Happy Friday Eve all! I used to think I was totally someone who didn’t mind change, in fact, I welcomed it ~ bring it on, I can handle anything you throw my way…..and then, this morning ~ I CHANGED my mind!
I was up early just so I could catch the train this morning. As The Husband was driving me to the train station he asked if I heard the train. I was like, yes….probably (hopefully) a freight train or something because my train comes in like 20 minutes.
As we drove up to the train station, there wasn’t a single person outside and I noticed my train wasn’t listed on the board. I was completely puzzled since I’ve been taking the this train for almost a year now. We checked the posted schedule and saw the train time changed to 10 minutes earlier. When we asked the conductor at the station, they said, oh, they posted that on the website last week. Hmmmm….so, I reluctantly waited an hour for the next train *sigh*
I had remember vaguely seeing something in the news where people were not happy that they had to walk further now when they got off the train. Little did I know that would impact me too ~ you know, after all, that was just what was on TV lol.
As I stepped off the train and walked to the end to find the path I usually walk on, the construction guy told me it was closed and I had to go through the new station….Only to find that there was not a single way to walk my usual route and I had to hoof it through the parking lot to get to the other side of the road. It was about at this point that I decided not all change is good LOL…..
I guess the Silver Lining would be ~ just think of all those extra steps and calories I burned while “exploring” how to get out the train station.
When I arrived at work, I went to the Oatmeal Bar for breakfast.
In my bowl:
- 1 cup old fashioned oats
- 1 Tbsp Granola (1 points+)
- 1 Tbsp sliced almonds (1 points+
- Sprinkle of brown sugar
Simply Filling (SF) + 2 Weekly Points Allowance (WPA) or 6 points+
Lunch was a ratatouille barley salad that I am totally recreating. It was packed with roasted squash, zucchini, eggplant and olives on top of mixed greens with a delicious drizzle of lemon juice and olive oil. (SF+1 WPA for the olives) – 7 points+
Plus a big bowl of watermelon for dessert
The Husband picked me up from work so we could head out to dinner then off to my hair appointment (it is his poker night while I get my hair done).
We ended up at Jack’s Urban Eats where we built big salads. I LOVE Jack’s because you pick your salad top, pick 6 ingredients and have the option of adding any meat and/or homemade dressing on the salad or on the side. think this is my favorite new combination.
In the mix (100% Simply Filling) – 8 points+:
- Mixed Greens
- Corn
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Garbanzo & Kidney Beans
- Pepperoncini’s
- Roasted Mushrooms
- Grapes
- Grilled Chicken
- Balsamic & Olive Oil on the side
I just picked up Starbuck’s for my hair dresser and now it’s time to chat it up while I get my hair done. I can’t wait!
Venti Iced Nonfat Decaf Latte with caramel drizzle on top. (SF) – 3 points+
STATS: (12 am – 7 pm)
- 1,944 calories burned
- 5,543 steps taken
- 3 WPA used, WPA remaining (24 daily points+)
Night all!
The salads look wonderful. Now I know what I a m having for lunch.
I just noticed that we never see your beautiful face in any of the pics, just food! Although I do love all the pics you send and how you always make the food look soooo good…I would like to see someone take a picture of you now and then….like maybe after you have your hair done????? Just wondering…..
Hi Diane,
Thanks for asking ~ You know, I am kind of shy about taking pictures of me, but, I do on occasion when I am snapped with The Husband on vacation or just being goofy. I will try to remember to do that and show my new hair style.
Here is the last picture I posted that I took of me last month 🙂
I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I am loving seeing how you are making Simply Filling work for you! It’s helping me make better choices on how I eat sans-points.
Hey I remember you made your own pickles last summer but I can’t find the post. Can you link it to me? I want to try making some!
HI Robin,
Here you go. I need to make pickles again.