Last night I kicked it into high baking gear and went to town to finish off the ideas I have been kicking around in my head. I made a ton of amazing stuff, finished off some others and had some new successes and flops that I am excited to share. Stay tuned next as I hope (if I can figure it out) to post a poll for you you all to vote on your favorite treat.
For starters, I had complete success with my Moon Pies. I found a way to make them hold their shape and not have all the Marshmallowy/Peanut Butter Goodness oooze out. Yes!
Then, it was time to dress the Peanut Butter Eggs in Chocolate. This is my mom’s recipe that she used to make for us growing up and then we got to decorate the eggs. I seriously think it takes a mom’s touch because I had to call my mommy to have her coach me through how to chocolate dunk the eggs. You would think it was easy but it’s not ~ it’s actually alot of work to get the perfect egg, but, by the end, I was a pro. Now decorating them is another story…..I’ll leave that up to the winner including the recipe for frosting because well they wouldn’t shipped well frosted 🙂 Either that or I will have to have my friend Rachel (the baking expert) decorate for me. LOL
Then, it was time to make a recipe that my entire family loves and we have for Christmas every year. This stuff is soooo amazingly easy, but, highly addictive. It never sits around and is always gone before the party is over.
Pecan Bark
Just look at all that caramel nutty goodness:
1 c unsalted butter – no substitutes
1 c firmly packed brown sugar
1 c chopped pecans
24 graham cracker squares – use Keebler brand cinnamon crisps
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line at 10 x 15 cookie sheet with foil. Lightly grease foil (nonstick cooking spray). Place graham crackers on cookie sheet in one layer. It should fit exactly 24. Sprinkle pecans evenly over top and set aside. Melt butter in a small sauce pan. Add brown sugar and stir until the mixture boils. Boil for 1 minute. Pour mixture evenly over pecan/graham cracker mixture. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and immediately place hot cookie sheet in freezer. Remove the pan after 1 hour, and break the bark into pieces. This candy does not need to be refrigerated.
The Husband suggested one of his favorite cookies – Snicker Surprise Cookies. I came up with this recipe when I heard about people putting their favorite candy bars in cookies on a radio station. I am sure there are alot of variations on them, but, this is the one I use. The first year I made them for my dad at Christmas and everyone wanted more ~ I pretty much make them every year now.
Snicker Surprise Cookies
There are two ways you can make this recipe. You can take the easy route and use pre-made peanut butter cookie dough or you can make your favorite peanut butter cookie recipe. I use the recipe from my Mrs. Fields Best Ever Cookie Book!. The next step is to take the Mini Snickers Bars and roll the cookie down around them into a ball. Bake as usual and then cool. Top with vanilla buttercream frosting (pictured) or enjoy by themself.
Buttercream Frosting
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 pound powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup water, soy milk or milk
Dash of salt (optional)
food coloring, optional
Blend together butter, sugar, vanilla, salt. Slowly add the liquid of choice and blend until creamy, about 2-3 minutes. Separate into bowls and add food coloring to create whatever colors you desire.
Phew! That was alot of baking and a long post. Here is a quick picture of everything together (minus the strawberry butter):
It doesn’t look like much, but, our kitchen is over flowing. I am going to work on creating a poll today for you all to vote ~ check back later for that.
I don’t know how you can be around all that sweet stuff. I’d have gained 20 lbs (easy) in this last week! Who are the luck people you are sharing with?
It’s really funny to me. I normally would be like that but I think spending so much time in the kitchen making it has made me not want it at all. It’s like the thought of seeing/touching/eating any chocolate does not appeal. Maybe that is how bakers stay thin? I am sure it will wear off now that I am not baking a bunch, so I need to get it out of hte house.
I am giving some to The Husband, Mother In Law, Friends, Co-workers and of course a cool package is on its way to you!!!
It’s really funny to me. I normally would be like that but I think spending so much time in the kitchen making it has made me not want it at all. It’s like the thought of seeing/touching/eating any chocolate does not appeal. Maybe that is how bakers stay thin? I am sure it will wear off now that I am not baking a bunch, so I need to get it out of hte house.
I am giving some to The Husband, Mother In Law, Friends, Co-workers and of course a cool package is on its way to you!!!
My thighs thank you! ; )
Maybe I’ll have to vote again after my taste-test. I’ll ask my peeps what their favorites are, too.
Kirwin ~ This is why I made sure to include only 1 per person…then, again, that means you have to share 🙂 I can’t wait to hear what your “peeps” have to say.
Kirwin ~ This is why I made sure to include only 1 per person…then, again, that means you have to share 🙂 I can’t wait to hear what your “peeps” have to say.