HI Everyone!! How are you all doing? I have to say this summer has been one of the busiest I’ve ever had ~ Probably more work and less play than I’d like. Over the past few months I’ve learned a few things about myself on my daily journey to be a healthier me that I wanted to share with you all.
1. Blogging actually is my way of tracking and all of you are my “Accountability Buddies” whether you realized it or not. There is something to be said about the accountability that you all bring me. When I am faced with a moment where I can pick a healthy or unhealthy choice, it totally helps sway me in the direction of healthy knowing I am going to have to share it with you all.
2. Blogging actually encourages me to move more! I can’t wait each day to check working out off my list, but, more importantly share all the cool stats that Flex tells me for my hard work.
3. Blogging keeps me cookin’ in the kitchen and trying new “Science Projects” out on The Husband. It seems like when I cannot take step – by – step pictures and share how delicious or not so delicious something was that I made, then, it’s not work cooking. I know it sounds strange, but, I think I revert to being a kid again…sure, a quesadilla and fruit or cereal sounds good for dinner lol.
4. Blogging gives me the chance to share our journey’s together and you all motivate me every day when you share your challenges, successes and stories. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve turned my day around by something one of you said.
5. Blogging encourages me to find balance in my life. Even on my longest days when logging on to blog may seem like another job to many, my day isn’t complete without it. It’s like my chance to sit down with a cup of coffee and chat about that days adventures with all my friends.
What first started out 3 months as a not having a single second in my day to blog (working way too many hours!) turned into a mini blog vacation (I’d rather read a book or watch a movie than turn the computer on) and ended with me realizing that I love sharing my daily adventures to a healthier me through the camera lens with you all. Without doing that, it’s like I forgot how to be this healthy person I learned to be my entire life.
Totally crazy, but, totally true….So, today marks my turning point. I can’t change the past 3 months, but, I can reverse the 20 lbs. that I needed to gain to learn all these lessons. Some of it was delicious, some of it was not, but, at this point in time, none of it matters ~ all that matters is successfully getting from one meal to the next, then, repeating that healthy choice all over again.
Thank you all for standing by me, sending messages, emails, etc. I promise to respond to you all soon. For now, let’s catch up on today!
This morning started off with a fun how to build a better salad Weight Watcher Meeting. I didn’t really intend to skip breakfast, it just sorta happened as I ended up going shopping for a bit, catching up over coffee with a friend and then, going out to Chipotle to build one delicious salad!
Chipotle’s Guacamole it ALWAYS worth the points+/WPA to me. Here is what is in my simply filling salad bowl (SF + 4 WPA for the guacamole!):
- Lettuce as my base (I skip the beans & rice because they are not worth the points+ to me)
- Fajita Veggies
- Chicken (5 points+)
- Pico de Gallo
- Corn Salsa
- Guacamole (4 points+) (I skip the cheese & sour cream ~ not worth it either)
- Tabasco Green Sauce!
Their Lime Sea Salted Chips are also totally worth it on occasion when you have others to share with. 1 serving (about 12 chips) is 4 points+, SF + 4 WPA.
I spent the afternoon getting our house in order and getting things prepped for the week.
Even more important, I got back in the kitchen and created a new incredibly tasty Israeli Couscous Salad.
The recipe is coming up this week.
The Husband actually requested shrimp skewers for dinner so I made up a quick Cilantro Lemon Marinade and let the shrimp soak for 30 minutes.
While I skewered the shrimp…..
He prepped the veggies for the grill basket with a little lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper.
The Husband’s fancy presentation I LOVE when he helps me cook.
Shrimp is awesome because it is incredibly low in points+ and it’s 100% Simply Filling. I love that you get 3 oz. for only 2 points+. Lemony, Garlicky, Good! (SF), 7 points+
Dessert is going to be a big down of fruit and plus a Greek Yogurt for dipping.
- Daily points: 25 points+, 0 WPA used, 49 WPA remaining
- Simply Filing: 8 WPA used, 41 WPA remaining
This week’s menu is a mini menu since I have dinner out on Wednesday and a cooking class (for work!) on Thursday. My goal is to use what we have on hand plus what I find at the market.
Night all!
Sorry about your gain. You are doing right to get re-started and try to reverse it. Sad how much easier it is to gain than lose! Argh! Best of luck! That shrimp looks delicious!
I’m so glad your back! I have missed checking in with you and hearing about your daily food adventures! You always give me such great ideas!
We are always here to listen. =)
Damn girl that couscous and veggie salad looks super delicious! Can’t wait for the recipe. Missed you this summer!
I’ve gained a lot back over the last few months, too! Time for us all to get back on track together! Looking forward to seeing what you have on the weekly menu…I’m teaching VBS at church this week, so I have to be at church by 5…no cooking here this week, but hopefully I can prepare some salads for on the go.
Good to see you back! I recommitted yesterday also…I was up 20+…we are all in this journey together…and we can do it!! I know what one of my TJ items will be when it opens 🙂
So glad you are back, Danica. Missed your daily check-ins!!
