Happy Hump Day all! I LOVE hearing all the cool things you’d LOVE to own from My Open Sky Shop and how you all plan on using them. Remember you have THREE ways you can enter to win one of the THREE Eat Smart Precision Pro Digital Food Scales I am giving away ~ Make sure you Tweet, Facebook, Link and tell everyone you know to improve your chances to WIN 😀
I have sort of a funny story regarding my breakfast this morning. I was pondering all the ideas you shared with me to help break me out of my Breakfast Rut when I randomly recalled my visit to Europe a few years back. I LOVED how they served up meats and cheeses to make sandwiches for breakfast. So, I thought, why not do that?
1 Whole Wheat Bagel Thin
1 oz LEAN Honey Ham
1/2 oz Lean Honey Roasted Turkey Breast
1 Laughing Cow Light Original Swiss Wedge
It was good, but, you know, I really think you have to be in EUROPE to actually appreciate having a sandwich for breakfast. It wasn’t bad for 3.5 points, but, I am not sure it was as COOL as I remembered :). I served it up with 1 cup of strawberries.
4 points of Europeanness 😉 LOL
My Mid Morning snack was a 3 point repeat of yesterday ~ 4 Kashi Bruschetta Crackers with 1 Sargento Low-Fat Colby Jack Cheese.
It has been pouring rain here all day and I have to admit I got REALLY excited when I saw the sun come out. I thought for sure that I could squeeze in a quick run before the rain came back even though there were a million signs telling “Don’t Do It!” (Rain, forgot my water bottles for my fuel belt, forgot my headphones = no music)
I laced up my shoes, found some spare headphones in my desk and headed out. 3 minutes in it started to sprinkle. I thought, ok, I can handle a little rain….then, the drops got bigger and BIGGER and I thought ~ wait, I don’t want to ruin my shoes & I have my WEIGH IN tonight so I don’t want wet hair (you know that could be like an extra 1/2 lb LOL).
I reluctantly turned around and changed up my lunch plans. I ran to Whole Foods to pick up some PLANTAINS to make Cheesy Chicken & Plantain Enchiladas later this week.
Guess what I found when I was there????
CHOCO-LOVE!!!! Not, just any flavored Choco-LOVE, but the TWO flavors that everyone has been searching for to get me ~ DARK CHOCOLATE SEA SALTED ALMOND & TOFFEE+ALMONDS IN MILK CHOCOLATE!!! Notice how they have MINI bars now – so cool! Don’t worry, I went Choco-CRAZY, but, I shared with two of my friends 😀
Lunch started out with a 1/2 cup Sweet Potato “bowl”.
Topped with 1 cup of leftover Black Bean & Sausage soup. tomatoes, 1/8 AVOCADO, 3 FoodShouldTasteGood Tortilla Chips and Sriracha! (6.5 points)
I honestly think that my favorite new way to enjoy any beans is in a sweet potato bowl ~ I LOVE the salty, sweet, creamy combo!
I am pretty sure you could guess my afternoon snack ~ 6 squares of ChocoLOVE Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt and Almonds for 3 points. SO GOOD ~ It’s totally LOVE 😀
My Weigh In today was a totally bust ~ I lost .2 lbs ~ really, that’s all?! I am happy it’s down, always better than up, but I honestly felt I earned so much more, but, for whatever reason, I am doing a great job maintaining. I am going to see if I can shake things up this week and make the scale go down again.
Our topic was pretty cool ~ It was all about spicing things up and trying new things. Definitely something I will be focusing on this week.
I had a fun, unexpected package on my door when I got home from Bertolli.
I had forgot I had signed up with FoodBuzz as part of the Taste Maker Program to receive TWO Bertolli Sauces ~ Four Cheese Rosa & Arrabbiatta. I am so excited to try them out.
I LOVE that they fed my recipe addiction by including recipes too!
The Husband and I did some shopping after my meeting and decided to have some of my FAVORITE Spicy Chicken Tacos at Vasquez for dinner. I had two for 8 points.
