I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE The Biggest Loser, but, I am pretty sure you all knew that by now :D It i such an inspirational show to me for more reasons than I could ever I type. In honor of last night’s finale (WHICH ROCKED BTW!!!), I wanted to share a little BIGGEST LOSER LOVE!
Not ONE…..
NOT two……
Three people will win their choice of 1 of my 3 favorite BL books!!!
* THE BIGGEST LOSER WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM ~ I LOVE this book because it’s just a great motivator to help you get moving and making healthy choices ~ it’s about all those little changes that add up.
* THE BIGGEST LOSER FAMILY COOKBOOK ~ COOKBOOK ~ Need I say more?! Kidding ~ I LOVE the simplicity of this cookbook ~ few ingredients, simple recipes and GREAT pictures!
* THE BIGGEST LOSER FITNESS BOOK ~ The biggest thing I look for in Fitness books is PICTURES on how to do the moves. This is probably one of the easiest books you will ever find to help you figure out how to do the moves to make you lean and mean!
1) Leave your FIRST comment telling me which book you’d like to win and why.
2) Feel free to TWEET or Facebook about this giveaway. “@danicasdaily is hosting a Biggest Loser giveaway ~ click here to WIN “ Be sure to leave a SECOND comment to let me know you did.
3) If you have a blog, LINK back to this contest and leave a THIRD comment letting me know you did.
If you don’t have a blog, just leave a comment below telling me someone you told about this giveaway
THREE LUCKY WINNERS will be randomly drawn and announced on Saturday, May 29, 2010!.
Good Luck everyone ~ I am pretty sure you will LOVE whichever book you win!!!!
Definitely the cookbook!!! I am always struggling to come up with meals for the week, and I need some new inspiration! What a great giveaway, I love BL too 🙂
Yeah! I LOVE the finale last night – this was my first season watching and it definitely didn’t disappoint!
I would like The Biggest Loser cookbook because. . . I don’t own one cookbook (it’s the truth.)
Oh, and I just tweeted the giveaway.
And. . . I didn’t post it on my blog but I did post your giveaway on Facebook!
I tweeted!
I would love to win the cookbook. I have almost purchased it several times, but talk myself out of it (I LOVE cookbooks, and have a ton already). I am waiting to check it out from the library to see it before I buy it. But winning it would be even better!
I tweeted! (Sorry if this comment appears twice??) My computer and I are having issues…
Yay Danica!! Great giveaway…I REALLY hope I win..cause you know how I feel about BL…. :)…on my way to FB now!
Ok I put it on my FB status!!!!!!!!!!! I hopeeeeeeee I win!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
ok danica, sorry i apparently didnt read the directions, I was supposed to tell you which book I wanted…I want them ALL! hahah ok if i had to pick, it would be…..(drumroll please)………the weight loss program book!!!!!!!! woot woot!!! love ya girl!!!
I would like the win the Fitness Program book, I’m working on my strength training and could use some workout ideas and pointers on using proper form. On another note, I loved the finale! 🙂 This season had some of my favorite contestants, I definitely smiled (and got misty eyed) quite a bit last night.
Hey Danica! Thanks for this great giveaway! I’d like to win the Fitness Program book! I REALLY have a problem getting out of my ROUTINE at the gym (I do the same thing everytime!) which can’t be good, but I’m at a loss of what other exercises I could do! Seems to me this book would help out with that!
I tweeted!
Don’t have Twitter or Facebook access on this computer, but I will blog about your giveaway! Here’s the link to the post 😉
I would love to have the cookbook. Looks like so many yummy recipes.
Me likey!
I’d love the biggest loser family cookbook!!
I would choose the cookbook…I am always looking for new healthy recipes!
Hi Danica! I’d love to win the Fitness Program book – I’m a total geek when it comes to the nutrition side of things but I need so much help in the exercise department! I live next door to a lovely girl who used to work for Jillian (seriously – I had to swallow my gushiness when she told me… I <3 Jillian!) but I'm way too shy to ask for her help… Please give me a big kick up the bum!
Fun!! I would like to win the COOKBOOK, because we all know I’m not trying to lose weight, ntm I already got my WORKOUTS down! 😉
Well along with almost every comment above, the cookbook would be amazing to have! I have so much extra time in the summer and need some new, healthy recipes to pique my interest and keep me occupied 🙂
I too love the Biggest Loser. Its so inspirational and to the change in thier eyes and thier emotions. I am always crying with joy.
I would love to win the Fitness book or the cookbook
I would really like to win the fitness book. I am struggling to begin incorporating some exercise into my life and that book looks like a great tool to start!
I would love to win Family cookbook because I love cookbooks 🙂
I would love to win the Family cookbook because I am a college student that has lost 95 lbs on my own, and now that I’m living back home with my family, I’d like to help them make healthier decisions! 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity!
I’d choose the family cookbook because that’s who I’m cooking for this summer
i would love to win the fitness program book because I love exercising!
I would LOVE the cookbook. My husband is diabetic and we are always trying to find new recipes. But I also woudn’t mind the Weight Loss book as well.
I am a big fan of The Biggest Loser and am soooo happy that Michael won. I was just amazed at the trasformations last night!
I’d love to win the family cookbook because I am ALL about the easy, budget meals that can stretch for a week in the fridge. 🙂 I’m running low on ideas, so this would rock!
I would love to win the cookbook…I love finding simple recipies with fewer ingredients…I cook alot more that way, because it’s not so intimidating!
I love The Biggest Loser too! My first choice would be the Family cookbook because I’m always looking for healthy recipes that my kids will like.
Posted this on my Facebook page as well!!
I would love to try the cookbook. I need to plan my meals more and cook more often!!
