Happy Weekend Everyone! Today marks one of my favorite days of the year when I get to geek out as Weight Watchers unveils their 2016 Beyond The Scale Program Update. I love the anticipation of finding out what will be new, holding new books & Cookbooks! in my hands and scouring over every detail as I find a new sense of motivation. I’ve been working this program since I was 15 years old and every year I get just as excited as the last. Yep, I am totally a little things person and I can admit that ~ It’s super easy to get me birthday presents too!
Thanks everyone for sharing in the excitement this morning when I posted my initial thoughts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc…..It was so fun to read all your comments and see you all get just as excited as I am.
Are you all ready to hear what is new with Weight Watchers 2016 Program changes this year, especially, since they have made the bold statement that it’s the Biggest Change in 50 years? Me too, so here we go!
Your Weight Watchers online and the WW App will update with your information on your Weigh In day (if it’s Tuesday, then, you will not see this until Tuesday). Mine is Sunday so I saw this today. Also important – WW Mobile and WW online are working even though their app has not worked all day.
Here is what you need to know:
- Everyones daily points and weekly points allowance targets are personalized based on the Self Assessment and will not be the same for most people.
- Pointsplus is out, Smartpoints are in. What are Smartpoints? Basically Weight Watchers is steering everyone towards a Simply Filling lifestyle, indirectly. The new Smartpoints give lower points values to lean proteins and higher points values to high in sugar/saturated fat goods.
- The most important thing ~ Fruits & Veggies are still zero points! Even better – fruits will finally stay at zero points even in recipes – woohoo!
- Yes, the Points values are changing ~ it’s a new formula which means over 50% of points changed.
- You can see most lean proteins going down and in crazy, awesome ways. Shrimp, Turkey and most seafood are 1 SmartPoint (SP) for 3 oz. while chicken drops to 2 SP for 3 oz. Lobster eaters 5 oz = 1 SP!
- Dairy products are going up ~ my nonfat latte and favorite Fage 0% Greek Yogurts with fruit are increasing anywhere from 1-3 points – sad!
- On the other hand, avocados and wine are the same while sushi did not really change 🙂
- Power Foods are now hollow green circles and the healthy guidelines are gone. I am bummed to see my little check boxes and smiley faces letting me know I made good choices disappear. At least we still have Bravo stickers.
You will have to update any foods you have manually added to your tracker to add in the saturated fat and the sugars. For recipes, these “should” update automatically when you log in.
In the meeting, you will get the Weekly, an awesome plan guide that has some pretty amazing photography, NEW recipes and quite a few great ideas as well as this handy pocket guide.
It’s important to know that the values in this guide are averages of at least 3 products. If you are like me, my mouth hit the floor when I saw 1 1/2 oz chocolate = 12 SmartPoints. I quickly opened up my WW mobile app in the meeting and checked that Dove Dark Chocolate Promise = 2 points (previously 1) and could breath again.
The lesson I learned from that is to be sure to check out the nutrition label for what you are eating as it may be less than the averages and in some cases dark chocolate is less than milk chocolate.
The next most important thing in my book is that Weight Watchers kept the Simply Filling Technique. Nothing has changed when I glance through the materials for this. I will say the above pocket guide gives you more details on page 34 then there little glimpse in the plan guide does on page 62.
The other big change relates to FitPoints aka Activity Points. Believe it or not, but, the way the FitPoints are calculated is changing too and will change from week to week to be personalized to how much activity you do.
While there is an emphasis on using a fitness tracker (FitBit – my favorite!, Jawbone ~ Sorry, Active Link is out), they do provide guidelines for any and all activity (Fun Activity is encouraged!) so you know how to rate/log it if you are not syncing with an activity device.
To give you an idea, here are some examples of how the FitPoints (FP) are changing.
For those with iPhones, there is a new app just for you called “Fit Break” that includes over seventy 1 minute videos to get you moving more ~ hopefully they unveil it for Droid users too.
I really do love this year’s Plan Guide. Here is an index of what is included along with some of my favorite things.
Advice on how to spend your daily SmartPoints target. If you prefer not to snack, then, just add your snack points to whichever meal you want “more” points that day.
There are so many delicious meal, snack and recipe ideas to try. I am glad to see no repeats of the prior years so everything “feels” like it’s new. I think I need to bring pb banana sandwiches back into my life for only 4 SP.
I need this lunch too ~ hello Chicken Nachos…?
This will probably be my snack all week in the AM with a hard boiled egg (still just 2 points) in the PM.
And the dinner I want to have tonight.
The meal builders are awesome for helping you pick ingredients you have on hand and essentially build a meal.
The top 100 tracked foods list was fun to read. Of course most are fruits and veggies (good job everyone!), I have to admit, I kinda liked seeing french fries and cookies make the list too. Real foods and on program 🙂
For those wondering what I bought….I am pretty sure you can guess the Year Round Fresh Cookbook.
I love the idea that all recipes are based on what is in season. I am super bummed they didn’t include a Simply Filling section though which means you will have to break each recipe down yourself.
I was intrigued by the Weight Watchers Starter Kit but when I found out there was a $5.00 off coupon in the Kit for the above Cookbook I was sold!
Here is what you get in the kit:
- A fun reusable bag
- Super cool cutting board that has built in measuring cups
- A collapsible bowl with a 4 oz collapsible container
- One awesome 12 Week Tracker
- Fresh & Easy Cookbook!
- Coupons for another tracker, the cookbook, WW Meeting Snacks and WW store products.
The expandable bowl and cup.
Fun cutting board with the glass containers being measuring cups. I do find it sorta funny that most things I put on a cutting board (i.e. fruits, veggies, herbs) do not necessarily need measuring. I still like it!
The journal – it’s top notch. I love the quote on the front, that each day has something new on it and that you can fasten/carry it with you.
There is a section to document your food, activity, recap your week and more.
Last but not least….my favorite quote in everything I read today. I seriously want to make this my new tag line! 😀
I will not be going back to update any of my recipes for SmartPoints but will make sure I add SmartPoints for any new recipes going forward. Luckily almost all my recipes include the nutrition facts so you should be able to calculate the SmartPoints.
What do you think of the new program? Share away!
Have a great week all….my next post up will really be those homemade Turkey Apple Sausage Stuffin’ Muffins.
Thank you for sharing this… I am so excited for the new plan but my WI isn’t till Friday… This preview is awesome…
Your back! I came to your site earlier today to see if you posted anything yet and was hoping you would. I know you post every year at this time the new changes and updates they have made and was hoping you would post something. I LOVE your blog! I too went to the meeting today and learned all about the new program. Like you, I get so excited this time of year to see the new info and get all the new gadgets! I’m glad I’m not the only one who loves these new things. It’s a great motivator to get back on track, which I plan to do.
Sitting in the meeting today, the whole time I was thinking they were basically changing to program to fit the Simply filling technique, which I love. I totally agree with you on that. The only things different with the simply filling technique, that I noticed, was that now they include low fat options instead of just the fat free things. Also white rice and regular pasta can be used whereas it used to be only brown rice and whole wheat pasta.
