I mean….have you ever seen a Parsley Plant grow this big for no apparent reason???
Or Rosemary….I think they are competing for who can grow the tallest…..
Lemon Thyme ~ Our garden this year is totally Herbs Gone Wild ~ seriously LOL….
They are bigger than the tomato plants…..
And even HIS 4 corn stalks
The only thing not so happy about all this greenness ~ the Lemon Cucumber
The cool part is this is only after 1 month ~ you can see what our garden looked like when we planted it over on this post.
I absolutely LOVE looking out our kitchen window every morning and seeing this….I really do tell The Husband to come look every day because his “corn” looks bigger…..and, the part that is even funnier…..He always says “Hi Corn!”
Yup, that’s why I think we need to get out more!
Speaking of that ~ House of Prime Rib might just be my all time FAVORITE place in the world now. I have never ordered Prime Rib (ever ~ it’s too “beefy” to me, but, I would go back just to eat it there). I counted every single point of my dinner from the hot sourdough bread to the garlic mashed potatoes and wine ~ all 41 points+ worth.
Then, I made sure I was up at 5 AM on and the treadmill for another Couch to 5K 30 minute run/walk this morning.
On my way in I stopped for a Venti Iced Coffee with 1 pump Mocha, 1 Pump Vanilla and a splash of 1/2 and 1/2 for 2 points+.
I wasn’t super hungry for breakfast so I “snacked” instead. I am so bummed this reduced fat Sargento “barely” comes in at 2 points+….I thought for sure it would be 1. It’s worth it though.
About an hour later my hunger kicked in so I snacked on some veggie tray veggies with 2 Tbsp Light Ranch (2 points+)
I am also “that” person who fires up the grill at 6 am just so I can have Trader Joe’s Grilled Chili Lime Chicken Burgers for lunch.
Topped with 1/4 cup Cojita Cheese, 1 Tbsp roasted pepitas (pumpkin seeds!)
All on top of a bed of crunchy greens and things with 2 Tbsp Newman’s Light Lime Vinaigrette. My entire salad came in at 10 points+.
As I was pondering my afternoon snack, my co-worker stopped by and asked if I wanted to make a coffee run……um, Yes, Please!!!! As if I needed more
Small Nonfat Decaf Latte (3 points+)
We also each had a scoop of Biscoff Spread with our lattes (2 points+)
When I walked in the door The Husband had already started making dinner. He grilled up Bonesless Pork Chops with his “secret BBQ sauce” (2 oz for 2 points+)
And grilled asparagus with Olive Oil, Sea Salt & Black Pepper (2 points+)
While I made up the fries ~ It was really hard work putting these Trader Joe’s Frozen Shoe String Fries on the tray and baking them for 14 minutes.
They turn out so crispy as if you “fried” them and you get a lot. 3 oz = 4 points+.
Simple, delicious and totally worth repeating.
I am currently trying to pretend the caramel Dove’s are not on the counter…..I need to just walk away already!
STATS (12 am – 830 pm)
- 2, 608 calories burned
- 7, 549 steps taken
- 29 daily points+
Are you growing a garden this year? Patio gardens and container gardening counts. What did you plant?
Night all!
Wow, your garden is beautiful! We love fresh herbs and have been wanting to start a one.
We (or I should say, my husband, since he does all the work) have a garden this year. We’ve decided to expand so we have a lot more than prior years. 50 tomato plants, lots of green peppers, a few jalapenos, and probably a few other things too. We like to make our version of “smoked” salsa so I’m hoping we’ll be real busy with that this summer!
Here’s a link to the recipe if anyone is interested:
Thanks for sharing the recipe Lisa ~ it sounds amazing!
We put in a raised bed garden with lots of flowers and I have a bed for herbs (thyme, parsley, oregano, basil, and chives) and another bed for veggies (bell pepper, cucumber, peas, string beans, lettuce, strawberry and broccoli). The herbs are doing great but the veggies are just starting to grow finally. I’m hoping to get something before we move in early June but i’m not holding my breath.
Your garden looks amazing! I just have a small patio garden this year with basil, okra, and zinnias. I’m pretty excited about it since I’ve never really grown something!
Its so freaking hot in Santa Clarita that we cant really grow anything on our balconey ( we have a condo). I have a big garden window over the kitchen sink so I have flat leaf parsely, rosemary, oregano and thyme in a big pot. I also buy Basil from TJs and plant that in a pot.
I just puchased Trader Joe’s Cookie Butter yesterday… I think its similar to the Biscoff Spread? Kinda tastes like ginger with some crunch. I’m not a big ginger lover but I had some on a graham cracker and it’s pretty tasty. I bought it for my son that can’t have peanut butter and he does like ginger snaps, but I think I liked it better than he did! That wa not my intention 🙂
Your garden looks WONDERFUL! I do some herbs: basil, oregano and cilantro….thinking about a tomato plant or two this year to add to my salads.
So, I am totally jealous when you talk about Trader Joe’s (I’m in PA) so I just checked and there is one 35 miles from me. Is it worth the trip?? And if so, what should I have on my “must buy” list?
Hi Connie,
Yes, it is definitely worth the trip. I LOVE Trader Joe’s and for no other reason than there are great deals, delicious foods and reasonable prices. Here is a link to a list of my favorite things I created last year to give you some ideas.
Happy Shopping!
Love the raised bed garden Danica. I live in a condo, we only have a small deck, but each summer we grow herbs, flowers and this year, I’ve planted kale from seed. SO excited that it seems to be growing well. Bring on the kale chips. Have a great Tuesday.
My go to herbs are basil & chives in summer. Chives are so hearty and come back every year. Love them… And what can top fresh basil??? I also plant lots of peppers, beans, and tomatoes. Just wish we had planting weather here in Wisconsin.
Love how your herbs look…useful, tasteful and CUTE. Think I’ll plant some along with flowers in my decorative containers. This way I’ll kill two birds with one stone.
Your herbs look amazing. I have a small container herb garden on my patio here in Phoenix and am envious of yours!
Coincidentally, just before reading this post I watered my potted herb garden: rosemary, thyme, cilantro, parsley, basil, and dill. So far, dill is in the lead for most abundant!
Great looking garden!!! I just replanted my herbs (the Rosemary and Sage were over 2 feet tall-be forewarned). This year I have two types of basil, two types of thyme, cilantro, parsley, oregano, marjoram and Stivia which I am really excited about!! Also tomatoes peppers and tomatillos. Salsa and marinara are in my future 🙂