Happy Monday All! I am so excited to start out my week refreshed and not tired – it is amazing what a little R&R can do. Today’s breakfast features one of my absolute favorite products.
Do any of you own a Magic Bullet? I absolutely LOVE mine and use it for so many things from grounding up flax seeds, making smoothies or pancake mixes to making omelets. My sister uses hers to make fresh baby food which I think is awesome. If you are in the market to buy one, I have found Costco to be the best package deal as you get not only the bullet, but, the blender and juicer for the same price as what you get it at Target/Walmart without the freebies. Ok – enough with my infomercial and onto today’s eats 🙂
I used my Magic Bullet to whip up a quick Tomato Basil Omelet. Although it isn’t pretty for pictures, it only took me about 10 seconds to “chopped” the veggies and a minute to make this quick scramble.
3 egg whites
1/2 c cherry tomatoes
2-3 basil leaves (about 1 Tbsp)
1 Tbsp Parmesan
Sprinkle of sea salt & freshly ground pepper
cooked in 1 tsp of heart healthy olive oil
Last night, I made up a 1/2 a batch of the Biggest Loser Blueberry Bran Mini Muffins. You can get the recipe by clicking HERE. I had 2 of these with breakfast and I have to say they are pretty tasty. You can taste the fresh blueberries and the banana and they are not “branny” at all. I like a mini muffin that is a BIG mini muffin too!
I served this all up with some decaf coffee, 8 oz of FF milk and my fancy new Nathan Bottle!!
I have so much FUN NEWS to share with you all today!!!
* I had my official week 1 weigh in today for the Jump Start – I lost 1.6 lbs!!! Not bad considering the average healthy weight loss is between .5-2.0lbs a week – I am above average!!! Yahoo! And I didn’t feel deprived at all.
My quick recap for yesterday:
2,579 calories burned
9,394 Steps Taken
1,520 calories consued
* Be sure to stop by FatFighter TV as she is giving away 7 COOKBOOKS for the first 7 people to post a recipe – enter soon to score yours!
* Sammie is having her first product giveaway – you can enter by clicking HERE! Her blog is amazing so be sure to stay for awhile to check it out! Or wait, don’t because I want to win! 😀
* Vitalicious is having a fabulous Mother’s Day Special! You can pick your own vitatops and get 12 free VitaHearts for Free!!! This is an amazing promotion as these 1 point/100 calorie treats will rock your world. Simply click here to pick your flavors and use this code “EMD5YZ9” when ordering. You get 36 Vitatop/Hearts which is a total steal!
* Ok – and one last article by WW that is awesome about HOW TO SHOP FOR ORGANICS! It is a great summary recap that you can use to help you figure out what matters and doesn’t matter when buying organic – click here to read it.
Phew – that was alot for you all for a Monday Morning! Happy Reading and I’ll see you for lunch and anohter great Jump Start Recipe that I made up last night.
Never tried that magic bullet. Glad you are well rested for the week. Nothing better 🙂
i have a bullet and i have never made omelet ingredients in mine, that is a GREAT idea! and i love basil, i will for sure be trying this out soon. thanks for the idea!
great job on the weight loss, that is awesome! i really enjoy your blog 🙂
I just saw that you do the body bugg – I do the gowear fit by the same company. Awesome aren’t they?
Kristi – You definitely need to try the Bullet – you will love it. I gave up my blender and only use the bullet now. It’s great for making Margaritas too.
Janetha ~ Thanks so much for the congrats. I am so glad you enjoy my blog. Do tell how your omelet turns out. It works great when you want to use alot of veggies.
Nibbles ~ I absolutely LOVE my Body Bugg. I have wondered how the gowear fit is – I will have to check your blog out to see.
Kristi – You definitely need to try the Bullet – you will love it. I gave up my blender and only use the bullet now. It’s great for making Margaritas too.
Janetha ~ Thanks so much for the congrats. I am so glad you enjoy my blog. Do tell how your omelet turns out. It works great when you want to use alot of veggies.
Nibbles ~ I absolutely LOVE my Body Bugg. I have wondered how the gowear fit is – I will have to check your blog out to see.