So excited for this new program. Thank you so much for posting!
Hi Tracy,
Thanks for the nice note and still following me even though I’m a sporadic poster now 🙂
Good observation! I think there is a conflict in the materials for simply filling. The new plan guide (big book) says it allows white rice and low fat dairy but the pocket guide (small book) says it’s not allowed.
Hmmm, I wonder which is right?
I am reading the Beyond the Scale ..new Plan Guide (big book). I did not see where white rice and low fat dairy were permitted on Simply Filling . Pg 62 is the only page dedicated to the “No-Count option”… page 63 & 64 is a shopping list for both programs.
Thank you SO MUCH for the breakdown and info!!!! I have been thinking about it and I think it is a good idea for me!!! Excited!!!!
Thank you for sharing.
Your recap is so thorough! Thank you! I’ve been all over the website today and reading your post is the first time I’ve understood the differences between the programs. I’m actually kind of excited now. Thanks again!
Finally got new website a few minutes ago. Can’t wait until tomorrow to look it over and start my new journey of losing 100 pounds
Why can’t online members who don’t have a meeting place anywhere near them get the same hard copy information meetings members get?It’s not my fault I can’t get to a meeting.
Hi Becky,
I agree with you. It might be worth a call to Weight Watchers to explain you cannot atend meetings and ask them if they can mail you a set? Just a thought.
If you were able to purchase online no one would be at meetings.. Remember WW is a business first. If you can get to a meeting and pay the fee ,you’ll get the materials. You need to pic and choose how you want WW to work for you.
Hi Danica, it’s great to see you back! Is there more of an emphasis on eating weekly points since they are tailored more to your needs? I can’t wait to go to my meeting this weekend!
I would like to start WW but I’ve notice they are
Different programs. Question do I have to WW and join
I also have a thyroid problem would this work for me
Zoraida is your thyroid being treated? If your thyroid levels are out of range you will have trouble losing weight no matter what diet you follow. If you are being treated and your thyroid levels are in normal range then I would encourage you to try a plan!
Yes I have thyroid problem I loss 47.6 pounds and U am a Lifetime Member.
Hi Danica – I also came straight to your page and your FB page when I knew that new materials are out, because I’ve always loved your enthusiasm and excitement each year and get a “sneak preview” before my meeting, which is on Wednesday. Wouldn’t it be nice if white rice and pasta really didn’t have to be counted on SF? Alas, they do not have the green circle on them.
Thank you again for sharing, I hope you’ll start posting more again!
Good to know Robin – thanks for confirming! I agree, wishful thinking 🙂
Thanks for the review
I was so excited to see that you had posted! I miss your regular posts. Anyhow, thanks for the great info and pics on the new program. I also geek out every year about the new materials. My meeting is on Wednesday morning and I’m having a hard time waiting. It’s like a kid waiting for Santa. Your post will help me make it through! LOL!
Oh my I need s lots of help !!!! I lost 42 pds. And now I am gaining again I can not stop eating junk !!!! Please please please help me !!!!
Your ww friend
Excited to get my stuff on Saturday. So happy to see you posting again!!
I’ve been off WW for about a year and have gained back 1/2 of the weight I lost 4 years ago SOOOOOOO I had decided after the holidays to get back to the discipline, eating less and moving more….and WW. It really does work. THIS posting has sparked my excitement (I have NOT been excited about the return but knew I needed to for my ‘best self’) and I look forward to January! Please keep posting!! You’re inspiring and make a difference!! OX
Thank you so much for sharing this. As an online user, I needed this breakdown.
Hi Danica
I do WW on my own do you know where I could get the 2016 kit and calculator.
Hi Annette,
I am not sure but it wouldn’t hurt to check the Weight Watchers online store or visit your local Weight Watchers meeting location as you can purchase there as well.
Hello, I am not a subscriber to ww online just follow closely myself:) Can you purchase the starter kit online? and is there an app to put on phone to caluculate sp when at store:) Thanks Nicol
Hi Nicole,
I am not sure but it wouldn’t hurt to check the Weight Watchers online store or visit your local Weight Watchers meeting location as you can purchase there as well.
Can you tell me if this journal is only in the getting started kit? I love it!
Hi Laura,
Nope, you can buy it separately as well.
I lost weight on WW after each of my 3 babies. They are in their 30s now so I don’t have to worry about anyone but myself. I rarely cook. Is there a restaurant guide in the new program? Thanks.
Yes, there is a guide int he plan book as well as a separate dining out guide you can refer to.
Thank you for the VERY quick reply! I am happy to hear that there is a restaurant/dining out guide. My BFF and I are going to sign up today then and be each other’s support. I love your website! Thanks again! Joy
Hi Danica. So glad you ar back! I love reading your review of the new program, makes it so clear. I went to an orientation for LifeTime on Sunday but my weighin isnt until Saturday so you have taken away my anxiety. I eat mostly simply filling anyway so now I’m really excite. I did see that a brownie is now 15 points but I do need to go back and look at serving size….that one took my breath away! Thanks again for your annual review. I’ve passed this on to my WW buddies AND my leader!
Hi Danica, thank you so much for the info on your website today about the new Smart Points Plan!! i read thru all the information, and I, also, am a long time member, but follow the plan on my own–i was curious to see where i could purchase the new materials, and i took your advice and logged into the Weight Watchers online store–I purchased my new calculator, and the shopping guide !! thanks so much for the suggestion!!
Also, i love your website, great recipes and info!!!
Thanks for posting this! Ive been a member off and on for five years and have the points plus down. A bit nervous about the switch up. Is the new plan that much different? I found in the past simply filling didn’t work for me as I have too much of a sweet tooth!
Hi Kate,
The concept of the plan is still the same as far as counting points with fruits/veggies as zero. The values are quite different with proteins being lower and most things with sugar or higher carb being higher.
Hope that helps a bit,
Price of the new kit?
thank you for the headsups
I always look forward to this post. Thanks for taking the time to spread the excitement. Is there a PDF file of the revised SF food list?
Hi Aaron,
I haven’t yet seen Weight Watchers post a new list for Simply Filling. Everything in their materials (paper) seems the same and they still have the list posted on their website last year up.
My opinion is it isn’t going to change as Smartpoints is their focus 🙂
Here is the link they have up:
Hello , Just signed up and am new to WW. Found your blog here and have book marked it. Very inspirational. Ordered a ton of stuff at the on line store with Free Shipping on $75.00 worth. Very excited…looking forward to trying a lot of healthy recipes. Help me to be a track star!
It really bothers me that you are giving so much of this information away for free when members have to pay so much.
Hi Susan,
I’m sorry you feel this way. I really do not think I have given anyone any information as to how to calculate points or work the program. I’ve shared the things I’ve bought that anyone can buy. This is just my explanation and opinions on the new program to share how I interpret the changes hoping that we can all help each other succeed and motivate each other. Like you, I am a paying member for both myself and my husband but I also I also love getting ideal from others. I have no other reasons, personal gain or motivation other than paying it forward to all those who help and motivate me each day.
