Happy Saturday all! Several of you have commented and emailed me asking me to explain how to use the Weight Watchers Simply Filling Technique. Some of you guessed it right in that I do have a few “tweaks” I apply to make it more of a sustainable lifestyle for me. However, please know that I have a set of rules that I apply to my “tweaks’” and if any of them fail, then, I do not allow that “tweak” anymore. In my post today, I plan on explaining to you Simply Filling versus CORE, the jist of how to work the Weight Watchers Simply Filling Technique officially and how I work the plan.
For those who have done Weight Watchers for awhile, you may recall the CORE Method. CORE was the first time Weight Watchers introduced the concept of not tracking points, focusing on whole, clean, real foods and listening to your bodies hunger signals. I know this concept freaked out several people and I loved hearing all the comments from everyone like…..
“If I knew when to stop eating and eating just until I was satisfied, I wouldn’t be here”.
The thing that I am not sure most people realized though is that there is so much “healthy” stuff you can eat so it was hard to go overboard on CORE. There were a few foods that I absolutely loved on CORE that I made sure I measured so I wouldn’t go overboard like avocados & olives. I did miss having breads and it was often tough to decide which part of the day I’d have my “one serving” of carbohydrates.
I actually did the CORE method for over a year when it first came out and successfully lost/kept off 35 lbs. I lost more on CORE than I did counting points because it took away my obsession of how much of this or that can I get for my points and it helped me focus on Whole Foods that were more nutritionally sound.
Following the Simply Filling Technique is pretty simple once you get the hang of it.You do not have to track your food, however, I recommend tracking and measuring in the beginning until you feel comfortable that you can control how often you eat and the size of your portions.
1. Focus on Power Foods/Simply Filling Foods ~ lean proteins, fat free dairy, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, your 2 tsp of healthy oil, reduced calorie breads and broth based soups.
2. Use your Weekly Points Allowance (WPA) for any foods that do not fit in the above categories or do not fit into a category on this Simply Filling Foods List. You do not have to track the points+ for any of the Simply Filling Foods you eat. You only track the non-Simply Filling Foods.
3. Eat just until satisfied making sure you eat slowly, listen to your body and stop/rest/assess as you are eating. The goal is to not feel too full or too hungry, but, to feel “just right”.
100% Homemade Simply Filling Ice Cream ~ count 1 WPA for the Sugar Cone!
I know there has been some confusion over the little green triangles that show a “Power Food”. I have learned that not all Power Foods are Simply Filling Foods and vice versa. It was this Weight Watcher’s article that confused me when I first started looking into it when people were asking about the green triangles.
Therefore, to keep things simple, I focus on this Weight Watcher’s Simply Filling List since it is very similar to when I followed CORE. I look for similar items that would fall into the categories, i.e., like light breads and thin buns.
Before I jump into this part, I was to start off by saying this is 100% how I follow the Weight Watchers Simply Filling Technique based on my experience with CORE and what I can sustain as a lifestyle, not just as a quick fix to lose. You do not have to apply any of these “tweaks” when you work Simply Filling, but, I wanted to share for those who have asked.
1. The food items needs to be similar – just like I do with the fat free versus low-fat cheese. The low-fat cheese I use has 2 g of fat and I am more likely to pick that as a snack versus a fat free cheese slice. Plus I can recognize the ingredients on low fat over fat free cheese.
Canadian Bacon falls in this category for me too as it is a fat free luncheon meat. I also will use a Simply Filling item when it works the same – like I don’t mind cooking with fat free cheeses. Soy Cheese is Simply Filling so food for thought on this one.
Another example of similar or close to Simply Filling is I will “fry” my sweet potato wedges in my 2 tsp of healthy oil which is Simply Filling. Having Sweet Potato Chips is NOT Simply Filling
2. I will ALWAYS substitute something that is more nutritionally sound if I can keep my portions in check. My focus is always on clean eating and foods I can recognize the ingredients on – limiting artificial things. This is one reason I will often use the real deal for products.
3. I have to be real with myself – am I losing weight with the tweaks I am making and/or am I making too many? If I find I am making too many tweaks or not losing weight, then, I count the points+ against my WPA or find a Simply Filling Substitute.
4. For packaged foods, I assess the ingredient list to determine is it really not Simply Filling or close. I read somewhere if it has more than 3 ingredients, then, count the points+ for the entire item/recipe. I try to follow that.
I am not really a fan at all of any of the Light Breads, but, I have found that I love the Oroweat Honey Wheat Thin Buns. I can totally enjoy sandwiches and burgers, like this Better Than a Big Mac knowing that it falls into the same category as a Light Bread – stats wise.
5. Last, but, not least, when I am put in challenging situation, I try to focus on “Simply Filling Like” foods. I actually did a post on this during The Husband’s birthday week to show how I apply that logic by making the most of our dining out.
The way that I figure out my recipes is to breakdown the ingredient list. You do not need to count any of the points+/WPA for foods that are Simply Filling. For all non-Simply Filling Foods, take the total of the ingredients and divide it by the total number of servings.
