I KNOW I am not getting a cold right BEFORE vacation?! I woke up this morning completely congested, achy and with a totally swollen face. I know my allergies are the reason for my face being swollen since I am allergic to grass, cats and dogs all of which were part of my mowing adventure last night. *sigh*
This morning was all about trying to “beat” my cold before I get one. I started off with my Neti Pot. My awesome friend Kirwin and her hubby swear by this and talked me into getting one last year. I had to admit – it does an amazing job at helping to relieve sinus pressure and clearing your sinuses.
On my way to drop off my car for serving, I stopped at Jamba Juice to get a Cold Buster Smoothie with Immunity boost, Anti-Oxidant Boost and Vita Boost! Yes, this is ONE time I can totally justify having Orange Sherbert in the morning!
My co-workers are sweet! They stalked me up with Ricola, Dayquil and something new I haven’t tried yet ~ Emergen-C.
Now all I need is a little Echinacea Tea and I should be prepared to battle this cold BEFORE vacation!
Today is going to be a super busy work day, but, also a fun day ~ We are going to Sushi for lunch!!!! I hope my nose clears up so I can actually TASTE IT. If not, then, I’ll be having that fantastic soup I had before.
Quick recap for yesterday:
Calories burned: 2,870
Steps taken: 12,012
Happy Tuesday all! Tonight, I hope to have time to work on all the fun stuff I have planned for you all while I am on vacation. The excitement is driving me crazy – I want to share it ALL now, but, I have to wait so you have something to do while we are living it up in Vegas!
Catch you all later!
Get better!!!!! Stay hydrated and rest. Ack you cannot get sick before Vegas!
Oh and in BB, did you make all the salsas? I left cilantro out because I don't like it but I am hoping that doesn't throw the flavor!
Sounds like you are doing all the right things, Danica! I know you'll wake up tomorrow and feel ALL BETTER.
CG: on the salsas, feel free to leave out the cilantro if you don't care for the taste. I got tired of cilantro, so I quit adding it in and everything still worked without it!
feel better! i love the neti pot (it works wonders) and emergen c is great too. you should also try green tea, and i hear ginger is supposed to work amazingly!
I saw a netti pot on Oprah years ago and now I'm seeing them EVERYWHERE!!! Also, Go Jamba Juice!! I'll use any excuse for a JJ!!! 🙂
i am sending you get well vibes!
i really like that jamba juice cup! it's so cute.
get better-no being sick!
ill keep my fingers cross for you that you dont' get sick!!
hope you feel better. Jamba Juice is the cure-all in my opinion!!
oh no. That happens to me all the time. Don't stress about it, and then you will be ok. Have an awesome time. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this cold blows over.
aw sweetie i hope you feel better soon! I like airborne and cold-eeze for when I'm sick/about to get sick
C.G ~ Thanks, that is what I am doing – lots and lots of good for me fluid. You can leave the cilantro out – I don't think it will affect the flavor at all. I NEED to pop over and see how you are doing on BBC! Yeah!
Angelea ~ Thanks for your vote of confidence, now can you just make it happen 😀 Thanks for answering C.G. for me since I've been too busy being sick and all.
K ~ Thanks, I am trying.
Steph ~ Thanks, I am adding those to my list too!
A ~ So far my neti pot has done a great job at helping to clear things out especially when you have sinus pressure. Yeah for JJ – I totally agree!
Janetha ~ thanks, I am catching them now!
Amanda ~ funny about the cup, but, you are right, I LIKE their cups.
Peanut Butter Swirl ~ thanks, I think it might be too late.
Caitlin ~ good point – I need to get the JUMBO size next time.
Kristi ~ Thanks, I guess it is better to get it out of the way BEFORE we go, right?! No stressing – focusing on getting better.
Anne~ Thanks – I think I have both of those, I should go rummage our cabinets!