Happy Sunday all! I LOVE it when I go to my Weight Watcher meeting and I feel like the topic was 110% what I needed to hear. Today’s meeting was all about “Sticking To It” through the good and not so good weeks. One week doesn’t determine your success, it’s whether you come back again and again that gets you to your goal.
I LOVE my Sunday morning group because everyone in their inspires me with their stories and what they share. I really NEEDED to hear them today because I was feeling a little down.
When I got home, my conversation with The Husband went something like this.
Him ~ “So, how did your meeting go?”
Me ~ “ Oh, you know…..I pretty much earned the 2 lb gain the scale said. I think I dined out at least once or twice each day this past week ~ didn’t plan out any of my days and just sorta “winged it”.
Him ~ He just smiles and says nothing…..
Me ~ “I really don’t know what I should do…I usually tweet and Facebook my weigh in but I am just not feeling it. It’s easy to “brag” about your results when you have a successful weigh in, but, not so much when you don’t”
Him ~ “It happens, just post about it tonight”
Me ~ “I don’t know if I should post. I mean, I know I should, but, I guess part of me “fears” the skeptics who will say negative things because I don’t lose weight every week. Some weeks I just don’t make as smart of choices as I KNOW I can….my weigh in was no surprise”
Him ~ “Nobody loses weight every week ~ it shows you are real. Besides, any weight you gained this week, you can just lose next week.”
<3 I LOVE him ~ and totally let him pick dinner for that!
Last week doesn’t matter now ~ Lesson learned on why planning and tracking 100% IS important ……Moving on…..
It’s a new day, a new week and a new chance for success!
We chatted over Starbuck’s and I sipped on a Grande Dirty Latte (4 points+)
Then, whipped us up a super “fancy” breakfast….Not really LOL. Egg (2 points+)
I wasn’t going to “share” my Trader Joe’s Peppered Turkey Bacon because The Husband said it was just “ok” yesterday. But, as soon as he smelled it cooking, he wanted it. Funny thing is….He LOVES it now (clown!) (1 point+)
3 points+ for all of this ~ it’s the little things that make everything better in life
After breakfast, I headed out to Trader Joe’s to stock up for the week. I had to pick up a few NEW things you all suggested when I posted my Trader Joe’s Favorite’s last week.
Andrea mentioned that she LOVED the Cheddar with Jalapenos Pub Cheese.
1 Point+ per Tablespoon is pretty darn awesome!
The Husband busted it open as he helped me unpack and I got pretty excited seeing all the peppers in it.
So much so that I joined in on the fun. After 1 cracker, I decided I NEEDED more.
OMG, Andrea you are right!!! This stuff is amazing ~ slightly spicy, whipped, creamy cheese! I can’t wait to add it to sandwiches, quesadillas, eggs…..like everything!
I had 8 TJ’s Social crackers with 2 Tbsp Jalapeno Cheese (5 points+).
Lunch part 2 was a BIG Batch of Chicken Cilantro Potsticker Vegetable Soup. I used the veggies I had on hand (Swiss Chard, red bell pepper and mushrooms).
1 BIG BOWL with 9 Mini Potstickers for only 4 points!
The perfect ending……2 Biscoff Cookies for dessert (2 points+).
I couldn’t wait to dig into my afternoon snack ~ a Nectarine and Cheese (2 points+).
Then, some pineapple shared with The Husband since I “snacky” while we watched The Pro Bowl. It’s kinda weird and cool to think we were there 5 years ago.
I will be the first to admit that when I think of and when I want to eat BBQ, I want it to be on GRILLED and SMOKED. Maybe it’s because I am from California or maybe it’s because I LOVE that there are no dishes when I grill, but, I often do not cook my BBQ inside.
Sometimes you come across a recipe with a picture that makes you DROOL and wish you could just grab it right off the screen…..
Zesty Cook does that to me often ~ his pictures ALWAYS make me want whatever he is making….but, then, he had to go and make it EVEN better by saying he whipped up a delicious, pulled pork recipe in his Slow Cooker!
The fact that I could use my Slow Cooker made me HAVE to try it and buy the BIGGEST piece of pork shoulder I’ve ever used in my life (4 lbs!)
