The Husband came up with the title for this post. Who says you can have Ham and Eggs when you can have Ham ‘n’ Eggs?! He says the difference is ham and eggs are two separate dishes and Ham ‘n’ Eggs are one big ghoulash of a dish that we had. Ok, I am not sure what he meant by it, but, it makes me laugh hearing him say and explain it. He’s so funny ~ that’s why I LOVE him so!
Can you guess what we had for dinner tonight? Hmmmm…..well, it starts with breakfast lol.
For starters, I had a slice of the fabulous new Honey Wheat bread that we bought at Gillwood’s today topped with a little whipped butter.
And paired it nicely with some scrambled eggs (eggs, dash of milk, dash of Tapatio hot sauce, sea salt, freshly ground black pepper, sprinkle of parmesan). I had one egg and The Husband had three. He put his on top of his “ham hash below” while I kept mine on the side.
The star of tonight’s dinner was Rachael Ray’s Ham and Spinach Hash ~ I’ve made this recipe several times and love it because it has so much flavor and you can get in some veggies in a new way. I modify her recipe by cutting the butter and the oil in 1/2 and tonight I used Rosemary since I didn’t have any time. It was awesome as usual ~ totally hammy! 🙂
I forgot how filling this dish was and how gigantic my one slice of bread was. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to finish it all, but, I DID! Ok well, I scooped the extra ham and stuff to The Husband’s plate – so that counts, right?
I am off to put together my list of baked goodies for the bake sale. Meghann received her testing package today… can see what she thought here. Based on her review, it looks like I just might have to put together a variety pack 🙂
Ok I’ll stop hamming it up with corniness…..I think my brain has officially decided to make me loopy.
Have a great night all! I am off to enjoy my new magazine, relax and get caught up on some much needed sleep.
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