Today’s guest post is truly an AMAZING PERSON ~ Debby of Puffy Pixie! I LOVE her not only because she has lost an incredible amount of weight on Weight Watchers and successfully maintained that loss, but, because she is real, she struggles, she isn’t perfect always eating lettuce and carrots, yet, she never gives up trying. She reminds me that no matter what my brain is telling me if I keep trying, one day, I will get to my goal where a new journey will begin.
If you all want to be AMAZED by this woman, check out De-Puffing Pixie With Weight Watchers and see her before/after pictures.
Thanks again for guest posting, Debby and letting us all know that we can overcome all those little voices in our head 😀
This isn’t going to be easy. Writing a guest blog. I’ve already written and deleted a whole raft of shit. See, when I write on my blog, I just write. Whatever comes to my mind, whatever is floating my boat that day. This is scary writing on someone else’s page. Ah well, I guess I’m too old to change. So grab something sturdy and hang on cuz I have no idea where this ride is going!
The mind is a scary place. At least mine is.
A bit of background before the moral of the story.
I’ve had a major setback in the old diet game. No cussing, I’m being good on this blog. I have no idea what happened. Nope, not a one. I was happy in my skin. I was working out like a machine, albeit a 51 year old machine. I was eating veggies, drinking water, doing the do. I woke up one morning and it all changed. NO idea why. So, now I have to lose a butt load of pounds. AGAIN!
I sit and think and I get scared. I mean really scared. What am I thinking?
I want to get back on program. I can’t do it today of course as I’m not prepared. Tomorrow is too soon. I’ll start 3 days from now. I’ve been doing this since March!!!
Mind games.
I can’t get back on program in 3 days, there’s a pot luck next Friday. I’ll start after that.
Mind games.
I can’t start exercising today. Shit what good would that do if I’m not on program? I’ll wait until the day I start eating right to start exercising again.
Mind games.
What the hell am I afraid of? I know the answer to that one. I’m afraid of being deprived. I want what I want when I want it and I want it NOW.
OK, see, this isn’t where I’d intended this blog to go. I’d intended to talk about removing the worry and the fear from dieting. I mean we can worry about next week, but it’s still going to come. The second to last line I typed just took me somewhere else.
I’m afraid of being deprived.
This extra fat I’ve piled on my body is depriving me of a LOT. My knees, hips, ankles, shoulders, and elbows (ya elbows, go figure!) are killing me. I don’t mean they’re a little sore. I mean I can’t get up without hobbling. I look like an 80 year old woman. My knees hurt so bad it’s hard to lower my ass to the toilet. My hips hurt so bad I have a difficult time getting in and out of the truck. My fat is depriving me of a life that I had.
I need to turn my mind into something that can help me instead of hurt me. The very thing I’m afraid of is happening anyway. I’m being deprived.
Let’s take the mind to a new level. I’m a positive gal. So, how bout I try to rid the concept of deprivation? Don’t think of it as ‘I can’t’. Think of it as ‘I choose this instead’.
I can eat that bag of potato chips. If I do, I’ll remain fat and my joints will eventually give out. Which should I choose?
I could shovel as much Mexican in my mouth as possible (get your mind out of the gutter!), but if I do, I’ll keep feeling the way I’m feeling now. Uncomfortable in my clothes, in my skin. Which should I choose?
I could keep putting off getting back on program forever. If I do, I’ll die. I will end up back at my starting weight of 368, or even higher. Which should I choose?
I choose to learn normalcy.
Who says old dogs can’t learn new tricks?
Peace be the journey
🙂 says
just found your blog and was scanning through some old posts. im kind of in a bit of a food awe right now, ur eats look AMAZINGLY YUMMY!! <3
Lola says
I’m so glad I read this today. I have been beating myself up about first gaining 3 pounds, then 7, now 10. And its circular…the more I beat myself up, the more I eat to comfort myself and the more I eat, the more I gain. I’ve just been so depressed.
But, I know I can do this. I found myself thinking back to my ORIGINAL motivation. I have somehow forgotten this, and I need to remember. I had this gusto in me before, and I can find it again. Thank you for vocalizing this so well. :o)