Thanks to all who played along in my Annie’s Dressing Giveaway! I now have a ton of new salad ideas that I want to try out….if you all didn’t see all the delicious ideas, go check them out now….I <3 salads!
The lucky winner is……
#40 Erika @ Dr.TriRunner on Sat, 28th Aug 2010 9:11 pm
Ooooh! Count me IN! The first one I’d use is the Mango dressing… and I’d *attempt* to create the strawberry poppyseed salad from Panera. I think that would be delicious with the mango!!
YUM!!!! Erika, when you re-create that salad, you definitely NEED to share the recipe. Erika has a pretty awesome site ~ check out her arm muscles from all those tri-athlons 😀
Congrats ~ please send your mailing address to me at danicasdaily at and I’ll be sure to have Annie’s send out your goodies ASAP.
I think I am still on East Coast Time since I am ready to go to bed already (it’s not even 9 pm yet LOL). Not sure if I’ll make it back for recap #1 tonight or not…If not, I’ll be here tomorrow for sure!
Night all!
Woooohoo! I will definitely share the recipe. I’m making a pledge with the start of the new school year to get back on the monster-salads for at least one meal. Thanks so much!!
I saw some of the dressing at the market sunday! wahoo.. Oh and Danica I weighed in this am another 1.2 down!! I hit my 10% I am SOOO EXCITED I have about 7 more lbs to go to my goal! 🙂