Happy Earth Day and GOOD FRIDAY all! Today was definitely ONE FOOD FRIDAY I LOVE that you all are just as excited about the new Weight Watcher Apps as me. For those IPHONE Users ~ there is a BAR CODE SCANNING app too. It’s called Fooducate. Thanks to Cindy for sharing that.
Click HERE to get the information on the App or Search “Fooducate” on your Iphone
I saw it on TJ’s Iphone today and I think I may officially have Iphone envy ~ it’s pretty COOL & FREE!
This morning started with my Weight Watcher’s Weigh In. How much did I lose?
Thanks to Marcia for pointing out that my .2 lb loss is a Cube of Butter ~ I LOVE visuals like that. I am actually pretty proud of the loss considering our weekend long Date-“iversary” Food Fest and not being able to exercise all week due to my back. It’s down, in the right direction and every little bit adds up.
I resisted getting an Iced Dirty Latte and instead started my breakfast with a BIG iced coffee.
I REALLY was craving “breakfast” but knew I was meeting TJ to have Breakfast for Lunch. I decided to try out these Veggie Sausage Patties I picked up a Trader Joes. I actually LOVE the Morning Star sausages but they were all sold out.
I was hoping that Morning Star made these since the stats were similar ~ 2 points+ each.
Looks good, right?! Tastes AWFUL! Like really, really bad….as in, I had 2 bites and threw out the entire box bad…..I can’t even describe it ~ sorta rubber like and spongy, tofu like and just plain nasty. I know that’s harsh, but, it’s true…..
I somewhat salvaged breakfast with more of that delicious pineapple.
I met TJ of TJ’s Test Kitchen today for Breakfast for Lunch at the Joy of Eating Café. I ALWAYS get their BLTA because it is FANTASTIC, but, today, TJ encouraged me to venture out.
I am SO GLAD she talked me into it because this was one of the BEST breakfasts I’ve ever had.
Veggie Egg White Omelet
* Egg Whites
* Caramelized Spinach, Mushrooms, Onions, Tomatoes
Plus lots of pepper and Tabasco (2 points+)
Since I saved points+ by getting egg whites, I decided to get REAL bacon. I had 3 pieces and cannot believe I actually left one of the plate. I am pretty sure I NEVER do that with bacon. (6 points+ since it was thick cut)
I had a slice of their FAMOUS Homemade Hawaiian Sweet Bread dry (3 points+)
Then, I saw TJ do this with her bread….She started with strawberry jam.
Added a little bacon and made a sandwich.
I TOTALLY had to participate too. I am pretty sure I will be eating a lot of bacon/jam sandwiches in my future….I LOVED the salty, sweet, crunchy, chewy combination. I cut my one slice of bread into 4’s so I could have TWO sandwiches. (1 points+ for the jam).
I picked FRUIT over their amazing hashbrowns because I actually wanted it more.
Did you all do anything for Earth Day?
All week at work, we took pledges to do at least ONE THING good for the Earth and wrote our pledges on our Bernie Bites Board.
I had a hard time deciding on which thing to pledge to, but, in the end, I think that THIS is one thing I NEED to do more. I am guilty of leaving the TV on for “noise” when I am home alone even though I may not necessarily be in that room.
This afternoon flew by and I got a ton of work done. I LOVE it when you can finish out your week checking off your todo list.
At lunch TJ and I discussed “baking options” she could make for her fun festivities this weekend. She brought Trail Mix over and I helped her bake ~ totally a fair trade to me
Easy Rocky Road Squares, 3 points+
Chief Banana-Nator!
Low-Fat Banana Bread Cookies TWO WAYS ~ One with HUGE Chocolate Chips and the other with Mixed Dried Fruit and Roasted Walnuts.
Of course we had to “sample” the cookies to make sure they were good. We split one of each kind (3 points+)
Then, we made a batch of 1 Points+ Meyer Lemon Cookies for good measure. We each had one of these too I really think these might be my favorite cookies of all time.
We were both pretty hungry after baking up so we headed over to Mary’s Pizza Shack for dinner. Can you believe we went to a pizza place to have soup and salad?
Hot, homemade, delicious ~ Chicken Vegetable Noodle (2 points+)
I was able to keep it at 1 slice of bread with 1 tsp butter (2 points+). I told myself I could have more AFTER my salad if I was still hungry, but, I wasn’t!
One of MY FAVORITE salads in town. I ate every single bite except the salami and used 2 Tbsp of REAL Ranch Dressing using my fork to dip with each bite. LOVE! (8 points+)
I may or may not have had another cookie for dessert when The Husband broke out his bag. Such a FUN day!
