I think today I found a new way to relieve stress. I am not saying I recommend it, but, it did wonders for me today. I had an appointment with my aesthetician for a brow wax. I LOVE her because she is just so passionate about life and things. I seriously think I vented about my stresses (translation – work!) the entire 15 minute session while she ripped my eyelids off. Surprisingly, I felt a sense of relief after……The thing is I am not sure if it was the ranting or the waxing, but, next time you feel stressed – try it 😀 LOL….
I couldn’t wait to get back to have lunch. I dreamt this up last night after we grilled up those Jennie-O Southwestern Turkey Loins.
1 sliced of Trader Joe’s 3-seeded bread
2 BIG Tbsp Trader Joe’s Roasted Red Pepper Spread
1 organic summer squash sliced
4 thin slices of the Jennie-O Southwestern Turkey Loins
1 slice Tillamook Pepper Jack Cheese
All heated in the microwave for 1 minute until the cheese was all melty.
YUM!!! This sandwich had so many layers of flavor – it honestly was amazing! I LOVED the spiciness of the cheese, spread and meat with the crunch of the squash and the nuttiness of the seeds. For some extra crunch, I had a big handful of Mr. Krispers Sour Cream & Onion Rice Chips – YUM! I officially LOVE all their flavors!
Dessert was a bunch of sweet, crisp watermelon.
All together on my super cool plate that my friend got me awhile ago. I honestly think I had a little bit of “food” happiness as I ate this today.
This afternoon when I opened the freezer the Haagen Daaz bars TOLD ME I had to have one ~ it’s summer and you should eat ice cream every day! Ok, well, maybe that was the voices in my head, but, I had another snack bar ~ so good!
I have been working hard at using what we have in the fridge, freezer and the pantry. I even purposely didn’t go to the grocery store last weekend which is rare for me. I am a weekly shopper. I plan out my meals for the week, shop for them and then attempt to make them all week. I am actually starting to see things move down – yeah!
Dinner tonight is based on using up what we have in the house ~ check back to see how I used up our tomatoes.
mmm there is that haagen daaz bar again~yum! and that oozey cheese photo is delectable!