Happy Monday everyone!! If you all LOVED the Now Eat This Healthy-Diet Cookbook Giveaway from Rocco DiSpirito that I hosted a few months ago, then, you are going to LOVE this week’s giveaway! Rocco has added to his FANTASTIC cookbook with a new TIP BOOK called Now Eat This! 100 Quick Calorie Cuts At Home/On The Go that I personally think is pretty awesome.
This book is the perfect healthy eating guide for anyone who is looking to shed the pounds and start their journey toward a healthy lifestyle by making “little changes” that add up to big losses! The book provides healthy at-home and on-the-go cooking and eating tips to cut the calories from your favorite foods!
Before you head to Amazon.com to order your copy and learn how to cut the calories, here’s your chance to win a pristine signed copy direct from Rocco himself! Rocco has hooked me up with 2 signed copies of Now Eat This! 100 Quick Calorie Cuts At Home/On The Go to give away to TWO LUCKY READERS!
The Quick Reference Cards are great reminders at how easy it is to find those 100 extra calories to save each day.
The book is set up with 50 tips for At-Home…..probably one of my favorite tips!
I totally folded this corner down too because I can admit it ~ I LOVE anything I can eat the whole bag or box!
Flip the book over and you will find 50 MORE tips for On-The-Go.
Ok, I will stop ~ All I can say is that you will LOVE this book whether you are are trying to lose weight or just trying to make healthier choices. It is definitely loaded with a bunch of great ideas to give you a boost with your healthy living lifestyle.
Here’s how you can win your own signed copy of Now Eat This! 100 Quick Calorie Cuts, signed by Rocco DiSpirito himself
1) Simply leave your FIRST comment telling me how you cut extra calories on a daily basis.
2) TWEET and/or Facebook about this giveaway. “@danicasdaily is giving away 2 signed Copies of @RoccoDiSpirito new Now Eat This Book!, #WinNET100 & enter now! http://goo.gl/wqzVa“ Be sure to leave a SECOND comment to let me know you did.
3) Follow Rocco on Twitter @RoccoDiSpirito and leave a THIRD comment letting me know you did.
4) If you have a blog, LINK back to this contest and leave a FOURTH comment letting me know you did.
If you don’t have a blog, just leave a comment below telling me someone you told about this giveaway.
The Fine Print: Thanks to Rocco DiSpirito for giving me a copy of his new book, but, also for letting me share in the fun by giving you all TWO Auto-Graphed Copies!! This contest is open to US-Residents only (sorry my Canadian friends).
The winner will be randomly drawn and announced on Monday, October 31, 2011!
Ready to enter, comment away!!!
I cut extra calories by using fat free and cutting out as much processed foods as possible!
I twittered (lol) about your awesome giveaway!
now following Rocco DiSpirito
I have non fat half and half in some coffee and sweetener to quell my sweet tooth.
I use Greek yogurt for my baked potato topping instead of sour cream. I love Greek yogurt!
I do follow Rocco on twitter.
The easiest way for me to cut extra calories is plan ahead! When I forget to plan out meals I find myself in a bind and making bad decisions.
Chips are my weakness. Any chips. I cut calories every day by substituting my old habit of eating chips with fresh raw cucumbers and carrots with fat free ranch to dip in. I no longer miss the chips and I crave my veggies!
Whenever I make a dip that calls for sour cream I ALWAYS use fat free. Tillamook’s version is so good and you never miss those extra calories :0)
Tweeted this giveaway! 🙂
And now.. I am following Rocco on Twitter!
Besides milk, I try my hardest to not drink calories.
I tweeted!
Following Rocco 🙂
I cut calories by not sneaking a taste of my kids’ snacks when I make them.
i substitute half nonfat greek yogurt when a recipe calls for sour cream or mayo. i dab the oil off my pizza in which i always get thin crust w/ veggies and light on cheese. instead of a latte i get iced coffee w/ a splash of soymilk to save on calories & money. i’ve switched to sparkling water instead of soda or diet soda. if u want flavor, a passion iced tea (no sweetener) from starbucks is refreshing.
I am trying to add more raw vegetables and fruits and eat less carbs.
I don’t have a blog, but I have told my daughter and a couple of friends to hop on over here and try to win a book. Also get some really good ideas for losing weight and some yummy low points recipes.
I use spaghetti squash instead of noodles when I’m craving Italian. If I’m making this for someone else, I use 1/2 squash, 1/2 noodles. Super filling!
I use light bread which is smaller than normal bread slices so that i’m cutting calories with the bread and there’s less room for toppings.
