Happy Sunday all! Today started off with my Weight Watcher meeting where I learned SO MANY things that I cannot wait to share with you all!
We spent a little time talking about goals and weight ranges. I think that this analogy for determining where you fall in their Weight Watcher’s Weight Ranges based on BMI is pretty cool.
*If your left index finger and thumb can wrap around your right wrist bone and touch/overlap, then, you are probably closer to the low end of your range.
* If your left index finger and thumb can wrap around your right wrist bone and just touch, then, you are most likely in the middle.
* If your left index finger and thumb can wrap around your right wrist bone and they do NOT touch, then you are probably closer to the high end of your range.
My WW leader said that Weight Watchers is in fact working on a DROID app that is comparable if not better than the Iphone App because it will have the bar code scanning feature. She said that someone told her they plan to roll it out sometime in March of this year. FINGERS CROSSED it’s TRUE so I can stop glaring at my Iphone friends
Since Weight Watchers has had their Deluxe Kits out of stock since November, they have extended the Special Discounts. They are not as good as the initial discounts I first showed you all, but, they are still pretty good.
Refer to THIS POST for my thoughts on all the above items and the changes.
Normally I plan out each day what I am going to eat BEFORE I eat anything each morning so I know how many points+ I have to work with and I can make sure I fit in all my healthy guidelines. Since we have been all vacation all week, I found myself not following my usual routine each day. I was actually reminded today at weigh in WHY I track in writing versus just in my head when I gained .8 lbs. I definitely ATE all my daily points+ and my WPA this week with no exercise at all. I am completely ok with it because I am considering it the last of my holiday weight gain. I am proud of myself for actually ended this holiday season with a net loss of 3.6 lbs when in the past, I typically gained 5-7 lbs. I promise to be a better example and I know that next week will be an awesome weigh in because I am back to my routine and tracking every single bite, lick and taste!
When I got home from my meeting, I decided to whip up Egg Wiches for both The Husband and I. One of my AWESOME followers asked if I’d give a tutorial the next time I made, one, so here it is
I preheat a nonstick skillet over medium low heat and spray it with nonstick spray. Add your eggs. The KEY to good eggs is cooking them on a lower temperature so they don’t fry and get rubbery.
Break the yolk and sprinkle with sea salt and black pepper.
When all the edges have turned white, slice in half and flip.
Sprinkle with sea salt and black pepper. I typically turn the heat off at this point and let them finish cooking while I make toast.
Tadah….start to finish, maybe 5 minutes for this delicious 5 points+ breakfast.
I added a side of “banana chips” to balance it out.
Nom, nom, nom….I could honestly eat this every day.
After breakfast, we did some shopping when The Husband came across this knife. I had to snap a picture when he came up to me and said he was ready to “Spread some Buttah”
I was STARVING when we got home at 2 pm, so I quickly ate a piece of this Green Chili Corn Bread (5 points+) while the soup cooked.
I have been CRAVING these little mini potstickers from Trader Joe’s ever since I bought them and put them in the freezer. Since it has been raining all weekend, I figured today was the perfect time to whip up some delicious Chicken Cilantro Pot Sticker Veggie Soup.
I used mini peppers for the squash, but, otherwise, followed the recipe. THE BEST part about this soup is you get NINE mini won tons and the entire HUGE serving of soup is only 4 points+.
Ever since I showed The Husband last week’s Nachos! recipe of the week on Friends for Weight Loss, he has wanted nachos. He is a BIG fan of Red Robin’s Chili Cheese Nachos.
So, tonight, I decided to put a healthy spin on his favorite Nachos!
“Not-Cho” Average Nachos!
15 Tostitos Scoops (the real deal is only 1 more points+)
3 oz lean ground beef, browned with 1/4 onion,chopped and topped with 2 tsp Taco Seasoning
2 Tbsp Tostitos Medium Nacho Cheese, heated (it spreads further)
1/4 cup Tostitos Medium Chunky Salsa
1/4 cup chopped tomatoes
1 Tbsp green onions
1/4 cup Wholly Guacamole
1. Heat tortilla chips in the oven at 400 degrees for 3 minutes and remove from oven. Cool slightly.
2. Pile on everything from the meat through the Guacamole
Makes ONE HUGE serving for 11 points+.
Yes, you “could” save on points+ by using Baked Tostitos, less chips, cheese and guacamole,but, honestly, when you have 11 points+ available to use, why would you?!
