I had good intentions of doing some Yoga this morning for some nice stretch/strengthening, but, I just wasn’t feeling it. I took today as a REST day since my hips are hurting and enjoyed reading the newspaper during breakfast.
Trader Joe’s FF Multi-Grain bread with 1 Tbsp crunchy almond butter (4 pts)
The Husband wanted to pick up a few things for the garden planter box so we stopped at Starbuck’s too. I am completely LOVING all the giftcards we have because FREE Starbuck’s is ALWAYS a good thing 😀
I ordered a tall FF Decaf Latte with Caramel Drizzle on top for 2 pts. I LOVE the caramel on top of the phone because it’s like a marshmallow top and it doesn’t have all the calories/points of a caramel macchiato.
The Husband gave me a chance to blog about last night, while he went outside to do a little work. OMG!!! I was cracking up when I saw this work outfit :D Him + shorts + boots = total fashion statement with muddy fingers(LOVE IT and I am sure he LOVES me for sharing) 😀
PLANTER BOX SNEAK PEAK ~ He still has to frame it in red wood to match our new redwood fence that we are putting in this summer. Oh, and of course we have to add dirt plus things to grow. 🙂
To date, I have really only been successful at growing cactus and I am not sure I even do that right. Here are the TWO Christmas Cactus’s my parents gave us a few years ago that are just NOW blooming (late bloomers :)) LOL
Ok, I suppose I did pretty good with our organic cherry tomato plants…Maybe I can actually develop a GREEN thumb?!
Lunch involved two NEW to me products. The first is this super cute mini Spicy Apple Mustard with Ginger & Cinnamon from Made In Napa Valley that I received at the FoodBuzz Festival.
Plus, (you had to guess a TJ’s product LOL) ~ Organic Bread & Butter Pickles!
I used these to make an interesting sandwich.
2 slices TJ’s FF Multi-Grain Bread (2 pts)
MINV Spicy Apple Mustard (0 pts)
Lean Honey Roasted Turkey & Ham (1 pt)
1/2 slice TJ’s Lite Provolone cheese (1 pt)
TJ’s Organic Bread n Butter Pickles (1 pt)
I LOVED the mustard ~ it’s spicy and you can really taste the apple plus cinnamon. The pickles are ok, they are more sweet than sweet/sour and not as crunchy as my FAVORITE cucumber chips.
I put a few chips on my sandwich and had a side of BBQ PopChips. I have figured out that 16 POPCHIPS = 2 points…perfect!
I wanted to use one of my fancy new dishes that I got for my birthday, so I added a side of Trader Joe’s 0 point (10 calorie) Marinated Mushrooms with Garlic. They are so addictingly good.
I had 1 cup of bland cantaloupe for dessert.
After lunch, we headed out to watch Lovely Bones. It was such an interesting, creepy movie. I honestly think I bawled half the movie and got goose bumps the other half. We both agreed we are not sure if we would recommend it, but, it wasn’t bad – just different.
The Husband gave me the option of going out to dinner for my Birthday EVE, but, it’s been pouring rain and I wanted to save on calories/points a bit since I am sure we will go out to eat tomorrow.
We whipped up a super fast 20 minute dinner that started with this herb salad topped with TJ’s LF Cranberry Walnut dressing.
I was bummed when I saw that they revised their nutritionals for the TJ’s Mango Chicken Sausage 🙁 It’s now 4 points instead of 3, but, still totally worth it and delicious.
My go-to I don’t want to cook side, Annie’s WW White Shells and Cheddar – the BEST M&C ever. (5 pts), although, if you are doing CORE/Simply Filling (it is made with whole wheat pasta which means less points!) 😀
I also got a little crazy with some Honey Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts with cashews. (1 pt)
My eyes were totally bigger than my stomach, but, it was all so good that I finished it all.
I am off to watch another movie with The Husband….So glad tomorrow is a holiday, oh and My birthday too :D I think that may just make it the BEST HOLIDAY EVER :D lol…ya, I am a dork ~ You all have to wait until tomorrow to find out how OLD I will be.
Check back in the AM for a FUN Annie’s giveaway to celebrate the day!
Nite all!
dang your meals look great! even the funky sandwich w. the popchips! i love chips in my sandwiches!
hahaha jay NEVER fails to crack me up!! love it. what a rad box. your birthday is already amazing and it hasnt even started!! love you!!
omg how do you make your brussel sprouts look so great! i want those (mine always seem to come out dry looking…probably cause i’m stingy on the oil part!)
and have you read the book lovely bones? if you haven’t i totally would, it sounds like it would be much better than the movie! i’m not sure i want to see it now being so creepy! haha!
Love the box! And those brussels look to diiiieee for!!
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a great day and the coming year is your best yet.
That garden box is fantastic! FWIW, I find peppers and eggplant very easy to grow. I’m looking forward to reading about your gardening adventures.
What a great Sammie and dinner!
Love the new bowl!! I hope you had a fantastic birthday! Oh and I totally dig the flower box, hopefully in the spring I will be able to get the boyfriend to make me something like that, but would it be a cope out to use artificial flowers? I totally have a black thumb.. and I am thinking we totally need another trader joe/whole food for you swap!! I am obsessed with my goodies, I have been eating things so slow so they dont “disappear ” 🙂
Sounds like a great day! I love your eats. They are making me hungry just looking at them.
Your description of the movie sounds like how I would describe the book. But with the book it takes more than 2 hours to finish it so you are left in a depressed state for much longer! I don’t know why I gravitate to depressing books b/c they make me grumpy! Oy
I am going to try the annie’s shells and cheese some time soon. I NEVER eat mac and cheese any more and it is time to start incorporating it 🙂
BTW – how jealous am I that your outside looks like a nice spring day in Wisconsin!!! LOL
Cool garden box! I can’t keep anything alive ha
All your eats look soooo good! My mouth is watering and it’s almost 11 PM.