Hiya everyone! Thanks to all of you for your sweet comments and birthday wishes ~ you all ROCK in every way for taking time out of your day for that :)
The Bachelor was SO GOOD last night ~ yup, I am officially hooked, lined, reeled and sinkered or something like that. I am not so sure I am digging Ali anymore, glad to see psycho Michelle go, I actually feel bad for Vienna, but, can see how she sorta rubbed her date in and I LOVE the Tennessee girl. I am STILL not totally sure which girl I want him to end up with , but, with THAT CLIFF HANGER last night, I am totally dying for next week’s “Scandalous Bachelor”.
Since it was POURING out all day, I made sure to get up early and get in my 2 mile run while catching up on the news. It felt easy today – LOVE that!
When I arrived at my desk this morning, I had the BEST SURPRISE…it was totally decorated so cute with all kinds of fun Birthday Stuff. I heart my co-workers!
Then, two of my favorite people brought me even MORE fun gifts ~ A balloon bouquet!!!
And the MOST BEAUTIFUL ROSES I’ve ever seen.
I, of course, had to give my best beauty pageant pose (I was dressed in my super cold rain gear 😀 Oops ~ next time I’ll have to dress up when I know I have to take my picture :D)
My cube mat showed me how to put flowers in a vase so they last longer. Did you all know if you cut them at an angel under water, they last longer? So cool to know…..
After my morning excitement, I whipped up a quick Blueberry Coconut Super Food Oats repeat from yesterday…..delish (4 pts)!
Mid morning, I snacked on a low-fat colby cheese (LOVE these Sargento 1 pt squares) with the rest of my Tuscan Herb Wheat Thin Flat Bread crackers (2 pts).
I braved the rain at lunchtime and headed out to Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods to pick up some veggies. I think I bought everything they had ~ Kale, Swiss Chard, Southern Greens Blend, Broccoli, Green Beans, Asparagus, Zucchini, Bell Peppers, Kambucha Squash, Red & Yellow Beets and Salad stuff. I think’ that’s all LOL…..I may have been going through fresh vegetable withdrawals over the past month because now we have a TON to eat (now that I see it all typed out 😀
Lunch wasn’t anything fancy (LEFTOVER MAGIC), but, it totally hit the spot. I ate the rest of the Honey Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts (1 pt).
Leftover Annie’s Mac & Cheese – yes, it tastes AWESOME the next day (5 pts).
TJ’s Mango Chicken Sausage (4 pts)
All together on my fun Zebra Plate from one of my other AMAZING co-workers!
I happened to come across that particular part of Trader Joe’s that I know I should avoid ~ THE NEW PRODUCTS display! I was intrigued by these PITA PUFFS!
Especially since you get 30 for TWO points!
REAL ingredients….
Puffy fun! These are so lunch and airy they literally like crunch/melt in your mouth. The browned parts make them taste toasty ~ totally addicting! I ate probably like 60 of them since they don’t really fill you up…..still fun to eat though 😀
The Husband called today to put in a request for the BEST BBQ Burgers today. Since I indulged in a bit of puffy fun, I lightened mine up by omitting the bun and cheese. I served it up on a spinach pillow that steamed when I put my hot burger on it – YUM! (4 pts)
I also only stole a couple of The Husband’s Home Fries for 1 pt.
I loaded up on the Organic Swiss Chard I bought today to balance out my plate. I LOVE Swiss Chard and totally want to grow it in my new garden 😀
All together it was the perfectly balanced, lightened up dinner for only 5 pts.
No worries though since I STILL found a way to bust into some Birthday chocolate that I received today. Seriously – look at the descriptions ~ Dark chocolate+toffee bits+caramelized almonds = HOLY YUM!!!
Yup, it IS as good as it looks. I intended to have 1 square, but, had 3 for 4 pts.
It’s BIGGEST LOSER night!!! I am off to read my latest Cooking Light Magazine before the show starts! Review coming soon.
One more day to win a HUGE box of Annie’s Fruity Bunnies!
Nite all!
Those pita puffs look delish! I had roasted brussels tonight too…I should try adding honey for some sweetness.
OMG I love your roses so much!! Definitely all my favorite colors right there 🙂
Your coworkers are so great! I love office surprises 🙂
Pita puffs look so cool!!
Burger looks abs amazing!
Mmmm, love all the fresh veg!
Can you believe the boyf and I watched biggest loser for the first time last night??
Neither of us had seen it before, and I mentioned I kind of wanted to see it, we looked it up and it was 2 hours- we’re like, “Eh, we’ll watch an hour of it.” Then we were HOOKED and watched the entire thing! I love it!
What sweet co workers!!! Ok I saw those pita puffs and didnt get any! Im so mad at myself!!! Those brussel sprouts look good and ive never had any so i think i will try them…..loved biggest looser last night. i couldnt believe it when the red team got in a yelling match with bob and jillian LOL!!!!!!!
Mmm… yummy food pics! Happy belated birthday! =)
oh my gosh! your co workers ROCK! and you are so cute in that photo 😀 i love the flowers~ gorgeous! i have always loved the zebra plate and that lunch that is on it looks so yummy! i agree, mac is great the next day. your dinner is phenomenal! and i love that grocery haul. i bought the new cooking light~ first time ever reading it, hope i find the time to sit down and glance at it tonight! xoxo
awww sooo fun!! I love that the decorated and ohh the flowers
Aww you are so loved Danica!!! Just seeing all the party decorations is brightening up my day! You’re such a gorgeous girl!!! 🙂 And you feature awesome product finds…gosh i have to find those pita puffs at Trader Joe’s!! Thanks for introducing ’em to us!
Ooh! Another way to enjoy pita–love it:)
What wonderful co-workers. Those flowers are beautiful. And of course you look great in the picture.
Oh and gosh The Bachelor is so addicting LOL I’m starting to feel like you, not caring for Ali so much anymore but I really do like Vienna except for the rubbing in her date part but oh well and I do love the mom Ella. Adorable! However I don’t think he’s ready for kids yet. There are a few girls I would like to see more of like Jessie, Kathryn and Tenley. Oh gosh this show sucks me in,
Had no clue that Wheat Thins had a flat bread. Looks yummy!
aww it looks like you had a sweet day!!