Happy BIGGEST LOSER MAKEOVER DAY!!! I have to admit that the Make Over Show is ALWAYS one of my favorite parts of Biggest Loser. It’s so inspirational to actually watch them SEE how they have changed their lives ~ they changed their outer beauty, but, it allows them to see past they were and their inner beauty shines through!
I <3 BIGGEST LOSER and have since season one 😀 *sigh*
I was CRAVING an Eggwich for breakfast so I went with it.
2 slices of TJ’s FF Multi-Grain Bread (2 pts)
ICBINB Spray (pt pts)
1 “fried” egg with sea salt & black pepper (2 pts)
I whipped up an iced Cafe Misto with Caramel Drizzle too (1 c decaf coffee and 1 c ff milk) (2 pts)
All day long I look at Cheddar Bunnies and Bunny Grahams ~ I ALWAYS want them but I usually resist…..But, today, I let my inner Snacker Cracker go and ENJOYED 53 BUNNIES!
3 points for the ENTIRE bag
53 crunchy, cheesy bunnies that actually FILL you up!
One of my friends was selected for Jury Duty this week and stuck in Downtown…Sooooo, it totally gave me a reason to get out for lunch and meet her.
We met up at Buckhorn’s Grill where I got my FAVORITE Yik Yak Salad with Southwestern Chicken….I NEVER get tired of this salad 🙂 (10 point high estimate without the tortilla)
She got their Special Chipotle Tri Tip Burrito ~ of course I didn’t resist trying some….OMG, AMAZING…I NEED to go back just so I can get this!
My inner snacker cracker came out again because my friend kept describing these AMAZING Chocolate Chunk Cookies she made….I opted for a healthier version.
Have you all ever heard of CHOCOBILLYS by Immaculate?
I LOVE it when treats have REAL ingredients and great stats….(3 pts)
Maybe it’s because I am a total sucker for all MINI things, but, these cookies were seriously delicious!
Dinner tonight was a new recipe that I MADE and it turned out to be INCREDIBLE!!! (toot, toot my own horn…but, it was THAT GOOD!) 🙂
HEALTHY & SPICY Buffalo Chicken Meatballs with Homemade Low-Fat Ranch
There is only one catch ~ you all have to wait to check out the recipe over at Meals & Moves this Thursday (I think) 🙂
I had 4 Meatballs with crudites and 1 tbsp Low-Fat Ranch (3 pts)
FRESH CORN…..ahhhh, it’s FARMER’S MARKET WEEK…They ALL open this week 😀 (1 pt)
Dessert is going to be some watermelon I cut up earlier. (1 pt)
GIVEAWAY coming tomorrow or tonight if I finish typing it up.
Off to finish the SHOW!!!!
Night all!
Ooooh, I can’t wait for the recipe!
That recipe looks delish! The boy would love those meatballs… maybe I can make him a meat version and myself a veg version! Can’t wait to se the recipe 🙂
Oh gosh I cried at makeover week! Everyone looked great, and I loved seeing how proud their families were. And Sam is such a hottie….oh my jeeze. He really has such a great attitude…I adore him and Koli.
Your dinner looks incredible! Cant wait for the recipe!
Dinner looked good- and FUN! 🙂 I like picking at stuff like that almost like an appetizer platter. 🙂
I HAD to watch my lakers kick some butt last night, so I gotta watch BL when I get home from the pool. 🙂 I Love the makeover show- so cool to see them transformed!
🙂 Hope you have a great day! 🙂
Yep – other than the finale – the makeover week is my favorite too! I was crying like a baby – Darius looks so good – well every did – especially getting rid of all that hair the men had!!
Love your giveaway, but there are no Whole Foods by me 🙁
I completely agree – I LOVE the finale too! I really think this seasons Makeovers were incredible – like almost everyone looked different.
You can still enter the giveaway….If you win, we can substitute the card for a store near you 🙂
You should pledge 😀
mmmmmmmm. yep, it is going up tonight! i cant thank you enough! i cant wait to make the meatballs. it is on the menu next week 🙂 also~ every time i see an annie’s bunny i think of you 😀 and i think i HAVE to try that yikyak salad one day. you love it so much!