This post you were thanking us, well I wanted to thank you. I absolutely love reading your blog everyday to see what went on in your day. I am totally jelpus of some of the food you get to eat, or about how much fun your WW meeting is. I wish mine was like that here. I love looking at what you eat or the recipes you have made or just about what your day entailed. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. I know it can be time consuming but as much as we help you, you help us just as much. Thank you so much for sharing and I look forward to reading your blog every day!!
I truly felt a loss not seeing a post from you in the mornings. We all go through periods that at a point in time need a self correction. I am glad you were able to come to that point on your own and I am happy to have your posts back.
I, too, am up from the past 3 months…and I’ve got to tell you it encourages me to read your new commitment statements along with some of the commentors’….we still have 2 months left this summer to turn it around and get back on track..let’s do it together..knowing others are where I am makes me feel like less a failure and more human…i have the will and determination to get back with it and keep heading to goal!
i have missed your blog as well!!!
Here’s to success!!!!!! let’s do it together!
Dear Danica, You give me so much more than I can possibly return. But you definitely have my encouragement. Thanks for all you do. Your photos alone are such a treat, they make me think “veggies are wonderful”. Thanks.
Hi Danica,
So glad to hear from you. You have been missed! You are a great inspiration to us and I’m glad to hear that sometime we inspire you as well. Just yesterday I said “my friend Danica told me about these….” (we were eating Wickles!) And I grinned at my family because they know you are my online friend and you weren’t exactly speaking to me….but I like to pretend you are sometimes! 🙂
I’m right with ya, sister, having gained 15 lbs over the last 2 years. We have literally moved houses so that we can get more exercise in our lives. I have Good Choice Amnesia but REALLY have to get back on track for my own sanity. We can do this!!!
I was very inspired by you. I recently gained 10 lb and started the Simply Filling plan. I find your recipes and menu ideas very useful. I will be pulling for you.
Danica, Welcome back! I have missed you so much! Thank you for your honesty & humility. We all have ups & downs with weight loss, and I am certain you feel you are “under the microscope” with posting in a public forum. The truth is, there is not a word you said that most of us cannot relate too. It is just easier for us to “hide out”. You are such a delight and encouragement and I know this girl, as well as many, many others are thrilled to see you back in action and cooking up a healthy storm! You help all of us so much and spur us on to healthier choices, don’t be afraid to ask for some in return. So glad to have you back. Here’s to a healthier us!
Thank you for sharing, as always! I really appreciate you sharing the ups and downs – it helps me know I’m not alone on this journey either. You are doing the right thing by acknowledging and moving forward. You always motivate me and I look forward to all your posts, motivations, stories, food finds and recipes.
it’s sometimes to look back and see what actually keeps up in-check. You should make commission on fit bits…once you posted about it i purchased one and so have 2 of my friends, i love it!
Wouldn’t the black beans and brown rice be considered simply filling?
oh my goodness…i guess i should re read what i type. the above should read…”it’s sometimes funny to look back and see what actually keeps us on track. You should make commission on fitbits…once you posted about it i purchased one and so have 2 of my friends, i love it!.
Wouldn’t the black beans and brown rice be considered simply filling?
Very much a monday here!
Hi Lindsey,
You are so cute ~ I knew just what you meant 🙂 Yes, black beans and brown rice are Simply Filling.
So happy to hear from you again. Looking forward to your posts/emails. Best wishes with getting rid of that 20lbs. I will be rooting for ya!
Danica, so glad you are back. I have missed your inspiration. I too, am up on my weight and am trying to whittle it back down. Guess that’s what makes it a journey! Know that you have a wide reach! Mary in MA~
Yay Danica! Such a freakin inspiration! I’m in the boat with you so, let’s get rowing! Dinner looks good. Hope it filled you up. 🙂
Danica I have missed you, your blogs are awesome… I was involved in a weight loss challenge at work…. While everyone kept loosing and I had minimal losses ( or none at all), in comparison, I became very discouraged…. The winner in my group was eating so badly today… Took a step back and realized that she really did not learn anything and while challenges with money/prices are great motivators, the true motivation is within ourselves. This is the right time for you to focus on your goals/motivator within you. Welcome back in full force. You have been my inspiration and I thank you!
Hi Danica – we are glad you’re back! All you can do is move forward and you are doing just that!
You are an inspiration, Danica! I can’t wait to continue the journey with you in the New Year!
We’ve missed you! Glad you’re back and love your recipes.
Thank you so much for sharing. I’m feeling crappy too because I’ve definitely let myself go lately and all my clothes feel tight, and the worst part is I just don’t feel that inspired or motivated to really get my sh-t together! So I’m going to get on board with you and start fresh! BTW – how does the leader at your WW meeting handle your blog? I feel like mine (who is working on her own site) is a bit resentful, and even though I always give her full credit, she never says a word about me in the meeting. I posted a link on her FB to my Weight Loss Story on my blog – which really pours my heart out, and totally promotes her, and all she did was click “like.” Don’t you think that’s a bit odd? Would love your feedback on how to handle it! Thanks in advance. Orna
Hi Danica,
I am an avid reader of your blog….you are actually saved in my favorites…I have just never commented on any of your entries until now. I have always thought of you as such an inspiration and great motivator. I love that you are real in sharing your ups and downs. I too have gained some pounds over the summer and found it hard to get back on track until now. So once again you have motivated me to pick myself up and keep going…we are in it to win it : )