You all are absolutely amazing ~ seriously! I am LOVING all your creative in why you want to score some lowfat donuts ~ from being in love, to health reasons to the super cool poems! Keep those reasons coming – you have ALL week! Click HERE to enter my giveaway if you have no clue what I am talking about 🙂 LOL
This morning’s snack I have been waiting for ever since I received my Secret Bloggie Gift! Akmak + Laughing Cow + Apricot Preserves = a FANTASTIC 3 Weight Watcher Point snack!
The first taste was topped with a smear of Light Laughing Cow Original ~ An entire LC Wedge is only ONE Weight Watcher Point!
Then, I tested out the apricot preserves only version.
And finally ~ Laughing Cow plus Apricot Preserves ~ OMG – this was the best. It was like having fancy Brie Cheese with fruit – you know like the kind they have at parties – so good!
This snack did a fantastic job fueling me for Spin Class ~ Today I really got into the music and it was “fun”! I came back to a leftovers made over Salad ~ A Veggie Fajita Salad!
I took everything leftover from last night and put it on top of a bed of fresh spinach.
Veggie Fajita Mix
Basic Black Beans
Salsa Mexicana
a big Dallop of Big S Farms Fire On The Mountain Salsa
It was a tasty lunch full of flavor and spice. But, I really, really wanted dessert and had another “treat” on my mind that came as part of my Secret Bloggie Package ~ Erin’s Organic Brownie Bites! One bite is TWO Weight Watchers Points.
It’s really cute when you take it out of the package.
It’s dense like a brownie with hints of chocolate pieces and walnuts. It was pretty tasty and the perfect finish to my lunch.
This afternoon the Bunnies got to me – I HAD to have some…..I scooped out 53 for a 3 WWP serving (yup I counted!) of Annie’s Organic Cheddar Bunnies.
I also sort of had a little “chocolate” problem this afternoon ~ The bag of Dove Dark Chocolates appeared again and I kept getting the message saying – “indulge in dark”. So, of course that means you have to have another…..I stopped myself at 4 *sigh*
I came home to some of the coolest “Fun Mail” ever! First up ~ Remember my post about having a “Fling for Free“! Yup…. my coupons arrived – yahoo!
And My Goddess Prize Package! I am SO PUMPED to learn how to Belly Dance. I “almost” took a class once with one of my friends but when I found out I had to show my stomach to strangers I chickened out. NOW I can DO it in my OWN house ~ Woohoo!
Not just ONE, but THREE DVD’s!
Thanks, C.G. Foodie ~ so fun!!!
Today was seriously like my birthday. My Co-Worker’s Family owns this really cool shop that makes specialty Gourmet Foods. Today she brought in some samples for me to review for you all and it looks like I might just need to host another Giveaway to share!!!! Pictures and all the details coming up tomorrow since I already made this into a HUGE post.
Coming up next ~ Are you ready for it?! My Mystery Ingredient Recipe Submission!
Yum, your apricot preserves + laughing cow snack looks delicious!
That belly dance dvd set looks fun! I'm curious to know what you think. Have a lovely Tuesday!
oh those DVDs look like fun! and i love the fajita salad.. but that is obvious for me 🙂 cant wait to hear about the gourmet samples!
Anne ~ If you haven't tried the AkMak Crackers – you really need to. So fun to snack on by themself or with fun toppings.
Janetha ~ I can't wait to check out the new DVD's or gourmet samples…just posted the samples tonight 🙂