Hi! Just wondering how it handles points for gluten-free pasta. Thanks!
Hi Jenny,
Gluten Free Pasta is 6 smartpoints per cup while whole wheat pasta is 5 smartpoints. WW does designate Gluten Free foods with a “GF” in their guide.
So nice to see a post from you, Danica! I was fortunate to be selected as a beta tester for the new program, so I’ve been on it for about a month now. I LOVE it!! If you’re interested, I have a week-long series going on my blog (thedailymel.com) right now sharing my thoughts and experience on the new program.
Where is the new smart calculator? I relied on tbe pp calculator! ! !
Hi Jeannettw,
You can buy the new calculator at your local WW meeting location or online. You can also find in with a quick link showing on the WW App by going to quick add then clicking on goto calculator. This is the same on their website too.
Am getting myself confused ,, trying to find out how many smart points I am allowed daily, I was allowed 26 points on old program,,,will that amount remain the same, ?… New program looks as if it will be a lot easier to follow. Have lost over 30 lbs and kept it off for 3 years. Just Loooove weight watchers.
Hi Elizabeth,
From what I’ve heard, the lowest daily points allowance anyone receives is now 30 SPs so your daily points will go up. The other difference is that your weekly points allowance is now customized based on your self assessment so instead of the 49 weekly points on PointsPlus you could receive 42, 35, 28 or other multiples of 7 on the new program. This will also update as you work the program periodically.
Congrats on the loss to date!!
I am a senior and do not have a smart phone. Will this affect my plan?? Have always tracked and used the WW pedometer. I need easy!!!! Lol
Hi Linda,
They still offer all the same tools using a paper tracker and books. No smart phone or computer required 🙂
Can you tell me the dimensions of the new tracker/journal, please?
Hi Anne,
It’s 7 inches by 5 inches by 1/2 inch (L,W,H).
My husband and I do WW online. We both have the new updated app. Several things are coming up with different point counts. We each had a serving of Pacific organic roasted red pepper tomato soup…mine said it was 3 points, his said 5 points. We also got different counts for half & half. Do you know why?
Hi Nancy,
It is possible that you both have different weigh in days and the app hasn’t updated yet for smartpoints, maybe? I’m not sure why the food values would differ unless they have the product in their more than once? Might be good to email Weight Watchers to let them know.
Do you have to be a monthly pass member to get the apps on the phones.
Hi Patty,
No, you just need to be a Weight Watchers member.
Hi Danica! Finally able to post!! Thanks! And thanks for this post! After a few days I’m loving the new Program…especially that those wine points stayed the same 🙂 Loving that we now look at sugar; and as a psych nurse by profession, I LOVE that WW is looking at all the mental components of weight loss and incorporating them in the Program!
Your statement “Everyones daily points and weekly points allowance targets are personalized based on the Self Assessment and will not be the same for most people.” IS NOT correct. Daily and weekly are based on age/height/weight/gender. The assessment is for fit points and for reminders based on your answers.
Hi Jo-Anne,
Good to know. The first 10 questions in my self assessment related to food and eating patterns so I thought this played a part along with my height, age and gender. I do not see how my food choices impact my fitpoints? feel like there is less of a factor on age, heigbt, weight given the bottom daily smartpoints being 30 and almost everyone I know (all various shapes and sizes) has 30 as a start. The balance of the assessment related to my activity and overall fitness goals which I thought helped to create my daily and weekly fit points goals.
Thanks for heads up Danica! I’m looking forward to change for this 7 yr member. I’m discovering that my ‘head’ is turning in the right direction now as I’m very close to goal that I set out at the beginning of the year. I follow Simply filling at least 80% of time. So, this shouldn’t be such a big change for me that way.
I hoping the Canadian members get the same package. We shall see on Sat…my weigh in day.
Am I the only one unhappy with the changes? I lost 136 pounds since May 2014. I have no intention of counting my oatmeal at 7 points when it was 4 yesterday. Thankfully I kept the totals of my favorite foods and will track based on the old system. Grossly disappointed that Oprah was given so much freedom to change this program when she’s still very large and is hardly a WW role model! Blah! Will continue on the old tracking plan where I lost so much weight.
Hi Sandy,
I think that’s fair. There are apps out there (Ultimate Points+ Diary is a good one) that will still let you track using points+ and there are always paper trackers too along with the books. You have had amazing success – keep up the great work and do what works for you.
Thanks Danica! Would love to attach a side by side but don’t see where that’s possible. Thanks for the tip on the points plus app!
I am also unhappy! This new program is NO fun! I lost 43 pounds in six months on the old program and met my goal with no problems. I also had ice cream or something fun everyday such as movie popcorn, pancakes…..anything I had a craving for. On the NEW program you have to be fanatical about food. Everything is micromanaged. There is no way to splurges on this! Look how much a glass of 2% milk went up, cheese and chocolate! Life gets busy and crazy so I might not have the time between work and school to earn fit points. Now my positive relationship with food (that worked before) is back to being negative. They should have made the old system available on our smartphones if we wanted. I also feel deceived that they recently gave us a free cookbook last month if we went to six meetings in a row. That was no prize because now the cookbook is obsolete!
Sandy, I am not liking it either, I decided I am sticking with points plus, smart points is too strict for me
Download the app Points Plus Diary. It’s awesome and you’re right back where you were before the WW change. Love it and I’m not being dictated to. Really dislike that WW went away from giving you control.
Hi Danica,
I loving all the FitPoints I am getting from my FitBit but I am wondering if those points can be used towards food. I haven’t met my weekly extra points yet, do you know if it subtracts from FitPoints after the weekly points have been used? Or are you not supposed to use the FitPoints for food? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Mandy,
They recommend sticking to your daily and weekly targets and eating those first. Your fitpoints can be eaten if needed and are there for that reason. I think it’s up to you and if you can lose while eating them.
Great job of racking up the fitpoints!
I HATE the new program. I feel that the new point values significantly limit the amount of food to a level that frankly leaves me feeling starving all the time. I also feel that there is NO flexibility anymore. I am forced me to forgo occasional indulgences in order to avoid feeling starved. Now I am on a diet and not a lifestyle. I lost over 60 lbs using points plus and always felt like I was able to choose. Also, I am Furious because the online tools do not work. It ‘s bad enough that I don’t like anything about the program but to be unable to track and investigate point values is UNACCEPTABLE!!! Weight Watcher’s should have insure that the website worked before, rolling out a new program. Even though I am a lifetime member, who had success using WW PPV’s, I have decided to find a different program.
Laurie I couldn’t agree with you more. I lost 43 pounds and met goal on the flex points in only six months while indulging all the time. Now they created a negative relationship with food on this new program! I guess they want us to go back to eating steamed tilapia and green beans every night. Before I was able to cook lasagna for the entire family and nobody even knew I was on a diet. Now the entire family will suffer if I do this.
