Hi all! I promise my post isn’t about Thanksgiving and in fact I never had any turkey today even though I discuss the Poultry Possibilities later. Read on and you’ll see why today was one Happy Turkey day!
I love this tortilla, pepper and egg casserole. I think I’ll be sad when it’s all gone. (5 sp).I had my one cup of coffee and took my “fake coffee” to my morning training glass. I actually really like this organic toasted brown rice green tea…it’s just not a latte lol. 😀
I made sure to get my walk in today before it hit 100 degrees. Along the trails we saw this turkey and her babies in the tree – so cute!
I am also really loving how easy and delicious this lunch is.
La Tortilla Light Flour Tortilla topped with 1 Laughing Cow Spicy Pepper jack wedge, 1 Tbsp Olive Tapenade and 2 oz honey ham (5 sp).
Sliced into pinwheels, served with cucumber chips and watermelon.Late afternoon, I snacked on a zero point banana with one of these 2 point Cinnamon Banana Muffins (2 sp).
The Husband asked me for ice cream or popsicles for dinner and then said burgers sound good too. I agreed to trade in cooking to head out to Monsoon Burger which has frozen yogurt next door.
On our drive, we saw this cute Turkey family walking along the road. This is 30 miles away from where I was this morning. This totally made for a Happy Turkey Day! I love baby animals.?At Monsoon, I ordered the grilled chicken breast club without a bun. This got me to thinking – have you all ever thought of the poultry possibilities?
If you start with a zero point chicken breast, then, you can add points with delicious toppers. I picked pepper jack cheese, 1/2 an avocado and bacon for 11 Smartpoints. I actually gave most of my fries to The Husband before starting so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat them all (5 sp).28 Daily WWFreestyle Smartpoints, 10K steps
Night all!
I do the same with my hubby– when I don’t have the “fries” or whatever temptation of the day is…. it automatically ends up on his plate. A win/win for sure! We see lots of “babies” on our walks too- right now it is Canadian geese goslings ( think that is the right term) A river goes right thru the center of our town & the geese use it for a hatching site. ( on the bank of course) We have watched them get so much bigger in a months time! 🙂