Happy Tuesday all! Thanks for all your zucchini suggestions on yesterday’s post. I have so many MORE ideas I want to try now. Who knew zucchini was so versatile?!.I cannot wait to try them out (The Husband on the other hand told me he is not as excited) LOL.
The folks over at Stonyfield asked me awhile back if I wanted to take the Activia Challenge. I LOVE their yogurts so of course I said YES!
I will be trying one of their yogurts each day for the next two weeks. I will also be sharing the love and sending 5 lucky readers the 2 week Activia Challenge ~ details coming soon.
The only problem is EVERY time I see this picture, I have that commercial jingle “Activia” run through my head…like all day lol.
Activia comes in TWO flavors ~ Strawberry
and vanilla.
Today I sampled the Organic Strawberry ~ it’s slightly sweet, but, not overly sweet and creamy, but, not as creamy as Greek Yogurt.
I LOVE that it’s organic!
And only 2 points+ a cup.
It pairs well with my 4 points+ Zucchini Banana Nut Muffins.
Rounded out with super sweet organic berries
Freaky mouth berries (in the spoon!) to go with my muffin that looks like brains lol.
Have I ever mentioned I have a “slight” freezer addiction???
As in I FREEZE EVERYTHING! Even if I don’t know if it can be frozen, I freeze it to try it out.
It just sort of happens. I either buy something I can’t wait to try or with all the cooking/experimenting with new recipes, we do not eat it all so it ends up in the freezer..
Well ~ The Husband has banished me from freezing anything else until I “clear” things out.
I kinda sorta see his point ~ I mean, there are only TWO of us and I have TWO freezers packed on the verge of a 3rd one..oh yes, and I am totally pushing things in and closing the doors fast.
Some people do that with the closets, I do that with my fridge & freezer LOL.
That being said ~ Lunch today was FANTASTIC! .Crockpot Split Pea Soup!!! I freeze them in individual portions so it makes it fun when you realize..ohhhh, I have some of THAT soup left (7 points+)
Seeeeee what I mean?! Freezing can be a good thing!
Huge @$$ Salad topped with 1 Tbsp of Sunflower Seeds & 2 Tbsp TJs Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette (3 points+)
Crunchy, slightly spicy, slightly sweet, definitely salty train snacks. I am completely IN LOVE with this Sweet Potato Tortilla Chip & Ranchero Egg White Salad Combo (5 points+)
I am almost sad my egg white salad is all gone but, I’ve been banished from the store so there is no going back except for fresh stuff…um, next week
Dinner tonight involved BLTAs!!! I never get tired of them and I totally pulled the bacon & bread from the freezer LOL. (9 points+)
I did try cooking my bacon in the oven on a cookie sheet covered in foil on top of a cooling rack at 400 degrees for 25 minutes.
The VERDICT ~ Your bacon doesn’t shrink as much, it doesn’t get as crispy, but, it DOES bring out the bacon flavor more and there are no oil splatters to clean up.
Plus “Hash Browns” on the side! Ya, The Husband totally didn’t fall for it.
But, I do have to say ~ zucchini “fried’” in a little olive oil topped with garlic salt, black pepper and pepper jack cheese rocks! (2 points+)
* Juliette shares her BEST TIPS for staying on track while travelling.
What is in your freezer? Or better yet ~ do you freeze everything too???
You can get an idea of what mine look like based on the Fridge Makeover I did last year.
Night all!
The zuch-browns look yummy. 🙂 I could eat BLTA’s 1x week no complaints! 🙂
“activia” hehe
You name it, it is in my freezer. We have our main fridge/freezer, an extra one in our garage, and an upright freezer in our basement. (There are six of us, though) We usually vacation in the fall and in the summer is when I slowly start “emptying” them out. If the power went out when we were gone I’d hate to lose all our stockpile which is why we do this every year. I sometimes even find toys/stuffed animals in my freezer. 😀
Heres a question, to which your answers always make sence, If I cut up Zuccinni and Mushrooms, and want to freeze them do I need to do them seperatly or can I freeze them together? I was wondering if it is better it put them in ziplock bags or Bowls? Any and all advise is helpful, Thanks! Would love to do the Activia,but am worried more bubbles in the tummy?
Wow, you sound just like me. Three freezers and two fridges packed to the gills in this house! I so love your idea a week or so ago about “shopping” from the fridge, freezer and pantry. I need to do it and use this food up.
OMG Danica, I didn’t realize we were kindred freezer spirits!!! We just got a small freezer because my kitchen one, well, runneth over! Little tip….buy stock in ziploc freezer bags….cause I’m filling ALOT of them these days! 🙂 (I also laughed out loud at you being banished from Trader Joe’s. Funny) Have a good day.
I am also a fan of freezing, but only cooked and purchased frozen foods. I do not like to freeze raw meat…weird I know. I used to use ziploc freezer bags for everything, but then I decided that plastic containers stack better…I can also write on the sides or lids the name of the food and the pp value. I buy the small and medium clear deli style containers at Smart & Final. The only downside is that I never reuse them because I am not sure if they are “one use” only containers and I feel like I am being wasteful. Does anyone know if they can be reused?
Sometimes, I get in the habit of freezing too much stuff. Don’t feel like making the last sheet of cookie dough? Freeze it. Don’t feel like making ground beef after I bought three packs at the store? Freeze it. It’s good to freeze because you barely ever have to waste it! Love from our blog runningwithmascara.com and great post!
I used to eat Activia for a while but I never thought of freezing it!
I want to see if there is any possible way I can make frozen yogurt from greek yogurt…probably not but I can hope 😀
I’ve ben reading your blog for a while, but never commented. I love it!! 🙂
So have you grated your zucchini and put it in freezer bags and, you guessed it…FREEZE it? Nothing like having fresh zucchini for bread, muffins, etc. in January/February. It freezes REALLY well!
My freezer is dominated by fruits, veggies, and fish! I also have a few random items like chili in adobo sauce 🙂
I think you should do a post dedicated to all of the different things you freeze and how you do it. I feel like I waste so much produce because I never know the proper way to freeze it and I would love to stock up now before the prices go through the roof. Im ready for any & all suggestions so I can keep my freezer overflowing like yours. Its just full of meat now!
P.S. This is my first comment and I absolutely LOVE your blog. I read it every morning while I eat my breakfast.
I have just started freezing lots of stuff. I did some research and found an article about maximizing your freezer space. The lady wrote that she freezes EVERYthing in ziploc bags. Place food in bag. Lay bag on a cookies sheet and freeze until solid. Then u can stack them up either on their sides like books on a bookshelf or on top of each other in stacks. I am so doing this from now on! Also keep labels and a sharpie in a magnetic holder on side of fridge…never have to guess whats in there again! lol
Hi Colleen,
I would think you could freeze them together since they have the same cooking times. I think that whatever container fits best in your freezer works best. I use bags often because I can “stuff” them in places and write the contents on them. that being said, I do admire people who have everything all organized and in containers in their freezer 🙂
Hi Becky,
Are they like the Ziploc containers? If so, I wash and reuse them. I would say if they can withstand being washed, then, you could definitely re-use them.
Hi Healthy E,
Yes, you can totally make Frozen Yogurt using Greek Yogurt – I do it all the time. Here is one of my favorite recipes.