Happy Christmas Eve everyone!! As I mentioned yesterday, one of the BEST ways to enjoy that buttery, rich, melt in your mouth Coconut Pound Cake and make every bite count is with a piping hot cup of coffee. Not just any coffee….but, Starbuck’s VIA! It’s not really a secret that I LOVE Starbuck’s more than any other coffee out there. In fact, I actually ALWAYS carry these little VIA packets with me in my purse so I can have delicious coffee anytime I can find a place that has hot water. It’s true ~ I have an unnatural love for GOOD coffee LOL.
Another FUN thing about Starbuck’s VIA packets is that they are super convenient whenever you want to bake and need instant coffee (like with my Tiramisu Cupcakes). Most recipes only require a few teaspoons and with Starbuck’s VIA you no longer need to buy an entire jar of instant coffee to just have it sit on the shelf (I totally have a jar on my shelf too LOL).
My next chocolate baking adventure is going to be chunky chocolate brownies that include just a little bit of Starbuck’s Via to make the chocolate taste even richer as I always hear Barefoot Contessa mention when she makes these chocolate ganache cupcakes.
I am IN LOVE with these little packets because not only do they taste great, they are 100% NATURAL and made without by-products or chemicals!
This Holiday Season I’ve partnered with Starbuck’s and put together two gift boxes that will allow you to enjoy a cup of Via while you whip up your favorite recipes using VIA.
* 12 Pack Box of Starbuck’s VIA Columbia
* 12 Pack Box of Starbuck’s VIA DECAF Italian Roast (for the times when you’ve had too much caffeine )
* 12 Pack Box of Starbuck’s VIA Italian Roast
* A packet of Recipe Cards
* A fun Starbuck’s VIA Spatula
* To sweeten the deal, I am throwing in a $10 Starbuck’s Gift Card so you can buy anything you want at Starbuck’s!
1) Simply leave your FIRST comment telling me your favorite way to use Starbuck’s VIA. If you use it to bake with, what have you made? Straight up or with cream? Iced or Hot?
BONUS buck’s
2) TWEET and/or Facebook about this giveaway, “@danicasdaily is hosting a #Starbucks Holiday giveaway, Enter Here http://goo.gl/ZbpVX“ Be sure to leave a SECOND comment to let me know you did
3) If you have a blog, LINK back to this contest and leave a THIRD comment letting me know you did.
If you don’t have a blog, just leave a comment below telling me someone you told about this giveaway.
The Fine Print: Thanks to Starbuck’s for letting me share in the fun by giving you all the chance to win a fun Holiday Starbuck’s VIA baking kit like the one I received!
The winners will be randomly drawn and announced on Wednesday, December 28, 2011!
Happy Holidays everyone!
I ‘ve seen them and always wanted to try them. I didnt know you could cook with them that makes them more interesting!
I tweeted your giveaway http://twitter.com/#!/Somecrazedlady/status/150746449364258816
I posted on facebook Kim Jos.. dont know if the link will work though LOL
Kim Jos
?, “@danicasdaily is hosting a #Starbucks Holiday giveaway, Enter Here http://danicasdaily.com/a-holiday-starbucks-giveaway/
Like · · Share · about a minute ago
I’ve never tried VIA but I have used instant coffee in baking chocolate cake and it does intensify the chocolate flavor. Happy Holiday to you!!
i use them for baking – they are super convenient and make chocolate flavored anything taste so much better!
Ive only used them straight up – delicious!
I too love Starbucks coffee. I carry a VIA in my purse all the time in case I need a little coffee.
I love making a cafe au lait with them! Although I’ve only tried the Italian roast. I’d love to win this 🙂
I’ve heard of cooking a roast beef with strong coffee. Sounds interesting
I tweeted about this give away
I’ve yet to try the Via but I love anything from Starbucks !
I told someone about your giveaway. Thanks!
I’ve only used them straight up, too, and it never occurred to me to use them for baking. That’s a great idea! Thanks so much. I’m anxious to try the Italian roast.
I would make tiramisu!
I’d drink them! The coffee at work is crappy and costs money. 🙁
I told my sister about your giveaway, she loves coffee!!
I love them straight- hot and black! The decaf is awesome as well.
I tweeted! @butterjessfly
I’ve never used VIA before and would love to give them a whirl in a brownie recipe that I have!
Iced with half and half and Splenda. It’s the best!!
I’ve never tried via but the brownies sound really good!!
I do the Via thing all the time too! Lately I’ve been enjoying mine in the morning hot with unsweetened vanilla almond milk and sugar-free cookie dough Torani syrup… so delicious!
Tweeted! 🙂
I use starbucks via in my coffee flavored oats!
I dont have a blog but I told my co-workers about your giveaway!
I like mine with sugar
I have never cooked with it…but now I want to. 🙂 I like it brewed with a little Torani SF syrup and some sort of milk or half and half. Had 2 big cups thus morning with brown sugar cinnamon syrup.
I tweeted about the giveaway (rhiannon828). 🙂
I love Starbucks Via packets! I keep a pack in my desk at work for mornings when I go to the gym and don’t have time to stop for a coffee. Just a little sweetener and some milk and it’s perfect!
