pair with bacon and sausage like this…..
Whip up a batch of silver dollar (using 2 Tbsp for each pancake) Krusteaz Buttermilk Pancakes then top them with a Mini Aidells Chicken Apple Breakfast Sausages and a teaspoon drizzle of pure maple syrup. Each mini “pigs in a blanket” comes in a 3 smartpoints.
Enjoy an entire plate with a side of fruit for one sweet, salty, deliciously satisfying dinner for 9 smartpoints.
To “sweeten” the deal, the folks at T-Fal are offering up a 15% discount off all their nonstick cookware at Target and Target.com the week of February 27th – March 3rd in Honor of National Pancake Day.
Pick up their fun 12.5 pan picture below with a few egg rings to make Krusteaz Blueberry Pancakes in fun shapes.
Each your blueberry pancake straight up for 3 smartpoints or top it with a 1/2 Tbsp Whipped Butter & 1 Tsp of Pure Maple syrup for a total of 7 smartpoints. Just be sure to add in 2 crispy pieces of Trader Joes Peppered Turkey Bacon for 2 points of protein staying power. I <3 this 9 smartpoints meal :D.
Now, if you are looking for something a bit more savory, how about a healthy version of Chicken & Waffles?! Add 2 pieces of that crispy Trader Joe’s Peppered Turkey Bacon with a little green onion and 2% cheddar to Krusteaz’s Belgian Waffle Mix. Reduce the oil in the instructions to 1 Tbsp. Each waffle is 4 smartpoints.
Next, whip up your favorite Oven Fried Southern Corn Flake Chicken while the waffles cook then top with a drizzle of Sweet & Spicy Maple Syrup (1 Tbsp Pure Maple Syrup, 1/2 tsp soy sauce, 1/4 tsp sriracha, 1/2 tsp toasted sesame seeds). 9 smartpoints for this Southern Dish.
For those who want to dessert to go with their Breakfast Night, try these lightened up Krusteaz Blueberry Mini Muffins. Replace 1/3 cup oil with 1/3 cup 0% Greek Yogurt to save on points.
I love that they give you a can of a real blueberries in each box.
I use a 1 inch mini ice cream scoop to make the perfect sized mini muffins.
Enjoy one of these blueberry filled mini muffins for dessert for 3 smartpoints.
Or if you are like me and anything with cinnamon is your weakness…make the Krusteaz Coffee Crumb cake mix into Mini Muffins. It takes the 10 smartpoints cake down to just 4 points a mini muffin witho.
Simply follow the instructions on the box, except, swirl half the cinnamon sugar mix into the muffin mixture.
Scoop into your mini muffin pan.
Then, press 1 tsp of the cinnamon sugar goodness into each muffin before baking.
I have to warn you all ~ these are so good, it’s hard to stop at just one!
Are you ready to try out some Krusteaz Mixes for your BFD Night?
Two boxes of the following mixes: Buttermilk Pancake Mix, Belgian Waffle Mix, Blueberry Pancake Mix, Wild Blueberry Muffin Mix, and Cinnamon Swirl Crumb Cake & Muffin Mix
Krusteaz whisk, a tote bag and pancake batter pen to draw shapes or store your unused pancake mix and a selfie stick.
1) Simply leave your FIRST comment telling me what you’d make on your BFD night or which mix you’d like to the most.
2) Share away ~ Tweet, Pin and/or Facebook about this giveaway, “Ready to create your own #BreakfastNight with @Krusteaz mixes? Enter this #Giveaway hosted by @danicasdaily https://www.danicasdaily.com/a-bfd-giveaway” Be sure to leave your SECOND comment to let me know you did.
3) If you have a blog, LINK back to this contest and leave a THIRD comment letting me know you did.
If you do not have a blog, just leave a comment below telling me someone you told about this giveaway.
The Fine Print: Thanks to the folks at Krusteaz for asking me to share my healthy Breakfast For Dinner Ideas, sending me the items pictured and letting me host this giveaway for National Hot Breakfast Night for my readers.
The Winner will be randomly drawn and announced on Friday, February 24, 2017.
Good luck everyone!
Crepes with different breakfast fillings. I set up a station with all the fillings: chopped fruit, whipped cream cheese, cooked sausage, cheese, salsa, smoked salmon , capers, chopped ham/ chicken . It’s easy and my kids set up the station with condiments
Oohhh, the waffle mix looks great! I like waffles, pancakes & French toast! : )
All the muffins look yummy too! Great give away!