How can anyone feel ‘starving’ on the Weight Watchers program, when fruits and veggies are basically unlimited? I think the word “starving’ is a bit silly.
I think people should be able to express how they feel without being called “silly” or anything else. Everybody is different.
Yes I have thyroid gland I loss 47.6 pounds
How much is the starter kit?
It’s way too strict. I loved weight watchers because they let me decide how I wanted to eat and nothing was off limits. Now they are dictating by the high point values assigned to the foods that helped me lose 136 pounds. I loaded the app Points Plus Diary for $3.99 yesterday and I’m back in control without having to work the new WW that I know would spell disaster for me.
Sad to say it but I’m not happy with this change either. Talk about a retrofit! They’ve gone back at least a decade in their thinking. I guess punitive dieting(vs realistic lifestyle lifetime changes)is back in vogue. The thing is, the food itself hasn’t changed an iota and I’ve lost 40 lbs-& still counting- eating it. So why isnt it good enough anymore? My husband says just to keep on doing what I’m doing and not pay attention to the new.marketing but Mobile tracking has been critical success. Guess it’s time to find a different program.
Download the points plus diary on the App Store! Works just like the old WW! It’s awesome and I’m tracking like I have for the past 18 months. I lost 136 pounds using points plus and I’m not changing now! Good luck!
I am super stoked on the new program but when I look up foods and or track them the simply filling foods don’t show up as green circles anymore??
Thanks for the update ;))
Just went to my meeting today and I think the new program is great because it helps you steer toward healthy decisions. I lost 60+ pounds on Points Plus but think I could have done it with SmartPoints as well. And maybe faster! I am sad that dairy products went up so much but in reality I shouldn’t eat a lot of Ben and Jerry’s anyway if I want to lose weight. *smile* Someone asked about the calculator…at my meeting they were $12 but you could get a $5 rebate for exchanging your old one.
Thanks for your thorough coverage Danica.
I love your attitude – so true! 🙂 Thanks for the tip on the calculator too. I’m so proud of you and your success.
I’m eagerly awaiting Monday, so I can have access to the on-line program to investigate various foods and start tracking on-line. I’m a Lifetime member and only got my “code” for the free E-tools last week, so I don’t have full access until Monday. I agree with the above posters who feel the program has gone a bit back in time, in its emphasis on guiding us toward more healthful eating; I, however, applaud this approach, as I feel that WW went too far in the other direction, allowing points to be used for unhealthy non-satiating foods. So, to me, this new approach is more a correction, bringing the pendulum back a bit. For myself, I already follow a more mindful food intake; I don’t buy the WW snacks, for example, as I find them unsatisfying and would rather eat something more filling.
I just started the program (again) in October. I’ve lost 14 lbs since Halloween. I’m fustrated with his new plan becasie my points went down and my foods I like went up. Going to be really hard. I was doing so well.
Danica–I miss you Sunday mornings, in Vacaville.
I recently switched to Saturday–hasn’t been the same since Christine left us.
Hi Danica:
I love your website ?
I can’t afford to join Weight Watchers, so a friend of mine let me photocopy his Pocket Guide and Plan Guide. But, I have no way of knowing how many Smartpoints I’m allowed per day. Does the new calculator work the same as the Points Plus calculator in the way that I can punch in certain information that will give me my daily points and will also allow me to calculate how many points an item has at the grocery store based on the nutrition facts? Thank you.
Yes, the new SmartPoints calculator does calculate your daily points as well as weekly points allowance. You can also use it to calculate the points for any food item you have nutritional information for. I highly recommend you get one if you are following the plan on your own. Hope this helps!
I must say as an on-line member that there has been little to no information on the “new” program. This is very disappointing as the program that I have been using has been working excellently for the past 5 months – 22 lb weight loss and down 1 size. How are we “on-line” users supposed to implement the new program without instructions? And when I attempt to start a 24/7 expert chat, I continue to be advised that the experts are busy. NOT A GOOD THING!!!
I’ve been having the same trouble as an online only user. We received zero notification. My biggest frustration with the mobile app is the inability to add Activity to future days in the week, which I like to use to plan my activity so I can hit my target. I’m super bummed they didn’t include this with the new launch. Maybe it will be in a bug fix release in the future? I’m hoping.
ME TOO. I just signed up and there is no email notification, the syncing doesn’t seem to work, and I can’t get the PLAN GUIDE and pocket guide that Danica shows here unless I DRIVE to a WW center?!? That is so backwards, I can’t even.
I’m frustrated as well. The last time I joined WW online I received a huge binder full of materials to help me on my journey. This time around there is nothing. No list of foods to eat or their point values. I was told to attend a local meeting to receive the booklets of information. If I had time for a local meeting, I wouldn’t have joined online. I need something to get me started. I’m already feeling overwhelmed.
I don’t like it 🙁 I never felt deprived on the old plan because I could enjoy a tea and cookie break for example without dipping into weeklies. 6 points for yogurt ? Seriously ?
I agree Nora — so far I dislike this new plan very much! I may have to stop going. I Think I know what to do to get where I want to be — which is 5 pounds to my lifetime goal weight.
I’m in agreement with Nora and Beth, I don’t like the drastic changes to the Weight Watchers program so I’ll probably be a WW dropout sooner rather than later. It seems to me the new WW plan is more a marketing ploy to reverse a progressive decline in membership, food, and product sales. I also am not impressed by Oprah Winfrey’s recent 10% ownership of Weight Watchers, especially when there is no evidence she has personally used a WW’s program in the past and lost weight.
That’s what I think too — a marketing ploy. And why do it just before the holidays?? They couldn’t wait until January? It will work for some, probably newer members and the rest of us may suffer. All I know is that it was hard enough keeping track of my points, now it’s even worse.
There are some really nice groups you can join on Facebook that use the old WW. The people are really nice too. Don’t give up.?
Which ones on Facebook …. Thanks
No need to stop going, Just because WW is officially using SmartPoints now does not mean the old PointsPlus no longer works. I plan to just keep using Points Plus.
I am a Lifetime member but gone off track. What is the fee now for the new program???
Do not like the new program. Lack of information for online users and high point values for a lot of snacks I used to enjoy that kept me on track!!
So far I am not a fan. I have been an online member since March and now the breakfast that I have gotten used to has jumped up by 4 points. Not happy. Even my cup of coffee has gone from 0 to 3 points. I guess this is the sign that it’s time for me to try it on my own.
I just purchased the 3-month online plan hoping to use it mostly for myself but also get my husband to follow along. I zipped through the assessment pages (which is my information) without realizing the plan had changed to smart points. I’ve done weight watchers as has my husband so I knew how many points he was allowed before and have all the points plus books, etc. Well, darn. Now everything is different including the mobile apps for scanning items which is the only reason I re-joined. I can adapt I guess, and I know how many smart points I’m allowed but is there a way of calculating how many smart points my husband is now allowed. He is 70 years old, 250 pounds, 6’2 and no exercise.