I would love the biggest loser weight loss book not for myself but to give it to my best guy friend who is trying to lose a lot of weight. He is a giant so that’s why I think the biggest loser weight loss book would be perfect for him because there have been a lot of big guys on the show!
I also told my boyfriend about this giveaway!
Sign me up! I so want that cookbook 🙂
Definitely the fitness book. Especially if the pics are as good as you say. Have you ever tried to read the instructions on a move from a fitness magazine?! You have to be a bloody genius to decode what they are saying!
I would love the cookbook!! I think part of the reason my weight loss has stalled because I have gotten bored with my meals. I am always looking for new recipes!!
I’m in camp cookbook (haha, this is most def a food blog!!). I’m trying to get into a better habit of cooking food that my boyfriend will like too, and this could be just the ticket!
I’m attempting another try at losing weight and planning good healthy meals is really tough for me. The cookbook would be a great addition to my weight loss planning!!
I would love the weight loss program or fitness guide! I already have the cookbook hehe
Just tweeted you!!
I just blogged yah!! Thanks for the opportunity!!
The family cookbook would be great for my family! Because we are always looking for new recipes that are healthy yet tasty!
I’d love to win the fitness book because I need pictures of the moves!
I tweeted!
I tweeted about this giveaway!
As always, no blog. But I told my co-workers about this awesome giveaway!
cookbook or fitness book 🙂 I love love love biggest loser as well! So inspirational. So real.
I’d love to win the family cookbook because I want my parents to eat what I eat. They don’t trust me as much as they trust cookbooks 🙂
Told mom about this cookbook…She insists we share it if I win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the fitness book looks awesome! i always want to do the moves i see on the show, but forget by the time i get to the gym!
i also tweeted about the giveaway (@rskamel)
I would love to win the fitness book, I love cooking soo much, but fitness books are awesome ways to get new ideas for workouts. After a run, I’m always looking for new strength training moves that will make my muscles burn (and cry for more) 🙂 But, hey, cook book? For sure!
If I would be lucky and win one of this I would love to win THE BIGGEST LOSER FITNESS BOOK, because I love to do exercises at home I just don’t know if I am doing the right one! So having this will really help me a lot to lose weight and be healthy!
I have heard such great things about the Family Cookbook and would LOVE to have it!
I’d go for the cookbook….can always use new recipes 🙂
I tweeted!
I’d like to win the cookbook because I am always searching for new healthy (and fun!) recipes.
I tweeted!
I would love to win the family cookbook. I have many health issues and I am always looking for recipes that I am able to handle. This would be a great way to get new ideas for meals.
I told my mom about your giveaway.
i would absolutely LOVEE to win the biggest loser family cookbook! i’m starting grad school on june 1st (so soon!) and am always looking for simple & healthy meals than can be made in advance and portioned out to last for the week. this just might be the book! andd um hello, have you SEEN jillian’s abs?! sold.
Nice contest—I would want to try the fitness program one!
And I linked this back to my blog 🙂
i remember you were doing TBL jumpstart when i first started reading! awe. memories. 🙂
I’d love to get my hands on that cookbook!
The fitness book would be great for me because I am am a college student who doesn’t always have time to go to the gym and so I’m always looking for moves that I can do at home or that I can learn quickly. Thanks for this great giveaway!
I told my big sis about this giveaway!
i would love to win the cookbook – yum!
I want to win the cookbook! Because I love healthy food and all that 😉
I’d love the Family Cookbook. I’ve checked out a copy from the library but it would be better to own a copy. Any of them would work, though!
Also, I told my sister about this giveaway!
Even though I’m not dieting, I still love reading diet books 😀 I’d love to win – especially the cookbook
I would like to win the cookbook because my favorite thing is to cook! I also think that is a great way to control what you are eating and how much. Biggest Loser is my fav show- go Michael!
I would like to win the cookbook!
I think because my Blog Title has “Biggest Loser” in it, that I should automatically win! Ha!
I had no idea that Panda Express items were so low point! I’ll have to check that out!
I would love to win the weight loss program book. Hopefully the tips given in the book will provide me some motivation when I need it with my weight loss journey.
I’d love the Biggest Loser Fitness book – I think it would be a great resource and reference for the different workouts… (and I already have the Biggest Loser Family Cookbook! ;o) )
Thanks for the contest!
I would love any of the 3 but I guess if I had to choose it would be the fitness book.
I’m seriously OBSESSED with the Biggest Loser! The family cookbook would be perfect because I’ve been having trouble trying to find meals that are healthy that the whole family will eat! Does it come with Curtis Stone?? haha.
I don’t have a blog but I told my mom about the contest and your blog!
I would love to win any, but the Family Cookbook would be my preference. 🙂
Danica, is this open to Canadians?
I love anything biggest loser I can get my hands on. both Bob and Jillian are so inspirational. I would like to win “them” for a few week! Whip me and my friends right into shape!
I’d like to win the cook book because I LOVE cookbooks!
The fitness book fo sho! I love trying new exercises to spice up my routine, but I’m too lazy to get a trainer and to be honest, a little bit slow when it comes to translating directions on paper to coordinated muscle movements. This book seems like it would be perfect for me!
Definitely The Biggest Loser Family Cookbook.
I’m the biggest (hehee-see what I did there?) fan of Devin Alexander and I adore cookbooks.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I’d choose the Family Cookbook definitely! You can never have too many recipes at your disposal 🙂
I would love to win the family cookbook. I have three sons, 13,16 and 18. They are very sports minded and care (as much as teenage boys can) about getting nutrious meals. My husband and myself try to eat as healthy as possible to show the boys that food is important. I can always use new ideas!!!!
Hey! I came over from Celery In the City’s blog, and I must say that I love yours as well. If I could win one of these awesome books, it would be fitness book — I run quite a bit, but am sorely lacking in the tone department!