I am such a good wife because I shared my Choco-LOVE with The Husband! I totally wanted to have more but, I refrained and opted for some 1 point Annie’s Organic Bunnies to satisfy my sweet tooth. Yes, I totally should’ve had fruit since I am lacking in the f/v department, but, sometimes you just have to go with what sounds good, right 🙂
Keep those emails coming because we have such a fun group ready to meet up. If you are interested in participating (or driving from anywhere to meet us) in the Bay Area Blogger Meet Up with TJ & I, send an email to me at danicasdaily at gmail.com.
Just TWO more days….Yeah!
Night all!
We must be twins on the scale this week! lol Your lunch looks good- do you make the sweet potato mash yourself or is it canned?
Ohh goodness i can’t wait to see what you do with those sauces!!! You always make the best stuff ever. I’ve never tried those chocolates but I see them EVERYWHERE!!! maybe after I finish my giant stash of Girardellhi’s that my boyfriend got me for Valentines day…BOOO i think i’m getting tired of mine. 😛
Wow, that definitely counts as choco crazy! But in a crazy delicious way
Those bagel thins sound so good! I’m going to have to see if I can find them here in Canadia =)
And a sweet potato bowl sounds like heaven! I must try!
I haven’t had a breakfast sandwich in forev—I think I need to have one soon. A breakfast panini would be awesome come to think of it. I wonder if they would let me bring in a George Foreman to work and set up camp at my desk. And then I could make sandwiches at work and sell them to my coworkers?? 🙂
I love the Bertolli case (not to mention jealous that you received those sauces) it’s like a fun book full of food!
Oh my Gosh – I LOVE everything on this post – from the bagels to the crackers to your bowl – how have I not read you before??!! 🙂
Great eats! Can’t wait til I get bagel thins around here!
Do you love chocolove because of the nutritionals? It does seem like you get a lot for your buck! I’m not so good at breaking off a piece and stopping though – LOL
Regarding your WI – have you considered the running? I’ve heard it said that distance runners can have a hard time losing weight b/c you HAVE to fuel your run. Not sure if it is true though!
I totally agree about what you said at the end. I’ve been teaching myself to change plans if I’m not hungry for what I had planned. The other day I had made a egg scramble with veggies (which is really yummmy) to go on a pita but I wanted to eat something more sweet. So I saved them and put peanut butter on my pita instead 🙂 Little things like that to help break the rigid mindset I can get caught up in.
Hiya TJ,
Scales are so overrated sometimes, huh?! 😀 I have never used canned sweet potato. I just bake one in the microwave for 4 minutes and scoop out the inside. I guess if you wanted to be really organized you could bake them over the weekend then use them during the week 🙂
Hi Alison,
I LOVE ChocoLOVE first because of the taste! They use a really good quality chocolate that is creamy and melty. Then, because of what they put in it. For example the sea salted almond has the perfect balance of chocolate, almonds and a hint of sea salt – it blends so well and the flavors continue to change in your mouth as you eat it so you taste everything. Next, because of their ingredients ~ 100% clean and nothing funky added. Finally their stats ~ I LOVE how much you get!
I have learned that Dark Chocolate I can eat in moderation ~ it’s really rich and it satisfies. Milk Chocolate I can eat tons of and that is why the smaller bars are good when it comes to that. I know I can’t stop with that Toffee Almond Bar – it’s amazing!
I have pondered the whole running/maintaining thing. It’s funny that you say that. When I did my first half I pretty much maintained within the same 3-4 lbs, but, my clothing sizes dropped by 2. I didn’t care about the weight so much because I LOVED the physical results. I have really tried to be conscience about how much and what I’ve eaten this go round so I think that is why I feel like I should be losing. I am honestly pondering switching to a week of CORE next to see if it makes a difference? It’s frustrating since I really feel like I am doing everything right.
That totally happens to me all the time with making something and wanting something else 🙂 I think both your options sound YUM!
Have a great weekend!