I would like to know, too. The smartpoints calculator will not let me reset my info to input his like the Points Plus did. aargh
There is a reset button on the back of the calculator that you can press if you really want to enter new information in
you can also hold the button down and keep holding when the person info is showing and it should clear…. then set up will appear.
I don’t know if it’s the program or the app that has me confused. Today, after weighing in, my points JUMPED about 25 points. TWENTY-FIVE! That’s about double what I was getting. Since the app has been giving me trouble over the last week or so, I’m kinda confused. Is this really my new point allowance? I mean, that’s a crapload of points. Of course, I can’t seem to find anywhere on the website where it explains how it’s coming up with the point values (I did fill out the survey this morning on the website), but…ay yi yi. I cannot believe I’d ever lose weight eating 50+ points a day!!!
Yeah…I had nursing mother checked. Ay yi yi. It’s Monday, cut me some slack. 🙂
I would like to hear more about other users’ hacks in order to get a sweet fix. I used to rely on lite vanilla ice cream, a squirt of chocolate syrup, and lite whipped cream for 3 points…now it’s 7! That was my little indulgence in the evening after dinner. Now what? I’m hurtin’ for certain.
If you like ice cream, try making banana ice cream. I know it sounds like you are just going to be having bananas, but it’s creamy and tastes like ice cream without the points. A little dessert I learned from going vegan. There are a ton of recipes online, but you can simply cut up and freeze a few bananas, then blend them with a non-frozen banana. You need a good blender, but the result is creamy yumminess! Add a tsp of vanilla for that vanilla taste.
Love lots of the new changes, but you’re wrong about avocados. An avocado went up from 9 points to 11! There seems to be a steer away from healthy fats (as you mentioned greek yogurt, and olive oil, etc. has gone up)
I agree – love the changes. The fact that WW didn’t always promote the best choices used to bother me. I’m disappointed that avocados went up so much … hummus too. Those were part of my go-to snack choices and now I really need to give them up… Oh well!
I;m a On line user and not happy with the new app. Received one email stating the change was going to occur but have received nothing more on the changes to the plan. The information you offered was more help than I received anywhere else. Honestly I liked the old plan and the online tools/app. I was down 15lbs in 8 weeks and felt I was at ease with the program and tools. Now due to the online app not being as “user friendly” I find myself not wanting to track my foods, which means I will fall back into the same old habits.
I am in total agreement with all of the negative posts. The new online tools are not easy to navigate and the new program takes away from everything people love about WW. There is very little flexibility in the program now to satisfy cravings or grabbing a quick meal on the go as all of the point values have doubled. I used to love to track, use the scanner etc to see where I was for the day, week, etc and now it is a chore. I have always found WW to be a program where I could go back to when I needed a boost but now the online tools are not worth the $. Dieting and finding a program that excites and motivates is hard to find and the new smart points program does none of that. It is more like an old school diet that makes you feel guilty for any indulgence and is now like any other diet. Count calories!
The best thing I liked about the introduction of the plan was getting a post from Danica! Yay! I feel like a diet friend of yours even if we’re on opposite coasts. I’ve been an on-line member for 5 years, lost 77 pounds and gained 22 back. Am trying desperately to get back down. The new plan is HORRIBLE! I swear, WW must have hired MyFitnessPal or some other competitor to sabotage it! Suddenly the points value don’t really appear to be based upon nutrition, they appear punitive! Any foodie knows that if you tell me I can’t have it because it’s too many points, I’m going to eat FOUR of it! Seriously, who is running the ship? When I started five years ago, I felt like I was making a healthy choice to lose weight in a healthy and slow way. I literally lost 1 pound a week for 52 weeks straight, was never starving and increased my fitness appropriately. Now I’m at a total loss. The thing that bothers me the most is that they didn’t even give us a choice! Why not offer members the choice of staying with the traditional plan if it was working for them? I’m seriously thinking of quitting and going back to my old books and pen and paper food journal. What a shame. BTW, any problems with both the on-line and/or mobile site say “we’re working on it” so don’t bother to try to fix anything. Clearly, they launched this entire mess with a time limit in mind, not our best interests!
I had the mobile app on my phone so I could scan things at the store. Now it’s says it doesn’t support my browser. Had to delete it. So disappointed. I used to track my food and exercise on line….I now find myself just using my head or writing it down. I do not like this new website at all. And the tech support….well, that’s another story. My husband went on to look up the point value of shrimp. The little circle was blank. So, he ask the tech support. After waiting about 20 minutes he finally got someone. The question he asked was, “How many points for steam shrimp?” The tech told him 0 (ZERO). My husband then asked, “So, you are telling me to treat shrimp just like fruit, 0 (ZERO) points?” The tech replied, “YES”. That was way far from the truth. It does have points attached to it. Maybe the technician needs a cheat card. So disappointed.
I had the same problem Diane, my phone doesn’t support the updated app which sucks! I refuse to go upgrade a perfectly good cell phone just for the app.
To the people that are dissatisfied with the new program…why don’t you just quit and come to My Fitness Pal? You can still “Eat what you want and lose weight!” haha! And there isn’t all of this stress over points and no more treats etc! I get where WW is going with this…they are pushing people to eat more whole foods than processed. That’s great! I don’t agree with the higher point values for healthy fats such as avocados, olive oil, etc. I have joined WW, hmmmm, lets see at least 6 times??!! I have hated it every single time. I even drove myself crazy at one point and tracked points AND calories, just to compare. Some days the points and calories were right in sync. Others, I was eating WAY under calorie but right at points. That didn’t jive well with me. That was on the PP program. Now, I would suspect there would be an even greater discrepancy. Seeing how the new program is, I would predict I would be eating well under my calorie allotment for the day. I just personally never found WW to be user friendly. The app didn’t have A LOT of foods I would search. Building a recipe was a pain in the butt!! I would make recipes exactly how Pinterest would tell me and they would always wind up being more points in my builder than it said it was online??!!! I was just so frustrated. Don’t ask me WHY I kept joining. I guess I thought the problem was me and that the next time it would be easier. It never got easier. I personally find tracking calories on My Fitness Pal less stressful and more enjoyable. I can find ANYTHING I want. The app has never failed or crashed on me. And it’s free. FREE. In my perfect world I would be an intuitive eater and just naturally eat healthy and lose weight without having to THINK about food and TRACK food. But I don’t have the self control and I do need tracking. WW just never did it for me. There are certain aspects I respect about the program and I enjoy their magazine. But I won’t be spending anymore membership fees with them when there are so many other free, less stressful options out there. To the person that posted this, Danica? It was very informative. Well done, and good luck on your health journey!
Not sure if I can post this on here but for those that want to continue with the points plus program, there is an app, you can get it from Amazon and Google. But it is everything you need, it’s built basically just like the PP program on WW’s.
It’s called the Ultimate Food Value Diary, it’s a red heart. Awesome app!