I use light sour cream and fat free Greek yogurt, fat free milk, whipped butter, and serve raw veggies as an appetizer before dinner. I also emphasize veggies – soups and side dishes – more than I used to as my focus is on healthy eating rather than “diet”.
Substituting fat free dairy products for regular, and eating larger servings of veggies at meals.
I do not eat snacks very often but when I do, instead of grabbing some chips I grab baby carrots. Always helps snack cravings!
I cut extra calories by always trying to use fat free or low fat products where you don’t really notice it such as sour cream, cream cheese, cheese, etc…
I told my friends at work about this contest (since I don’t have a blog 🙁 )
I looked up Rocco on Twitter!
I love Corn Thins (like rice cakes but half as think and tastes a like popcorn) with a wedge of cheese or whipped cream cheese and fruit for a reduced calories snack instead of crackers……love it, so many end less possibilities.
I use the spray “butter” instead of the real thing to save on calories
I tweeted!
I cut extra calories by eliminating added sugars from my diet and try to eat the least amount of processed food as possible.
I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch everyday and read the labels at the grocery store.
I add fresh veggies to “bulk up” whatever I am eating,
I use splenda in my coffee instead of sugar, I buy everything low or reduced fat. Light chips when I have to have some.
I shared this giveaway with my coworkers!
I cut calories by eating on a smaller plate with meat, veggie & starch and having a small bowl of salad on the side (vinegar dressing). This allows for more veggies.
I try to always measure things as to not add extra calories by “eye balling” it.
I shared this giveaway with my family and coworkers!
i measure portions out. it’s so helpful to know that i can eat all of what is in front of me, instead of eating out of the bag/box and needing to use sheer willpower to stop!
Not eating processed foods nearly as much. Eating more fruits and veggies, even for snacks!
I measured my fat free coffee creamer. 1 point for a tablespoon and found out I’m using 3 tablespoons per cup! And I drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day. OMG! I’m drinking over half my points! Thankfully I found Splenda French Vanilla sweetener, 0 cals, 0 fat, 0 sodium, 0 protein and less than 1 carb. I’m just waiting for the lbs. to start dropping off me! I guess I can’t “eyeball” my portions afterall!
I cut calories by using fruit as dessert!
I follow Rocco on Twitter!
I told my co-workers about this giveaway!
I add extra veggies to recipes everywhere I can for more substantial dishes with less calories.
I Facebooked about this giveaway!
I cut calories by being on Weight Watchers. 🙂
I do not drink my calories. I changed from milk to coconut milk.
I shared this on Facebook.
I am following Rocco on Twitter!
I use greek yogurt in stead of mayo; I use low fat (sometimes fat free) items when possible. I have nearly cut out all sugar. I gave up pop (soda) totally. I follow WW and count my points which keeps me on tracl with mindless eating.
No blog—but told my 4 co-workers! We LOVE Rocco!
I tweeted “@danicasdaily is giving away 2 signed Copies of @RoccoDiSpirito new Now Eat This Book!, #WinNET100 & enter now! http://goo.gl/wqzVa“
I follow rocco on twitter.
I cut calories by grabbing a piece of fruit before anything else. If I also feel like I’m craving something, I will drink a glass of water and wait to see if I’m still craving it. I might have a smaller portion of whatever it is at that point to satisfy the craving. A small piece of dark chocolate usually covers the sweet craving and some rice cakes usually cover the salty craving.
Whenever I am hungry I try to drink water first …. sometimes it saves me lots of calories during the day!! Now if it would only fix the problem everytime 😉 These books look like they would be so helpful!!
To cut out extra calories, I use sugar free creamer in my coffee, drink green tea and substitute veggies for meat in a recipe!
I drink water instead of any types of sodas or juices. That saves me tons of calories during the day and helps to keep me full which saves more!!
i cut extra calories by drinking diet coke and no fries
tcogbill at live dot com
using greek yogurt instead of sour cream is how I cut back.
I cut thousands of calories by keeping my mouth shut around all the sweets brought into my office………… (if it were only so easy). Would love to win this book, looks like I might be skinny if I followed his advice!
I try to move more. I’ve also tried cutting back on condiments to see how little I can use, like raw sugar or soy creamer in my coffee, salad dressing, ketchup, etc. It’s almost a game to find the smallest amount that will still give me satisfaction as if I ate what I’d normally use.
I just have one less glass of wine a night!!!! 🙂
I put the link to the giveaway on my facebook;)
I told my friends about this giveaway!
I am trying to cut calories by eating more “clean foods”, smaller portions and healthier choices such as fruit, raw vegetables, green tea.
