My workout today was fantastic! Now I completely remember WHY I LOVE working out – it’s for how I feel during sometimes (empowered), but, honestly, it is for how it makes me feel AFTER! I spent 20 minutes on the Elliptical at 19 (to hit all muscle groups) with a tension of 5. I put on my fast paced music and tried to hold the beat. After, I hopped over to the treadmill for a 15 minute free for all. I changed the speed and grade every 10 seconds here and there, did a couple of sprints and cooled down with a little walking. It was definitely a fast, but, effective workout.
I came back to work ready for lunch. Keeping up with my need to eat up our freezer this morning I pulled out this new to me product I found at Trader Joe’s, Channa Masala. I am not a big fan of indian food, but, the combination of spicy and savory with chick peas got me.
It also didn’t hurt that 1/2 of this is only 3 Weight Watcher Points and the ingredients are CLEAN!
Here is 1/2 my cooked portion – sort looks like chunky baby food, huh?!
I used 1/2 a Whole Wheat Naan to scoop it up with ~ OMG – it was fantastic. It was spicy, but, totally loaded with flavor. I wasn’t sure I would LOVE it, but, by the end, I definitely wanted more.
I had some healthy crunch for sides. I learned that the Armani an Cucumber needs to be “rubbed” to have the bitterness taken out. OMG – it was awful since I didn’t rub the ends on both sides on the cutting board. I tossed the cucumber 🙁 I used a little drizzle of Annie’s Naturals Lowfat Honey Mustard on my salad and had an additional side of cherry tomatoes with red bell pepper.
YUM!!!! My lunch was full of comfort and crunch – what a great combo.
For dessert I had a handful of Just Apricots for 0 Weight Watcher Points!
Although my lunch was tasty, it didn’t stick with me for long. I held out as long as I could before I had my afternoon snack. This morning my co-worker gave me this new Kashi Cereal bar ~ it’s 2 Weight Watcher Points. I LOVE everything Kashi but this bar was just eh, ok. It didn’t really fill me up and was sorta like a dry fig newton.
Part 2 of my afternoon snack involved these “healthy” Brown Rice Rice Krispy Treats I found at Trader Joe’s. I have to admit, I am a HUGE rice krispy treat fan so I couldn’t wait to try these.
I LOVE how BIG they are….a small nibble made me realize it needed to be topped with something fantastic. I am not sure I’d eat these bars plain or buy them again.
I enlisted my Peanut Butter Party Co-workers and we ALL decided that PB Loco Dark Chocolate Duo was the perfect “frosting” for our treat. I sectioned it into 3 pieces and we shared ~ YUM! You really can’t go wrong with anything peanut butter and chocolate, right?
Wow, that was alot of reviews for one post, huh?! LOL…..
I am not sure what is on the agenda for tonight, but, I am hoping to find time to work on the fun posts I have planned for you all (including another giveaway!)
Tonight I am trying out another new recipe….but I am missing TWO ingredients ~ beer & beans – must stop to get that!
See you all for dinner!
Awesome reviews, Danica!
I love whole wheat naan and I'll have to look out for that Indian dish. I'm not big on spicy food, but I'll try anything once!
Love all the reviews but YUM to that rice crispy snack! The "frosting" makes it even more delicious 😉
pb makes any food 438989043 million times better! 🙂
1. I need a Trader Joes already!
2. I think I really need that dark chocolate pb 🙂
love me so PB LOCO 😀
I will so be picking up that TJ's meal next time I am there! sounds great
beer and beans… I am looking forward to it!
That frozen indian meal sounds delicious! I'll definitely look for it at TJ's. The pb rice krispie bar looks amazing! Great choice of topping 🙂
Thanks for the review! The bar looks so good with that chocolate topping.. yum!
I'll have to keep a look out for that meal at TJs! Looks tasty!
And I've been so interested in the brown rice krispies. Glad to hear they're good!
Whoa! Chocolate covered Krispie treat?! Yes, please.
Marisa ~ Thanks. I am not big on indian food/spice, but, this dish was pretty tasty.
K ~ This is one rice krispy treat where the frosting is needed – so good 🙂
Jenny ~ I couldn't agree more!
Brandi ~ Yup, both are a must for sure 🙂
Peanut Butter ~ I LOVE the chocolate chip cookie dough pb loco – it rocks!
C.G. ~ You boil your beans in the beer – LOVED the result.
Anne ~ They have a whole new section of indian food at TJ's with a few vegetarian options.
April ~ You can't go wrong with peanut butter/chocolate frosting on a rice crispy treat for sure!
Heyitstay ~ They definitely taste healthy, but, they are not bad all in all.
Caroline ~ LOL…yup, I am glad to share 🙂