I personally, have not been a member for a while, never figured out the points plus, did the points and lost weight and like a lot of you, when they changed to PP, it messed my way of thinking up. So now, I’m kind of excited to start this new program and get in from the beginning of it. If it works for me great. If not, I know, for me, the old points program worked great, so I’ll just go back to it but I am going to give this new one a try. I know you can’t eliminate all fats and sugar from your diet but I eat way too many of both, so again, I’m excited to attempt the new program.
I’m a lifetime member… currently about a pound over goal weight, but I’d like to lose maybe 5 pounds total. I’m very into clean eating and my eating habits emphasize lean protein, good fats and lots of veggies and I limit processed carbs. Overall, I’m happy that weight watchers is finally getting on board with valuing protein over sugar…I’ve always felt that too many people were looking for hacks at the expense of healthy eating (and then were shocked, SHOCKED! at meetings when their weight didn’t seem to be going downward!). There are a few things that I do still think need tweaking…
1. Saturated fat. I think Smart Points is overemphasizing this…especially when it comes to nuts, salmon, coconut, avocados, etc. Healthy fat is definitely penalized more under this plan.
2. The whole fruit thing, particularly blended fruit. I still don’t believe fruit should be free on an unlimited basis. I personally limit myself to 2-3 servings (true serving sizes at that) per day. Plugged in my smoothie recipe, and it was 13 points. What?!? Unchecked the blended box and it dropped to 7. Yowza! I get where they are going…if you are eating a ton of fruit through smoothies (or that Yonannas! contraption), that isn’t a good thing. I’d rather see them do a limited number of fruit servings for free, regardless of how you get them, and then count everything over that. In the meantime, I’ll continue doing that in practice.
3. Don’t like that the default is to not count fit points. I was freaking out a little… My daily points went from 26-30 (which, I’m active, so I’ve always done 30 anyway) and my weekly points dropped from 49 to 35, and I was using a TON of points this week, where as before, I always had TONS of weeklies left over. Went into my account and figured out that my fit points weren’t being used. Changed that setting and things suddenly all was right in the world. I will use more of my weekly points, but honestly…my goal before was to not touch them, so really its all a head game. LOL
You are a woman after my own heart!
Thanks!! LOL
I reached out to them about the fit points, trying to objectively figure out whether to do medium or high intensity for some of my workouts. basically was told that fit points aren’t really designed for athletic people, so I should fudge my points and not put in all my activity if i wanted to use those points. Seriously.
I don’t know you, but I wish I did!! You so perfectly stated everything I think about WW. 🙂
PointsPlus worked great for me. I’m sticking to that system. No need to change to the new system if you know the old one and it works!
I lost 66 lbs on the regular points program–kept it off for 3 years. Then WW changed to points plus-29 points plus to maintain instead of 18 points. I slowly started gaining wait and soon was no longer a lifetime member. Put on 10 lbs. I decide to do 26 points plus because I kept telling them that 29 points is too much. They said I must be doing something wrong–” let me see your tracker” they would say. I’ve been in WW for 4 years-I think I know how to track. So I quit going. If points plus didn’t work for me, I doubt that smart points will either. So I am going to save my money.
I am a lifetime member but haven’t been doing we for over a year. What will be the fee for me to start again?
Just wondering can I still use my old calculator with smart point?
My understanding is that the old calculator does not result in the same point values for Smart Points. I think the difference is that the new plan counts saturated fats and sugars as well as calories, fats, carbs, and protein. Almost all of my new totals are coming out higher with SmartPoints. In the long run, it is probably a healthier way to eat and will be beneficial. However, it is more difficult for me as my extra weekly points go faster. Under the PP plan, I never used my full weekly allowance. Now, I seem to be using all of it before the end of the week. Still trying to give it a chance…
I’m new to the weight watcher online program and not happy with the site! I cant find any of the food list, super foods or zero foods! In my personal opinion, the site is not user friendly!
I’m sticking with the previous plan and also attending OA meetings. I just don’t have 45 dollars a month to sit in meetings and receive basically nothing for it. Weight Watchers is the best food plan for me out there and I believe if they lowered their prices, women and men would storm their doors to join. The increased volume of new members would make up for the difference between the current price and the lowered charges. In fact, WW might thrive again financially, but it seems that the top people just don’t see this angle or are unwilling to take the chance financially. They would rather struggle along at the current rate, bleeding members.
I have been to a WW Store 3 times and yet to find it open. Spoke with 800 numbers and received different answers. Trying to get help for 63YO patient with liver and diabetes issues. The web sites are anything but user friendly! Loved WW for my husband but am so disappointed in their support, customer service and local WW Stores. The comments by each of you provided more help and information to me than WW or their web sites. Unfortunately, WW is not for my patient. Will be checking out information provided. Thanks to all of you.
I have been a life time member since the early 70’s and I think it is awful that I can not get the e-tools. I would have to give up my life time status and pay by the month (more money) in order to get the e-tools. It is like being punished for being life time !!!? Any one belonging to Weight Watchers should be able to get the e-tools and the apps, which helps stay on the program..
Hi Mary,
Once your lifetime, your always lifetime even if you go over your goal weight. Yes, you do pay if you weigh in and your not within 2 lbs of your goal weight. That being said, lifetime members get etools for free and you get a code so you do not pay.
Danica, I met my lifetime goal several years ago. Unfortunately I stopped doing WW and needless to say gained my weight back and then some. I just rejoined online and am really disappointed on the site” where do I go to get the e-tools? I really want to stick with this but am really sad to see how disappointed everyone is. I loved your post so hopefully can stay on track and positive!!
I too am a lifetime member I reached my goal in 2003. WW changed to Points Plus so I tried it gained weight so I went back to my program which was 18 to 23 pts daily. I managed my weight for 1O years so I went back to meetings and was unable to lose on their new program. I started My Fitness Pal for tracking using my WW point system from 2003 and lost my weight.
The new plan flat out sucks. I eat healthy. But I am going to starve on this plan. A bottle of coconut water (120 cal) is 6 points. When I went on chat I said I’m only going to get 500-600 calories a day at this rate. When I asked about this on I one chat she said it must have a lot of saturated fat… Uh, no only zero grams.
The beauty of the old plan was it nudged you towards healthy foods. This plan is lean protein dominated which isn’t even good for you. C’mon weight watchers. The push towards high protein is so outdated… I hate his plan. Yes, I get sugar is bad for you… But where’s the moderation?
Gotta say, when I read the post I was excited about the new program. Now that I’ve read the comments about how it sucks, I’m leery to try it. I was a user of the original points, and was disappointed with the points plus and all the changes since then. Maybe I’ll sign up, get the books and see what happens. 🙁 Still hoping for that magic pill that’ll make me skinny
I’m with you Bobbie. I did WW several years ago before the Points Plus and lost 40lbs. I went off and started gaining some so I tried the PP and gained more weight. I was excited to see they changed the plan and thought about trying it again but now that I see all these comments I’m not sure what to do. The original WW was the only thing that ever worked for me. I was excited after reading the post but not after reading the comments.
