Happy Monday all! Last night I made the Executive Decision that if my workouts are not happening like I think they should be, then, I NEED to get my bootie out of bed early so nothing can get in my way. This morning, I stuck to that decision and hopped on the treadmill for a 30 minute C25K jog/walk.
It’s amazing to me how I can be so tired getting up to workout, but, so completely energized after that I “almost” do not need coffee lol.
A few of you have emailed and commented asking me if I could still share the daily points+ of the foods I eat even while I am doing Simply Filling. So, I am going to do my best to show both for both plans. Please let me know if you all know an easy way to read it with the points+ and WPA for SF showing.
I think I finally found a bread that makes my Egg-Wiches tastes good again! It’s completely crazy to think I’d ever say I LOVE a Thin Bun since I’d pick the real deal bread over light bread any day.
But, I do ~ I can say it ~ I love Thin Buns! lol…..
My eggwich is 100% Simply Filling or 5 points+ if you are counting
- 1 “fried” egg topped sprinkled with sea salt & freshly ground black pepper
- 1 Ultra Thin slice 2% Sargento Colby Jack
- 1 Sara Lee Honey Wheat Thin Bun
- ICBINB Spray & Sriracha (on the bottom!)
So completely delicious & filling ~ I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve had an egg-wich.
Breakfast actually kept me full for 5 hours with absolutely 0 snacks required. Yesterday I whipped up this super quick, vegan two bean salad to have for lunches this week.
It’s super simple to make and tastes even better the next day after all the flavors have marinated.
Recipe coming up tomorrow. 100% Simply Filling or 5 points+ if you are counting.
I started with my usual base
Then, piled on a heaping 1 cup of the Two Bean Salad. It’s slightly sweet, slightly tangy and I love all the textures from the fresh veggies and beans.
My co-worker gave me her dill triscuits because she didn’t like them. I really liked the dilliness of these. (2 1/2 crackers for 1 points+ towards my WPA).
I also had a lite string cheese with melon on the side. (1 points+ if you are counting)
Midafternoon I grabbed a nonfat decaf latte for snack with blueberries. I have found having an afternoon snack really helps me not feel like eating everything in the house when I walk in the door. (3 points+ if you are counting).
As soon as I walked in the door, we both got started on prepping everything to make Carne Asada Tacos.
I had 2 tacos ~ one with a Trader Joe’s 1 points+ Low Carb Tortilla and the other with a 1 points+ Mission Extra Thin Corn Tortilla. I think I like these with corn the best.
Both tacos looked like this….A sprinkle of low-fat sharp cheddar cheese, romaine, cabbage, carrots & green onions.
Then, I piled on 1. 5 oz Bill Bailey’s Carne Asada, 0% Greek Yogurt, hot sauce, tomatoes & green onions.
Plus 1/8th of an AVOCADO! Totally bummed this is not longer a simply filling food like it was on CORE…but, totally worth the points+.
I counted 3 WPA for my tacos. Each taco is 4 points+ if you are counting.
Have you all seen the new Dove Sea Salted Dark Chocolate Caramels….quite possibly my favorite new think. Super dark, salty, sweet and satisfying. 1 really is enough (1 WPA)
STATS (12 am – 9pm)
- 2,686 calories burned
- 9,712 steps taken
- 5 WPA used, 37 WPA remaining (24 daily points+)
Night all!
Okay, Danica. The first thing you have to stop is repeatedly saying “If you are counting” Ahhhhhhhh!!! LOL 🙂 Maybe just put all points+ values in parentheses and we will know what that number is for??? I dunno. Your eggwich always looks delish. Mine never looks as pretty, but it sure does taste good! I had a turkey bacon, egg, and cheeswich on grilled bread this morning. Yum! I’m gonna kill you for showing me that chocolate. Haha. It sounds very good!
Haha! Great point Staci…I was actually thinking that as I was typing….I like the idea of doing the parentheses ~ maybe as points+ or SF+WPA if any.
Showing the WW points is very helpful. thank you. Your meals look very delicious. I will have to find the Dove sea salted dark chocolate caramels here in Upstate New York….
Love your blog 🙂
Taco night is always a good decision! Have you found the 100 calorie packs of Wholly Guacamole – its the perfect amount and you can even freeze them – I’ll toss a frozen one in my bag before heading out the door, and by the time lunch rolls around, its defrosted. 😀
I LOVE those pack Biz! Thanks for reminding me to buy and freeze them 🙂
Hi Danica,
I am a blog follower from Canada and am thinking of using the “Simply Filling” technique and am curious about the buns you are using for your sandwiches. I was wondering if there was way to determine what breads/buns are power foods?
HI Liz,
What I have learned through this journey and a lot of research through conversation with WW members and online is that not all Power Foods are Simply Filling foods. Therefore, I’ve decided to follow this guide posted on Weight Watchers online relating to general guidelines for the Simply Filling Technique since I think it addresses all the Filling Foods (not power foods with a green triangle) you can eat.
I realize not all brands will fall in the category they list, therefore, I use my best judgement to decide if I feel it fits the description.
For Breads:
Light English muffins, Light hot dog and hamburger rolls, Reduced-calorie (light) breads (whole grains are the best choice).
The Sara Lee Buns have the same stats as other brands that are Thin Buns and are a light hamburger roll so I count them as Simply Filling.