The only changes I made were to add 1 Tbsp of LIQUID SMOKE to give it that smoky/grilled flavor, probably more Hot Sauce than he did and skimmed the “oil” off the top of the sauce.
WOW!!! Seriously…WOW! The Husband and I were both making a lot of “noises” while eating this LOL. The pork was so tender it literally fell off the bone and melted in your mouth.
It was slightly sweet, tangy, spicy and smoky…..I bet it is even better tomorrow!
I like to have a little cole slaw crunch on my Barbecue Pork Sliders so I whipped up a batch of my 0 Points+ Healthy Asian Slaw.
MMMMMMMMM ~ this recipe is seriously OFF THE HOOK good! (8 points+)
Side # 1 Included some homemade Parsnip Chips. These are pretty easy to make.
1 Parsnip, peeled and thinly sliced tossed with 1 Tbsp Olive Oil.
Sprinkle with Sea Salt & Black Pepper to taste.
Cook at 400 for 30 minutes (flipping half way through). 1 point+ for half the pan.
Crispy, crunchy, peppery…..and a lot less points+ than the real deal.
Side #2….I could honestly probably eat the entire batch of this Asian Slaw for a meal and be happy!
Since I couldn’t fit my entire 1/2 cup pulled pork on the bun, I made up a few of these.
“Parsnip Chip BBQ Pork Sliders”! LOVE!!!!!
Thanks Zesty! The Husband told me I NEED to make more of your recipes LOL…..You rock, but, so do your recipes and pictures too!
* CHIPOTLE NIGHT!! I am going to test out the recipes they have online!
* Weight Watchers Slow Cooker Lasagna
* CEiMB ~ 4 Cheese Baked Penne
* Crunchy Buffalo Chicken Salads with Homemade Ranch
* Honey & Lime Shrimp Tacos
I was also pondering Crockpot Taco Junk over salads with all the fixin’s and Pizza Pasta, but, maybe I’ll save those for next week.
What’s on your menu this week? Are you trying anything new?
Everything on our menu is 100% NEW! The Husband is already teasing me saying I am making him my “science project” this week
Night all!
I’m glad you came clean. It’ll help you move on. Hey, it’s taken me 7 weeks to lose 3 lbs. It is what it is, and it works when you work it. None of us is perfect, and you’ll get there. I purposely didn’t go out to dinner last week and had better results but I can’t always live like that. We can only do our best and move on. You can get there from here. 🙂
Your husband is such a sweetie! My boyfriend is the same way, so supportive in either direction! Your swiss chard soup looks crazygood, as does that slaw!
It happens and gives us the jolt needed to get back on track. When we play – we pay. But we cannot give up … we keep going and we do better. We’re fighters!!
You are doing great and are such an inspiration to all of us! You’re doing great! We all have ups and downs. I know it’s upsetting when the scale goes up and you don’t want to blog about it, but you have and you’re moving on. My new saying this week was “accept, adjust, and move on”!
And yes, I am trying something new this week. Finally got around to making crockpot steel cut oats…but think I followed the wrong recipe. I realized this morning that it’s different than yours and was too much water. Just got up this morning and cranked it up to high for a few hours while I have my coffee and get my day started. I think they’ll be fine by the time I’m ready to eat. Next time, I’m following your recipe.
It is hard to swallow a weight gain. I gained 1.8 pounds at my ww meeting last week. I had gone overboard with cookies and frozen meals (sodium). But I am not going to let this week be a gain week too and that is what is different for me now. In the past if I had a weight gain I would give up and just east what I wanted until I was back up 20-50 pounds. But I realized this week that it takes perseverance and consistency to lose weight and keep it off. Although I may have weeks that I struggle I also can balance those with 3 pound weight losses and in the end I am still down and on the right path. It sounds like you are going to be ok and are on the right path to bigger things.
Thanks for sharing your story. I hate weeks when I know I haven’t lost but I give you credit for going and getting on the scale. I usually just don’t go. You continue to be a daily source of information and encouragement.
I love love love TJ”s chicken cilantro wontons. We live in Illinois and are expecting a huge snow storm on Tuesday night, I am definitely copying your weekly menu. Everything sounds wonderful!!
I gained 4 pounds yesterday at WW I was so depressed but your post inspired me to do my best to put that behind me and not wallow in it. I’m glad you liked the cheese!!
