After an incredibly long day that probably will continue tomorrow, I headed home. I pretty much declared to The Husband that I was not cooking and we could find something around the house or get take out. He pretty much snacks all night on the nights I work late so he isn’t hungry by the time I get home. But, he did make a great suggestion of Mary’s Pizza Shack salads. It worked out perfectly because I could swing by and pick them up on my way home. Honestly I really wanted a thin crust tomato/basil pizza but I just didn’t want to wait. I decided on a large Mary’s House Salad (The Husband gets my salami) and pesto breadsticks because she said they only take 3 minutes to cook.
Seriously ~ do you see how HUGE this salad is? I think we probably could have split just one. I did my best but I only managed to tackle about half of this salad.
It might have been because I had 2 plus another of these fabulous pesto breadsticks. They were still good even if they burned them a little.
I am beat….off to relax a little with The Husband and read a little before I konk out. Oh ~ I almost forgot. The Husband said since I had such a crazy busy day at work with alot of stress, he gave me a get out of jail free card….meaning, he decided not to fool me today. Lucky me! Hmmm, I wonder if he will try another day, raincheck….lol. I’ll be sure to let you know
Enjoy the rest of your night.
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