A Caterer or a Party Planner or something fun like that! I LOVE it and better yet, my side kick (the Husband) is a fantastic Sous Chef. How awesome would that be!? Or maybe not if I had to cook every day for a living LOL. I totally LOVE cooking for other people and hosting parties and today was no exception. I was in charge of putting together our entire Year End Celebration. I actually pondered hiring my favorite caterer, but, when it came down to it, I knew I could do it for less and have fun doing it too!
FUN FACT about me that I bet you all probably didn’t know ~ I give away like 80% of the foods I cook to friends, family and co-workers. The other 20% ends up in the freezer….I am kidding. We do eat like 10% of it LOL……I often cook for us and others though because it allows me to try all new things you all see on here, take a few servings and give the rest away (built in portion control!)
Anyway….it was just a random thought I had today while driving home. My day actually started off with the BEST OATMEAL BAR EVER…
Since my car was packed with today’s luncheon goodies, I figured I’d try out the Café Oatmeal Bar. I am pretty sure I took a little bit of everything.
- 1 cup oatmeal (4 points+)
- 1 Tbsp Brown Sugar + 1 Tbsp Dried Cranberries (2 points+)
- 2 Tbsp Granola (1 points+)
- Sprinkle of cinnamon
There is just something so delicious about the way brown sugar melts over hot oatmeal that makes it phenomenal.
My Cup-O-Oats kept me going all morning and helped me not devour everything as we set up for the luncheon.
Props to The Husband for helping me put together everything last night for our “Salad Bar”
For those wondering, here is what was in the mix:
- 2 lbs organic mixed greens
- 4 lbs organic romaine
- 2 packages shredded organic carrots
- 1 organic red cabbage, shredded
- 3 organic English cucumbers, halved
- 1 BIG container cherry tomatoes
Then, I put out all my FAVORITE salad toppers (sunflower seeds, croutons & mixed berries) with the two most popular dressings (Italian & Ranch).
The Homemade “Water” and Soda Fountain
130 Homemade Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookies!
By the time I dished up my plate, I was STARVING. I had 2 slices of pizza ~ 1 ham & pineapple and 1 veggie (11 points+)
Then, filled half my plate with salad! (3 points+)
LOVE! I totally went back for more salad and may/may not have grabbed another slice.
Dessert ~ 6 points+ and worth every single one! I LOVE these cookies but I know I can only make them when I can take my serving or two and give them away because they will never make it to the freezer
I totally know what I am going to do for our next event ~ any guesses???
A Healthy Nacho Bar!!! Now we just “need” a reason to celebrate
The Husband had dinner ready as soon as I walked in the door ~ LOVE! Really, though, my “secret” was having his favorite Bill Bailey Carne Asada out because I knew he’d make dinner if he saw it. (6 points+)
Just THREE DAYS of work left ~ so much to do, so little time!!!
Ok, your turn ~ Complete this sentence ~ “I think I should be….”
I can’t wait to hear your answers
Night all!
“I think I should be…” Working in a winery in Australia! It’s kind of a joke…I’m a psychiatric RN by profession, and my Aussie FIL is always looking for jobs for me…in nursing…I keep telling him…working in a winery is my NEXT career! (I didn’t become a nurse til 40)… Love your posts Danica, and your new site is the bomb! I’m hoping you get lots more members since I posted your info on our WW community group: Great Gal’s Losing It ! yesterday 🙂
I think I should be a bakery owner. I love to bake pies, cookies, cakes, really anything sweet. I love the holidays so I can bake and take to family and friends. That would really be my dream job.
The salad bar looks awesome! And I’ve never heard of an oatmeal bar but how awesome is that!
I think I should be… a dog rescurer… I really love pups… but I would settle for being a dog walker, living by a beach… a girl can dream right?!
I think I should be…a hummingbird bander and expert. Either that or I should be living in Australia because I want to live there so badly!
I think I should be…a bookseller (but I’ll only sell them after I’ve read them!) I like the dog rescuer answer too but I wouldn’t be able to give them to someone else afterwards and even though my “the husband” is as awesome as your’s he might freak out with all those dogs around!
Love your site and look forward to getting your emails every day!
so great seeing you again this weekend!! You look as beautiful as ever! So in answer to your question…I think I should be…a stay at home wife, ok really I think I should be…a personal trainer and chef for celebrities or just the every day women 🙂
I think I should be…….your neighbor or co-worker so I can hopefully
benefit from your wonderful habit of sharing food with others! …. Now, if I can only get my husband to agree to leave NC! LOL
Hi Danica, I think I should be a local (around the Aegean Sea, South of Turkey) coffee house owner with light breakfast foods and maybe lunch. My Cafe would be by the water where locals would come for great coffee and friendship.
…a personal chef! And I plan on doing just that! I have a degree in Nutrition and LOVE cooking/baking. I have my first personal chef gig next week….can’t wait! Hoping this is the beginning of good things to come….
I think I should be a teacher … something I always wanted to be. I do get to do some training at work, and on the side, and write about lessons learned in my blog. I love food and Weight Watchers, and enjoy following Danica’s posts and drooling over her food pics!!
I think that I should be–a skinny person who can’t put on any weight no matter what I eat who is employed as a world wide food taster!!!!! AHHH where would we be without dreams!
HI Danica. I think I should be…….a food stylist….as well as your co-worker! Have a great Tuesday. (BTW, love the Food Buzz recaps!)
A ‘reader’ of manuscripts for a book publishing company. On the other hand – being a food sampler would be pretty awesome (if I could just sample it all and not eat ‘meal size’ quantities).
“I think I should be” in culinary school in the heart of France. Oooooh, I can dream!
I think I should be a travel blogger or a host of a travelling show. But after reading your post and seeing this yummy post, I wouldn’t mind being a food blogger. 🙂