Amen girl! You are real! Hubz is so right. It’s impossible for anyone following a healthy balanced diet to loose weight every single week. Impossible!!!! You are doing great and everyone is behind you! 🙂
Good for you ! Nothing like a weekly weigh in and telling a few million friends about it to get you back on track.
Must say, just LOVE all of the food and recipes you post.
I love to cook and all not as healthy as they should be, but since reading your blog, I am making all kinds of healthy food. Last night was taco salad with ground turkey and lowfat shredded cheese and the all the healthy veggies, I make the baked kale with the spritz o EVOO and parm, the green pea soup.
Cant wait to get to TJ for that turkey bacon, as so far any other brand I have tried , I would just as soon not eat it.
Also love that you do the dirty work and post other blogs recipes (as I spend too much time on the net as it is..
Now to load up for healthy snacks for OUR superbowl (PGH)
D, we are in this for the long haul, right? So, we will have these weeks. It’s real life! This is just a small blip on the radar screen. No biggie! You are doing awesome!
Funny, I JUST bought parsnips yesterday!!! I was going to make “fries”, but I love your chip idea better!!!
I’m totally making everything you ate today! LOL! Bookmarking now 🙂
BRAVO, Danica!! Its so easy to blame the scale…I hear that all the time at WW meetings, but that doesn’t solve anything or make anyone feel genuinely better. How brave to accept the gain and then revisit our week and figure out what went wrong on our journey. That is one of the most valuable parts of tracking…whether on a paper tracker, on e-tools or through your blog…you can look back and see where the path got a little fuzzy and learn from it.
I, too, have been ‘winging it’ ~for years…that is why my weight is what it is. I’m realizing that its going to be very hard to stop that behavior, but hey – there is comfort in knowing I’m not the only one struggling through it. I know planning is key, but for me its almost like writer’s block…I have all the tools to do it, but I just struggle to wrap my brain around it. I get feeling like food takes on a bigger role in my life than it should, and next thing you know, all I can think about is food. Then I ‘wing it’ and the cycle starts over.
That is why your blog is so important to so many of us…sometimes we’re in a place in our lives where its just easier to follow what someone else is doing…especially if they are successful at it. While you may be feeling you let us down~ DON’T ~just pick yourself up, shake off the dust…refocus, get back on track and write, write, write! When any of us find ourselves looking back on a less than stellar day at the scale, we’ll think of you and do the same!
Plus~ you have all of us cheering you on!! Let us know what we can do to help you when you need it ;0) We’ll be right here.
i totally agree with the husb. it just shows people that you’re human! and he’s right that NO one loses EVERY week. 🙂 you’re awesome. we love you. 😀
did you get my picture from when i wore your t? i tried to upload it from my phone and i’m not sure it worked correctly. i attached it to an email from my gmail address, but it didn’t show up in my sent folder so i’m wondering if my phone had trouble sending it… let me know and i’ll try agian!
I’m definitely going to have to make that pork and those chips! Thanks for giving me some new ideas 🙂
Oh – and I’m thinking those sliders look like a great thing to bring to the SuperBowl party we’re going to on Sunday! Mmmmm.
He is right…keeping it real. We all have times when we gain…despite what we see on BL, weight loss is not quick and it’s not linear…so thanks for sharing. 🙂
I will be interested to see your opinion on the WW crockpot lasagna. I made it last year, and thought it was just ok. Noodles got kind of mushy, and I didn’t dig that.
i’m having tacos this week since i can eat again!!! or maybe i’ll make them enchiladas instead….nom nom!
Good for you for sharing with us all! Your husband is awesome! 🙂
When I got on the scale this morning I was up 1.5 pounds. I splurged Saturday having lunch out with a friend and then some ice cream and then on Sunday I had a really nice lunch out with my family followed by more ice cream. It was tasty, but I’m not sure it was worth it. For a change, I didn’t beat myself up over it – instead I packed some healthy eats for today at work – clementines and a cheese wedge for snack, a salad with cottage cheese for lunch, and some carrots/celery with hummus for afternoon snack. We just have to take it one meal at a time…
One more thing – that soup looks delicious! I can’t wait to try it.