This Italian Wedding Soup is the perfect example
Here is what I did in this case:
- 1/2 lb Jennie-O Sweet Italian Turkey Sausage = 9 points+
- 1/2 cup bread crumbs – although you could make your own with light bread to make it Simply Filling, I didn’t. = 3 points+
- 2 Tbsp Parmesan = 2 points+
Total for non-Simply Filling Foods = 14, divided by 6 servings = Simply Filling + 2 WPA per serving.
If there are more non-Simply Filling Foods than there are Simply Filling, I count the entire serving against my WPA (a good example is real deal pizza).
Did I mention Nonfat Lattes, Cappucino’s and Misto’s are 100% Simply Filling?!
I personally feel that the Simply Filling Technique addresses all the things I LOVED and didn’t LOVE about CORE and made it the ideal plan. As sad as I am avocados and olives are out, I completely understand why they are ~ for their “abuse” potential. I know if I didn’t measure them, I could eat a lot of avocado!
On the other hand, they took away the once a day restriction on a healthy carbohydrate and adding in reduced calorie breads. For me, that made up for taking away AVOCADOS!
Here is a link where you can go to see how I have been working the Simply Filling Technique since July of this year.
I have created a Simply Filling Category for my Recipe page ~ eventually I will get everything flagged that is Simply Filling.
Does that help provide you all with some insight on how you can apply the Simply Filling Technique? Anyone ready to jump in and try it now?
Please let me know if you have any additional questions and I will be more than happy to answer them if I know the answer.
Off to watch Date Night with The Husband for Date Night! Catch up with you all tomorrow!
Night all!
Thank you so much for taking the time to explain allm of this . It means so much to me especially since I have just started the simply filling technique. I am excited about going to your link and printng out receipes you have posted.
Danica, you’re the best. Thanks so much for the education.
So are you only able to have one bread/pasta/rice serving per day like CORE? Or is that one of the things that changed in SF? I’m vegan and do not think I could limit myself to one bread serving per day. Are beans SF??
Good question! I wondered this too. Also, when it says most fresh, frozen, or canned veggies… which ones does it NOT include? And is there a list for that too?
See how vague everything is!! From what I’m understanding when it comes to canned and frozen things – watch for added sugar.
And Hillary, no where am I reading that you have to limit any servings, however, you are suppose to get all the healthy guidelines in!
Hi Jill,
I cannot think of any vegetables that are not Simply Filling. My thought is that it would exclude frozen or canned vegetables that have added butter, cheese or similar sauces. It would be the sauces that make them not Simply Filling.
As far as a list, I would defer to the Weight Watchers online tracker or the complete food companion looking for items with a green triangle as a general guideline.
Does that make sense?
Perfect sense! Thanks!
Hi Hilary,
You can have as many servings of bread products as you need to feel satisfied. The one a day limitation is for the old CORE plan, not Simply Filling.
Yes, most beans and lentils are Simply Filling. I say most because baked beans with added sugar would not be.
I think you can definitely work Simply Filling as a vegan since most of the foods are in line with veganism. I would recommend using meat substitute products as needed if you need more protein. Edamame is another great choice that is Simply Filling.
Thanks for asking,
Thanks for responding! I have a few other questions about the WPA: is it based on your weight and activity level or does everyone on SF get the same amount (if so, is it 49 like tracking?)? Also, can you use activity points the same way in SF and add use them when your WPA are all gone? I am thinking of trying SF since I tend to eat a lot of SF anyways. I love how you try to stick to foods that have REAL ingredients (if I see too many ingredients I usually don’t buy the product). With that being said, I find that reduced fat breads tend to bulk up the ingredients and put more unfavorable things in them. Have you found any breads that you are happy with (besides the bun listed in the post)?
1. The WPA is the same regardless of what plan you are on – you get 49 extra points to use each week, that week for non-simply filling foods. I track all my foods, Simply Filling ones show up as 0 and then, any non-show up with the points+ value. You can actually change the Weight Watchers online tracker to whatever plan you are using.
2. Yes, you use your activity points earned for any non-simply filling foods in the week they are earned.
3. Breads, no I am said about that. I agree with you that there are too many ingredients in the light breads and most taste very “diety” to me. The only thing I have found that is decent is the Oroweat Thin Buns and Multi-Grain Flat Out Wraps.
Hi Danica,
So everyone receives 49 weekly points on Simply Filling, no matter what their daily allowance is? I was given 23 daily and my friend had 30 daily; but each of us would have 49 weekly on Simply Filling?
Thanks! Janye
no avocado!! (Sadly)
I will TOTALLY use a few of my WPA for some avocado! Having to use points for it will keep me from eating an entire batch of guacamole! 🙂
Thanks for the info. I’ve just started this plan after being on pts for 2 years. The info is very hard to understand and my leader doesn’t know the plan at all! Sites like yours are very helpful. For breakfast I always have a small potato peeled and diced and then fried in 1 tsp of oil – that’s not simply filling???? I know ordering fried potatoes out would be a no-no…but both potatoes and the first 2 tsp of oil (according to the plan) don’t have to be counted.
I’m also very confused over yogurts – and I won’t even discuss the commotion over on the WW boards that my questions have caused – I need to read the materials…..I have, they make no sense!
Hi Laura,
First off I have to say I am sorry about the Weight Watcher boards. I know the people on there can get pretty catty sometimes. I think people often say to read the materials because they are paying members who had to pay for it and the boards are free to everyone member or not. I do agree that not all WW leaders are as familiar with Simply Filling as they are with points+.