I know there are some people who will stick to only the Green Triangles, but, I think it’s really a personal preference and what works for you. If you can lose with how you work the plan, then, that is what matters in my opinion.
Does that help?
Thanks Danica, it does help. I didn’t think about the fact that those thin buns are, in fact, a light hamburger roll.
Have a great day,
PS. Love your blog.
I really need to get back to early morning workouts, too. I feel so energized and it’s nice not having to think about it for the rest of the day.
An afternoon snack is so important! I will eat my house if I go home thirsty/hungry.
Your breakfast sandwich looks so yummy! Will it tempt me from my current obsession with overnight oats? Not sure, but I might make an egg sandwich for dinner this week!
Hi Danica-yes the working out in the am stinks. I have a workout buddy. If either of us miss a workout the other has as many snide remarks as they desire. And since we are both sarcastic -it really works for us.
But I have to know -don’t you EVER crave something totally sugary and disgusting??? On the East Coast we have Tastycakes. You never eat yucky stuff. How do you do it????
Hi Rae,
Yes!!! My “treats” are having the real deal foods, like a bacon cheeseburger, french fries or like this weekend, I had that Fried Rice. I am more of a salty crunchy person so I will easily pick chips over candy any day.
If I do something sweet, it’s real deal ice cream, anything with good caramel or good chocolate. I have never been into the snack cake thing but I am sure it has more to do with the ingredient list for me. I like knowing what the ingredients are in things.
I’ve never had a TastyCake but I may just have to try it….I also have a thing for trying foods where ever we travel.
Way to go on the workout Danica!! I have been making my workouts a priority in my day, and I am feeling GREAT! I started a Zumba class and it is soooo much fun, other days I jog (C25k) or at the very least I walk 2 miles.
I set a goal to be active for at least 20 minutes a day, even if I’m really tired. I find that once I’m started 20 minutes isn’t enough. So I’m going on 2 weeks of not missing a day of my workouts! 🙂
And even better, my doctor just cut my blood pressure medicine in half! yeah!!
Connie ~ you are my idol ~ great job!!!
I’m struggling with finding which foods are Power Foods, for instance the Sara Lee Honey Wheat Thin Bun and Sargento 2% Colby Jack you pictured. Where do you find that it says they’re Power Foods? I don’t find them listed in the WW Online Plan Manager Food Search or in my Complete Food Companion. What am I missing???
Thanks Danica,
Hi Jamie,
I set a few ground rules for myself when I started my Simply Filling month based my experiences with CORE. I have found I can successfully lose weight when I use low-fat cheeses the same way I can when I use fat free cheeses. I am more likely to have a string cheese snack if it is lowfat over fat free.
I talk about it in this post http://danicasdaily.com/its-time-for-a-change-my-weekly-menu-day-1
What I have learned through this journey and a lot of research through conversation with WW members and online is that not all Power Foods are Simply Filling foods. Therefore, I’ve decided to follow this guide posted on Weight Watchers online relating to general guidelines for the Simply Filling Technique since I think it addresses all the Filling Foods (not power foods with a green triangle) you can eat.
I realize not all brands will fall in the category they list, therefore, I use my best judgement to decide if I feel it fits the description.
For Breads:
Light English muffins, Light hot dog and hamburger rolls, Reduced-calorie (light) breads (whole grains are the best choice).
The Sara Lee Buns have the same stats as other brands that are Thin Buns and are a light hamburger roll so I count them as Simply Filling.
I know there are some people who will stick to only the Green Triangles, but, I think it’s really a personal preference and what works for you.
If you can lose with how you work the plan, then, that is what matters in my opinion.
Does that help?
Yes, that helps and thank you very much. I realize that it’s not all black and white and appreciate you taking the time to make the “gray” areas more understandable. Keep doing what you’re doing !!
Thanks for posting the points. I love reading your blog. You motivate me daily!
Danica… as always… LOVE your blog… can you please explain your “simply filling” measurements? Is that part of the WW plan? I am a lifetime member and have (shamefully)not stayed for the meetings after my weigh in… am I missing something awesome???!!!! ~Beth
HI Elizabeth,
Congrats on being a lifetime member! Do you remember the CORE Plan? The Simply Filling Technique is a spin on that plan under points+. It is explain in this article best.
I absolutely LOVE it and it’s great to mix things up. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions. I’ll be glad to answer if I can.
I’m running our in 100 degree weather just to get those Dove chocolates! Looking forward to trying that bean salad recipe too. 😉
I came to that same conclusion a few months ago. The only way I can consistenly workout is to do it in the morning. Having a dog really helps with the getting out of bed part. Once I’m past that, I’m usually OK. Thanks for all the great recipes, We had the Carrot and Raisin salad with chicken last night. Great cool meal for a hot, humid day!
Thanks for putting the points plus values back in!
Hi Danica-
I made the carrot chicken salad -really good! I’ve always been a big fan of Chic fil a’s version but yours turns it into a meal. Pretty neat- I think you have a gift! Anyway i hear ya about the thin buns. But doesn’t it seem like all Sara Lee’s lite breads are better than the others out there?
HI Regina,
Yes, I think the Sara Lee Lite Breads are the ONLY breads I’ve ever tried that do not taste diety.
OMG new Dove dark chockys…I’ll be on a hunt this week-end!