Happy Friday Eve all!! I can admit it ~ I am a total technology geek and finding new apps gives me a BIG CHEESY GRIN. It doesn’t help that today I discovered TWO SUPER COOL WEIGHT WATCHERS APPS for the DROID today that you all HAVE to check out!
#1 Weight Watchers FINALLY came out with a REAL APP and it’s FREE! Here is the deal…if you have e-tools, you get EVERYTHING ~ all the trackers/calculators, RECIPES, TIPS, and MORE. Not a e-tools subscriber, you still get the recipes and such for FREE. The reviews are just OK because they are still in the testing stage, but, I am just glad that it’s here even if it isn’t perfect. It’s definitely better than WW mobile and it all links up.
CLICK HERE to read all about the APP or Search “Weight Watchers Beta” on your Droid
#2 There is a FREE APP that SCANS a bar code and gives you the points+ values!!! I totally scanned everything I could find (including um, our water bottles LOL and it works like a charm) I LOVE my Droid X!
CLICK HERE to read all about the APP or Search “WW ScanCalc” on your Droid
I am such a little things person ~ I seriously geeked out all afternoon playing with my new apps.
This morning I wasn’t hungry when I left so I thought, I could just have a Dirty Latte for Breakfast (4 points+)
Ummm, I must be crazy because it only took 10 minutes into the train ride for my stomach to scare the lady sitting next to me. I REALLY wanted eggs but none of the restaurants had anything to go that early.
I settled for a Reduced Fat Raspberry Peach Scone from Pete’s that was pretty awesome. You can totally taste the BUTTER and tartness from the raspberries. (9 points+)
Surprisingly it was all I needed to hold me over until lunch. I dug into some more crunchy, chewy, sweet, lemony Wheat Berry Salad over greens with carrots. (10 points+)
Dessert! I now know why The Husband told me he would “just eat all the pineapple" up for us”. This might be the BEST PINEAPPLE I’ve ever had ~ so sweet and juicy.
Do you all remember the Cupcake Tasting last week? Today was the day everyone got to dig in to 120 mini cupcakes! I tried “pretending” to be invisible at my desk so I didn’t have any, but, that didn’t last long since I had to help out in celebrating
I started off with The Hummingbird ~ banana, pineapple, pecan cupcake with vanilla cream cheese frosting. These are tiny mini’s – 1 big bite, 2 small.
Fresh strawberry cupcake with fresh strawberry buttercream!
Considering there were 120 mini cupcakes, I am pretty proud that I ONLY had 2 minis.
I actually pondered cooking dinner tonight. Whenever I don’t FEEL like cooking, I make breakfast…it’s fast, delicious and relatively low in points+.
1 scrambled egg with 1 scrambled egg white (2 points+)
1/2 cup Western Potatoes “fried” in 1 tsp oil (2 points+)
2 THICK Cut slices TJ’s Peppered Turkey Bacon (2 points+) ~ I want the thin cut back!
Have I ever told you all I have the BEST FAMILY in the world? My Mom, Sis and family are all off vacationing right now and we didn’t get to with them. No worries ~ they took Danica’s Daily with them complete with two kid’s Tees that my sis made up just so they could send us this picture. SO CUTE!
I can’t help it ~ it makes me smile every time I look at it ~ I LOVE them!
Marlene shares with us this awesome 7 points+ Chicken, Bacon Ranch Salad
TONIGHT is the LAST chance to ENTER to WIN a FREE year of Organic Valley
Are you a technology “geek”? What is your favorite “technology” related thing?
Night all!
Great job with the cupcakes and only having 2, because they look so good!!!! Whenever I dont’ feel like cooking, we always have breakfast for dinner, quick, easy and always tasty 🙂
Yummmm! Everything looks delicious! I often make breakfast when I don’t know what to cook for supper also. Breakfast always sounds good to me!
I am so NOT techie, but… Yay Droid!! Thanks for the heads up on those awesome apps!!
I have been running around my kitchen scanning my heart out! Fun, Fun, Fun!!! Can’t wait to share at my meeting next week!
Way to hold back on those cupcakes! (too bad they didn’t have a bar code on the bottom!) 😉
I got the application for scanning for weight watchers but i dont know how to use it. Help please. I can see the bar code but where do i click! Iiiiiiiii
Those apps sound so cool! I don’t have a Droid, but now I want one!
I really really miss the thin sliced TJ Peppered turkey bacon. Bummed out that it’s now 1 pt. per slice!
cute picture 🙂
the strawberry cupcake looks so good!
