I woke up today completely excited for my FREE DAY but in an odd way sort of sad I didn’t have a workout plan to look forward too. It’s only been 1 WEEK and I am missing a workout – seriously?! That’s funny…..I must have needed to go back to bed especially since i didn’t set the alarm to sleep in. I think since I zonked out so early last night my body was ready to get up on time at 5:15 am *sigh*
I weighed in this morning for week 1 on my BFL challenge so my FREE DAY wouldn’t mess up my WI tomorrow. I am down 1.2 lbs – I’ll take it – it’s a start and it’s in the right direction!
I went to my Weight Watcher meeting this morning because I actually miss it when I don’t go. It was a GOOD meeting and there was a lady there who I LOVE – she has lost over 70 lbs and I swear she gets smaller every time I see her. She gave a little speech this morning that was really inspiring.
I came home starved and ready for breakfast. Since today was my FREE DAY that means I get one day out of each week to each whatever I desire and not follow the BFL guidelines. I really tried to listen to what my body was craving the most even though I had secretly been planning this day in my head all week!
I started off with 1/2 a Thomas Double Fiber English muffin topped with crunchy almond butter. (1/2 because The Husband stole the other 1/2) 🙂
Plus some deliciously juicy watermelon.
All together a his & her 1/2 & 1/2 plate ~ it definitely hit the spot.
Since it was The Husband’s Moms Birthday, we took her favorite Starbucks drink to her. It was my birthday too since it was my FREE DAY so I had a grande iced nonfat decaf latte (that spilled on me as soon as I took a drink ~ booo!)
We headed off to the Farmer’s Market and this time I decided to join The Husband for lunch. I had a Grilled BBQ Tri-Tip Sandwich from BigNUgg BBQ. I think I figured out something funny about me. Since I had an entire sandwich to myself it didn’t taste as good as when it was The Husband’s and I could have a bite or two. Maybe I need to have him order it for himself and then ask for a bite?! :D
The Sandwich was still pretty tasty, but, I have to admit I got a belly ache after and it just didn’t sit well with me. Maybe because I rarely consume mass amounts of beef?! It filled me up pretty much ALL day. This sandwich was fairly healthy though too because tri-tip is a lean cut of beef. I was so ready to eat clean and get back to BFL eating after just this one sandwich….but, it was my FREE DAY so I couldn’t do that! LOL.
Here are my Farmer’s Market goodies for this week. I am still working on using up some from last week so I didn’t buy the entire market.
Nectarines & Pluots!
BIG funky Heirloom! I think I am going to make an Heirloom Caprese Salad with these. So, here is a fun fact I learned about Heirloom tomatoes. If you want them NOT to split open, you need to store them stem side down. They last longer and you don’t get those funky brown cracks/splits that way.
Candy Cherry Tomatoes!
3 Bell Peppers for $1 & the BIGGEST bunch of cilantro I’ve ever seen.
Butter Toffee Almonds for The Husband & Raw Almonds for me. Two Types of my FAVORITE Corn Tortillas ~ original & green chilii. Does anyone know if corn tortillas can count as you healthy carb on BFL? If not, I will freeze them for a free day. I think they should but…….I am still a newbie!
All together with corn and a BIG seedless watermelon.
After the market, we did a little shopping and headed out to the nephew’s foot ball game in the 107+ degree heat. Even with am umbrella and spray bottles of ice water it was BLAZING HOT! I snacked on a cheesestick, nectarine and a handful of pumpkin seeds during the 3 hour game.
When we got home, we relaxed in the a/c for a bit and I shared some Dove Chocolates with The Husband ~ MMMMMM, I think EVERY FREE DAY needs to include chocolate – so good!
We met up with The Husband’s Mom next to celebrate her birthday. We hopped in the car and headed to Fresh Choice……Then, IT HAPPENED!!!
It was bound to happen that one day I’d do the “unthinkable” of all bloggers and FORGET my camera EVERYWHERE I went today. I didn’t just forget, but, I also forgot my phone too so I had NO BACKUP PLAN except The Husband’s Mom’s phone.
It totally sucks because I had some fantastic pictures to share with you all. You can check out pictures from my last visit HERE to get an idea. So sad :(
I made up a great healthy salad full of every veggie on the bar, plus beans with a side of balsamic vinaigrette and had a cup of SPICY Chicken Posol soup to start. I moved onto a slice of veggie pizza plus 1/2 a corn bread with honey spread and 1/2 a lemon bread. We all had mini ice cream cones before ROLLING out the door.
After doing a little shopping with The Husband’s Mom we headed out to finally see Julie & Julia! It was a bit long and I really wish they would’ve been able to meet! I LOVED both story lines though and could relate on so many levels. The funny part was so could The Husband ~ he told me after the movie that he gets it now a bit more than he did before :) I think he was referring to how I can get bummed out when a recipe flops or I don’t have as much time as I want to blog, etc.
I couldn’t resist picking up The Book to add to my Book Stack!
From a first glimpse I think it may just be all the entries in her blog. But, I am curious to see how much of the movie they included or excluded. I also have added Julia Childs My Life In France to my library list.
I will say that I learned so much about both people from the movie. I am sorta sad now that I never took the time to dine at Julia’s Kitchen, Copia in Napa where Julia Child’s recipes were featured before they shut down :( They just did this past year.
I will share my stats for today’s calorie burn and steps tomorrow but as of now I am rockin’ it with no workout at 2,859 calories burned and over 10, 578 in steps! That is awesome for a non workout day but I was on the go ALL day today.
Tomorrow is going to be super busy. Back to BFL week 2 with a lower body workout to start before I pack up my eats for the day to help The Husband install a hardwood floor for our friends. I am using going up and down their stairs as more cardio!
Nite all!
I definitely think chocolate should be a part of every “free” day hehe!
I’ve never been to Fresh Choice but have seen a bunch of them around…sounds like its a buffet type place from your description?
Have a great Sunday, installing hard wood floors sounds like a darn good workout!
Thanks everyone for the awesome comments – I LOVE reading what you all have to say! You always make my day 🙂
Julia ~ Fresh Choice is awesome! If you have one near you, you definitely NEED to check it out. It is ALL healthy and low-fat items. Their salad bar is incredible and their soups are amazing especially during the winter. They have a pasta bar and a bread/pizza bar, but, you can also get potatoes or sweet potatoes, a fruit bar and an ice cream/dessert bar. Here is a link to their site so you can check it out – http://www.freshchoice.com/
Kristin ~ Yeah another BFL buddy! I am so pumped! I definitely will make a note to read and/or check in on ya. I haven’t had time to comment much on everyones blogs lately with my new work load, but, I will definitely be reading. I look forward to sharing ideas so feel free to email me or what not anytime.
looks like your free day was a success! that is too funny that you woke up missing exercise. great job on the 1.2 lbs! that is awesome!
It sounds like you are doing great and everything is reasonable, with this free day that I would toatally look forward to also! I’m trying to get back on track! ughhh!
Heyy Danica!
I just started BFL (today!) over on my blog and Janetha (from Meals and Moves) told me you were doing it too! I’m excited to follow your progression as I am progressing as well! Good luck!!
down 1.2 pounds! congrats girl! 🙂
congrats on the loss girl! have a great FREE day 🙂
nice job on the weight loss. It’s funny how our taste buds change and we start to craving healtheir foods all the time…eh hem except what hubby eats, it always tastes better of of his plate