Do you use food or objects to measure how much you have lost and give you the physical representation?
I LOVE using objects to feel/see how much I’ve lost. I used to have this Weight Watcher chart that showed a how many pounds you lost in milk gallons, cantaloupe, a sack of potatoes, etc. The funnier part, I used to put it all in my cart at the grocery store to pick it up and show The Husband, I LOST THIS much!
What is everyone making up for Easter this weekend? Are you coloring Eggs?
I am debating if I should go all out with Ham, Au Gratin Potatoes, Green Beans with Bacon and do something fancy or just sticking with the usual and making something fun.
Night all!
congrats on the loss danica! interesting to visualize it! haha!
and i love your earth day goal! i’ve been turning off surge protectors that charge things overnight while i’m gone during the day and keeping the tv off if i’m blogging or reading blogs because really, i’m not paying attention to it!
Yay Danica! I love having a visual of what I’ve lost… As of now, I’ve lost a small toddler (25.4 lbs!!!). Several years ago I had lost about 25 lbs and a friend came over w/ her child to visit. She was holding him on her hip and she was commenting on my weight loss. When I told her I’d lost 25 lbs, she was astonished and handed me her son and said “you’ve lost *this* much”!
I’ll never forget that moment…. and now I’ve done it again! Yippee!!!
Have a great Easter. I’m making a green salad & green beans to take to my brother’s house for lunch tomorrow. Now I’m thinking I may need to make some Meyer Lemon Cookies also…. 🙂
Sorry…. edit to state my loss is ***26.4*** not 25.4…. but who’s counting? 😉
Thank you so much for Fooducate. What a great find!! I am so glad that I found you out there. You make counting points fun and all of this so much easier!!! You are wonderful!!
Congratulations on the loss. I missed my meeting this week because I was travelling. The scale didn’t look so good when I got back, but I hadn’t drank enough water, ate three big meals, etc. I’m giving myself a few days for it to right itself.
I’m sooooo excited for the IPhone app. Will download it today! Have a great weekend!
(We have a ton of eggs that I got cheap with my couponing so we’re making lots of omelettes, hard-boileds, and I may break out a crustless quiche recipe to use them up.)
Way to go on the WL!! I also had a leader who used the food thing with loss. It has stuck with me for years! I love the cube of butter cause it makes you relize yes you did lose something! When I think oh I have only lost about 17 lbs I pick up either a 10 lb bag of litter or potatos and relize that is ALOT of extra weight I was carring around!! Now to get these last 5 off by June is my new goal! I think trying to lose this last five is the hardest ever!! I have been in my ww training so far I have gotton to weigh people in and enjoy meeting them at the scales! 🙂 Happy Easter!
Congrats on the weight loss, love the pic. I think you did the right thing by changing your weigh in day! Thanks for the TJ Veggie Sausage Patties info. I am always temped to try it but I am so in love with the MS farms, they are better than the real deal!
Hey, I love this site – excellent job here. Also, this vegan sausage mish mesh you made up there looks fantastic! here’s to better health *toast*
I am loving this site…have a question tho as I am new. TJ is a person and TJs is Trader Joes? A member gave our meeting leader a box of butter and it was filledd with wooden cubes painted yellow to represent 1 cube…a cool visual.
Congrats on the loss! I always think visual cues are better when the number isn’t as big as we might hope for.
Sorry to hear the TJ’s sausage was not good. I love the Morningstar Farms version and would have expect TJ’s to be even better, but now I think I’ll skip it.
HI Sally,
Haha ~ I never even noticed I was doing that. I guess I need to specify my TJ’s. I tend to abbreviate Trader Joe’s (the grocery store) at TJs and I have a friend named Tracy J. that I call TJ for short.
I LOVE the wooden cube idea!
Fooducate – Eat a bit better™ is on Facebook. Thanks for the heads-up on the app.
I love that you tried the bacon jam sandwich with me! 🙂 hehe.
– not to be confused with the store TJ’s lol 🙂
My boyfriend and I totally made PB and bacon sandwiches one time… they are aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwweeeeeesome!!!!! 😀
I’m at 63.8 pounds down and my goal is 79.4. I’m going to take my 13 year old nephew to my WW class with me the day I make goal because I will have LOST HIM!
I love the idea to compare your loss to something visual! Good thinkin. Those banana bread cookies look and sound sooo good.
No matter what I do I cannot get a scan app on my IPhone. I tried fooducate with no results. Any other suggestions?
Hi Carolyn,
I am not sure what else to say. I’ve had everyone i know with an iphone search fooducate and it works on their phone. I am sorry, wish I could help more 🙁