** Happy Faces are level 8 – that’s fun that 8 ) equals a LOL
minutes 1 & 2: 3.5 mph (level 5)
minute 3: 4.0 mph (level 6)
minute 4: 5.0 mph (level 7)
minute 5: 5.5 mph (level
minute 6: 6.0 mph (level 9)
minute 7: 4.0 mph (level 6)
minute 8: 5.5 mph (level 7)
minute 9: 6.0 mph (level
minute 10: 6.5 mph (level 9)
minute 11: 4.0 mph (level 6)
minute 12: 5.5 mph (level 7)
minute 13: 6.0 mph (level
minute 14: 6.5 mph (level 9)
minute 15: 4.0 mph (level 6)
minute 16: 5.2 mph (level 7)
minute 17: 5.5 mph (level
minute 18: 6.0 mph (level 9)
minute 19: 30 seconds @7.5 & 30 seconds @ 8.0 mph (level 10) -woohooo!
minute 20: 3.5 mph (cool down & panting 😀
I “tried” to be adventurous for breakfast and try something knew. I’ve tried protein oats in the past but that was like 10 years ago. I always watch Janetha eat hers and think I NEED to try that especially since I am LOVING my EAS Chocolate Protein Powder.
Meal #1 @ 7:10 am – Take 1.
1/2 c Quaker Old Fashioned Oats
1 c water
1 scoop EAS Chocolate Whey Protein Powder stirred in at the end
It looks good, smells chocolately good and the flavor isn’t bad. But, the texture needed a little improvement so I tried adding a teaspoon of crunchy almond butter.
NOPE! Didn’t work. I couldn’t even convince myself to just eat it. After 3 bites I was gagging and decided for me, protein oats are No Bueno! When I got to work I was starving and decided to have Meal # 1 @ 7:45 am – take 2.
I like this bar ok – it is definitely better than the chocolate deluxe, but, the peanut butter is honestly the MOST AMAZING! It tastes like a candy bar.
My bar did an “ok” job at keeping me full, but, by 10:20 am I was ready for Meal #2. 2 – 50 cal containers of Fiber One Yoplait Key Lime Pie yogurt mixed with 3/4 c low-fat cottage cheese (told ya I was HUNGRY!!!) I LOVED this combo – it reminded me of “ambrosia”. Whose mom didn’t make that cottage cheese jello thingy growing up?!
After a fun filled morning of interesting work, I headed out to Barnes & Nobles. I NEEDED to get out of the office and there are 2 places I LOVE going that always bring me peace. The grocery store (yes, I am that person aimlessly wandering around Whole Foods & TJ’s LOL) and a book store. I got a B&N coupon for 50% off a cookbook so I had to check it out!
FUNNY TRUE book store story of the day. Here I was checking out the cookbooks and then the Weight Loss books when I noticed this guy doing the same.
I am thinking to myself it’s sure funny to see a guy looking at women’s weight loss books, but, I keep browsing my book…..la de dah – clueless! Suddenly he closes his book and is like,
“ok, I just have to ask, Ma’am (yes, he said Ma’am lol) are you single?!” Thinking to myself – um, doesn’t my wedding band give me away.
I say “No, I am married, sorry.”
He goes, “Awww, that’s too bad because you sure are real purdy (yes, he used Purdy).”
I was like “um, thanks”. He said “sure” and quickly walked away with his “Naturally Thin” diet book 😀
It was funny and I LOVED being able to tease The Husband with it since I was supposed to meet him for lunch but he couldn’t go 😀
I came back to work bookless – Impressed? But, I STILL bought a magazine 😀 I couldn’t walk out with nothing, right???
Meal #3 @ 1:18 pm Leftover Taco Salad
without the cheese (forgot) and with lotsa AVOCADO-NESS!
Dessert was a bowl of grapes for my carb balance.
All together I just wanted to sit and look at my lunch, not eat it. I had like 4 co-workers tell me my salad looked so good. I seriously think IT’s THE PLATE! 😀
Meal #4 @ 4:15 pm was none other than my Chocolate Banana Protein Shake – I NEED to branch out…..someday.
After work, The Husband and I had to stop to visit with a few friends and run a few errands. I also stopped at Borders to get the book I was looking for! Yeah! I wasn’t sure if they would have it or not because when I looked online they said “likely to have it”. Isn’t it, either you have it or not?! Moral of the story – likely to have it = has it!
I was starving again all day but I blame my lack of a real breakfast on that. So, we stopped for Meal #5 @ 7:49 pm at Rubio’s Fresh Mexican Grill. I LOVE their menu because they have a bunch of healthy fair you can choose from and I found out AFTER I ordered that they serve Whole Wheat Tortillas – how cool is that?!
