Happy Saturday all! Today is such a busy but fun day for us. Our friends are getting married tonight after being together forever ~ yeah! We are excited for them. I got up bright and early to start my day off right. I headed to my Weight Watcher meeting for a little motivation and then over to my favorite farmer’s market. I got so much fresh in season stuff for cheap – LOVE it!
A big seedless watermelon….
Some of the sweetest and crunchiest grapes I’ve had so far this season.
Yellow & White Extra Sweet Corn (or so the guy said it was LOL)
Baby bok choy and cilantro.
A TON of white/yellow nectarines and pluots.
I learned something new at the market from one of the farmers. He said that whenever you see the white spots or dots on nectarines, it means that is a sweet/sugar spot. You should always look for ones with the sweet spots. I thought he was pulling my leg, but, then, he had me try one with and one without spots – He’s right!!! So look for ones like this for the sweetest fruit.
I couldn’t wait to dig into our new fruit for breakfast. I started off with a bunch of grapes.
Plus 1/2 a nectarine that I shared with The Husband.
And some breadiness ~ A Thomas Double Fiber English Muffin topped with 1 Tbsp Whipped Butter. Ohhhh, how I’ve missed those nooks and crannies!
All together with some Decaf Cinnamon Vanilla Nut Coffee. It was a fantastic 4 Weight Watcher Point Breakfast.
Here is something fun you all can sign up for and get FREE with any Annie’s purchase beginning today. Annie’s is publishing a 2010 Calendar that is so cute. It has some crafts, some kids stuff, recipes and coupons. It is sponsored by KIWI Magazine. I am giving my copy to my 6 year old niece. Click HERE to find out how you can get a copy!
Today we are putting together our new pantry shelf – so excited! I will share pictures of our old and the new one that The Husband made. I have a ton of stuff to do before we head out for the wedding including making up a salad for my nephews party tomorrow….so busy!
I hope to catch up on all your comments and such this weekend too!
Enjoy your Saturday and I will see you all this afternoon for lunch!
Those Farmers Market finds look so good!
You’re making me want to ditch my other responsibilities today and go shopping 🙂
Have a wonderful time at your friends’ wedding tonight! Dance up a storm and enjoy sharing such a special day with them!
What fabulous farmer’s market finds!!! Yum 🙂
A trip to the market on a Saturday morning is one of the best parts about summer. I just got back myself and couldn’t be more fulfilled! 😉
I’ve heard that about the spots on the nectarines and I’ve also heard that about watermelon. The yellow spot on a melon is it’s Sweet spot so the bigger the spot, the sweeter the melon.
Oh, and Thoma’s DF Honey Wheat EM’s are the very best in this entire world!!!!!! I don’t think anything can compare. 😉
Have a fantastic weekend.
Thanks for the nectarine tip!! I’ll be sure to look for that now. You sure got a great Farmer’s pick-up!
Thanks for the nectarine tip. I will be sure to look out for those white spots.
dare i say you are the farmers market’s most loyal customer.
I got Baby Bok Choy for a meal this week too!!!! How are you going to cook yours? I’m thinking I’ll just saute it? I dunno…I’m planning to have it with HappyHerbivore.com’s terriyaki chickpeas & brown rice 🙂 I figured it would be good for a “different” green veggie this week – a nice departure from the normal green beans and broc – ya know?
Sarah ~ I haven’t decided how I am going to cook my bok choy. I go from just stirfrying it to maybe using it in a noodle dish. I think I may try both. your ideas sound amazing though! I like the idea of a different green veggie each day this week – fun idea!
I love summer for this reason… all the great produce and veggies. YUM! They look so good!
That’s a cool tip about the sugar spots on the nectarine.
I’m going to tell people that my freckles are sugar spots. The more freckles a person has, the sweeter they are. ; )
p.s. I’m curious how you’re going to prep your bok choy, too.
Kirwin ~ Do tell what people say about your freckles comment – you are a hoot LOL!
you know what i LOVE? your farmers market posts. i love seeing your purchases!