Danica, YOU inspired me EVERY week lose or gain. Just the fact that you are REAL as your husband said makes me feel like I can do it too.Everyone (well almost everyone ) has those kinds of weeks and if you are in it for the long haul then so be it. The whole key is getting back on track. As far as the skeptics .. well you are eating healthier first of all… that counts weight loss or not.
Anyway thanks for taking the time to photograph and write all you do,it inspires me daily!!!
I’m loving that you said this,”It’s a new day, a new week and a new chance for success!” I need that today. Yesterday was a BAD emotional eating day. Good thing I get to start “fresh” today.
I have been diagnosed with Insulin Resistance. I have been going to WW since December 27, 2010 (5 weigh-ins counting my initial one). I have only lost 1.2 lbs. My first week I GAINED 0.4 lbs. Since that time it has been a very slow loss: -.4, -.2, -.6, -.6. I really want at least a 1 lb loss one week. I have thought seriously about dropping my points to 25 to see what happens.
I eat my 29 points each week – seldom delve into the 49 extra. I eat whole grains, and try to eat the power foods.
Do you have any suggestions???
I have gained almost 10 pounds since November~ which is totally unheard of for me… I am completely relating to how true it is that you do feel like a failure when you get on that scale to find you gained. It truly is an awakening.
You should be super proud of yourself that you came clean with yourself and your “fans” you are “real” and you are going to do and did what real people do. You did not deprive yourself the pleasure of going out with friends or your husband. You have a great attitude towards the gain.. Pick yourself up and plan to change things up this week. I also look at “gain” weeks as a temperature check. You can learn from this experience by now looking at your choices this past week and not eliminating the times out, but maybe bending what you ate a little bit…
Your blog is so much fun to read and you touch so many people. I look forward to see what you are up to each post.
Good luck this week with planning and eating better on plan. I hope we both have a great “lose” week!
I love everything in this post and am definitely going to make that potsticker soup!
Debbi is hosting BSI this week – she chose buffalo sauce/hot sauce for the ingredient, you should submit your crunchy buffalo chicken salad! Here is the link:
I tried a new Italian wedding soup I am having for lunch today and posting tomorrow – 1.25 cups is 6 points! 😀
in response to Nita on Mon, 31st Jan 2011 8:51 am
She wrote: I have been diagnosed with Insulin Resistance. I have been going to WW since December 27, 2010 (5 weigh-ins counting my initial one). I have only lost 1.2 lbs. My first week I GAINED 0.4 lbs. Since that time it has been a very slow loss: -.4, -.2, -.6, -.6. I really want at least a 1 lb loss one week. I have thought seriously about dropping my points to 25 to see what happens.
I eat my 29 points each week – seldom delve into the 49 extra. I eat whole grains, and try to eat the power foods.
Do you have any suggestions???
I also have insulin resistance and i have been able to lose 8 lbs in 4 weeks. I recomend you stick with your 29pts, and focus more on veggies and protein, definitely stick to power foods and try really hard to avoid sugars and simple carbs. Hang in there. You can do this!
I made pulled pork on Friday night! It’s so easy and delicious and will feed you forever.
Thanks for sharing the weight gain. It shows it’s okay to have a bit of an off week, as long as you get back on track!
last week doesn’t matter! losing weight is hard, there are ups and downs… if it were easy, we’d all be size 2’s! hop on the bandwagon again 🙂 no judgments, you’re human… and sometimes i know i need a little wiggle room and then i get right back on track. it keeps me going! 🙂
I try to remind myself that I’m in this for life…this is not a “diet” to me, so I live my life, if there’s a gain so be it – most likely it’s just water/bloat and I’ll lose it again. Some days/weeks are better than other…if I have a gain oh well lost the battle but I will win the war! Keep up the good work!
As I recall you did count all your food when you ate meals out. And most importantly you enjoyed what you ate. You knew you were going to have a gain this week and it seemed like you accepted that fact before hand. Don’t let this bog you down.
This is a new week and I know that you will do great with your weigh-in. Sometimes we need this to kick start are routine eating into full gear. Don’t beat yourself up over this. Glad you talked to us about it and now move on. (yes physically and mentally). You are doing Great and you are OUR inspiration.
Hey Danica,
This is my 1st time ever commenting on a blog…. I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog. You are one cool chick!!
