Today started out to be the perfect Saturday. I slept in, went to my Weight Watchers meeting, the farmer’s market and came back to make a delicious Happy Birthday Eve Brunch breakfast for The Husband. My meeting today was fun – it was all about controlling cravings which is something I work on EVERY day.
I actually have to practice a little self control at the Farmer’s Market today since I STILL have a ton of stuff left from last week that we need to use up (veggie wise). The fruit we managed to polish off so I replenished that.
Tons and Tons of white nectarines (they are so good right now I cannot get enough), a few pluots and a couple small French prunes (like super sweet plums).
Plus two types of sweet and crunchy grapes. I LOVE how little the green ones are – too cute!
Last night The Husband requested the Double Cinnamon French Toast that we had a little while back. The only problem was I was no where near the bakery I bought that amazing Cinnamon Swirl bread at and the Farmer’s Market only had serious breads (nothing sweet or fun!) I stopped by Trader Joe’s in hopes that I could find a good bread to make the french toast with and guess what – they had Cinnamon Swirl Bread.
I have to admit it doesn’t look at cinnamony as the other bread, but, it still had the swirls inside.
I had two slices using the same recipe I did before when I made the Double Cinnamon French Toast topped with about 2 tsp whipped butter and TJ’s Pure Maple Syrup. (I was a little challenged today and burned my pieces, but, they still tasted good). I actually had made bacon for The Husband too but it turned out black (GRRR!) BTW – black bacon is no bueno so I don’t recommend trying it.
The TJ’s bread is pretty tasty for a store bought bread, but, I definitely do LOVE the bakery version better. I also had a sugar spotted sweet white nectarine on the side.
I tried something new for making up coffee today and it was awesome! I added 1 Tbsp ground cinnamon to the decaf hazelnut coffee grounds and it make Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee – YUM! I served mine over ice with a splash of low-fat milk.
Today I would LOVE to clean house (it needs it so bad) but I think we are heading out to the Tomato Festival next and then I have to make The Husband’s birthday cake and prep for his special birthday eve dinner (he requested grilled steak and my pasta salad) – I may also have to make BBQ chicken because I want to try that Gayle’s BBQ sauce LOL! Oh and I think we might go to the movies (his pick) so I guess I better get to it!
See you all later after the Tomato Festival and Cake baking with the fun cake pictures (hopefully my burning cooking issues are gone now!)
Have a fun Saturday ~ I know we will!
Yay farmer’s market! I always have to pace myself and try not to buy everything I see, too. It’s so hard when everything is fresh and beautiful. 🙂
wow what a bounty of goodies!
In my house, the veggies would be gone but we’d still have fruit 😉
TJs has everything!! What a great Birthday Eve Brunch!
TJ’s never seizes to amaze me with it’s goodies — it seems to have everything.. oh, except a location near me.. drat!
Yum! I love white nectarines and peaches. I can’t believe I forgot to buy pluots at Whole Foods today though. 🙁 Your picture makes me want to reach into the screen and steal a few.
That french toast looked delish! I saw pluots the other day at Whole Foods for the first time, and I may have to try some next time I’m there. What do they taste like?
Julia ~ Pluots are awesome – you will LOVE them no doubt. They are sweet like an apricot and crunchy like a plum. Some have a little plum tartness, but, most are just sweet and crunchy. You should definitely try them. Maybe the Whole Foods people would let you sample before you buy?
I always take a quick browse first before buying anything at the Farmer’s Market. Love the new find at TJ’s
Have you seen these?!
230 calories, but whole wheat and worth every calorie!!!!
Thanks Annabel ~ I NEED to check out those TJ’s cinnamon rolls ~ they look delish and I LOVE your review.
great harvest also has some killer CS bread. i am new to pluots! i love them.