Hi all! Thanks for understanding and for the nice comments on my post yesterday. The Husband also says Thanks for his bday wishes lol. Today we had the actual employee Seed Journey training which was even better than Field Days. The grand finale is tomorrow where we all get to go pick everything we can carry to take home to our families. I am so picking a ton of…. watermelons!!
My zero point breakfast on the go – 2 scrambled eggs with a nectarine.Before heading out on our Seed Journey, I snacked on a banana and a green fig.
We all rotated from breeder to breeder in groups of 7 to learn everything about our products, the market and our veggie innovations. The green, red and purple peppers are actually ancho chiles….they are picked green then turn colors off the vine.
All of our products marked with HMX are our experiments. Our focus is on developing the best plant that naturally resists disease, pests, grows abundant and is adapted to all the different environments around the world.
Once the experiment succeeds, we give it a name like this.
With every stop, we got to pick and taste everything. These cherry tomatoes have a Brix (aka sugar content) of 16%. Canned tomatoes have a 6% Brix.
The one fruit I couldn’t sample as I am allergic to Honey Dew….
The cantaloupe on the right is the old fashioned one we are all used to – color, smell, etc. The one of the left is the new generation, is stronger producing more fruit and is actually sweeter. Brix run between 14-23 in cantaloupe.
The best tasting cantaloupe I’ve ever had.
We finished talking about all types of squash.
Including all our pumpkins in particular Jack O Lanterns and Munchkins (the mini ones!).
Fun fact – The USA spends over $9 billion Euro on Halloween decorations and that does not count the candy.Lunch today was Panera where I picked 1/2 a Turkey, Cheddar, Apple Sandwich with a little salad (11 sp). I got a little crazy over the chips with homemade salsa too (4 sp).
Since I knew I’d be late getting home from our weekend road trip I signed up for a Hello Fresh Box this week.
I think I must have been craving Mexican food when I picked our meals lol.Any guesses which recipe we cooked up first??
Chicken Cheddar fajitas and it doesn’t hurt that this recipe is totally WWFreestyle Smartpoints friendly.
2 Chicken Fajitas with cheddar, lime crema and pickled jalapenos for 8 Smartpoints. I count the tortillas, cheese and the little bit of oil and sour cream I used.
I love doughy real deal tortillas with melted cheese spicy chicken and caramelized veggies. The squeeze of lime totally makes this dish pop.23 WWFreestyle Smartpoints, 8K steps
All week I’ll be giving you all a $40 discount off your first Hello Fresh Order. Simply go to this link and enter this code LJXRXU.
Night all!
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