I try to drink water therefore I am full before I even begin eating. I also tend to eat fruit and veggies with fiber.
I cut calories by keeping fresh cut fruit at my desk – helps me stay away from the sweets people bring into the office!!
I cut my calories by drinking my coffee black while I’m at work.
I grew my own garden this year and canned up my own pizza sauce, spaghetti sauce, ketchup, salsa, tomato soup, etc. I have frozen green beans, zucchini, broccoli etc. You get the idea. It is amazing how fewer calories and sodium are in these products now and how much more healthy using fresh ingredients are for you and how much it helps in my weight loss!!!
…and now I follow Rocco on twitter!!! 🙂
My husband and I eat clean & healthy most of the time. If I could just get rid of this addiction to sweets that I have. I love your blog & all the info you have. Does Whole Foods have Jo’s chocolate caramels? I dream about them.
Tocut extra calories I mostly just stick to the breakfast and lunch I pack for that day and don’t purchase extra. I also am trying to cut back on coffee drinks!
I cut by using Spaghetti Squash instead of pasta!
Posted to Twitter
I have been struggling with Weight loss and Weight Watchers lately and find it hard to get motivated and I do try to cut calories by doing this. I drink Crystal Light, I use splenda instead of sugar, I drink FF Skim milk, but it seems the processed foods and my portions get me every time. It’s hard to stay focused and stong at losing weight. Very hard. I need some motivation. I have just been feeling blue lately. You are a good motivator Danica! Thanks for your Blog!
I use whole wheat sandwich thins for sandwiches and whole wheat bagel thins for regular toast. My locally produced sugar-free apple butter has only 20 calories per delicious serving, and I get several varieties of organic low-sugar preserves from Trader Joe’s (no high fructose corn syrup and no artificial sweeteners!). I cook the salmon that goes on the top of my salad in the 2 tbs. of low-fat dressing that then goes on my salad – delicious! Sometimes I use flavored vinegars and no oil at all for salad dressing. Roasted cauliflower for a snack and steamed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes – just a few of my favorite easy, good tasting, healthy calorie cutters – no artificial anything if I can help it.
I think the biggest way I cut calories is by eating “real” food over processed food. It keeps me full for longer and I end up taking in less calories and am eating healthier!
I cut calories by measuring or counting chips or snacks…I also like portion controlled foods like string cheese, wrapped cheese..I love my scale.. and Rocco, I watched his reality show about opening his restaurant, also watched him on QVC selling his mommas meatballs…I would love his cookbook.!
After Lunch when i need something a little sweet- i have been chewing Extra’s new Biggest Loser Gum Flavors, The apple pie is so yummy!
I use sugarfree creamer in my coffee everyday to save calories. I also like to use swaps like spaghetti squash for noodles, bulk up carby recipes with loads of veggies, and have a salad everyday with my lunch to stay full 🙂
I use light soy milk instead of regular to cut calories. I also have salads with my meals to fill me up with lots of good for you vegetables.
I drink lots of water/eat lots of ice. I work at a hospital and they have the “good ice” that makes awesome ice water. When I get to the bottom I just munch on the ice (small pellets). I feel like I am eating and yet no extra calories! Plus ups my water intake!!!
I cut calories everyday by switching from my latte to just a plain cup of coffee with soy milk. The added bonus is saving money too!
I also tweeted the giveaway
I cut calories by just drinking plain tap water. It’s actually not that bad when you get used to it.
I let my mom know about the giveaway.
I cut calories by never drinking my fruit – instead of apple, orange, or grapefruit juice – I eat the real thing!
I tweeted!
I don’t have a blog, but my friend and his wife LOVE Rocco and his previous cookbook – so I just sent them the link to your giveaway!
I drink water and use salsa or greek yogurt as a base for salad dressing. Love Rocco!
I put extra veggies in every recipe so serving sizes go further to fill me up. I also grab a piece of fruit first if I feel like eating a snack!
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I don’t have a blog, but I told my neighborhood friends this morning at breakfast.
I now follow @RoccodiSpirito on Twitter!
I cut calories by using less cheese.
I love Crystal Light and for only 5 calories it keeps me from grabbing the chips or cookies to satisfy that craving.
I load up on salad before eating the main dish.
I try to cut calories daily by having fruits/veggies with my sandwich at lunch instead of chips!
I didn’t blog this, but I did tell my BFF about it 🙂
I tweeted: @danicasdaily is giving away 2 signed Copies of @RoccoDiSpirito new Now Eat This Book!, #WinNET100 & enter now! http://goo.gl/wqzVa (@amg1016)
I started to follow @RoccoDisSpirito on Twitter!
