Some days you just really NEED a Starbuck’s to start it off right…I LOVE that they got a little heavy handed with the caramel drizzle ~ it’s the little things (3 pts)
Breakfast wasn’t 100% the same as it has been because I changed it up using Sourdough Walnut Wheat Bread from the Farmer’s Market with Laughing Cow & POM Blueberry Preserves ;) I had one regular size piece and 1 mini piece (4 pts)
Plus 1 cup of cherries (1 pt). You know, cherries this year do not seem as great to me as they usually do.
I went to TR2 for some FANTASTIC Mexican food with my friend for lunch. I LOVE this place because the food is always FRESH and DELICIOUS and the service is AMAZING!
We started off with chips and salsa which I completely inhaled especially when they brought out…..ok…well, I did count to 12 at least 🙂 (3pts)
I finally broke away from my usual Chicken Tacos (sort of) to try something NEW for lunch. They had SPINACH TACOS on special that sounded interesting. HOLY YUM! Sautéed spinach with caramelized onions, bell pepper, zucchini and garlic. (3 pt guesstimate)
I ordered one Spinach and one Chicken Taco. The Spinach was a nice change…..but, the chicken is still my favorite :). It’s all about the Spicy Shredded Chicken! (4 pts)
After work I had to head to Trader Joe’s and came across a fun new product ~ TRADER JOE’S YOGURT STARS!!!
They honestly had me at yogurt covered VANILLA cookie….but, this cute description on the back made me want them more 🙂
2 cookies for 1 point, 8 cookies for 4 points. I pretty much had a “moment” in the car where I decided I didn’t want to go home and count them out. Today was really one of THOSE DAYS. So, I busted into the bag, counted out 8 and put them in the back of the car so I couldn’t reach back for more 😀
These cookies are AWESOME – you really can taste the vanilla, raspberry and blueberry flavors. They are crunchy and creamy tasting like yogurt ~ they are the size of 50 cent pieces and 8 is enough 😉
Probably the BIGGEST ingredient list I’ve ever seen on a Trader Joe’s Product….at least you can recognize everything.
I had the FUNNEST package waiting for me when I got home ~ how cute are the Ziggy stickers…I LOVE Ziggy!!!
Amanda over at RunToTheFinish sent a little blogging love my way with the sweetest card. I am so excited to try that Organic Peanut Butter and everything else too!
Thanks, Amanda ~ you are truly an amazing person and brightened my day more than you will ever know!
I was planning on making a big grilled chicken salad for dinner, but, The Husband requested to have sandwiches.
1 slice TJ’s Whole Wheat Sourdough
2 oz each Brown Sugar Ham & Honey Turkey
Spicy Brown Mustard
Organic Lettuce
Cucumber Chips
It’s been way too long since I’ve had a sandwich ~ this was soooo good!
One HUGE half was 6 points.
Off to finish The Bachelorette! Ok ~ so who is voting for Casey to get a rose in the end and who thinks he is crazy????
Night all!
ah, isn’t amanda awesome! what a great gift she sent you!!!
those cookies remind me of those iced animal cookies!
I had Mexican for dinner last night. They just opened up an amazing take-out place right by my house and work. It’s so fresh and authentic! I foresee many lunches and takeout dinners here in the future! 🙂
I saw those stars yesterday and almost bought them! For the kids, of course. But you know who would’ve really wanted to eat them! Hence, they did not come home 🙂
How do you manage to make even just a sandwich look AMAZING??!!!
Yogurt stars?? Yum! Love that HUGE sandwich!! 😀
Isn’t it the best when you get unexpected packages in the mail? How sweet of Amanda, she is awesome! Mmm, that iced coffee looks delicious too. 🙂
Hey chick! WOW! Your sandwich looked amazing…sometimes those husbands are on to something haha…ANYWAYS ….on to allie…lol what was she thinking giving kasey a rose? she should have kept kasey and let weatherman and crazy kasey go…lol i LOVE cape cod chris and LOVE frank!!!!
Very nice package from Amanda! How sweet!
Um, the Bachelorette. Kasey is CRAZY! He seems a little psycho but I think it’s the editing making him seem that way. But I hated hearing him keep saying the same like over and over again! “Protect and guard your heart.” The first time it’s cute, but the 57th time, it’s a little annoying!
I ? Roberto though! How sexy! And sweet! And…oh you get the idea!
That was supposed to say “heart” but the <3 didn't come out right!
HI Marissa,
You know, I am not sure why I forget to not buy things like that ~ it was that whole I LOVE Circus Cookies thing that rang through my head. So, I am being good and dropping them off to the junk table at work today *sigh* I LOVE them, but, I don’t need to spend 4 points on cookies! You inspire me to eat less sugar with your challenge…I used to be like that, not sure what changed?!
LOL ~ good lighting maybe? 😉 It was really good and today, I am making another sandwich using your FAVORITE thing – Guacahummus – I finally braved buying it 🙂
xoxo ~ Danica
Hi Danica!
I just recently saw your post on Meals and Moves and clicked over to your blog and have really been enjoying reading all your old entries. Nice to ‘meet’ you!
I just had to comment today… Had to agree with your cherry comment!! I went to Costso yesterday and they STILL didn’t have any 🙁 Was at Trader Joe’s last week and they had them for almost 5 bucks still ?! Maybe the extra cool weather we’ve had this year has something to do with it. Also, that sandwich you made looks great! I’m a sandwich fiend 😀
Hope you have a great day! Been really enjoying your blog 😉
Yum! Those tacos sound delish. Spinach would be a super creative and tasty addition.
Starbucks is definitely one of my fave places to grab coffee. 🙂
Yum! Yogurt cookies! 🙂
My vote was that Kasey is NUTS. Of course, we only see what the producers WANT us to see. That’s the only thing I hate about the show! Not only that, but does anyone else get annoyed with the way he talks????I wonder what the cause is…?
Trader Jo’s yogurt star cookies are my latest “addiction”. I absolutley love them !!
But then I have’nt found a cookie from TJ’s that I didn’t like. but these are just the best !