Happy Tuesday all! I am glad I am not the only one who thinks that Pineapple and Coconut were made for each other. I am really looking forward to hearing what you all think of those tasty little muffins I posted yesterday.
Have you all ever noticed no matter how bad your day or your week has been, if you step back each day to reflect on the day there is always a Silver Lining in every day?
On my most challenging days, I tend to try to find the positive to focus on because it really does make it that much easier to deal with anything that comes your way. This morning, one of my co-workers who I do not really know too well actually stopped me to tell me that I have really have that whole “weight loss thing down and it’s showing”. It totally made my day and I pretty much walked around smiling all day long.
Before heading this morning, I made The Husband and I eggwiches (SF) – 6 points+.
I brought my lunch today, however, ended up trading it in when one of my co-workers asked if I wanted to get out to go to Jack’s Urban Eats. I LOVE Jack’s and would pretty much drop anything I’ve made just to build a salad.
In the Simply Filling Mix (8 points+):
- Mixed Greens
- Corn
- Kidney/Garbanzo Beans
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Pepperoncini’s
- Pickled Red Onions
- Grapes
- Grilled Chicken
- Balsamic Vinegar and a little Olive Oil on the side
I definitely didn’t plan it right since we didn’t have time for Starbuck’s….so, instead, I had a Dark Chocolate Sea Salted Caramel Dove ~ Silver Lining…..(SF+1 WPA) – 1 points+
Afternoon snackage ~ watermelon and a light string cheese (SF + 1 WPA) – 1 points+
Tonight was The Husband’s night to cook dinner and he gave me two options. To go out on a eating and shopping date with him or to have him cook.
It was a “tought” decision, but, my Chiptole Salad Bowl and the mention of Cost Plus won!
You can determine the points+ of anything you put in your bowl by visiting Chipotlefan.com. My entire bowl is 8 points+. I may or may not have stole a couple of The Husband’s chips with guacamole.
I count this bowl as Simply Filling because everything in it ~ is!
- romaine
- fajita veggies
- chicken
- 2 types of salsa ~ corn & pico de gallo
- I skipped the cheese, beans and rice because I didn’t “need” them
There is something so incredibly therapeutic about walking down every single isle of Cost Plus World Market checking out anything and everything.
I also couldn’t resist getting these adorable chopsticks with this little orange man for our nephew who collects chopsticks ~ they seriously make me smile every time I see them.
Then, all things were made right in the world when I turned down the Biscoff Isle…..I finally found CRUNCHY Biscoff! My favorite spread in the world now has crunchy cookies inside it….
S-I-L-V-E-R L-I-N-I-N-G!!!!
STATS for today (12 am – 1030 pm)
- 2,308 calories burned (yesterday – 2,766)
- 3,736 steps taken (yesterday 11,140!)
- 5 WPA used, 30 WPA remaining (28 daily points+)
Night all!
we have those chop sticks here too 🙂
the child likes to use them for EVERYTHING….
Oh yes, the Biscoff Crunchy is THE best, but a little dangerous, too. Good on any and everything. Congrats on your Simply Filling success.
My husband and I freaked out when we saw that the new Meijer they had the crunchy Biscoff spread. We bought some in San Francisco and couldn’t find it anywhere in Chicago. That definitley made our shopping trip!
Crunchy Biscoff!!! OMG…I will have to make a trip to Cost Plus to get some.
Thanks for letting us know its out there!
thanks for the reminder to look for the silver lining 🙂 love you!
Love you too and miss you!
I love Cost Plus World Market!!!
I haven’t been in along time. I need to go.
Those chopsticks are adorable. 🙂
I’m so sad that I haven’t seen Biscoff here in Canada but I will keep on looking! What makes me happy is that I made those pineapple coconut mini muffins and I’m having 2 for a snack today 🙂
Biscoff Spread is awesome! We have World Market here, I guess it’s the same as Cost Plus World Market, love that place!
I did weight watchers YEARS ago and had success with it. I started up again right after the July 4th holiday when I was OVER feeling fat. I lost 8 pounds in the first 4 weeks but have but have jacked around the last few weeks and haven’t lost. I haven’t gained though either. I’m sure you’ve spoken to this before but I’m thinking about switching to simply filling method but am anxious about it working. You’ve had success using that plan as well? I think I’m just looking for reassurance before taking the leap! : ) LOVE your website and recipes!
Hi Linda,
Yes, I have had success on both Weight Watchers Plans as they are now and in the past. When I lost my 55 lbs the first go round, I lost the first 20 counting points on flex points and 35 pounds doing CORE which is very similar to Simply Filling.
To date, I have lost 7.4 lbs on Simply Filling in a little over a month including taking the plan with me on vacation twice, camping once and celebrating 3 birthdays. It can definitely be done when you commit to it.
You can always test it out for just one day and see how you like it.
Good luck and keep me posted on how it goes,
Love the Biscoff spread….I live in Missouri and have found it at Walmart.
Love the Biscoff spread…I live in the Kansas city area..and have found it at Walmart.
Biscoff spread WITH Biscoff cookies inside? I think I just died a little 🙂 I will definitely have to be on the lookout for that in the near future!!!
Is Biscoff the same as Trader Joe’s Cookie Butter?
Hi Barb,
It is similar and in several cases I feel like Trader Joe’s products are very comparable if not exactly the same as the real deal. However, in the case of Biscoff versus the Spec. Spread at Trader Joe’s…..the real deal Biscoff is a lot better.
My eyes just crossed – CRUNCHY BISCOFF SPREAD! I’ve officially died & gone to heaven!
Gosh, I just recently discovered Biscoff spread AND the cookies…. man…. I almost think it’s better than Nutella! I LOVE it! I will be on the lookout for the crunchy version 🙂
Danica, where do you find the sea salt Carmel dove candy? I have searched everywhere and am beginning to think they must be a figment of my imagination because I cant find them so where do you find them? Thank you!!!!!
Hi Samantha,
I found them at Target but have not looked for them anywhere else.