I drink lots of water, eat raw veggies and fruits as snacks, use less oil/fats, avoid sugar, eat whole wheat items and black coffee ( the killer!).
Easiest way to cut calories is to never sit down with an entire bag of food/jar of pb/etc. Unless its carrot sticks of course!
I’m doing WW, so I try to cut calories all over the place. I’ve switched to fat free organic milk,
I now only have a alcoholic drink once or twice a month :~(
I weigh almost all of my food.
Thanks for the chance to win a great prize.
I always start the day with a high protein breakfast, and frozen grapes are my go-to snack.
I am not a blogger so I have told my daughter in law about this.
I cut calories by switching my full fat recipes from heavy cream to milk. I eat Lindt’s dark chocolate with sea salt (1 block) for a sweet and salty craving all in one.
I added the link on my facebook page and “liked” him on facebook.
I don’t have a twitter or a blog, but I emailed my friends to let them know. Thanks for such a great site, its really helped me.
I cut calories by drinking lots of water, eating whole grains, eating a high protein breakfast, and by not snacking randomly without thinking about what I am eating.
Drinking water and staying away from what the kids don’t finish.
I use whipped butter, skim milk etc.
I use fat free Greek yogurt instead of sour cream or mayonnaise.
I facebooked it.
I told my friend Diane about it.
Easiest way to cut calories is to read the labels and know what a portion is!
I don’t have a blog, but I told all my weight watcher friends about this new book!
I chew gum whenever I’m feeling snacky but not hungry!
Following Rocco on twitter!
This book look great, so many good ideas. I try to eat a piece of fruit before lunch & dinner with a glass of water, this fills me up so I order less or put less on my plate 🙂
Also I bought a bag of Dunkin Donuts pumpkin spice coffee and add carmel flavor creamer to make lattes at home to avoid the temptations of the donut shop. The coffee tastes the same in my Keurig.
Posted about the new book on Facebook!
My all-time favorite swap is to have a bowl of fresh raspberries or blueberries with some light Cool Whip on top instead of a bowl of ice cream. Just as much of a treat to me, but a lot fewer calories!
I buy healthy, easy to prepare foods so I can grab quick meals and snacks.
I cut calories by switching to nutrasweet and drinking crystal light instead of regular soda. I have also started getting your “Dirty Lattes” to save on calories. Great giveaway.
To stretch my salad dressing, I measure out the amount I should have and then add white vinegar to it ( you recently inspired my to try brocclei slaw—and a love affair has started–Thankx)–Jeannbie
I cut calories on a daily basis now buy using Sugar Free Maple Grove Rasberry dressing.
It has only 5 calories and taste great! I also only use fat free milk or almond milk, nice change up to the day!! Hope I win. Thanks for everything Danica!!
I’ve switched to PB2 instead of regular peanut butter in my smoothies. I make them with a banana, silk chocolate soy milk and PB2! So delicous, i feel like I’m having dessert. Thanks 🙂
I dont eat syrup on my pancakes. I just love the taste plane and it cuts some calories!!!
I’ve cut calories by tracking, chugging my water, and using ff yogurt and snap peas as my night time snacks!
And I told my mom about your giveaway (I dont have a blog but love yours! : ) )
I use unsweetened coconut milk and yogurt sweetened with agave to avoid white sugar.
I tweeted it and am now following Rocco on Twitter.
I try to drink water all day long. When baking I use applesauce instead of oil. I am always looking for more ideas. Would love to win the cookbook! Thanks for the chance 🙂
I already follow Rocco on twitter! He is awesome!
Also, retweeting the link 😉
My tip is when I want a snack, I pick fruit first and if I still want a treat, I will have it. Most times the fruit is enough. Thanks
Lots of water – a bowl of cut up veggies and fruit easily available and grabbable. fewer carb items and lots more protien.
I cut calories by using my electric food scale daily!
I just tried using light vanilla almond milk in my cereal instead of 1% cow’s milk. It’s only 40 calories a cup instead of 110! Even skim milk is 80. It took a couple of breakfasts to get used to the almond milk, but it’s totally fine in cereal and I actually enjoy the vanilla flavor.
I try to cut calories by ordering double veggies(never have too much) and less cheese and no mayo on my sandwiches.
I don’t have a blog, but I’m a first grad teacher and I can tell all my teacher friends at lunch. Teachers LOVE giveaways!!
I can tweet about this giveaway!! 🙂
I save calories by eating fat free ice cream! I love black tea with splenda & eat fruit for snacks!