Hi Bobbie,
It is interesting to me to see everyone’s reaction but I can say that most people are not fans initially when Weight Watchers changes their plan. I believe in letting everyone voice their opinion do I havrnt censored their comments. In the beginning with points+ there were plenty of people who did not like it but ended up loving it. I do agree it would be nice if they offered multiple programs to everyone so they could pick the old or new. This is why I let people who want to remain on points+ know about the Ultimate Pointsplus Diary app in my earlier comments. You still have choices 🙂
What I can say for me personally is I’ve found I really do love the new smartpoints program and it does take a few weeks to figure things out agsin. I like that part as it made it really feel like something new versus just an update. I’m actually excited about WW again and it’s like when I first started checking the points, measuring, looking for new food finds, etc.
Here are two more posts I did sharing my journey so far where I’ve lost every week except one (5 out of 6 weeks of losses and over the holidays too). My one gain was only .6 lbs lbs and I definitely earned it.
Hope that helps a bit. I definitely recommend trying the program for a month before deciding if it’s for you or not.
Let me know if you find that magic pill too! 🙂
Thank you soooo much for posting this. I’ve been trying to find this information forever (current financial circumstances prevent me from officially joining WW) and am very happy to finally find it here! You are the best!
Maybe someone can help me with this cause I’m a bit confused, even after i just spoke to the lady who runs the meetings.. Im not to happy with the smart points but i definitely see how this is more self controlled then the simply filling. But with that said I was told I can switch daily between Smart points and SF, I just have to add in points during my SF days if I go off the list..So I have 30 daily and 28 weekly. Ok so this means that when I’m on Smart points i stay at my 30 (and if I go over I can dip into my 28) but on the SF days stay within the list provided and if i want to go off the list go back and dip into the 28?? Also i have an 18 years old daughter who is 5’5″ 142 pounds she wants to loose a few pounds so she is doing this along with me how can i see how many daily and weekly smart points she will get. I can’t afford for both of us to go, and she only wants to loose a few pounds Thanks 🙂
Hi. I read that if you have the calculator, you can “reset it” so you can enter your daughter’s info to get her daily value.
In the back of the calculator just stick a pin or toothpick in the hole to reset it.
I will be joining next week but its pricey…i might just order it online. I lost alot of weight with points program but gained it back. Wanted to buy the monthly pass but cannot do it without a credit card. Im guess im stuck with paying at meeting ($13 a meeting). After hearing the horror stories of online, i will do it the old fashioned way, get points from book and write them down.
As far as the new program, im glad sat. fat and sugar went up…..that stuff will kill you….lol
Fruits…..stay away from bananas….too many carbs. Best ones are berries.
Good luck to all!!!!
One question. Is Oprah’s face plastered on everythung/anything? I’ve been thinking of joining and was really disappointed to learn Oprah is now on board.
Thank you for this! I’m two weeks into Weight Watchers (after many failed ‘lifestyle changes’ and age 35–I just want to shed extra 15 lbs)…I have had trouble finding “hard” answers to some of my questions but this post is everything! Thank you for taking the time to help us “get it”!!! You are awesome!
Glad I found this site. I was thinking of going back to WW (I’m lifetime) for this new plan. As someone said, too much lean protein isn’t good for you unless you’re a bodybuilder, and even then there’s doubt. One SmartPoint for 4 oz. of cooked lean turkey? Yikes! What are the SmartPoints for a pound of it? Extra points for an avocado, one of the healthiest fruits you can eat? Not for me. There’s all kinds of evidence out there these days that saturated fat isn’t the murderous villain it has been made out to be. This seems to me to be a very outdated program considering the abundance of new nutritional information. Right on regarding sugar, but not so much for everything else. Pass.
What is the reasoning behind having to count fruits if they are blended vs free cooked in a recipe?
Here is an article where Weight Watchers explains their reasons.
I am a returning member to weight watcher. Just realized my points do not go down anymore when I loose weight. I called and they said I will never go below 30, which I am at right now… So how will I loose weight?
Hi Anne,
Your weekly allowance will go down but not your daily. It’s amazing how 30 points works but you should lose.
First of all, thank you for trying to explain the new smart points program. I’m new to this, and to be honest, I’m NOT liking it so far. I agree with others in that there is NOT enough information online to make me understand, which is what lead me to your blog. Also, I have NO clue how many points I need to have. I remember doing this program a loooong time ago. There was a book that told me how many points I need according to my weight, and there were easy points in the book to follow. Too many changes to a plan that didn’t need any changes. I think I will do better just getting info online from others and have better results….?
Didn’t realize how many points is sweet potato in the beyond the scale plan…wish it would have been pointed out to me.
Thank you…my bad
I’ve been out of WW for about 18 months and have been keeping my weight off with a whole food plant based diet, and it sounds like the new changes are reflecting the most recent science. A whole food plant based diet not only prevents heart disease and diabetes, it reverses it! As well as a plethora of degenerative diseases, like cancer, dementia, hypertension, and strokes.
I stuck with Simply Filling while I was on the plan and lost about 27#. Now I’m maintaining with Forks Over Knives. I like that WW always emphasized veggies and fruits but now I think it’s really moving in the right direction with higher points for dairy (??and meat). I’m off all animal products and feel great! Kinda hard to gain if you don’t eat any fats, too. Good luck!
I really don’t like ww online I pay for the online because I thought I was going to get some type of plan and they would sented me the necessary things I would need to be successful with weight watchers but I receive Just a online profile I am not happy with it I am a hands on type of person I like things that I can read in front of me not just on the computer but in paper form so I’m not sure if I will renew With WW online since this is my first time with ww.
I recently started on the new program (online version) and am doing pretty well. I have been on and off of Weight Watchers for about 5-6 years (had 2 children in that time period) and have about 5-7 pounds to lose and those last pounds are the most difficult to lose. I am not sure if this question has been answered in any of the comments. I have several older and some not so old Weight Watcher cookbooks (maybe 2-3 years old) and some list sugar content and some don’t. So then I go into recipe builder and of course you have to pick say what kind of low-fat cheese you are using (I mean a specific brand) then you continue on choosing your brand items. I actually have a mac and cheese recipe in a cookbook and put it into recipe builder and it came out to be 11 smartpoints. I then found one on the Weight Watcher’s website (very very similar one) and it shows 7 smartpoints. It’s very difficult to point recipes when the cookbooks that don’t list sugar content. Does anyone else out there have the same issue as I do? I mean 3 points to me does make a difference (it means a snack I could eat after dinner). Any help would be appreciated.
Actually, it is a 4-5 point difference between the two mac and cheese recipes. So it does make a huge difference for my daily smartpoints.
I was wondering the same thing, Cynthia. Has anyone given you an answer?
