Happy Sunday everyone! Thanks for all the suggestions on what movie to see. I honestly think whether we watched the Dilemma or No Strings Attached, we would’ve seen a good movie.
The popular vote from you all was to see No Strings Attached! OMG,it was HILARIOUS from start to finish. I LOVED Natalie Portman in it (she’s a hoot and I never knew she was so little) and well, it doesn’t hurt that you get to see Ashton Kutcher’s bootie If you are thinking about seeing it, GO SEE IT, you will LOVE it!
I started my day off with my Weight Watcher meeting. I am happy to say I maintained this week and I am 100% happy with that since I enjoyed my birthday and get to keep all of my 3 lb loss last week.
I sipped on a Grande Dirty Latte while chatting it up at my meeting, post weigh in of course (4 points+).
I didn’t really have a “real breakfast” per say because I spent like 2 hours at Trader Joe’s “researching” all of my favorites so I could create a Trader Joe’s Grocery List for you all.
When I walked in the door I was STARVING. Luckily, I was taking The Husband Subway for Lunch today since he had to work.
My entire sandwich came up to 11 points+ (wondering if Subway is “worth it” anymore)
9 Grain Honey Oat
All the veggies, salt, pepper & vinegar
It’s delicious, but, like 1/3 of my daily points!
The only problem with looking for new things at Trader Joe’s for you all was that I FOUND NEW THINGS TO TRY!!! I totally told The Husband that was the reason when I came back with more stuff than we need for TWO people
4 Points+ for 14 curly cues.
It’s been awhile since I’ve had Funyuns, but, The Husband said they taste just like them I LOVED them but just like sour cream & onion, they leave the onion flavor with you.
Dinner also involved more Trader Joe’s Finds…..new Ravioli flavors.
BACON & CHEESE stuffed ravioli’s. (1 serving is 8 points+) ~ My FAVORITE new flavor ~ you can taste the bacon!!!
VEGGIE & CHEESE stuffed Ravioli’ ~ I am not sure that I like arugula in my pasta, but, this flavor wasn’t bad.
1 serving is 6 points+
I combined both pastas so that I had 1/2 serving of each and topped them with the leftover Turkey Cabernet Sauce I had saved in the freezer. (9 points+ for this huge dish of pasta!)
Garlic Bread Goodness for dipping! (3 points+)
Salad with Fat Free Italian (0 points+)
* Grilled Teriyaki Steak with Homemade Potato Salad and grilled squash
* Girls Night out!!
* Tacos, nachos of Taco Salad
* “Crispy” Buffalo Chicken Salads (this involves another NEW TJ’s product too!)
* Zesty’s Spicy Mushroom & Tomato Pasta
* Maybe these Slow Cooked Pulled Pork Sandwiches ~ I have been wanting them ever since I saw the picture and I LOVE anything in my crockpot.
What’s on your menu this week? What is one NEW thing you are trying?
I can’t wait to dig into the new Crispy Chicken Tenders I bought at Trader Joe’s and toss them in Buffalo Wild Wings Wing Sauce!
Night all!
can’t wait to see your trader joe’s shopping list!
YUM… your dinner looks fabulous (especially that bread – ooooh!) 🙂
we saw No Strings Attached this weekend too… VERY cute, much better than I even expected!
have a great week!
So excited you will be posting your Trader Joe’s List. I’m in Canada and get down to the US once in awhile & I can’t wait to hit up Trader Joe’s! On another note I’ve finally found the Biscoff cookies you’ve been raving about at our local grocery store & I LOVE THEM 🙂 They didn’t have the spread though 🙁
I gotta be honest with you, I moaned in jealousy at the TJ’s baked onion rings. I LOVE Funyuns (but rarely eat them) and would love to be able to have some with real ingredients.
Another reason to move to a place with Trader Joes, I guess! 🙂
It’s impossible to walk out of Tj’s without at least one new product. impossible!!
I love TJ’s! They have the most amazing food and I have never tried something I didn’t love at first bite. Those raviolis look so dang good!!!!
p.s. sorry I missed your birthday, i was sick all last week, so Happy Birthday!!!
Tried your flat out pizzas last night!! SO good and easy. Made them for the MIL and she even liked them. They will go in the regular rotation. Inspired by your chicken strips with wing sause, think I will try that if I can find a reasonable point+ strip…. no TJ’s in Colorado =(
um…yum. I could spend days in TJ’s….and the store is not very big. Love to “find” new things to buy. I just love how TJ’s changes their name to reflect which type cuisine they are representing…lol.
I can’t wait for the TJ list either! You and your blog have really inspired me Danica. I made both the WW Chicken Fried Rice and Cream Cheese Chicken yesterday, along with a big batch of brown rice, for lunch and dinner for the next few days. Keep up the AWESOME job Danica!
Dirty Grande at Starbucks???? Do tell!
