Happy Sunday all! Thanks for all the great comments and questions on the past 3 recipes I posted for you all. In case you missed it and wanted the recipes for the things I made this past week, here are the links:
* Zucchini Corn Fritters, 2 points+
* Zucchini Banana Nut Muffins, 4 points+
* Baked Ricotta Gnocchi with TWO Cheese & Walnuts, 7 points+
Since it’s a NEW Weight Watcher’s Week ~ here is what I am focusing on because I think it was really the “key” to my success last week:
1. Limit my carbs ~This week, my goal is to have at least Lunch or Dinner as a Salad meal and to focus on FILLING FOODS (Lean proteins, dairy, fruits and veggies).
2. MOVE MORE ~ Focus on getting in 30 minutes of activity 5 days this week. It doesn’t have to be “intense”, I just need to break a sweat (I can’t wait to Yoga again!)
We had such a fun weekend that kicked off with a FANTASTIC Gnocchi Dinner & Movie!
Horrible Bosses was HILARIOUS! If you all LOL at Super Bad and/or The Hangover Part 1 ~ you will definitely appreciate this movie….it’s on the list of our top 10 funniest movies!
Here are a few highlights from the rest of our weekend! We celebrated my Mom’s Birthday yesterday. We really do have the BEST Mom Ever ~ (Happy Birthday Mom!!!!)
The Husband and I are notorious for going through a bazillion cards before we pick one….but, when, we both saw this one, we were LAUGHING (still do now).
I had to share it with you all ~ we made it a “we” card!
INSIDE! Seeeeee……so funny! It still makes us LOL.
Today, we had the chance to meet one of my friends & fellow Weight Watcher, Josie! We have known each other online for awhile and I couldn’t wait to say HI in person.
The Husband and I met up with her family at Pier 39 to be tourists together for the day.
Forbes Island ~ One place The Husband & I both want to go some day! In a couple weeks you all will see why it’s so funny that The Husband had me snap these pics
You get to take a ferry out to the Lighthouse on it’s own island.
We stopped to say hi to all the Sea Lions ~ This guy totally posed for us!
Then, I just randomly snapped pictures around the Pier.
He thinks he is hiding LOL….funny!
LOVE!!!! I wish we had one of these on our corner
These nectarines were the size of softballs!
I would’ve totally bought some stuff at their Farmer’s Market, but, the guy wanted $10/lb for these cherries – that is INSANE!
I knew I wanted to go to Boudin’s Cafe ever since we saw all the deliciousness last year when we had our Adventures in Alcatraz with Janetha & her family.
Rustic Tomato Soup in a HOT Freshly baked Sour Dough Bread Bowl! It really was as good as it looks if not better.
We made sure to snap a few pictures before we headed out to tour the USS Jeremiah.
Isn’t she a doll?! We loved her and her family ~ her boys are the cutest!
You are allowed to walk just about everywhere on the ship inside and out.
The Mess Hall.
We climbed down 3 sets of these steep steps to get to the engine room.
Pictures really cannot capture all the stuff that goes into making a boat run ~ it’s crazy.
The Kitchen
Out on the docks.
The Bay Bridge!
Just another reason why we should get out more!
Down in the Number 1 Hole ~ that is seriously what they call it….that’s all I am saying
After the tour, we headed over to the Biscoff Store for COOKIES, SPREAD and are you all ready for this…..
Biscoff now makes BISCOFF LATTES!!!
They are seriously as amazing as they sound. It’s not spot on like the spread, but, wow, I was pretty much downing it!
Such a FUN day & weekend! Get ready for an AWESOME Pasta Making Kit Giveaway tomorrow and I will be back on track with my dailies.
~ Shopping from the fridge/freezer with just “fresh” things added in!
* 20 Minute Crunchy Buffalo Chicken Salads
* Spaghetti with Meatballs, garlic bread, salad
* Grilled “Pepperoni”, Pineapple & Cherry Pepper Pizza with salad
* Herbed Shrimp & White Bean Salad
* Steak Baguettes with Pesto “Mayo”
Other things that….