That being said, I more than happy to help you work the plan and answer any questions you have if I can.
Your breakfast is absolutely 100% Simply Filling because you are combining two Simply Filling items to make “fried” potatoes. It is one of my favorite things to do. In my example above I was referring to my sweet potato fries like yours as being Simply Filling but also making a comparison to say potato chips (virtually the same thing nut with alot more oil) would not be Simply Filling.
As for yogurts, any fat free plain or Greek yogurt is Simply Filling, just count any add ins like jam or honey against your WPA. If you prefer pre-sweetened then pick varieties that use artificial sweeteners which are Simply Filling.
Does that help explain things a little better?
Thanks for your reply and the potato clarification….sheesh I was worried and so enjoying having them-lol! Yeah our Weight Watchers leader knows zero when it comes to simply filling, they couldn’t even find the flyer on it; which is bad for anyone just paying weekly that may be interested.
Thanks for the clarification with the yogurts as well – that helps!!
Wow… looking at the list of foods on the Simply Filling page got me thinking. Most of those are foods I eat regularly anyway. Some I had avoided, like milk and cheese, because I didn’t want to count the points. Switching would allow me to enjoy them again!
I have been following the points plan for 8 years… I imagine this will be a shift!
Thank you for this post! I’m really hoping to go to the simply filling soon. This explains so much.
Would it be possible for you to explain more about Power foods are not always Simply Filling? That threw me for a loop. Our leader stated that the Green triangles worked for Simply filling. Confused? Thanks so much
Hi Patty,
When Weight Watchers first started with the CORE program, the way to follow it was by eating the foods marked with a green triangle. I think over time as they have created different iterations of the program the triangles have not always followed suit.
There is a specific formula they use to identify a power food ad being more nutritionally sound than other foods factoring in fat, fiber, protein, carbs, sugar and salt. You can read about it more in this article.
The foundation of Simply Filling foods had more to do with “filling” foods that give you more satisfaction to keep you full longer. They are not based on the Power Foods formula but still fall in line with the whole foods straight from the source concept. This article provides a good categorical list of what’s included as a Simply Filling food. It is what I use as a basis for picking Simply Filling foods.
Power foods are like Super Foods and the best choice nutritionally, but, the focus of Simply Filling foods is more on keeping you satisfied the longest- staying power.
Does that make sense?
First of all, I love your web site. Thank you so much for all the information. It’s great.
I feel compelled to reply to the advice you’ve given in this post because it seems you have a lot of followers!
“Following the Simply Filling technique means you eat exclusively from the Power Foods list without counting the PointsPlus values of those foods.”
The previous statement was taken from the WW article that you posted and directly contradicts the advice you’ve given here that not all power foods are included in the Simply Filling Technique.
The first article you posted simply states that when they switched from “Filling Foods” to “Power Foods” some items no longer made the cut. Since those items are not Power Foods they are not part of the Simply Filling Technique. Does that make sense?
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for commenting ~ I appreciate feedback from everyone. It appears as though Weight Watchers has updated their articles since I first posted them and I am glad they did. The new articles now offer more of an explanation on why they made the changes they did which is great. That being said, this post still represents how I am working the Simply Filling Technique with my tweaks and along with the rationale for it. I linked to the articles as well as mention this in my post so everyone can make the choice that is best for them.
Thanks for the explanation! I’ve been toying with the idea of trying Simply Filling, and this definitely answers some of the questions I had!
Your website is amazing! I am so grateful that I stumbled across it searching foe WW recipes for points plus. As a Lifetime Member of WW for over 20 years, I always go back to tracking when I put a few pounds on. I haven’t continued weighing in each month and attending meetings on a regular basis due to the time and convenience factor. I found that journaling what I eat to be the most successful method of all. I like the iWatcher app better than the eTools.
Your description of Simply Filling is way better than I have ever heard at any WW meeting. I would need to figure out how to incorporate Simply Filling into my iWatcher journaling method.
Thank you again for what you do! I am wondering if you are a WW leader?
What is iWatcher?
It is an app for both an iPad, iPhone and an iPod touch. It allows you to save your favorites for easy journaling. I LOVE it! You have to calculate the points but it has a calculator built into the app.
I’m on an iPad but don’t see it in the app store. Thanks for responding.
Bummer…it must be currently not available. I use this app daily!
I just emailed the support from the app at support@davoliapps.com.
Thanks Fergie for checking on it.
What about cereal like Kashi? Also, how many WPA points are you allowed?
Hi Linda,
The general rule for cereals is “Whole-grain, ready-to-eat cereals without added sugar, dried fruits or nuts, and with 4g of fiber or more per serving”. It is challenging to find a cereal that does not have sugar added, however, I have found a few Uncle Sam, Fiber 1 (I prefer Trader Joe’s version) and Ezekial. My general rule on that one is if it has less than 4 g of sugar per serving since that is less than 1 tsp, but, that is another one of my “tweaks”. I usually can fit brain flakes into that category.
Everyone gets 49 extra WPA to use each week in that week. They do not carry over.
Hi Danica – how did you know that you can eat whole grain ready to eat cereals that meet the criteria you stated. I don’t see this on the SF food list? Thanks.