I have used the packets in a coffee protein smoothie before…so good!
I like it in iced coffee!
I’m after that spatula 🙂 I collect them! My favorite way to use coffee packets is for making a mocha shake! YUM! Great give away Danica…thanks!
OK, so I’ve tweeted…not sure if I did it right…and I put a comment on my FB and your FB pages 🙂 I do really want that spatula lol
So far, I have only tried Starbucks VIA as regular morning coffee. I love it, though, and would be really excited to try it in baking!
I tweeted! @RachelhopB
cream and stevia! Love! The coffee at my work stinks, so these are my occasional savior!
Merry Christmas Danica! Great giveaway – my boss gave me a box of Via last year – its nice to have on hand when I forget to pick up coffee beans!
I like the Via’s just as coffee and add frothed milk if available. I will remember to add some to brownies next time I bake some!! I also think it would be good in a chocolate smoothie!! yum….great giveaway!
I like it with soy milk.
I told my sisters about this giveaway, we’re together celebrating the holiday!
I love to drink Starbucks VIA….so easy and so good!
Iced with cream and splenda, yum!
Straight up – hot – black. Delish!
Shouted about this giveaway to one of my neighbors.
Merry Christmas! Enjoy!
I tweeted about your giveaway right here:
I told my mother about your giveaway and hopefully if I don’t win, she will! 🙂
Great when you want just one cup of good coffee late in the afternoon or evening!
I love it with vanilla and almond milk iced.
I love the via! I fill my glass with water leaving about 4 inches then add a splash of carmel macchiato then add ice and top it off with sugar free carmel sauce. Yum
My sorority sister swears by them. I’ve yet to try them, but would love to.
I love the decaf after dinner. Can’t beat it.
Love them iced with a little cream!
I love to use it at work
I love the Via for travelling!
Would love to try as a yummy coffee and use in my Mocha Cake!
Iced with cream !
I have never used them, but LOVE Starbucks! Would love to try them!
Well I love starbucks coffee and I use the via just the way it is with hot water!!
Love my coffee too!!
I have never used them, but would love to try them out. I love Starbucks.
I have not tried these yet but would love to because I love Starbucks coffee!
I shared the link on Facebook about the Starbucks give-a-way!
I add coffeemate ff french vanilla!
I love via, too! I have 848344564 bags of coffee and recently, over 100 Keurig k-cups :-x, so I don’t know if I’d buy myself vias for awhile, but I certainly would like some :-D. I usually just drink it straight up! Love bringing it when I travel just in case I need my fix and can’t get it otherwise- heh, heh. But I LOVE your baking idea! I used to be obsessed with taking the iced via’s to work in the Summer before we got our coffee machine there, but now I have 10-15+ packets and no real need to use them (I prefer stevia & those are automatically loaded with sugar), but I can bake with them now. Brilliant!
I love my VIA hot with a little sugar and cream!
I love to blend it with milk, pumpkin, cinnamon and agave, then warm it up for a satisfying breakfast treat!
My husband and I brought Starbucks Via with us when we were backpacking. This way the load was light and we still had our coffee!! Made our mornings wonderful!
I keep saying I’m going to try them and I always leave with other things on my mind and I FORGET……………..some day
My fav thing to make is black bean brownies. They are so good that I don’t tell the fam what is in them. Shhh!
I like to use it in a smoothie for an extra burst of energy.
I keep it in my purse for when I can’t get to Starbucks.
I don’t have a blog, I told my DIL. Thanks hope I win!
I have a few in my office, we have free coffee but since I am an espresso drinker, these work perfectly for me.
I would like to try these in chocolate cupcakes
I haven’t tried baking with VIA yet, but I’ll have to change that! So far, I just drink it at work.
I tweeted!
Love to use it in baking.
I love Via! My husband and I use it to make iced coffee drinks in the blender with a shot of mocha and coconut milk!
These are so handy when travelling! Would love to try these in some baked goods.
I have some expresso powder on the shelf for that purpose but I’m sure this would be better!
I am a teacher and these packets are perfect for a nice warm cup of coffee at school before the kiddos get there or at recess on a cold day:)
I use it when I get to work as I work VERY early in the morning in a call center and would not have enough time to make coffee in the morning! 😀
I’ve never cooked with Via because I’ve never had it! I’d love to try it in baked goods.. especially a mexican chocolate dessert. mexican chocolate pound cake perhaps!
I randomly sprinkled it into my oatmeal, and it actually tasted really good!
Great for coffee drinks in the blender!
I just got Starbucks VIA for Christmas – I have been whining about having to fire up the coffee maker on weekends and holidays for one cup of coffee. Instant is terrific. I will use it for cooking, relaxing, and enjoying coffee on the go without a whole pot to waste.
Never used them, but I would love to give them a try…..I love Starbucks!
Straight and strong early morning
Love using them for my iced coffee drinks. I love Starbucks!!
I like it with cream and sweet-n-low!!!
I have never used the Via mixes before. I’m looking forward to possibly trying them.
I tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/OnMyVTPorch/statuses/151104639918538753
(btw, if you have the tweet start with @username, it will only be sent to that person and not tweeted to everyone)
I like it straight up pipping hot! Sometimes I microwave it to get it super hot! 😉
Tweeted about it: username michellesepii!
I told my sister about this giveaway 😉
Would be a great eye opener to get this prize! Merry Christmas! I’ll be looking for the pound cake in the mail!
love to keep them at my desk for a quick caffeine fix!
I tweeted. Twitter name is rizzogurl.
I love the Via’s. Hot or cold, coffee is good anyway!!
I told several people at Christmas about your blog and your fantastic give away. I posted mine in the right order but they didn’t come out that way. 🙁
with lots of crushed ice OR hot and foamy
I just love via straight up! Never thought to cook with it! Thanks for the tip!
We love to take it with us when we travel. So much better than the coffee in hotel rooms and I like being able to have my iced lattes. Smart idea of using it when baking.
I like it for easy iced coffee drinks as well as reg hot coffee.
I can’t believe I’ve never tried it! I LOVE Starbucks!
i’ve never been creative with the via, just drink it hot w/ a little bit of soymilk. my fav is the columbia.
I haven’t tried it but now I’m interested. I do make these incredible brownies that I could use this in the next time I make them.
I’ve never used it before.
I love to tote the Via around in my purse and when I need a pick-me-up in the afternoon I have it there waiting for me. I the hot water at my work and add cream and a little sweetener.
Tweeted the giveaway:
I love to use instant coffee to make tiramisu Yummy. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
I have never tried it! Great way to start by winning!
on Facebook
told my husband about it!!!
I’ve never used Starbucks Via before, but it sounds so yummy! I would definitely use it in baking, probably one of your delicious recipes.
I told my mom about this giveaway because she LOVES Starbucks!
What a great way to spend the day after any day !! All schnugged up with a nice, inviting cup of java.. yum !! I so want to try it !!!
never used via before but i’m guessing i’ll like it iced!
tweeted 🙂
i have a blog but since it’s a tumblr, i just told someone about the givewaway 🙂
I love it Iced!! Yummy. I also take them camping it is so easy!
I like to use them for coffee-flavored smoothies, and there’s a coffee loaf cake recipe I want to make with them also!
I ADORE starbucks! I have only tried the Christmas VIA, so this would be great for me!
I don’t have twitter, but I told my mom and daughter in law about the giveaway.
I have never tried it, but would love to!
I’ve never tried the Via before.
I told my sister about the giveaway.
I’ve never tried the VIA, but I do love Starbucks coffee, so I’m sure I would love a nice hot cup of VIA coffee with a little half and half.
What great ideas to use Via for cooking and to carry packets in your purse! Italian roast is my favorite, so I hope I win!! I love your blog, Danica.
I have never had them but I would carry them in my purse so that I could have an amazing cup of coffee anytime!!
I told my mother-in-law about this. She carries them with her wherever she goes!!
I like via to make iced coffee. But I would love to try baking with it!
I have never used starbucks via but would love to try it.
announced this on my facebook!!
Told the girls at work about this giveaway:)
I have not tried this. Yet.
I love VIA! I use them in brownies and bbq sauce. My sis just made oreo espresso truffles this Christmas using them and they were delicious too! I always have a few in my purse too because I am too much of a Sbux snob and I actually add it to the bad diner coffee to make it richer instead of in just water. LOL.
I definitely tweeted about the contest!
I like to have it on ice as a mid-day pick-me-up!
I like my Via Hot with Cream and Splenda 🙂
I love Starbucks Via with just a little milk. I bought the Christmas blend this year. Yumm.
facebooked the contest.
I like it hot with Splenda!
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
Mmm favorite way is definintely iced (with cream) but I also like to add it to coffee cake. Yum!
I have never tired Starbuck’s VIA before I want to try it and if I do I would like to try it iced.
I use them to make the most delicious craving-satisfying chocolate mocha smoothies ever. Yum!
I love Via! I used them to make my point friendly mocha smoothie in the mornings. Combine a handful of ice, vanilla almond milk, a banana, 1 Via packet, and a squirt of chocolate syrup. Blend and enjoy! I usually add a scoop of green foods powder to mine. It alters the taste a bit, but you get used to it. If you like it sweeter, add your favorite sweetener. Instant coffee smoothie!
Facebooked about the contest!
Haven’t tried Via yet!
Ooh, I want to try using Starbucks Via in baking and coffee banana soft serve. I have yet to do so because I never want to buy a whole container of instant coffee when I need so little of it.
I like Starbucks VIA on ice – with milk/cream.
I’ve never tried Starbuck’s Via. I think it would be good added into a chocolate smoothie to make a mocha flavor!
I recently used Staebucks Via when I was traveling and didn’t think I would have access to making coffee!
I will be telling my coworkers about this! We’re big coffee drinkers!
I like it hot.
I just make regular old hot coffee.
I like it hot with a splash of cream!
plain old coffee 🙂
Hot coffee.