I love your food suggestions!
Thank you!
Susan : )
Love, love, love the cinnamon coffee cake muffin idea. I would make them in a heartbeat! I also love the blueberry muffins and would love to try the buttermilk pancakes.
Just tweeted about the contest. Thanks!
So glad you are back blogging again! I am a 100% a cinnamon girl – so I’d definitely go with the cinnamon swirl mix!
def would make the mini pancakes & chicken sausages with the Krusteaz buttermilk mix . YUM !!!! Thanks for this give away 🙂
BFD is a staple at our house and usually includes eggs, bacon and blueberry muffins. I love the Krusteaz blueberry muffins but I haven’t tried the cinnamon swirl mix so I’d love to try that!
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/krisgan07/status/833852046696669185
Just shared & tweeted it 🙂
I love blueberry waffles for BFD. But I have to say that cinnamon coffee cake mix looks absolutely delicious…. I would transform it into something other then coffee cake though…? What to make…. What to make?
I love blueberry waffles for BFD. But I have to say that cinnamon coffee cake mix looks absolutely delicious…. I would transform it into something other then coffee cake though…? What to make…. What to make?
Mini cinnamon muffins!
I would make pancakes! My family loves breakfast for dinner!
I shared on Facebook!
I shared with my friend Melissa C.
I love breakfast for dinner. I would have the blueberry pancakes with sugar free pancake syrup and some crispy bacon. All of these mixes look so good. This is a great giveaway! B
I’d like the blueberry pancakes.
tweeted here: https://twitter.com/aaaaaaaangela/status/833890701595275264
I told my boyfriend about the giveaway (ben)
I love cinnamon so would have to go for the cinnamon one. Looks delicious! I will have to look for these at my store.
Those pigs in a blanket. You made them look delicious and satisfying.
WOW, the choice! I don’t know what to try first, it would have to be a pick because these look great. I think I would have to go for the pankages. I think I would add fresh berries like rasperries, strawberries, oh and chocoloate chips. Make a bunch of different ones. I also love the idea of the pancake wrap wit the sausage in it (I would do one with bacon too)
Chicken and waffles! We bought a waffle iron last year. It’s amazing all of the things you can do with it.
Here’s the tweet – https://twitter.com/UnretirementPro/status/833999128279519232
And, if I win, I’ll definitely write a blog post about it. 🙂
Those blueberry mini muffins look delicious!
I like to have bacon,eggs and waffles for dinner.
cshell090869 at aol dot com
cshell090869 at aol dot com
I do not have a blog. I shared the giveaway with my daughter.
cshell090869 at aol dot com
Definitely wild blueberry!
I love the Cinnamon Swirl Waffle mix. It is so delicious!
I tweeted this giveaway!
I told my sister Karen about this awesome giveaway. Asked her to enter too!
I make a whole bunch of breakfast burritos once a month to enjoy any time I need a quick fix. Sometimes I use crepes for the wrap, being careful when rolling as they are delicate, and stuff them with turkey bacon or crumbled sausage, low fat cheese, kale, and egg. Sometimes I also make a crepe from a beaten egg and use it as a wrap. Either way, these translate so well to any meal of the day, especially dinner when I’m feeling tired or lazy.
Did I mention that I have a craving for Chicken and Waffles now, ever since I saw the picture you have in this post? Might just be dinner tonight ^_^
We would make buttermilk pancakes!
I would make Belgian waffles and bacon.
Those “pigs in a blanket” look so good! I think I’m going to have to try those.
I absolutely love coffee cake so making some yummy coffee cake muffins sounds sooo good!
My family and I love “Brinner”, especially waffles with cinnamon and what my kids now call “heaven bacon”–that’s thick cut bacon baked in the oven with cracked black pepper and a little brown sugar, or maple bacon with cracked pepper. Each slice is sooo worth the 3 pts!
Oh my! These all look so yummy. I think I’d go with the mini cinnamon and use them as a dessert treat. I often eat breakfast for dinner so the chicken sausage and pancakes would be perfect.
tweeted https://twitter.com/MallM04/status/834074273870409728
I don’t tweet or facebook but I told several friends about this!
Chicken and waffles all the way! And I’m trying your spicy syrup!
I LOVE breakfast for dinner! I would make Weight Watchers friendly Banana Chocolate Chip Pancakes, yum!