YAY!!!!!!!!!! I’m so glad you put those app’s up. I’ve already downloaded them and I’m sure I’ll be testing and playing all day! How much easier with the scanner be when at the store testing new products! And finally a WW app that works quickly!
Love the family picture 🙂
That picture of the pineapple made my mouth water, lol!
Why doesn’t the iphone have the scanner apps? I need it!!!!!
Great family!
I am soooo NOT a technology geek. DH had to almost twist my arm to get me to upgrade my phone to a HTC Inspire 4G. I’ve had it almost three weeks now and just love it! I think I’m just afraid of technology and that I’ll mess something up. I sure am having fun playing with the WW scanner, LOL! I’m happy he made me get the phone.
Ok now I REALLY want a droid or iphone! Hate my Blackberry!! oh but I got my new camera!! Rebel T2i I now need to get the cannon book for dummies!! LOL 🙂
OMG! That app is just about the BEST THING EVER!!!! I’m officially obsessed, thanks so much for telling us about it. Just scanned a can of Guinness – 1 pt – nice!!!
I was so excited about the WW beta for the droid, but it has bugs that prevent it from working regularly. they are asking people to report them to customer service.
it would work and then stop. After installing and uninstalling all week, I gave up and sent my complaint to Customer Service 🙁 apparently this is a very common issue/
🙁 im sad
If you’re an iphone user, try Fooducate app. It’s a bar code scanner and if you drill down just a bit it gives you WW PP. Yeah!
Ooooh… thanks Cindy! I was just about to complain that iPhone doesn’t have the scanner app…. I’m going check this out now. Coolness!
Also, I’m thinking I might change my weigh in day from Mondays to Saturdays. I always feel so “confined” on Sunday when I weigh in on Monday. I do really well all week, but weekends are more difficult bc of all the social stuff that happens. This may be a solution.
Now I wish I had a Smartphone so I could use those fun apps. 🙁
Mmm your wheatberry salad looks so good, I love how grain salads last so long and you can eat leftovers for days!
I started using the MyFitnessPal android app a few weeks ago (not affiliated), it’s a calorie counting app and it is pretty darn helpful. You can create your own meals and save them, so it’s nice for people who eat a lot of the same foods over and over.
Hi, Thanks so much for the link to the scan ap! I love love love it! It may just revolutionize my life!
Cindy thanks so much for the app info. I can’t wait to try it out!!
Love that your family are “taking you with them” on vacation by wearing the shirts! Very cute!!! Have a great day Danica! And a great Easter weekend.
I wonder if WW will come out with an app for ATT? I havent found one yet!
I rely on my WW app daily. I wonder if there is an scanning app for the iphone.
I have eaten pineapple every day for the last month at least… no BS! I love it so!
HI Lee,
Actually, the Iphone has an EVEN cooler Bar scan app as mentioned above.. It’s FREE and it’s called Fooducate. You can read about it on my post here.
I consider myself a tech geek.
I can’t wait to get an iPhone. Right now I’m loving having an iTouch, but wish it were the latest with the camera.
I have an app that has the WW calculator, but it’s no longer being sold. I had told some friends about it and when they went looking for it, they couldn’t find it. I found something online that said WW asked them to pull it. It’s called Points+. Mine still works.
I also have an app for the old WW points called FastPoints. The developer of that app submitted a Points+ app to Apple, but it was rejected. If there’s anyone doing the old points, this app is FREE.
FastPoints, an easy to use tool for any food:
– No Internet connection required. No need to log in. No loading screen.
– Get your point values on the go, anywhere.
– Available for free.
Thank you for the heads up on the apps. I love Techie things and those are great. I have heard the Android App is supposed to be better than the iphone/itouch app when it is finished ( it is in Beta now)
Thanks for sharing the info on the Droid apps. I already had the app for the WW Mobile Beta but had NO CLUE about the scan app. It is awesome and it is so much fun.
I was just wondering how do I come about purchasing one of your awesome shirts Danica?
Let me know and keep scanning away. Lol.
Hi Lisa,
You can just reply to this email letting me know your size and I will get a shirt out to you. Right now I am starting to run out of certain sizes but will be ordering more and/or setting up a shirt shop soon.
Is there a WW app for the blackberry..???
Hi Daniela,
Yes, they have an app for the blackberry. I am not sure if it is a full app or just a points+ calculator. If you find out which it is, I’d love to know.
Thanks Danica. This is a great site. I appreciate all your input. I just rejoined WW online. I joined many years ago but I found ways to cheat. This time I hope to be a little more serious.
On the WW Scan Calc you aware that when you download it to your phone or pad you are giving it permission to take pictures or video at any given time without your confirmation.
Thats alittle creepy….. just an FYI