Yay, I can’t wait for the Trader Joe’s shopping list! I was thinking as I was wading through the store on Saturday that I wished I had one :).
ooo, i’m planning a trip to TJ’s this afternoon! i can’t wait to see your shopping list. i MUST have a list when i got in there. usually i put “one fun item” on my list to allow myself to try ONE new thing each time! 🙂 otherwise i’ll spend waaaaay too much money going crazy with all of their awesome products.
Oh, I just did my trip to TJ’s yesterday!!! I was lucky to come out with less than $50 worth of stuff and only three items i didn’t necessarily have on my list! 😀
I love the menu for this week! I need to remember the flatout pizzas! i want one now!
I am also SOOOOOO excited you are going to do a Trader Joe’s list! 🙂 I went this week and didn’t know I was going til the last minute and I was trying hard while engrossed at all the gorgeous stuff like the peppers and pears for so much less than my grocery store and so much great stuff I could barely recall alot of what you have used and mentioned that has inspired me . I did however get the uncured turkey bacon and it so rocked!
Can’t wait for your Trader Joe’s list, and can’t wait to whip over the border to the Trader Joe’s in Bellingham. (I’m in Vancouver) Congratulations on the maintenance during your birthday week. That’s a BIG success!!!! Have a great week.
I just discovered Flatout’s last week when I was looking for low pt breads/wrap. So I made the Hungry Girl ricotta cheese pizza… loved it! I like your pizza too with turkey pepperoni, will have to try that this week.
I *so* wish we had TJ’s here!!! I always make a run when I visit my bro in Atlanta or my sis in NY, but that doesn’t bode well for stocking up on frozen goodies!
I love Flat Out flatbreads!
I weighed in today and lost 1.8 – woohoo!!! I even “overindulged” @ a football party yesterday. I still wrote everything down & stayed w/in my points range, but still -not much of it had any kind of healthiness to it! All party foods…
What’s new to try this week? I got some Morning Star Farms crumbles and hope to try tacos made w/ that… I’ll post a report later.
Baked onion rings ?!?!?!? 😀 I used to LOVE funions (spelling?) back in the day. MUST find these when I go tmr.
I get so ecxited when I see my tueky cab sauce on your blog 😀 I’m SO glad you like it. I make it abuot once every other week over here and then freeze single portions too.
Mon: Whole Wheat Chicken Pesto Pizza and Salad
Tues: Baked BBQ Tofu, Roasted B-Sprouts and Quinoa
Wed: Turkey and Vegetable Pasta Bake
Thur: Goin’ out on the town;)
Fri: Leftovers
So new things I am trying: I tried your 8 veggie stir fry with pot stickers and ww fried rice OMG soooo good. I loved it. Even the house full of men that i cooked for loved it. My husband wants this added to our rotation of meals. LOL. I also tried your pork with apricot chipotle adobo sauce and my husband and i were in heaven. This week i will be trying Quinoa, and i plan on crocking something, not sure what yet….we’ll see. 🙂
girls night! fun. i wish i was coming 😉
I cannot wait for your Trader Joe’s list. I love, love TJ but I cannot always get what I see on your blog. I am in Philadelphia, PA and maybe stores are different.. I did get the turkey pepper bacon. Yummy! I also got the multi grain bread delicious. Will you be giving the Points Plus?
Love your blog!
I love your blog so much.. but i think you are eating to much.. thats why you are not losing so much weight..im sorry .im just being honest..
Hi Crystal,
I LOVE those cookies! 😀 From what I am told the spreads will be hitting the store shelves within 2 months – fingers crossed! The online price isn’t bad on them though if you do order them online. Here is a link to their website.
Hi Kal,
A dirty latte is just ordering a regular fat free latte from Starbucks with only 1 pump of mocha syrup. You save on calories/points+ as each pump is one point+.
It’s awesome!
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for the compliment on my blog. You know, some weeks are better than others for me. Last week I enjoyed every bite celebrating my birthday and using all of my WPA. The week before I had a nice 3 lbs loss so the fact that I was able to celebrate and not gain any of that back was a BIG success to me 🙂
On to a new week where I definitely plan on making it a good one. I appreciate your honesty – Thanks! 🙂
Can’t wait for your TJ list! Heading to the US in the spring with a friend of mine and we’re both developing our grocery lists!
My new item to try this week is quinoa (sp?)…I’m trying to get new grains in my diet 🙂
I’m SO with you on Subway. For how many PP it is now, I’d rather spend it on something I enjoy more and feel like I really ate something. Sometimes Subway seems “airy” to me, if that makes sense.
@ Sarah- you know, I ate more this past week than I normally do and lost almost 2 lbs! Before, I was so careful and barely got to my daily points, almost never touching my WPA. I finally realized I wasn’t really eating enough, therefore my metabolism was slowing down & storing what little I did eat.
So, I think as long as the meal choices are mostly healthy, & that you are getting all of your healthy checks in, it’s better to eat more, rather than less. Tracking is key & exercise is also *so* important.
Just my 2 cents….
Don’t forget the two buck chuck at Trader Joes.
I can’t wait for your Trader Joe’s list! It is such a fun place to shop! I’m heading there tomorrow I think!