How about salad dressing? Is that your 2 teaspoons? I look forward to your blog every day!
Hi Jane,
You would have to count the points+ values for any dressing you use. However, if you make your own using balsamic and your 2 teaspoons of healthy oils, it is Simply Filling. I often will do that because I like the taste of homemade dressings more than bottled (with the exception of Trader Joe’s Low-Fat Spicy Peanut – my favorite!)
You will find most dressings are 2 points+ per 1 or 2 Tbsp.
Thanks for reading!
I’m with you, Danica… I have completely stopped buying dressings because homemade taste SO much better! And I can make any of mine creamy by mixing equal parts of my own vinaigrette and plain Greek yogurt.
For someone who has a past history of overeating and snacking, does simply filling work? I am in week 7 of Points Plus and have lost 8.2 lbs, but gained last week. I cannot get over my cravings for milk and milk products…but they eat up my points so quickly. I also miss pasta and rice! Is the Simply filling better or worse for someone who has a hard time controlling themselves?
And yes, my name is also Danica!
Hi Danica,
Love your name 😀 Congrats on your loss to date and know that gains are part of the journey. It’s all about figuring out ways to change your lifestyle to a healthy one that you can live with forever, not just for a fixed time frame to lose weight. Ups and downs are normal, but, it’s how you do in the long haul that matters most.
I would say, are you able to listen to your body and stop eating when you are satisfied? This is an important element for Simply Filing.
That being said, there are ways you can work it to encourage portion control. I honestly still weigh and measure everything I eat even on Simply Filling. I also track it because it helps me to paint a real picture of my day.
You can always try Simply Filling for one day or one week and see how you do. If you find you are not ready, practice with points+ for a bit and give it a go in a few months when you feel like you have more of a healthy eating routine.
Keep up the great work!
Thanks so much for the explanations. I’m moving more toward doing Simply Filling, and your food list really helped. And your recipes keep me going!
Danica, how fortunate for me that when I emailed you with my SF questions you were already planning a post about how you do the program. Thanks so much for this, it’s very helpful!!!
Hi Danica-
I just recently purchased a (new to me product) at Trader Joe’s, i’m not sure if it would be considered simply filling or not. Was going to take it to my meeting on Tuesday and ask my leader. It’s the 100% whole wheat Lavash Chips. Link is below. They’re delicious.
What do you think on these simply filling or count as WPA’s?
Thanks Danica for sharing this. I absolutely love that you posted it. It really helps me understand the whole thing better. I love, love, love using the Weight Watchers online.
I so enjoy reading your blog. I may one of these days get up the courage to start losing weight again. I gave up on the WW site because of the price and the nasty comments I got from some people who ‘knew’ it all. I was an online member and read things that I could not understand. I live in the boondocks, too far away to get to a real meeting. You explain everything so clearly and I really appreciate it. I am 62 and just about resigned to being fat the rest of my life…but Simply Filly as you have explained sound like something I just might be able to do. THANK YOU!!
Thank you! I found you through Pinterest. I first made LT in ’99 and have come back to the program whenever needed, but never tried Core or SF. I’m back at goal and bored / in a rut with my food and decided to look into SF. Reading this was the deciding factor. Excellent summary!
I started with it yesterday, and have felt so much more at ease when cooking at eating. So much less stress already! And, I am full and not overeating. Thanks again!
Re Light bread
I don’t know if you have Dave;s Killer bread Light ( there are two varieties but it is awesome real bread and I think you’d like it unless you are allergic to something in it. Thank you for all the postings and Simply filling recipes. I’m just starting it.
Hi Danica! Thank you for all of the information. I am considering trying simply filling because I want to focus on healthy foods not just points. Just a quick question about Greek yogurt. I have in my fridge right now 0% fat Dannon Oikos Greek yogurt flavored with blueberry, strawberry, etc. Is that simply filling? It is fat free but when I look at the ingredients list it contains sugar. I don’t mind counting the points because I feel like it is an alternative treat compared to a cookie or something. Thanks!
Hi Kim,
I love Oikos. Each container is 3 points+, 2 for the yogurt and 1 for the jam. The plain 0% Greek Yogurt is Simply Filling but the jam is not. I count 1 WPA for the jam only.
Does that make sense?
I just started Simply Filling and I am frustrated that there is nothing on the website that helps besides listing power foods. I was told by my leader briefly that if you ate more than one helping of certain power foods a day you would have to count the points plus for that extra helping. For instance, if you went over 5 fruits and veggies in a day you had to count those extra helpings with your points plus. She mentioned other items that were like that (maybe ground beef or something-can’t remember). So, my question is what are the rules? In that sense it is a lot like the core plan. Why don’t they list those rules on the website?
Hi Tracey,
I think your leader has it wrong as I have not heard of any limit in the quantity you can have for Filling Foods like they had for CORE. The one exception to that rule would be the healthy 2 tsp of oil, but, that is for all plans. I think they reason they do not list the rules your leader is referring to is because they are incorrect.
I 100% go by the Filling Foods lists with a few tweaks as I noted above. This works for me and has helped me to lose weight when my weight loss was not moving.
If the way you are working the plan is working and you are losing weight, then, continue doing what you are doing. If it is not, stop and ask yourself if there is anything you can change to improve your results.