Dippy eggs and toast, winner every time. We had BFD so often when my kids were growing up that they were shocked when they went to someone else’s house and they got eggs at breakfast!! ha ha
We regularly make the mini pigs in a blanket like you have. We also make the pancakes much larger and a little thinner and use them as “tortillas” for egg burritos. That is probably the first thing I would make.
I told my daughter about your giveaway! You pick winners the day before my anniversary how fun would that be for me? Thank you! : )
I shared on Twitter at https://twitter.com/1brisket/status/834095928210518016 and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/david.lintz.12/posts/1478532208847009
The Blueberry mini muffins look so good. However so do the pancakes. I love BFD! 🙂
I love the Chicken and Waffles idea. I’ve never made them but they sound like a great idea for dinner. All of the mixes sound wonderful, I’m a blueberry person so I’d pick it!
We would enjoy the Wild Blueberry Muffin Mix most of all! I also want to make waffles & Southern-Style Oven-Fried Chicken for our BFD!
I tweeted
The cinnamon swirl muffins! And I know I could not stop at one!!
I told my daughter about this giveaway! Thanks for the chance at this!
They all are wonderful. I love pancakes and syrup with turkey bacon and blueberry muffins.
Will tell my daughter.
Love making waffles – and all of these mixes would be GREAT to try!!
I love making waffles – and all of these mixes sound GREAT!
I really want to try the Cinnamon Swirl muffin mix.
I have a new waffle maker so it would have to be waffles. So I’d love to try the Waffle mix.
I have tweeted and shared on Google+. 🙂
I don’t have a blog, but I’m totally telling my sister in law. She’s will love this!
Blueberry Pancakes for sure!
The wild blueberry muffin mix sounds amazing!!!!
I so want to try the wild blueberry muffin mix.
Those mini muffins look good! I love blueberry pancakes and bacon.
I would love to make the “pigs in a blanket” for my BFD!
I would love to try the Belgium waffle mix. We love waffles and eggs for dinner
I would love to try the Belgium Waffle mix.
OMG, my cousin in MN introduced these to me many years ago. There is not one I don’t like. My husband thinks I make the best pancakes, thanks Kursteaz. And thanks for giving us this chance to win this fabulous prize.
I have shared and pinned this great offer.
I told three of my friends about this offer.
I’d love to make the Krusteaz Belgian Waffles!
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/cheesylife1/status/834251806880436224
I would love to try the blueberry. That’s so neat that they put a can of blueberries in the box!!
We would make chocolate chip pancakes.
I tweeted.
I would make blueberry mini muffins and serve it with a slice of lean ham, ‘fried’ in a non stick skillet….I wouldn’t add oil to fry it….and serve it with a few carrot sticks, a couple pieces of raw broccoli, and a few cherry tomatoes! 🙂
I’d love to try the blueberry!
I tweeted!
And I pinned!
mmmm! What a tasty giveaway! I’d use the Blueberry Muffin mix to make waffles!
I don’t have a blog, but I told my DH about this giveaway.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE cinnamon, so I’d make the cinnamon crumb cake first.
I told me BFF about this.
I Pinned it!
I love the Krusteaz Pancake Mix and any muffin mix. When I make pancakes I always have used butter, Peanut butter and Jam, since joining WW I have dropped the the butter and switched Jam for fresh fruit. love it
I would make chicken and waffles, my husband’s favorite!
Mine would have to be the cinnamon swirl mulffins with fruit and maybe some turkey bacon. YUM!!
I posted a comment, Facebook, and letting you know I shared.
I’d like to try the Blueberry Pancake mix the most
Tweet: https://twitter.com/follower1888/status/834482344560099338
I told my girlfriend about the giveaway!
The blueberry muffins sound delicious!!!
I told my sisters about the giveaway!
Tough choice as my daughter loves waffles and my son loves blueberry pancakes so we might have to use 2 of the mixes first!!
Thank you for the Krusteaz recipe ideas with the SmartPoints.
I love BFD!! The blueberry pancake mix would be the first one I would try! Yum yum!
I don’t have a blog, but I’m telling my SIL about this giveaway as she’s on WW also! Thanks!
Belgian is definitely my very favorite!!
I would totally do the chicken and waffles. I would add pure maple syrup with a couple of drops of sriracha for a little heat.
I would like to try the cinnamon swirl.
Chicken and waffles for sure!
To quote Donkey (from Shrek), “I’m making WAFFLES!”
No blog, but I told my brother about this giveaway
Pancakes and bacon 🙂
I do have a blog…but…haven’t posted in ages..so I told my sister about it.. 🙂