Happy Monday all! The Husband always has these sort of funny sayings that he uses all the time to describe things. One of my favorite sayings he uses when he doesn’t love something is to say that is he “Not a ‘fan’ on Facebook!” What makes this so incredibly hilarious to me is that he isn’t on Facebook and outside of apps on his Ipad, E*Bay or googling things, he doesn’t really use the computer much.
Breakfast totally fell into the “FAN” category on my list, but, lunch, not so much. More on that in a few.
Yesterday I had this really brilliant idea to make my Crepes! recipe Simply Filling.
Not that it isn’t, but, I thought maybe, just maybe, I could try making Crepes without flour which makes them 1 points+ each.
So, I whisked up 1 egg plus 2 egg whites with a little sea salt, pepper, hot sauce & green onions. Then, I poured the mix into my 8 inch nonstick pan to make a Crepe!
When it was almost cooked on top, I flipped it and topped it with a little 2% Sargento Colby and 2 slices of “bacon” ~ Canadian bacon.
To brighten up my eggy Crepe! I topped it with tomatoes from our garden and green onions.
It was about the time that I rolled it up that I realized it was really just an Omelet!
Or maybe I could just call it a Crepe! Omelet! LOL….it was light, fluffy, cheesy with a nice smoky saltiness from the bacon that was offset by the sweet cherry tomatoes. (SF) 6 points+
Surprisingly, I was hungry about 3 hours later. I thought my protein breakfast would’ve sustained me until lunch. Banana plus a Sargento lite string cheese (1 points+)
While pondering ideas of things I could make for lunches these week that wouldn’t heat up the house, I decided to make this Weight Watchers Slow Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala.
I have only made Indian Food one other time when I made this Vegan Channa Masala with a Coconut Kick. So, I figured, why not.
I made the recipe Simply Filling Friendly by using chicken breast & a 15 oz can of chickpeas drained/rinsed for the 2 lbs of turkey thighs. I also used half the garam masala and fire roasted tomatoes with green chilies for the crushed tomatoes.
I cooked it al day on low, then, shredded the chicken before adding 0% Greek Yogurt for the low-fat Greek yogurt in the recipe.
I am not sure the Greek Yogurt really did much for the recipe flavor wise.
Whenever I plate up dishes that I serve over brown rice, I like using a veggie mixture like this Rainbow Salad so it seems like you get more.
I then layer on 1/3 cup brown rice before serving up 2/3 cup of the Chicken Masala Mix.
I actually LOVED the taste yesterday and couldn’t wait to dig in today. So, I think this is actually one of the few recipes that gets worse with time…..it was so “spicy” but like cinnamon and clove spice. I found myself saying “Not a ‘fan’ on Facebook” when I was eating it.
100% Simply Filling – 5 points+ for the modified recipe including the brown rice
Dessert – SF + 1 WPA (1 points+)
I brought extra snacks today because I knew I’d be working late. Snack #1 equaled this pluot with a tall, nonfat decaf latte (SF) – 3 points+
Snack # 2 – Melon plus a light string cheese (SF) – 1 points+
I was so glad when I walked in the door at 9:30 tonight to realize that dinner would only take minutes to make since we made leftovers on purpose last night.
Leftovers Made Over ~ BBQ Turkey & Veggie Kabob Salad with 1 Tbsp sunflower seeds and 2 Tbsp Trader Joe’s Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette. (SF+3 WPA) – 6 points+
STATS (12 am – 1030pm)
- 2,217 calories burned
- 6,653 steps taken
- 4 WPA used, 43 WPA remaining (23 daily points+)
Do you have a favorite phrase and/or saying that you always find yourself using?
Spill it because you know we all wanna hear it
Off to catch some zzzzzz’s so I can get up early to get my run on!
Night all!
Your Husband is so funny. I love his saying. I have lots of sayings. My top 3 are—Life is Good!, Whatever floats your boat!, No way not any day! I think I will have to use your Husbands 😉 I am off to TJ’s today to load up. Also I want to try their new Balsamic Glaze. Have you tried it yet?!
I made the Tikka Masala too and realized that as it ‘aged’ the cinnamon and clove did take over. I remedied that by adding in hot sauce and pepper … I also mixed in some frozen cooked spinach which actually did quite a lot for it. (p.s. next time I make this, I will try making my own garam masala mixture).
I’m sure I should probably be most excited about the beautiful dishes you made, but my immediate thoughts were OMG I haven’t had that Dove chocolate flavor! I need to get my priorities straight.
Just curious, which day of the week do you start counting your WPAs with?
HI Jamie,
My week restarts every Sunday and that is when my WPA count resets.
I probably say this until peeps around me want to scream – ‘It is what it is’. Absolutely love your blog, Danica. It really motivates me.
Build a bridge and get over it!
We’re off like a herd of turtles.
I’m gonna punch you so hard. (really only said to my husband when he annoys me…and yes he laughs at me)
1. Geezzzzz Louise!…2. What ever floats your boat 3. It is what it is! No more no less. 4. And this too shall pass! ……… Your post always leaves me with new food ideas and motivated to stick with the plan. 🙂
No catch phrase to add but I had my first taste of the Dove Sea Salt & Caramel Dark Chocolate last night and it is awesome! Too bad someone else in my household appears to like them….
I love your hubby’s phrase – made me LOL!
WhatEVER 🙂 They laugh every time I say it at work!
Definitely going to try that trick with the bowl. Thanks