Good luck and feel free to let me know if you have any questions. I will do my best to answer them.
I have a question. I’m trying to track all foods for the first few weeks on Simply Filling program. Problem is that I can’t find the Simply Filling foods on the WW lists.
For instance, it says I am allowed whole grain cereal with 4g fiber. I found Post Shredded Wheat (100% wheat) with 6g fiber and WW says it has 5 points per serving!
According to their guidelines this food should be allowed.
Thanks so much for your great guidance with the program.
Hi Clare,
I do not think that Weight Watchers has added all the green triangles for the Simply Filling Foods. They are doing them for Power Foods which fall under a special formula to give your body the best nutrition. That being said, if you find a cereal that fits into the Simply Filling Technique List like Shredded Wheats, I’d count it as Simply Filling.
Does that help?
In all the previous comments and the article, there seems to be one element of SF missing. You are supposed to take note before and after each meal of your hunger level. It is built into the online trackers if you have changed your method in the program. That’s sort of the crux of the program- eat until you feel satisfied, but not past that point.
I followed Core a long time ago with good success. Later switched to points for a change. I just don’t seem to lose on points and when I do, it creeps back. So I am back again, to try the new Simply Filling technique. I love my coffee in the morning and sometimes for an afternoon “pick me up” if needed. Are the SF creamers considered Simply Filling? Thanks for sharing, I am very excited to try some of your recipes(:
Hi Helen,
I know exactly what you mean – I did better on CORE than I did on points. If the creamers are sugar free and fat free, then, they are Simply Filling. I drink coffee all day long too 🙂
Good luck – you will do great,
On the filling foods list it says under milk products that the items with the dot at the end count towards your milk servings. Are there limits on these items? I haven’t found any information on this. What does this mean?
Hi Wendy,
No, there are not any limits on the milk products you choose to have – the only requirement is that you enjoy as much as you need to feel satisfied as you would with other Simply Filling Foods.
The dot just means it counts towards your Good Health Guidelines which say you should try to have 2-3 servings of milk per day to meet your bodies dairy requirements.
Hi Danica,
thanks for outlining this program.
There is one gal in our meeting who mentioned this program, so I thought I would try it.
I have one question regarding Salmon. I was advised by my ww leader that “Farm raised Salmon” is not a power food, but Wild is.. I much prefer wild anyway.. I validated this on the seach list of foods on the ww website. Is there any chance that Wild Salmon would be a simply filling food? I hope so, because I bought 20 lbs a couple of months ago!
Hi Lori,
Salmon is considered a Simply Filling Food, however, it must be Wild Salmon. From what I understand, the farm raised versions contain a lot more fat since they are confined and therefore, it makes them not a Simply Filling Food.
Does that make sense?
Hi Danica,
Thanks so much for your website. I have a question. I was wondering if Ezekial bread could be substituted for a simply filling food (80 cal, .5 gram fat, 15 carb, 3 gram fiber). Also can brown rice pasta be substituted for whole wheat pasta for a simply filling food?
Thanks so much!
Hi Marga,
You know, it does have comparable stats to the light bread and Ezekial is made with REAL ingredients. In my book, if you can keep the portions in check and still lose weight, I’d make the tweak for Ezekial. If you find you are not losing or eating too much of it, then, I’d count the points+ against your WPA.
P.S. Yes brown rice pasta counts as a Filling Food too!
What a great place for information that can be hard to find! Thank you!
I love this program and lost some weight on CORE years ago, and I am starting again! I was also confused about the terminology “power foods” vs “simply filling”, etc. Weight Watchers has made this really hard to learn about. I am appalled at some of the misinformation from WW leaders!
Thanks again!
Hi just starting this SF plan. My only concern is that I have a mega sweet tooth I don’t eat real dessert at night (wish I could). Anyways can I have a few pieces of dark chocolate? Or does that go against my points plus. It’s fine if it does but it should be considered SF if you have minimum. I eat the sugar free jellos but I am sick of them and they are too processed. Also is steel cut oatmeal SF? Are all your recipes on here SF or are there some points ones? Thanks!!!
Hi Jamie,
Yes, the dark chocolate would count against your WPA. Steel Cut oats are 100% a power food and part of simply filling. I honestly prefer them over quick cooking.
Not all of my recipes are Simply Filling on here, but, I have tried to notate when they are and what the WPA would be to have them. I am in the process of updating all my recipes to reflect that.
Thanks for all the great questions,
Hi Danica,
I agree with everyone when they say that your website is incredibly helpful/educational and the Offical WW website is a sad excuse for information on the Simply Filling Plan! So I am thankful for you! I have read the posts on this subject and have 3 questions:
1. I am having a problem with fat free vanilla coffee creamer coming up “0” pts on SF on the WW online tracker. I thought FF dairy was counted toward SF. Help?
2. How do you feel about steel cut oats not counting toward SF but regular (less amazing) oatmeal does count on the WW website? Is this an oversight on their part or is the extra protein in the steel cut oats that does it?
3. Oikos Non-fat Greek yogurt with fruit on the bottom seems to not count toward SF but plain Non-fat Greek yogurt does? When I put the numbers into the “calculator” they both come up “3.” Could it be the extra carbs in the Oikos?