I customized my order by getting the Grilled Grande Bowl without rice or chipotle dressing. I didn’t think about the cheese factor until it was delivered…but, luckily there wasn’t a ton.
It came with cabbage, grilled chicken (protein), black beans (carbs plus a little protein), salsa fresca and fresh guacamole.
Check out their FRESH SALSA FRESCA – YUM!
GUACAMOLE completes me!
I mixed it all up and added more salsa, onions and cilantro ~ delish! I may or may not have stole 1 corn chip from The Husband, but, other than that, I think I did good at sticking to my BFL meal goal of balance protein & healthy carbs with a little veggies – yahoo!
Calories consumed: 1,481
Calories burned: 2,594 (not bad for not wearing my bb for 3 hours to charge it!)
Steps taken: 8,374
Ratios: 40% Protein, 37% Carbs, 23% Fat
I have a super exciting for me announcement to share with you all tomorrow – yeah!
1. What is the favorite pick-up line or place that someone has ever used on you?
2. Do you remember a favorite “funky” or fun dessert that was good that your mom used to make?
I am off to read my new book (to be unveiled tomorrow) and catch some zzzz’s so I can wake up bright and early to torture my legs tomorrow. I am excited for tomorrow’s workout because it’s my last strength workout of the week!
Nite all!
I’m also that person that wanders stores…usually without buying anything oops.
I was really disappointed to discover that the Barnes and Noble close to me has no Starbucks in it! Sad day!
OMG talk about burrito bowl amazingness! I’ve always wanted to try Rubios (my cousins are obsessed with their fish tacos), so now I know exactly what I’m ordering when I finally do go. And good to know they have whole wheat tortillas. I love places that serve that. And brown rice. Go them!
ah! sorry you didnt dig the oats! i got your email but had NO time to reply to emails today. bah. i hate protein oats with the chocolate protein powder though.. maybe that is it? but then again my mom doesnt like them at all, i guess they are not for everyone! maybe you could avoid the texture by doing a breakfast cookie instead.. hmm. love that rubios bowl! and you sure are purdy 😀
hahah I had someone tell me i had beautiful hair, then asked to touch it.
it was freaky!
wow naturally thin huh…he was distracted by your beauty!
i still haven’t found a protein powder that I am fond of for drink or food. at this point I’d rather just enjoy some nut butter!
Yummy day of eats! You are doing so great, Danica!
And you sure are purdy ;D
Too bad on the protein oats, I love ’em!
Favorite pick-up line? Oh, man- I just ignore ’em!
My mom doesn’t bake much, but I remember her making some sort of strawberry jello-like cake with whipped cream… I liked it at the time!!
Keep up the great work with BFL, your dinner looks amaaazing- I love mexican!!
ha, i love that he used “purdy” 🙂
Hmmm…. Maybe you should’ve tried honey in those oats. 😉
Have you ever used baby spinach leaves in your smoothies? SO good! I love green smoothies.
P.S. I forgot to comment on that guy! How sweet! He was probably SO embarrassed! LOL And, shame on you for teasing your husband with it (nah, I’m just kidding!). hehehe 🙂
aw man, such a bummer about the oats. Was it the texture you didn’t like? If so I am a huge fan of Oat Bran – super creamy and divine 🙂
I totally remember Ambrosia. Maybe I’ll have to revisit it with this version 😉
Hahaha I’m totally like you in that I would have been thinking he was weird, but not getting why he was standing there. See, you are purdy. 😉 It’s just what happens when your husband can’t make a lunch date. hehe
Whenever I’m out running errands after teaching or riding my horse and still in riding clothes I get people asking me “Do you ride horses?” I’m typically tempted to say “NAH just like the breeches and tall boots. The horse hair is just an extra.” but usually I contain it to a simple “Umm YES.”
Never had anyone try a pickup line on me, so I’m uber jealz that happened to you today!!
I want that taco salad. And guac. And that zebra plate!
Your shake looks so good, like a milkshake! I want one!! The protein oats.. I’ve added jjust a tad of powder and it has been OK!
I’m a new reader and lovin’ your blog! uhmmmmm I’m a bit older than y’all… okie I’m waaaaaaaaaay older.. hope it’s okay… and not weird and creepy… anyhoo, picked up my husband (now ex) in the produce department of the grocery store (ciiche, right?)… and my mom made the best “hello dollies” when I was a kid… all chocolaty, coconutty with graham cracker crust… yummmmmm
Wow its like fiesta! Those foods sure are great! I had a problem with my weight some years back but now i lost all my unwanted weight. I eat more alkaline foods – i see to it that i have fresh veggie salads everyday. I mantain it by eating low fat longevity foods like salmon, almonds, red grapes, blueberries, garlic, spinach and whole grains. Got that advise from Christopher Guerriero, and it really works for me.