* 2 recipes involving Zucchini & Feta, one FANTASTIC Coffee Recipe, maybe some Snickerdoodle Froyo and Baked Cinnamon Sugar Donut Holes (with my new gadget!)
* Beth of Try This On For Size is back with your Chalean Extreme Progress Pics!
* New Tip of the Week & Guest recipe from Tracey of TJ’s Test Kitchen for Healthy 3 points+ Mongolian BBQ~ check them out at the bottom of the page!
* This week’s Challenge ~ What will you do this week to keep it interesting?
What is on your menu this week? Anything new, fun, or exciting?
Night all!
Wow that boat looks super cool and I loved the photos of you and your husband and the cutouts!
Biscoff latte sounds dangerously amazing!
P.s. In San Diego for the rest of the week so finally get to visit Trader Joe’s! Do you have any suggestions of must-try’s?
You and your husband are the cutest couple!! Great post Danica, as my Aussie would say: it was chockers (meaning it was chock full of info, lol)! We went to see Cowboys & Aliens this w/e, not my cuppa tea, but entertaining; we’ve loved Horrible Bosses too! I’m trying to limit my carbs for 1-2 meals a day also…but the eating out is still my downfall…at least now I’ve moved my Nordictrack bike into the dining room so maybe it will help me use it more 🙂 Have a great week!!
QUESTION: If I want to put my pick on, do I have to sign up for gravatar? And if so, then I just follow instructions?? I know, this is probably a “duh”, huh lol.
Hi Danica, what a FUN post!!! Looks like a great time! OMG…$10 lb for cherries???? Yikes!!!!! I’d have passed too. Thanks for sharing the wonderful pics. Big Happy Birthday to your Mom!!!! Hope the week is a good one.
Have to give a shout out to Josie from the 7:30am Saturday meeting…Whoot Whoot!! So excited you and Josie got to meet…it sounds like you all had a great time and your pictures make me want to go on vacation!
Happy Belated Birthday to Mom! :o)
I was perusing your blog this weekend while making up my Trader Joe’s list (our TJ is somewhat close to where I work, so I have to make a special trip at lunch, and can really only make it a once a week trip) to help make up my list of what I need and neat things I’ve seen on your blog that I’ve wanted to try. I was so excited to find that our TJ has the Peanut Butter Goodies, Skinny Fries, Sweet Potato tortilla chips AND Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette (my absolute favorite find from your blog. That is the only salad dressing I use now!!!). Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the Ranchero Egg Salad (I did get their regular egg salad to try) or the Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramel bar.
Thanks so much for sharing your blog! I’ve found so many great WW friendly meal ideas, and I love your Recipe pictorials. I also picked up some of the TJ Pot stickers today for a soup recipe from your blog I can’t wait to try.
Your trip pics are awesome. Looks like fun. I would love to visit there some day. AND the Rustic Tomato Soup looks heavenly. That soup is my favorite and in a sourdough soup bowl for toppers – UMMM YEP.
Glad you had a nice time.
Awwww.. I am jealous! Fun!
What fun!!
I am super psyched about my menu this week, especially a Sweet Potato Pinto Bean Stew:)
Hi Robyn,
Here is a list of everything I have tried and recommend at Trader Joe’s. It might help you to pick and choose from 🙂 It’s always fun to just go through and walk around…I could spend hours doing that every time I go to a new Trader Joe’s.
Hi Gail,
Yes, just upload the picture and you should be good to go. If you have any questions and/or it doesn’t work, just let me know.
P.S. I am with you on the eating out thing…it is always my downfall especially when we are so busy and I am too tired to cook.
Hi Becky,
Josie told me you said HI – SO COOL! Hi right back to the person who taught me the BEST way to peel oranges 😀
This weeks menu…
Mon: grilled snapper w. spicy greek grilled vegetable & orzo salad & grilled veggies
Tues: leftovers
Wed: reuben pizza
Thur: taco salad’s w. shrimp
Fri: out for sushi!
Click over for the recipe: spicy greek grilled vegetable & orzo salad 🙂
Love the pics!! Finally home but we miss the cool breeze from SF!! 🙂 I have to get back on track are a wonderful few days of eatting!! LOL