I just facedbooked about the give away!
I told my bff about the contest!!!! she is my workout/ww buddy!
Something I do everyday to cut calories is measure my cereals/ pastas/ nut butters. It’s crazy how much cereal can fit in one ‘normal’ sized bowl vs what an actual serving size is.
I cut calories by using fat free half and half in my coffee and eating carrots for a snack.
I’m a “splash of skim” in my coffee (no sugar), and Edy’s Grand Light ice cream instead of the real deal. That stuff is excellent.
I love the “This not that” books … thanks for the chance!
I measure out portions of salad dressing, granola, nuts and cereal instead of eye balling go save on calories!
I cut out calories but never drinking them. I rarely drink soda or juice. Thanks for the chance.
eat clementines at night when I want to eat junk,
I follow Rocco on Facebook (don’t have a Twitter)
posted on facebook
told my hubby who said that if I don’t win, I can buy the book!
I have been eating low fat yogurt!
make oven fried potatoes with olive oil instead of deep fried
I cut calories by using salad dressing sparingly!
put on facebook
I bake my FF in the oven with Pam spray
I eat fruit like grapes as a snack instead of chips or cookies.
egg beaters instead of real eggs. quicker and less messy too!
I cut calories by drinking a full glass of water before each meal.
I order egg whites with veggies omelets instead of doing them with eggs
I try to drink more water and stay away from soda and fruit juice.
I followed Rocco on Twitter
I told a couple of my co-workers about the give away and your blog.
My favorite way to cut calories is to make sure I have a snack like fruit, Larabar, or yogurt handy at all times. I don’t want to be caught “hungry” and overeat.
I swap nonfat greek yogurt for whole. Skim milk in place of nonfat. And when I bake I replace part of the oil/butter with nonfat greek yogurt, it works great!!
I use olive oil spray for omelets, sauteed veggies, pan broiled fish filets and chicken breasts, etc. instead of pouring in the olive oil or butter. If I must use more oil, I measure out a teaspoon or two.
I try to have a salad with dinner over a carb and then just stick with a lean protein.
Told my Sis about the giveaway = )
I’m buying halloween candy that I personally don’t like!
I always cut calories by measuring out what I eat. If I want chips, I take whatever the serving size is out of the bag before sitting down with that naughty bag in my hands!! Saves me a lot of calories!!!
I use FF greek yogurt as a replacement for my afternoon snack and sour cream and in baking! Gives me extra protein and less calories/fat!
I don’t use oil in my vinaigrette, only vinegar, mustard and salt and pepper.
I’ve also learned to stop drinking my calories (OJ) and now have an orange instead each morning. I always use a sandwich plate instead of dinner plates for serving our meals.
I cut calories in salad dressing by expanding it with balsamic or other flavored vinegars. I’ll use 2 tbsp. regular dressing vinegar to have enough to really enjoy the whole salad. I still get all the flavor of the regular dressing, but don’t have a half-dry salad.
Told a couple of my friends about your blog and giveaway!
I use egg whites for my omelet wraps…cuts calories instantly!!!!!
Already following Rocco; he is fantastic!
i drink way more water
Told my friends about how great your web site is and about the giveaway in FB.
I haven’t been doing too well at cutting calories lately, so I REALLY need this book! Lol!
I just make healthy choices like light mayo instead of full-fat, low fat yogurt instead of whole, and skim milk instead of whole milk. 🙂
I swap half the oil in a recipe for baked goods with natural applesauce (no sugar added) to save on fat/calories.
I follow Rocco on twitter!
I told a friend about your giveaway!
I have been swapping cauliflower for potatoes
I eat a salad before dinner to cut down on the carbs like potatoes or rice. I love Rocco and your blog.
i cut calories by not drinking calories cutting out calorific dressings / condiments that don’t fill you up!
tweeted the giveaway!
i’m following Rocco on twitter!
I don’t eat after 8pm because once I start I can’t stop!
Yes to water and unsweet tea! No to soft drinks and sweet tea.
I told my daughter and daughter in law about the giveaway.
I try to eat an apple when I want a snack, especially in the fall when I’ve picked them myself.
I told my mother about the giveaway. She always loves to eat healthy, and low cal.
I eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. In the end it is definitely more satisfying to eat the fruit, but sometimes orange juice in the morning is just so dang good!
I told my best friend because she is always wondering simple ways to cut down on calories!
I told 2 friends. We all look for ways to cut back.
I plan out my meals and snacks for the day and take them to work with me. I also drink lost of water and stay busy so I don’t snack beyond what was planned.