We arrived about 45 minutes early to the Hungry-Girl Book Signing and it was already packed. How cool is that?! You know you have a product that sells itself when people arrive hours early just to get your signature on the book you wrote.
We were lucky enough to get the last two seats and after that it was standing room only.
Within about 5 minutes of sitting down and noticing all the free loot, they told us they had lots of great samples for us. Since there was a mix up in the dates, they had way too many samples to go around. They let us go through the line grabbing 2 of everything at first. Then, had us do it again and again….yahoo to free loot! But, more on this in a bit.
We had fun helping out with the Tour Footage Video they were taping. They had us do some chants after one person suggested it and we got to choose if we wanted to individually record a segment. Of course Rachel was quick to offer me up and The Husband snapped the picture.
Lisa AKA HG, came out after our channting and gave a quick speech on her new book. Then, she opened it up to a Q&A session. People were shy at first, but, after a few questions things got rolling. I have to say it was really awesome to hear all the questions people had from how to use certain products to if the book would work for someone Vegan. I was soooo excited I did my stint in veganism because I was able to help out with ideas – yahoo! Click on the VEGAN links on the right if you want some great ideas.
I have to say I LOVE Lisa! Seriously, I mean, I knew she was awesome from her newsletters and website plus her first book. But, this was the first time I have ever met her and SHE ROCKS!!! What you see is what you get – her personality that shines through in her newsletters is exactly how she is in real life. She is so funny and really gives each of her fans attention to listen/answer their questions.
She actually chatted with each person as they brought up their books! Ok, get ready for a picture slide show here – The Husband went picture crazy π
And, of course, I posed with HG herself!
As if Lisa wasn’t already cool enough, she was so excited that I brought 5 books (I gave one to Rachel to have her sign it!) She gave us FREE T-Shirts to say Thanks for supporting me!
Isn’t this the coolest shirt you’ve ever seen? So FUN!!!
I also had her sign my original book too since I wasn’t able to make it to the first book signing. She thinks I rock too!! π LOL
Ok – are you all sitting down for this??? I told Lisa about my blog and how I was going to host a giveaway for one of my signed copies. She was all for it. The girls who helped her out LOVED the idea too and loaded me up with a ton more of FREE LOOT to give away as well! I will definitely be hosting some giveaways soon to share all of this……
Fiber THIRTY – Kidding – Fiber 1 plus coupons!
POP Chips!
Weight Watcher 1 point Chocolate Caramel & Peanut Butter Bliss Bars!
AND 2 HG Book Tour T-Shirts!
All together – Can you believe how awesome the Hungry-Girl Team is! Thanks so much for sharing everything with me (HG Girls!) I can’t wait to host some giveaways and of course to try some of this myself too! Yeah!
This really was an amazing day and night! I feel so lucky to have had such a fun Monday. Everyday should seriously be THIS fun!
I also received some other great news today too that I will be sharing with you all soon! For now, I am off to get some zzzzzz so I don’t fall asleep tomorrow night during The Biggest Loser FINALE!!!
See you all in the AM for more fun!
Are there any Hungry-Girl Fans out there? I’d LOVE to hear from you.
Wow, sounds like you had a blast! π
What a great day, Danica! Loved the recap!
How awesome is that! Look at all the look you got, I am sooo jealous!
Oh wow!! I’m so glad to hear she is just as cool in person as she sounds in all her newsletters!!! I am sooo jealous of all your free stuff!!
Wow, that’s a lot of loot! Glad you had such a great time!! π
Felishdadish ~ It was such a good time! I would totally do it all over again if I could.
Angelea ~ Thanks, I was so excited last night that I stayed up late to be able to share the recap with you all π
Kristi ~ Thanks, no worries, I am going to be hosting a few giveaways to share with you all.
KitchenPanda – She is amazing, seriously. Just like a normal person who is funny and friendly even though she is pretty much a “celebrity” now π
FatFighter – You really need to check out her book signings if one is near you – they rock!
Felishdadish ~ It was such a good time! I would totally do it all over again if I could.
Angelea ~ Thanks, I was so excited last night that I stayed up late to be able to share the recap with you all π
Kristi ~ Thanks, no worries, I am going to be hosting a few giveaways to share with you all.
KitchenPanda – She is amazing, seriously. Just like a normal person who is funny and friendly even though she is pretty much a “celebrity” now π
FatFighter – You really need to check out her book signings if one is near you – they rock!
WOWZA!! i was so anticipating this post and now that i have read it it really blew any expectations out of the water! what a cool experience, and that is so neat she gave you all that schwag! stoked!! and i got your comment on my blog UM YOU ARE ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY AMAZING DANICA! seriously you are the biggest sweetheart. i love lisa’s newsletters and i am so excited to try out the cookbook. that is so cool that she is genuinely the same in person as she is in her writing. loved this post!!!
Janetha ~ Awww – I LOVE your comment! Thanks – I am still smiling. It was so fun to go – I never knew a book signing could be so fun! Um, I still need you to email me LOL.
Janetha ~ Awww – I LOVE your comment! Thanks – I am still smiling. It was so fun to go – I never knew a book signing could be so fun! Um, I still need you to email me LOL.
A fellow HG fan here. I don’t really use her recipes, but I have been subscribing to her newsletter for years–I love being in the know about new products!
Chickpea ~ I agree – I love how she gives us the low down on all the new products out there to try. I pretty much almost have to buy it after she mentions it π
Chickpea ~ I agree – I love how she gives us the low down on all the new products out there to try. I pretty much almost have to buy it after she mentions it π