SO,SO,SO appreciate your help!!
HI Megan,
Here is what I think.
1. Only fat free unflavored cream/half and half would be considered Simply Filling. However, it could still be 0 points+ when you enter it into the tracker because of the amount you are using does not add up to a point.
2. I consider Steel Cut Oats a whole grain cereal and Simply Filling. I believe this is an oversight by WW with their tracker.
3. All nonfat plain and/or greek fat free yogurt is Simply Filling unless there is sugar added. This could be the possibility, however, I doubt it. If it’s plain and fat free I’d consider it a power food. If you are using a variety that has fruit on the bottom, count 1-2 points+ towards you WPA for the fruit on the bottom.
For items that do not appear right in the WW tracker as they do not always Flag Simply Filling foods by brand, I just add them as a quick add with 0 or the amount of WPA I am using.
Hope that helps a bit.
Thank you so much for all the wonderful info and simply filling recipes. It’s so awesome of you to share!
I may be on WW, but I am still trying to lead my family to a whole foods/ real foods diet for the most part. What this means for me is that I won’t do fat free cheese, only certain fat free yogurts, no artificial sugars besides Stevia, and so on. This makes doing simply filling more challenging for sure, but after reading what you wrote I feel better about trying simply filling, even though it won’t be to the letter. I will have to limit those things like cheeses more than someone using the f-free versions, but I think it might work for me and keep me more satisfied, and in this for the long haul. I think having more fruit and veg per meal and less grains (not none!) in my servings will also help balance things out in the long run. We’ll soon find out!
Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks! And I’ll check back for your replies to Megan’s questions, as I’d love to know the answer to the steel cut oats question.
*of course I advocate for others to do things as WW says 🙂
Hi Leigh,
I answered Megan’s questions above – let me know if you have any other questions.
Just wanted to say a big thank you! I followed Core about 5 years ago before my wedding and it was so great. I lost about two stone. I then went on to have a baby and went back to WW and it was like Core had never existed! I’ve tried for a while to lose wright, then had another baby! But finding your website has given me a real boost. I think I know where I’m going… Bit confused that we can have 45 pro points rather than about 21 of the old points per week, but I guess that makes sense when some of the points for items have increased. I’ll be following your site from the UK do while you do talk about a lot of food that we don’t have in the UK I’m going to have a go at adapting some of your fab recipes! Wish me luck!
HI Rebecca,
The Extra Points increased when Weight Watchers launched the new points plus/pro points programs in 2011. You now have a total of 49 extra Weekly Points Allowance (WPA) that you can use for non Simply Filling Foods.
Good luck – you will do great,
I am so glad I found your blog and this entry. I did WW core (on my own) a few years back and lost 20 lbs. I found it was easy to follow and I never felt deprived. Well after the plans changed I stopped following it and gained back the lbs over the years. I was really confused with the whole Simply filling foods/power foods thing and never gave it a shot. Thank you so much for clarifying in detail the plan, I feel like this is completely doable and want to give it another shot.
Also glad that you explained your tweaks, I think I’ll have to do the same with the low fat cheese as fat-free cheese tastes like plastic and doesn’t melt right.
With the cereals, would Fiber 1 be considered simply filling? I always found it difficult to identify a “core” cereal back then.
Thanks so much for having such a well explained entry on this plan….Off to check out the rest of your blog!
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for sharing you story. Yes, I’d consider the plain Fiber 1 cereal to be Simply Filling. If it is a version with sugar and/or fruit added then I would not. I typically look for a cereal that has less than 4 g of sugar (1 tsp) a serving and if it’s 100% whole grain. Ezekial, Bran Flakes, Fiber 1, plain shredded wheat and Wheetabix tend to fall into that category.
I was wondering about soups being Simply Filling. I know broth-based ones are SF, but it’s hard to find tomato-based soups, my favorite, that are only broth-based. For instance, Trader Joe’s has a low sodium tomato and red pepper soup that is creamy but appears as Power Food with a green triangle, and the higher sodium version does not. Is the low sodium actually a Simply Filling food, because I could eat it daily for lunch. Thanks.
Hi Maria,
Power Foods are based on a specific formula that factors in the overall nutrition of a product including the sodium content. This is why the WW tracker shows the low sodium version as a power food.
That being said, not all Simply Filling Foods are power foods as Simply Filling Foods do not factor in the sodium or fall under this formula. You can technically eat both versions of the soup and have them count as Simply Filling.
Does that make sense?
When I went to a WW Meeting this year when they introduced the ” New Points Plus for 2013″ the WW Leader said in order to follow the Simply Filling program, all you had to do was eat only the foods with the green triangles. If you ate anything else you counted the points against the WPA. You say there is a separate list for the Simply Filling foods?
Now I am really confused!!
Please explain it to me again.
Thank you
Hi Julie,
I was having the same problem. The Simply Filling list is just a bit more comprehensive. I found the list as a PDF online. Here’s the link: http://www.weightwatchers.com/images/1033/dynamic/GCMSImages/FillingFoodList_US.pdf
It’s been a lifesaver!