DELCIOUS!!! The only “problem” is now The Husband wants me to make THESE instead of getting take out
I will be posting my WEEKLY MENU tomorrow as I still have one more day of Winter Break before I have to go back to the daily grind.
Just a few more hours to ENTER TO WIN FREE CHOBANI GREEK YOGURT!!!
What is the furthest place you have travelled to celebrate New Year’s?
We typically stay in with friends celebrating with drinks, good food, games and the occasional poker tournament! We did spend New Year’s in South Lake Tahoe once and it was FREEZING!
Night all!
Farthest we have been for NYE is Las Vegas which is 4 hours for us by car. We used to go every year for 4 yrs it was such a blast!!
Those nachos look really good. Can’t wait to try them. We just got back from spending New Year in San Francisco. It was freezing and rainy. The furthest we have ever gone to celebrate was Hong Kong.
The farthest I’ve gone for New Year’s was New York City.
Danica these nachos look delicious!! Looks like the perfect healthy Playoff football snack !
mmm, now I’m craving nachos like mad!
you never disappoint with your mexican food. The egg sandwich looks phenomenal. I am the same way with egg sandwiches there is something about them that makes them soo darn good.
Farthest I have traveled for new years is Florida last year for the Disney Marathon.
What if you have stumpy thumbs like I do? No fair, lol!
such great info about where you should fall in the weight ranges…I have always felt I should fall in the upper…and now this confirms it.
I think I may have to make those nachos tonight!
Nachos look delish. And for 11 points? Hell, I’m putting in all of the real stuff. Now, the challenge is to eat just 1 serving….
Big woo hoo for the 3.6 loss over the holidays!!! That is not an easy thing to do, so YAY!!!!!! Have a great day and a great tracking week!!!
I forgot to say my boys loved the husbands “big knife” they said OH WOW !!
Usually stay home on NYE, would rather be with loved ones than on the road! Your nacho look wonderful,.
Hey girl ! Happy New Year and thank you for the eggie tutorial – and the AWESOME shout out 🙂 I am so back to tracking this week, too and I’m looking forward to some AWESOME results for both of us. p.s…love the buttah knife!
I think I love you…omg the nachos…oh the nachos! I love the tutorial on making the egg sandwich too, my eggs have been rubbery and fried on the edges, so I stopped making them. I’m trying your way tomorrow, thank you!!
i am SO glad weight watchers is working for you! and those nachos – OH. EM. GEE. they are making me so hungry, and i ate lunch just a bit ago 🙂
Those nachos look YUMMY! And GREAT work with your net loss this holiday season!! I def did not ;P …but am back at the gym and back to my normal eating habbits. Hoorah 😉
those nachos look divine! just goes to show that it can be done without all the nasty grease and calories! good job! hey, quick question if you don’t mind. i’m a lifetime WW gal… only way i could lose the weight after 4 babies. i was trying to zoom that picture you took with the height/weight table. i’m 5’5″ and i’m a small frame, what did it say i should be?
the wonton soup looks great! my sister gave me a bag of the trader joe’s wontons that she had leftover from new years, so maybe now i’ll have to try out that soup.
Hi Sarah,
I only make up individual servings so I can’t have more than one – built in portion control that way 🙂
Hi Nicole,
Absolutely, I will email you the details for your height, etc.
I made these for hubbie and me last night (substituted FF cheddar cheese for myself and regular Mexican cheese for him). They were DELISH! I found Wholly Guacamole in my supermarket (yum) and put a ton of fresh pico de gallo on top. Canot believe how much food it was for the PointsPlus! Thankyou thankyou thankyou for sharing thiis.
That DROID app sounds cool! I found an app called My Fitness Pal that has this technology already, you scan the barcode in and it tells you the nutrient content!
Those nachos look AMAZING!
Wow! Those nachos look amazing! How many P+ without the guac? Avacados are full of “good” fats, but being allergic to them poses a problem for me.
P.S. I just stumbled across your blog, which has convinced me to rejoin WW. Now that they have a plan that rewards good food choices, I think I can stick to, and be more successful with, P+. I shouldn’t be as tempted to use up points on unhealthy options.
Hi Steph,
You would save 2 points+ by excluding the guacamole. Bummer about being allergic to avocados! Congrats on joining Weight Watchers and I am glad to have you as a reader. You will definitely LOVE the new program ~ it’s honestly my favorite program!
Be sure to join all of us over at http://www.friendsforweightloss.com as well because there is so much Weight Watcher Support going on over there too.
I love your website. can’t wait to try the nacho recipe.