I have been on WW for 3 years and 1 month. I lost 123 lbs and made lifetime December 28, 2009. I totally get the up and down struggles of this weight battle, but the thing that get’s me through “those days/ weeks” is what else am I going to do? Go back to 260 lbs? No way!!! I tell myself that all the time and it really helps me get back to were I need to be in my mind, to get my butt in gear! Thank you for being an inspiration to me. Just keep on going, no guilt and move on 🙂
I really enjoy your recipes. The Lasagna Belmont kicks some serious butt I made it for my family everyone loves it!! Awesome!!
Thanks so much!
You such an inspiration!!!!
I think you’re wonderful (and brave!) to share the good, the bad and “the ugly” ! lol Thanks for continuing to inspire no matter what. Real is good 🙂
Let it go….it”s done…start again…no big deal!
Short term goals…make it from breakfast to lunch…if you make some bad choices in that time period..let it go. Then you make it from lunch to dinner!!!
It’s not easy…but you can do it!!!! Drink a little more water, always with a meal..enjoy the meal..doesn’t matter what you drink. And my BIG one, that still works for me, don’t eat 3 hours before you go to bed. I have lost all my weight, but I still stick to that. Yes, many times I go to bed hungry…but I never wake up that way!
So, I am looking for your help… For the superbowl (which happens to also be my husbands birthday) I am throwing him a little party…. I am scared to death I am going to screw this up!! Do you have plans to post superbowl type recipes that are WW friendly?? I don’t want to gain 5 lbs… My loss is already going slowly enough… Any ideas??
“Him ~ “Nobody loses weight every week ~ it shows you are real. Besides, any weight you gained this week, you can just lose next week.” — Sometimes the husbands are best BEST voice of reason. He’s so right !! We all have good weeks and bad weeks… and then there’s always next week 😉 I always think of Monday as a clean slate. That way, I have a chance to start all over again.
Your potsticker soup looks tasty!! Love the mushrooms!
“Parsnip Chip BBQ Pork Sliders”! LOVE!!!!! OMG – I need to try this!!!
This weeks menu:
mon: sushi night! 😀
tues: WF hot bar
wed:maple soy glazed snapper w. stir fried sugar snap peas and steamed brown jasmine rice (going to blog about this one !)
thur: Creamy Turkey & Potato Soup w. Spinach ( & w. garlic jack YUM – blogging this also)
fri: taco salads
You’re awesome. I love how you keep it real. I’m sure everybody can relate to this. I can’t tell you how many group challenges I’ve dropped out of because I refused to post a gain. Personally, this is one of the biggest hurdles for me. The ability to “get back on the horse” and leave yesterday in the past, often escapes me. It’s definitely comforting and inspiring to see that we all deal with that from time to time. Even a star student like yourself 🙂
I am glad you blogged about you gain like hubby said its normal! I was up 2 weeks ago and have finally got my gain off! That pub cheese is the bomb but I CAN NOT have it in my house I would eat it all in one seating!! I am not kidding. I have made the Chiptole Rice from Gina’s and I am making the Barbacoa Pork on Wed… the rice is soo good!! So far this week we are having:
Mon: TJ’s micro pot roast, mashed red potatos, mixed veggie
Tues: Teryaki Chicken,rice, broccoil
Wed: Babacoa Pork in crockpot, chiptole rice
Thurs: Orange Chicken from TJ’s stir fry veggies
Fri: left overs!
Danica, day to day is how you should go. So what you had a bad week! You just get up and dust yourself off and start a new week. I’ve said it before, your blog is awesome. You give all of us such wonderful ideas and thoughts. Don’t be so down on yourself.
I want to ask though, what kind of buns did you use with your pulled pork? Where they included in you 8 points +?
Thanks for being an inspiration to me each day. I look forward to reading your blog and trying your recipes.
Your hubs is right. The parts of blogs that people love the most are when you’re just yourself – good, bad, less-than-stellar weigh ins. It’s all good 🙂
I found your blog in late December and I am hooked! I love your recipies and you have become my meal planner! I can’t wait to try the barbeque with Asian slaw!
I can completely relate to this post since I also had a disappointing weigh in this past week. My conversation with my husband went very similiar to yours. I had to step back in perspective and focus on all that I did accomplish. Here’s to hoping that we BOTH have good weigh ins this week!