Thank you Jillian L for the link. I was going crazy trying to sort out the difference between power foods and simply filling. I’m tired of tracking and I just need to get rid of my last 25lbs. T
Thank you
I’ve been on WW 2 1/2 years (lost 130+ pounds) but I’m just so tired of tracking and maintenance is SO HARD. I always forget about SF because they don’t really talk about it that much, but I think I’m going to give it a try and after doing some research on it I stumbled on your blog and it’s just what I need with more information than what WW provides.
On listing of what’s in and out located on the WW website; it states the following items are out:
Ground turkey (93%), why?
Fish – is this all fish? particularly salmon, tilapia & whiting
Beef – sirloin is not listed next to the beef so I assume this is ok?
Pork – center cut with fat trimmed is no longer simply filling? But ham is OK?
I’m confused. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Hi Coco,
I believe they What’s In versus What’s out is really just a comparison of the items that fall within the Power Foods Formula versus what are Simply Filling Foods. Power Foods have to meet s scientific formula and therefore do not all fall into the Simply Filling Program.
Here are the two lists I use when working the program as they contain the Simply Filling Foods.
On the filling foods list, it states “Bread is not a filling food” but as I was reading all the comments it seems that Light/Reduced calorie can be a SF. Please clarify.
HI Andrea,
Here is the list that includes the Light Breads that are part of the Simply Filling Program. It is most likely more up to date than the pdf.
I love this site. I am on WW now since May. I have lost 22.6 lbs. I am now going to try the simply filling. I had 100 to lose. I am taking it day by day. Your site has been most helpful. Thanks for answering so many of my questions . I appreciate it very much. I have not checked out the recipes but I will. Again thank you.
Is fat free-sugar free pudding (in the box) or premade a simply filling food?
Thank you!
HI Barbara,
Yes, fat free sugar free pudding and jello count as Simply Filling when the pudding is made with fat free milk. Enjoy!
Is canned tuna or salmon that’s in water not oil simply filling? What about the salmon and tuna packets? I like to use them on my lettuce salads for lunch.
HI Brenda,
Yes, as long as they are packed in water they are Simply Filling.
Just found this website … It’s great to have a focused Simply Filling resource!!!
I’m a Lifetime below goal and I use simply filling kind of catch as catch can … I really feel it great makes sense for maintainence!!!
Wondering about the WPA of 49 … I don’t want to lose but just maintain … Do you ever increase the WPA of 49 and if so by how much? I’m sure it’s a trial and error formula ?
HI Shirley,
You are going to love Simply Filling ~ it does take a few weeks to get the hang of it, but, then, after that, it becomes second nature.
No, I do not change the total WPA of 49 – I do my best to stay at or below but have at times gone over.
Hi Danica – thanks for this awesome post! My question is about your tweaks. Are you saying when you use the lowfat instead of fat-free cheese that you do use up some of your WPA? But you are saying that instead of going from fat free to full fat, you try to stay with the low-fat even though it does count against your WPA? Thanks!
Also interested in this question…I bought Canadian bacon thinking it was going to be SF and I see it is one of the items you tweak so curious about that but also wondering about the low fat cheese.
Hi Donna,
You know on the old CORE program it was and on the new Simply Filling Program it is not. I still tweak Canadian Bacon and count it as Simply Filling because it is a lean meat and healthier choice than bacon.
I count fat-free and low-fat cheeses as Simply Filling as noted above, but, would count full fat cheeses against my WPA.
Hi Jessica,
Yes, I count fat-free and low-fat cheeses as Simply Filling as noted above, but, would count full fat cheeses against my WPA.
So the WW shakes are a SF item as prepared….does that mean with the water or since fat free milk is SF that it is still a SF item if used with milk?
HI Donna,
The shakes are Simply Filling and as long as they are prepared with water, fat free milk or unsweetened fat free soy milk/almond milk/coconut milk, they are Simply Filling.
Oh my gosh, I am so glad I found this by browsing Pintrest. I just started Simply Filling today and had so many questions. I agree with everyone WW does not make this easy to understand. You have answered all of the questions that I had (so far). I also do not care for ff cheese so tweaking to low fat may work out for me.
Hi Danica.
Fat free creamer on power foods. How do I tell if I can consider it
A simply filling food. Would FF vanilla creamer
From international qualify.
Thank you
Hi Colleen,
All fat free creamers, unsweetened or sugar free are Power Foods. However, I noticed that the powdered kind does not state it is. If you are using a powdered fat free, unsweetened and sugar free creamer, it would be considered the same. In this case the real deal is made with sugar and therefore would be used against your WPA. That being said, it sure takes a lot of creamer to add up to 1 WPA so the amount you use may end up being 0.
I know this is an old post, but I am just starting SF and need some help. I was wondering about cooking spray. Since that is usually zero points is it also SF? Thanks
Hi Jade,
Yes, you can use nonstick spray in moderation on Simply Filling and it counts as 0 WPA.
I’m a returning Lifetime member and I had loved the Core plan. A friend told me about the Simply Filling plan, but I wasn’t sure about some of the differences. You cleared that up for me! Happy to report I’m at my goal weight and intend to stay there! Thanks for your help!
I have a question… what is the main reason for doing simply filling and not points+? Personally I have found that eating more points than my 26pt daily limit has helped my body release the weight easier than being super strict. Would this be a good reason to switch over?
