Happy Tuesday all! Believe it or not, in all my years cooking, I have never tried to roast my own pumpkin seeds. I never knew how simple, easy and healthy it is to roast pumpkin seeds at home….that is after you get past the gook pulp you scoop out! For the record, that is totally The Husband’s job in our house lol.
The thing I love about this recipe is that it allows you to be all chef like using every ingredient in the basket by using the Whole Pumpkin (Yes, I watch way too much Chopped!). Whether you are carving your pumpkin, roasting it or making it into soup, the next time you have a pumpkin make sure you follow this incredibly easy How To for roasting the pumpkin seeds.
You get a bunch of crunchy goodness in these seeds ~ 1/3 cup or 3/4 ounce of roasted pumpkin seeds in their shells is only 2 points+.
INSTRUCTIONS (print it!):
1. Preheat oven to 325 and spray a large cookie sheet lightly with nonstick spray.
2. After cutting your pumpkin open or splitting your pumpkin in half, scrape and sort the seeds from the pumpkin pulp. There will be a few pieces of pumpkin pulp or string that remain. Place the seeds in a colander with small slots or holes and rinse the seeds under cold water stirring with a spoon to remove any remaining pumpkin pulp and strings.
3. Pour the seeds onto two paper towels to blot off any excess water and pour the pumpkin seeds onto the large cookie sheet in a single layer.
4. Sprinkle with Sea Salt or your favorite seasoning. Make them sweet using cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice combined with a little sugar or savory using Old Bay Seasoning.
5. Bake in the oven at 325 for 10 minutes. Stir the seeds by shaking the pan to move them around. Place the seeds back in the oven to roast for an additional 10 minutes or until golden brown and crunchy.
6. Cool on a paper towel and store in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer. Enjoy as a snack or as a topper on soups or salads.
Preheat your oven to 325 while you prepare the pumpkin seeds for roasting.
After splitting your pumpkin in half, scrapping and sorting the seeds from the pumpkin pulp, place them in a colander with small slots or holes. Rinse the seeds under cold water stirring with a spoon to remove any remaining pumpkin pulp and strings.
Pour the seeds onto two paper towels to blot off any excess water.
Spray a large cookie sheet with nonstick spray and pour the pumpkin seeds onto a large cookie sheet in a single layer.
Sprinkle with Sea Salt or your favorite seasoning. Make them sweet using cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice combined with a little sugar or savory using Old Bay Seasoning ~ the possibilities are endless.
Bake in the oven at 325 for 10 minutes. Stir the seeds by shaking the pan to move them around. Place the seeds back in the oven to roast for an additional 10 minutes or until golden brown.
Cool on a paper towel and store in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer.
Tomorrow is another Farm Box Day and I cannot wait to see what Farm Fresh To You brings to our door step. See you all tomorrow for another fun mid-week giveaway that I guarantee you all will want to win!
Have you ever roasted pumpkin seeds? If so, what seasoning did you use?
Night all!
It has become tradition for me to ruin these every year 🙂
thank you for the receipe. I have never roasted pumpkin seeds.. I will have to try this over the weekend.
I’m a purist so just plain sea salt.
Homemade pumpkin seeds are soooo much better than those white-because-they’re-soaked-in-salt-water-for-days ones you can buy at the store.
I’ve roasted pumpkin seeds using garlic salt.
I have never tried making them. Another thing to put on my to do list!
We love this tradition, this year made the BEST batch ever. Secret is to lay out on clean dishtowel overnight then follow the recipe!!! You’ll be glad you did:)
When the kids were little we took out the innards, roasted the seeds, took some of the inside ‘walls’ made pumpkin pie and then carved the pumpkin for Halloween! I watch Chopped too! : )
Roasted seeds are so fun to eat. My daughter recently roasted acorn squash seeds and she said they were awesome!
I actually just tried this right before Halloween. I read a website that said to boil the washed seeds in salty water if you want a little more flavor. Then I roasted them and sprinkled a bit more salt on them and that’s all they needed. They turned out delicious!
I am a purist as well, I just like sea salt. I make them the same way, however, my friend boiled them first for about 15 to 20 min and then roasted them, I could not keep my hands out of that baking sheet while they were cooling.