Can someone please tell me ASAP if online plus has a calculator. Online without meetings does it have an easy to use calculator without having to purchase a different one. Someone told me they thought you only got calculator online if you did meetings too. Thank you
Will someone please teach me how to use this calculator? Im not particularly adept at such things and Im totally lost as to how to enter daily points separately from weekly points. Also, because I’m new, I wanted to zero out to start over because I made a mistake that showed up this this morning as my points started at 14 which I know is wrong. I assume the calculator carries over to the next day? Anyway, I want to fix it. Any help? I have to say the person who registered me was of no help. She more or less assumed I knew how to work it. I will ask for more help at the next meeting, but I could use a little help in advance. Please.
Hi , what is a medium mean e.g. medium sweet potatoe?
Hi Danica,
I was interested in your blog. I have been a lifetime member of WW since 1983 but for the past years have been living in Finland and WW is no longer here. I once tried online (many years ago) and found it did not give me the movitavtion and encouragement and ability to share with others that I need. You seem to have information on both live meetings and online. Would you encourage the online? Has it improved in these many years?
A lifetime member since 2001, I did very well on the regular points program for many years. When it changed to Points Plus, I decided to use the “Simply Filling” option, and this worked for me — I find it to be healthier over-all too (if you get into it, there are no points to count at all, and it works….)
Also, I don’t do it online, and this is just fine with me. Easy, peasy….
BTW, every time WW changes plans, there are vast numbers of unhappy people who prefer the previous one. I honestly believe that any one of their programs will work for most people if they can figure out a way to just do it. Good luck….
I am a new online member and I had to google the simply filling food list to find it. It was not to be found on the app at all. I wish there was a book sent out to each member with instructions. Other than that I do like the app
I am excited about the plan… I used weight watchers about 10 years ago and did well. The difference between then and now besides my weight going up is, now I have to make better choices to stay within my points allowance. Fruits and veggies zero points! So when I have used all my points, I am seeing I didn’t eat enough fruits and veggies at all. You still choose where you want to use the points but when the middle of the grocery aisle are full of non healthy additions, you must shop the outside perimeter to get the lower point foods that you can actually eat more than I did on the old PP. Here’s to my future on making healthier choices!!
I hoping you can help me with the WW mobile app. I contacted WW; however I’m not getting the answer to my question… =(
I seriously can’t figure out how to track food on my phone like I do on the WW website. I’m usually pretty good with this things, but with this issue…not so much.
On the website I can just click the “daily remaining” circle and it takes me directly to the breakfast, lunch, dinner & snack screen so that I can track my food. I thought the app used to be the same, but when I touch the daily remaining circle…nothing happens. I realize there’s the + at the bottom right of the screen, but it’s not as functional as being taken directly to breakfast, lunch, dinner & snack screen.
BTW…love your blog. I refer to it daily.
Hi. I just recently re-joined Weight Watchers. I have several cook books from the Points Plus days. I would love to make some of the recipes, as I did before. How do I calculate the points when there is nothing in the nutrition facts on sugar? Can you help me?
Thank you
How do i get the WW kit featured on this page? Thank you in advance.
You can buy it online at http://www.weightwatchers.com under shop or visit any meeting room.
Thank You !
I have a question please, there is no longer a WW meeting close to our home without driving 45 minutes to an hour to get there. I have done WW in the past and I know it’s healthy and it works. My question is where can a friend and I get the starter books for the 2016 plan so we can get started on our weight loss ?? Need help please, I need to lose around 80 pounds. HELP ! I would be willing to pay for the booklets just need to get them in hand !
Jeanette Blackwell,
I just joined the new WW Beyond the Scale, and on one of the booklets
that was given to me was a 800 number…1-800-651-6000 you can also go on
http://www.weightwatchers.com/shop. Also know fruits are 0 points along with most
veggies that i have looked up. Just last week I bought a book that shows you how many points if you eat out, and a buying book that showed points, they were $11.00 ea or 2 for $15.00 on special (not sure how long they are on special though).
Hope this helps you!!
I’m confused about the point system bcus I thought that once before if you didn’t use all your points from previous days they added them on to the next day or following week. Also exercise used to give you extra points for the day and now not anymore? Help me understand please I just started back on my diet!
Erica Lee,
I just joined WW Beyond the Scale and if you don’t use your daily points you lose them.
But your right they do give you extra points for exercising (they are called Fit points now). I hope this helps.
Sorry Erica it was 49 Flex Points per week, not 35 as I stated.
That’s right Dianne
Erika Lee: you need to eat your daily points whatever the number of points you have been allotted for each and only each day. You can gain extra points for activity. On the old program you had FLEX Points which were 7 points daily for extra things you ate or drank. If you didn’t use your Flex Points each day, they added to the next day, or you could use all 35 points on any given day in the week. At the end of the week you lost those Flex Points and you started over the next week with new Flex Points. Now the new program you only gain extra points through Activity or exercise.
Can you buy a calculator for the Smart Points plan?
Yes, check eBay. Can get one for about $18.
I got mine when I checked into the meeting for $20
Good morning – how can I get that Weight Watcher kit you descibe. The website is confusing! Need to start asap 🙂
Look up a meeting place in your city and go there and you can join the program and get the materials or WW Kit.
can you use the old calculator to figure out how many extra daily points you get
I use my old calculator but it will not track the Saturated Fat, Sugar and Protein that the new Smart Point Calculator does, so it not very accurate. I have the new SP calculator but I cannot track my activity points, which are the extra points you can get, on this calculator.
I just got my Smart Points Calculator, too. I don’t understand why it isn’t possible to manually add in my Activity Points, whether I USE them, or not. I am a Lifetime Member and used to work for WW as a Leader many years ago. Every change was met with resistance by some, which is justified in many cases. I don’t miss working for them at all.
Where can I get the Weight Watchers pocket guide? I can’t find it on their website or any apps. I’m totally in the dark regarding smart points except for using the calculation for everything . I need a list!!!!
The Pocket Guide was from 2015 and for the 2016 new Program. The is Beyond The Scale Meet Your Plan. You might contact WW 1-800-651-6000
I have been writing down what i eat for years. This “new program” sounds like one they had before. I have been using ww prog since 1988. It works. I think the most important part of the prog is tracking. Easy to pop whatever in your mouth. Everyone enjoy there Thanksgiving. Allot of protein n veggies.
I got the latest program and wasn’t able to do it for the last year or so…due to illness
I get 30 points a day, but I have forgotten how many weekly points I get. Can someone answer that for me? Thank you in advance
We get 42 weekly points.
My husband and I are doing WW. I am a paying member and attend meetings. He’s just along for the ride. I know that I get 30 points per day and the extra 28 points per week. But I’m trying to calculate how many points my husband gets. I know the guys get quite a few more than us girls. Do you know the formula they use to calculate the daily points? Just FYI, I have never actually used the weekly points or extra fitness points that I earn. I find that if I do, the weight won’t come off. They are a nice buffer if you splurge a bit one day, but it’s best if you just pretend they don’t exist.
I’m trying to figure out the same thing. I’m online and I don’t want to pay for 2 accounts just to see how many points he gets. Kind of silly.
Can you “change” your profile info to male, age, weight, etc…get the number and then change your info back to your actual stats?