Hi Andrea,
It’s really a personal preference and sometimes it’s just nice to switch things up. With SFT, you do not have to track other than your 49 WPA that you use for Non-Simply Filling Foods. For some a break in tracking is good, for others, as you note above, it can help mix things up to start losing again or losing at a different rate.
Hope that helps,
Why is that SF/FF yogurt is a Simply Filling food but not SF/FF pudding? When the plan was “Core” just before Simply Filling, SF/FF pudding was part of the food list.
Hi Michelle,
I would count SF/FF pudding as Simply Filling – It may not necessarily be a Power Food but it is a Simply Filling Food.
Today is my first day on simply filling. I was a total point counter until I read on the website about the simply filling technique. I can handle pretty much all the food on the list. And, super pysched about the nonfat latte’s and the weekly points allowance.
And you even get activity points …
Any suggestions or assistance during my learning curve would be great! 🙂
New ww sf, first week depressing gain 1 pound not sure why. Any suggestion help greatly appreciated. Thank you
Hi – what do all of your abbreviations stand for? WPA, SS, SF… Thanks!
Wpa- weekly points allowance
Sf- simply filling or sugar free depending on context
Ff- fat free
How do I know what a low calorie bread is? I thought I had bought some at the store, it was 100% whole wheat, but when I look up the points, it comes to 2 per slice. Would the package say low fat/fat free?
Look for breads that say “LIte”
I use Sara Lee Delighful Honey Wheat which is 1 point per slice.
Hi Danica, loving the site. Do you have the recipe for the pizza pictured above? I can’t find anywhere on your site. I have never made pizza in my life… but I so want to make that one… and haven’t a clue how to. Thanks !!
Hi Danica, love your website. I too did the core previously and had success. But have two questions. Do you think you could substitute a small amount of avocado for healthy fat? and where do you buy the fat free cheese that is pictured? It looks yummy!
Your blog is quite helpful. I just rejoined WW for the umteenth time and praying for success. Is there anyway to find out the point value of each SF meal without having access to e tools? I know it cost more, but I prefer to pay weekly rather than use my debit card. I’ve read that some members have cancelled their membership and were billed continuously and WW would not give them a refund. So my biggest challenge is “just exactly how many points are in each of the SF meals”.
Do you have any idea?
I happened to find your page here on WW Core. Thank you! I have been on and off of WW for quite sometime. I did the points and found that I did lose weight on it but, life happens and had to quit several times to restart. Keeping up with points was impossible. Tried the Core and loved it! I did feel like the pink elephant though, the blank looks from those doing points and felt the moderator was more a points person. Went back for Simple Start and had a great start. Then again the points system won out over the Simple Start/Core at the meetings. I wanted to continue on the Core but felt the moderator again stumbled through this. I went back to my high protein low carb to just nothing at all. Gained back about 8 pounds due to life situations again and have become a stress eater and not watching what is going in my mouth. Going to try WW again and hopefully I can get through this and complete it for good!
I was trying the old core plan to see if it would be something for me. Where do you find the sf plan besides going back to ww…? I am a total failure on points.. My old book only has core so I don’t know sf at all.Please help me to understand both plans..thanks
Is Ezekiel bread considered a SF food? The flax loaf has no flour or sugar and is made up of whole grains.
I lost my weight and kept it off with the original points system; however, after they switched to points+ for some reason I couldn’t sustain it. I love that simply filling seems healthier; however, I’m confused on things like turkey burgers. In some places they appear to be simply filling and in other places they aren’t. How do I know the difference between simply filling meats and I need to count the points meats?
Hi Danica! I am retired, WW lifetime member as of two years ago, and have gained weight because I fell off the plan, obviously! Want to go back on the program, attending first return meeting on Friday, but interested in the Simply Filling Technique. I have just read through your basic thoughts on the program, and hope I understand enough to get started myself before Friday. Is there a list posted somewhere of SF foods? I have my old Power Foods list, but you said not all PF are SFF. Thank you for your informative blog, I am going to follow you here and see what else I can pick up.
I have been doing simple start for a year now.
My question is …
simple start gives 7 indulgence points PER DAY ONLY. NOT to be carried over or saved.
does simply filling allow you to use those 49 points a week whenever you want to, within that week? Such as saving up some of the weekly points for the weekend? (which simple start does not allow you to do)
Is that the difference between the two?
Please reply,
Nancy Cadle
I started Simply Filling today , ) & have done quite well. I was doing WWPP but have been under a lot of stress & calculating points seemed to be adding to that stress. So I decided after reading your blog to just take a break from the points plus & just breathe! I have been searching everywhere to see if we are allowed fat free vanilla coffee creamer or sugar free coffee creamer? Thank you for any input!
I have only been an online member for 13 days and am still trying to figure things out. I am quite literally to the point of tears. I am so confused! I do not understand this method at all. Can I eat from the simply filling list ALL day and lose weight? Please help me understand, Thank you
Hi, my name is Barb Sanders and I just joined WW a couple of days ago. I am almost sorry I did. I would like a list of points or smart points. I would also like to know how many daily and weekly points I should eat. From what you mentioned I would prefer using Core points. Would you or someone tell where I get this info. I am handicapped & 75 years old and a lot of this is confusing to me. Please reply to my email address. Thanks in advance.