I wanted to take a quick minute wish you all a Happy Valentine’s Day and tell you all two things. No matter where you are or what you are doing, somebody out there LOVES you a BUNCH ~ that someone is MEEEE! Thanks to all my friends and readers ~ my site wouldn’t be what it is without you!
I am off to do my long run with my SIS ~ so excited. We are shooting for 7-9 miles today – wish us LUCK! I will be back later tonight or tomorrow with an update on our weekend plus I will catch up on your comments and emails (I know I’m behind but I have been off having fun!) I have some fun things planned for The Husband today and he has a surprise for me tomorrow ~ woohoo!!! Can’t wait.
On that note…..here is what I woke up to this morning….He is SO creative, huh?!
Can you believe he actually stapled that cardboard to his shirt?! LOVE him!
P.S. Looking for some FUN Valentine’s Day recipes ~ check them out on SPRING PAD ~ One of my Steak Recipes was included in their top 10 and it work would FANTASTIC with Chicken. My Shrimp Scampi is also awesome over rice or pasta and for VEGANS – check out the Clam Free Chowdah!
Happy Hearts Day!!!
I LOVE THAT! Too cute! Happy Valentines Day!
Awwwwwwww! How sweet! Nicely done, TH!
ah, what a cute card!!!! so unique!
hope the run went great!
Cute card!
Happy Valentine’s Day to both of you.
Kev and I worked out this morning, shopped and went out for lunch. Nice day!
Thanks so much, Danica! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too!!!
AH HAHAHA! LOVE the Husband-Human-Card. You two are just all sorts of mushy, cute and adorable together. HAPPY LOVE DAY! 😉
That is soo sweet!! He’s a keeper for sure 🙂
ahhh! so cute!!!! he is so sweet and hilarious!!!