Happy Wednesday all! I think one of the hardest things about coming back from vacation is getting back into your groove again. I did set myself up for success by making sure I headed out to the grocery store last night to restock our fridge with healthy eats and planned out a couple of dinners to get us through the week. Now to stick to the plan ~ one meal/snack at a time….
I love February around here because it means that the organic berries in the market start looking really great. The one thing I couldn’t wait to have this morning was a bowl of banana and berries.
1/2 banana + 4 berries
The one thing he couldn’t wait to have now that we are back home….any guesses?? lol
Scrambled eggs 2 eggs seasoned with sea salt, black pepper & hot sauce (SF) – 4 points+
I was also pretty excited to find nectarines at our market too ~ they are totally crunchy like apples but they actually have a pretty good flavor ~ paired with a Sargento Lite String Cheese.
(SF) – 1 points+
I didn’t really plan out any special lunches to make this week so I went with what was easy.
I grabbed a bowl of my Slow Cooker Split Pea Soup from the freezer. (SF) – 5 points+
Paired with a simple salad topped with 1 Tbsp. Newman’s Lite Lime Vinaigrette.
(SF + 1 WPA) – 1 points+
Nothing fancy at all, but, totally delicious and it definitely hit the spot.
Mid afternoon my co-worker invited me to take a walk for coffee which I gladly accepted.
Grande Nonfat Iced Latte with Caramel Drizzled on top. (SF) – 3 points+
When I walked in the door, The Husband asked me if I wanted to have BLTA’s or Panda Express’s Fire Cracker Chicken before it’s gone for the year.
It was definitely a tough choice ~ bacon or my favorite chicken….since you can only get Fire Cracker Chicken (and it means no cooking!), off to Panda we went!
I am so IN LOVE with this chicken ~ it’s everything I want ~ spicy, salty, sweet and just so dang good. (SF) – 5 points+
Paired with String Bean Chicken (SF) – 4 points+
And two healthy sides ~ 1/2 brown rice and 1/2 steamed veggies. (SF) – 5 points+
YUM! I could totally eat this same thing all over again tomorrow.
Have I ever told you all that I absolutely love Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs? They have the perfect combination of Peanut Butter to Chocolate….I have to say the Hearts come in a close second, but, the eggs are my all time favorite.
I finished the night splitting this 2 pack (built in portion control!) with The Husband.
Reese’s heart = (SF + 5 WPA) – 5 points+ of chocolately peanut butter goodness!
Here are my stats today:
- Simple Filling (SF): 5 WPA (Weekly Points Allowance) used, 20 WPA remaining
- 33 Daily Points+ 7 WPA used, 32 WPA remaining
- My FitBit Dashboard:
I am off to catch up on some zzzz’s ~ Night all!
Is it possible to lose weight eating like this? It’s making me want to join ww
You’ll actually be laughing at yourself with your first plate for the sheer amount of food you can pile on for low points. WW is geared not to deprive you of what you love, but to help you enjoy food again while giving you the tools and teaching you habits that make it filling, satisfying, and healthy. And Danica’s recipes sure don’t hurt any either ^_^
Oh yeah. WW is not about depriving. Thats why its great 🙂
When you eat correctly, you can eat wonderfully and still lose weight. Getting to your correct weight should not be an exercise in deprivation and semi-starvation, but rather eating thoughfully and carefully. But as Catherine said, you will be amazed at how much you really can eat, when you do it correctly.
For example, I recently made Baked Eggs with Spinach and Feta for my wife and myself, and then later, we enjoyed a couple light crepes. And we are both losing weight!
Danica: Have you ever considered bringing home a couple extra portions of your beloved Firecracker Chicken and popping it in your freezer for later? I wonder if it would be as good thawed & reheated?
Love those Reese Eggs – had my first of the season just the other day. I agree that the other shapes aren’t quite the same!
String Cheese Chicken? That is not on the menu at our local Panda… ha ha… is it good?
love spell check…
I think the Reese’s Eggs are the best too!
I am curious how you counted them as 2PP (I assumed you had a whole heart). I think they are 5-6 but I know you look at the ingredients to see what part is SF. Please let me know, I may do the same! 🙂
Do the peanut butter hearts and eggs actually taste different than the regular “cups”?
As a long time unsuccessful WW I think SF is the best thing ever. It is hard to believe that I am losing weight, enjoying food and being so satisfied. I have tried so many new things and find them so good. I am now one week 5 which is the usual crash and burn time with the WW program. I see no reason to crash and burn. Core did not appeal to me because I thought I did not like that kind of food. SF got me over that mindset. Thank you for the great sharings…
Everything looks so good! Glad you made it home safe.
Nancy H.
I am completely in love with your website…
Totally obsessed! Cannot stop reading the posts.
Quick question, the chicken you ate was bought from Panda Express or home made? I am confused…
If bought, what about the fat used for cooking. Wouldn’t that be a hard thing to figure out?